ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 1
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 16
Total: 41Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Microbiology and ParasitologyAreas:
Faculty of BiologyCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
Know and correctly use the specific vocabulary related to infectious diseases. Learn the main bacterial mechanisms of pathogenicity and virulence. Learn the most relevant aspects of the etiopathogenesis, the clinic and the epidemiology of the infectious disease. Learn the basic concepts of microbiological diagnosis of infectious diseases from various clinical samples. These contents will allow the student to approach professional opportunities in the health area related to the knowledge and learning of the role of microorganisms as infectious agents, as well as the techniques used in the microbiological diagnosis of infectious diseases.
1.-Program lectures (and estimated duration)(26h)
Item 1.Interaction microorganisms human host (2h)
Item 2.Epidemiology principles of infectious diseases (1h)
Item 3. Infectious diseases of skin, soft tissues and eyes (2h)
Item 4. Infectious diseases of the respiratory system (2,5h)
Item 5. Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal system (2h)
Item 6. Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system (1,5h)
Item 7. Infectious diseases of the cardiovascular system (1h)
Item 8. Infectious diseases of the nervous system (1.5h)
Item 9. Zoonoses (2h)
Item 10. Nosocomial infections (1,5h)
Item 11. Early microbiological diagnosis (2h)
Item 12. Microbiological study of urine (1h) Item 13. Microbiological study of feces (1h)
Item 14. Microbiological study of throat swab, conjunctival and otic (1,5h)
Item 15. Microbiological study of sputum (1h)
Item 16. Microbiological study of urethral and vaginal samples (1h)
Item 17. Microbiological study of cerebrospinal fluid and blood (1h)
Item 18. Microbiological study of anaerobic samples (0,5h)
2.-Laboratory (10h)
-The Clinical Microbiology Laboratory: safety standards. Study of normal microbiota of skin and throat. Microbiological analysis of urine: urine culture.
-Gram staining of the skin samples, throat and urine. Catheter-associated infections: Proof of Maki. Simulation of contact transmission of pathogens.
-Identification tests on isolated. Antibiogram by diffusion in solid medium.
-Analysis and interpretation of results. Separate collection, sterilization and material recycling. Completing the assessment test.
3.-Interactive Seminar Classes (4h):
Shall be complementary to achieve the educational objectives and be directed towards expanding topics or concepts taught in the lectures, analysis of practical cases and discussion of popular articles or breaking news related to the matter or to the interpretation of microbiology through various audiovisual tools (cinema, TV, newspapers ...).
4.-Tutorials (1h)
Students who request it will receive 1h of tutoring to solve doubts of any aspect of the subject.
5. Exam (2h): can consist of true/false questions, test questions and/or to relateBasic
• Spiecer, W.J., 2009. Microbiología clínica y enfermedades infecciosas: texto y atlas en color. 2ª ed. Barcelona: Elsevier.
• Struthers, K. 2018. Microbiología Clínica. Ed. Manual Moderno.
-Bauman, RW. 2015. Microbiology with Diseases by Body System. 4th Ed. Pearson Education Limited.
-Gamazo, C., López-Goñi, I. y Díaz, R. dirs., 2005. Manual práctico de microbiología. 3ª ed. Barcelona: Masson.
-Muñoz, A., Santos, Y. y Seoane, R. 2016. INFECT-ARTE: Aprende las enfermedades infecciosas a través del Arte. [libro electrónico] Santiago de Compostela: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. http://www.usc.es/libros/index.php/spic/catalog/book/961>
-Prats, G., 2012. Microbiología y Parasitología médicas. Madrid: Editorial Médica Panamericana.
-Tortora, GJ., Funke, BR. Y Case, CL. 2017. Introducción a la Microbiología. 12ª Ed. Medica Panamericana.
-http://www.seimc.org/documentos/protocolos/clinicos• Knowledge/content: Con07
• Skills/Abilities: H/D03
• Competencies: Comp02, Comp04A)Lectures
Teacher master lessons with different computer support. They are not mandatory. In the Virtual Classroom there will be complementary material of the subject available to the student.
B) Interactive Seminar Classes
These activities are voluntary and will be directed by the teacher using as a basis various audiovisual media (images, videos), informative talks and/or resolution of case studies, which will serve to illustrate the topics to be developed. The student must actively participate in trying to resolve the issues/case studies that arise.
C) Laboratory practical classes
They are mandatory to overcome the matter. Classes that take place in the practice lab are included here. In them the student acquires the skills of a laboratory and consolidates the knowledge acquired in the theory classes. The student's personal work in this activity requires a good individual attitude. For these practices, the student will have a laboratory manual, which will include general considerations on the work, as well as a script of each of the practices to be carried out, which will consist of a brief presentation of the fundamentals and methodology to follow. The student must attend each internship session having carefully read the contents of the manual. After the teacher's explanation, the student will make individually, or in small groups, the experiences and observations necessary to achieve the objectives of the practice, for which he/she will have the supervision of the teacher.
Duration: 10h. On the last day, after assessing the final results, the student will present carefully and carefully the practice book in which he will have collected all the results obtained and an evaluation questionnaire will be conducted.
D) Tutorials
Students will receive, upon request, 1h of tutoring intended to clarify doubts about any theoretical-practical or evaluation aspects of the subject.Continuous evaluation is established throughout the course and a specific final test complementary to the ongoing evaluation. Under these conditions, the student's final grade results from valuating the following sections:
-Final test (general) (2h) mandatory (100% face-to-face): 50%.
-Synchronous questionnaires (6) of continuous evaluation (thematic blocks) of obligatory character (100%): 15%.
-Compulsory practical classes (100%): 20%. Delivery of practice notebook (maximum 0.5 points) and questionnaire (maximum 1.5 points).
-Interactive voluntary classes: 15%. Each interactive will be valued with a maximum score of 0.75 points.
These same instruments will allow to assess the skills acquired as follows:
-In the review: Con07
-In the laboratory: Comp02, Comp04
-In the classroom/virtual: H/D03
All activities will be evaluated in the classroom / laboratory, except for the continuous evaluation questionnaires that will be carried out and delivered through the Moodle platform of the Virtual Campus. Plagiarism and improper use of technologies in the performance of tasks or tests: for cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for the evaluation of students' academic performance and review of grades will apply. It is also strictly forbidden the distribution by different means (for example, on web pages, distribution to people outside the course, etc.) without the consent of the teaching staff, of any teaching material available in the virtual classroom.
To pass the subject, you must pass the general final test, that is, adequately solve 50% of the questions, taking into account that for every two questions answered wrongly, a correct answer is canceled; Once this minimum score has been reached, the grades obtained in the practical classes, in the online questionnaires and in the interactive classes will be added, placing the pass of the subject in value 5. At the second opportunity, the same evaluation criteria will be used.
Repeat students have the right to repeat all activities but, if they wish, they can retain the grades they obtained in the Practical and Interactive Classes within the two courses prior to the current one and, in that case, are required to take the continuous assessment questionnaires and the final test.Individual or self-study group: 65.5h
Tests on line in the framework of continuous evaluation: 4h
Total hours of personal work 69.5hStudents are advised to begin to study the matter from day one. It is important to become familiar with the vocabulary of the subject as soon as possible, which provide, among other materials, a glossary of terms in the Virtual Classroom.
As a subject of little credit, the information given in the lectures so condensed, so it is recommended weekly study for a better use of the subject. It is also advised frequent consultation of the books recommended in the literature and access to learning materials avaliable in the Virtual Classroom.
As for the practical classes, it is essential that the student presents a responsible attitude during the hours they spend in the laboratory, which will come off the acquisition of skill in the manipulation of microorganisms.
Regarding the interactive classes, students will benefit from an attitude participatory, with the most appropriate time for intervention in the classroom.
The questionnaires scheduled on line help to organize the time of studying the subject and to establish new knowledge as the program progresses.
Maria Isabel Santos Rodriguez
- Department
- Microbiology and Parasitology
- Area
- Microbiology
- Phone
- 881816028
- ysabel.santos@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Maria Angeles Muñoz Crego
Coordinador/a- Department
- Microbiology and Parasitology
- Area
- Microbiology
- Phone
- 881816909
- a.munoz.crego@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
1º Semester - September 16th-22nd Monday 17:00-20:00 Grupo /CLIL_01 Spanish Laboratory 04. José Andrés Cornide y Saavedra Tuesday 17:00-20:00 Grupo /CLIL_01 Spanish Laboratory 04. José Andrés Cornide y Saavedra Wednesday 17:00-20:00 Grupo /CLIL_01 Spanish Laboratory 04. José Andrés Cornide y Saavedra Exams 01.13.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 01. Charles Darwin 01.13.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 02. Gregor Mendel 06.30.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 04: James Watson and Francis Crick