ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 6.75
Expository Class: 22
Interactive Classroom: 20
Total: 48.75Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Electronics and Computing, External department linked to the degreesAreas:
Languages and Computer Systems, Área externa M.U en Internet de las Cosas - IoTCenter
Higher Technical Engineering SchoolCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
In this subject, the basic concepts of embedded systems aimed at IoT applications are introduced. They are analyzed both from the hardware point, using Espressif's ESP32 architecture as an example, and from the software through the study of a specific work environment.
The subject has an eminently practical natureTopics:
Introduction to embedded systems:
- Architectures of embedded systems for IoT.
- ESP32 microcontroller.
- FreeRTOS operating system.
- Application development environments.
ESP32 microcontroller architecture:
- Internal structure.
- Memory management.
- Basic peripherals.
- Interrupt system.
- Communication and connection with external circuits, sensors and actuators.
RTOS systems:
- Basic concepts: tasks, memory management, queues, semaphores.
- Using the ESP32 with FreeRTOS.
Low power modes:
- ESP32 low power modes.
- Performance and total consumption evaluation.
Laboratory practices:
- Introduction to the use of ESP32 and the design and debugging environment.
- Design of an embedded system for IoT applications.Basic Bibliography:
Espressif Systems, ESP32-S3 Technical Reference Manual, Version 1.5, 2024Training and Learning Results:
- B5 CNC5: Recognise the structure of embedded IoT systems.
- C5 HBL5: Develop embedded systems for IoT applications.
- C12 HBL12: Apply the acquired knowledge and solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader, multidisciplinary contexts, being able to integrate knowledge.
- D4 CMP4: Evaluate the performance of IoT embedded electronic systems.
Expected results from this subject:
- Know the basic architectures of embedded systems used in IoT applications: B5.
- Know how to connect sensors and actuators to the core of an embedded system: B5, C5, C12, D4.
- Know concepts associated with data storage in an IoT system: B5, C5
- Design embedded systems based on microcontrollers (ESP32 family): B5, C5, C12.
- Know how to analyze the performance and global power consumption of an embedded system: D4-
- Know the concept of a real-time operating system: B5, C5, C12.
- Design an embedded system that performs real time tasks: B5, C5, C12, D4.- Lecturing: The teaching staff presents the theoretical content of the subject, encouraging critical discussion and student participation. As a prior task, the documentation for each session will be available on the subject's website and the student is expected to attend the class by reading it previously. In lecturing sessions, skills B5 and C12 are worked on.
- Laboratory practical: In the laboratory sessions, the students apply the design methods described in the master classes. All sessions are guided and supervised by teachers. In the laboratory practices, skills B5, C5 and C12 are worked on.
- Mentored work: This activity focuses on applying the design techniques studied in the theoretical classes and the skills acquired at the laboratory to a project implementation. Students should obtain well founded solutions, choosing appropriate methods and devices. Through this activity the outcomes B5, C5, C12 and D4 are developed.- Laboratory practical: These tests are carried out during the laboratory practice sessions. The assessment of the tasks suggested in the script of each practice represents 30% of the final grade. The assesed skills are: B5, C5, C12, D4.
- Mentored work: This activity focuses on applying the design techniques studied in the theoretical classes and the skills acquired at the laboratory to a project implementation. The project focuses on the design and implementation of an embedded system for a specific application and represents 40% of the final grade for the subject. The assesed skills are: B5, C5, C12, D4.
- Report of practices, practicum and external practices: Students must submit a report of each practical session describing the
solutions carried out, the methodologies used and the results obtained. This activity represents 30% of the final grade. The assesed skills are: B5, C5, D4.CH: class hours, OH: hours outside the classroom, TH: total hours.
- Lecturing: 18 CH + 18 OH = 36 TH.
- Laboratory practical: 12 CH + 30 OH = 42 TH.
- Mentored work: 6 CH + 18.5 OH = 24.5 TH.
- Report of practices, practicum and external practices: 0 CH + 10 OH = 10 TH.Subject Dispositivos IoT (V05M200V01101) is recommended to be taken simultaneously.
Comments on the Assessment.
The subject can be passed with the maximum grade through continuous assessment (CA) or global assessment (GA). Both evaluation methods are exclusive. The student who attends more than 2 laboratory sessions is considered to have opted for continuous assessment. However, those who wish to waive continuous assessment may do so within a maximum of one month before the end of the semester.
1. Continuous assessment (CA).
Students who opt for the CA modality will have two evaluation opportunities, the ordinary call at the end of the two-month period and the extraordinary one at the end of the course.
1.1 Ordinary call:
The ordinary call consists of a set of assessments that will be carried out throughout the two-month period. The dates of all the tests will be published in a shared calendar and will be available at the beginning of the course. The weight and content of the assesssments is as follows:
Laboratory practices (NPrac):
- Students must correctly implement the circuits described in the practice scripts. The grade of each practice depends on these results.
- It can be done individually or in groups of 2 or more students. In the latter case, all students who attend the practice will have the same NPrac grade.
- The practices are compulsory. Students must attend at least 80% of the practice sessions.
- The NPrac grade is calculated as the average of the grades obtained in each practice.
Practice report (NInf):
- The student must submit the results report corresponding to each laboratory practice.
- This report can only be delivered if the student has attended and completed the practice.
- If the practice has been carried out in a group of 2 or more students, the NInf grade will be the same for all members of the group who attended the practice and performed it.
- The NInf grade is calculated as the average of the grades obtained in each report.
Project (mentored work) (NPro):
- The students will carry out a design project of an embedded system aimed at an IoT application.
- The students will carry out the project autonomously under the tutoring of the responsible faculty.
- It can be done individually or in groups of 2 or more students.
Continuous assessment final grade (Final_CA): The final grade of the ordinary CA is obtained as follows.
- Final_CA = (NPrac*0.3 + NInf*0.3 + NPro*0.4) if NPrac, NInf and NPro are is equal to or greater than 4 and Final_CA is equal to or greater than 5.
- Final_CA = min [(NPrac*0.3 + NInf*0.3 + NPro*0.4), 4.9], in any other case.
1.2 Extraordinary call:
Students who do not pass one or more assessments of the ordinary call can recover the following parts in the extraordinary
- They can take a practical exam (NExam) and the new grade replaces the previous ones (NPrac + NInf).
- They can complete the project and this grade replaces the previous one (NPro).
The final grade of the extraordinary CA is obtained as follows:
- Final_CA = (NExam*0.6 + NPro*0.4), if NExam and NPro are equal to or greater than 4 and Final_CA is equal to or greater than 5.
- Final_CA = min [(NExam*0.6 + NPro*0.4), 4.9], in any other case.
2. Global assessment (GA)
As with the continuous assessment, students who opt for global assessment will have two opportunities, ordinary and extraordinary calls. In both cases it will consist of the following parts:
- A practical exam covering the same aims of the laboratory practices developed during the course. This exam evaluates the theoretical and practical contents of the subject. The weight of this assessment (NExam) represents 60% of the final grade.
- An individual project with the same objectives and complexity as the project carried out in continuous assessment. This project (NPro) represents 40% of the final grade.
Global assessment final grade (Final_GA): The final grade of the global assessment is obtained as follows.
- Final_GA = (NExam*0.6 + NPro*0.4) if NExam and NPro are equal to or greater than 4 and Final_GA is equal to or greater than 5.
- Final_GA = min [(NExam*0.6 + NPro*0.4), 4.9], in any other case.
3. Other comments.
- Students may write their reports, papers, exams or presentations in Spanish, Galician or English.
- The grades obtained in the continuous or global assessment are only valid for the current academic year.
- Plagiarism is regarded as serious dishonest behavior. In the case that plagiarism is detected in any of the reports/tasks/exams done/taken, the final grade will be FAIL (0), and the incident will be reported to the corresponding academic authorities for prosecution.
Sebastian Villarroya Fernandez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Electronics and Computing
- Area
- Languages and Computer Systems
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Monday 16:00-18:00 Grupo /CLE_01 - Aula A10 18:00-20:00 Grupo /CLIL_01 Spanish Aula A10