ECTS credits ECTS credits: 4.5
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 74.5 Hours of tutorials: 2.25 Expository Class: 18 Interactive Classroom: 18 Total: 112.75
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Botany
Areas: Botany
Center Faculty of Pharmacy
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
+ Get a general knowledge of the biology and systematics of major groups of organisms that are the subject of study of botany: algae, bryophytes, ferns, seed plants and fungi.
+ Know the general characteristics of the plant families of pharmaceutical interest and its main applications.
+ Recognize the most common species of our flora, especially those plants of pharmaceutical, toxicological, allergenic, dieticians, ecological or environmental.
+ Learn the dichotomous key management for taxonomic identification of vascular plants.
Theoretical. 23 hours
The classification of plant diversity. Systematics, taxonomy and nomenclature. Identification keys. The International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. Characteristics of Fungi: Eumycota and Oomycota. Lichens. Cyanobacteria (Cyanophyta). Eukaryotic Algae: Dinoflagellates (Dinophyta), Diatoms (Bacillarophyceae). Red Algae (Rhodophyta), Grizzly (heterokonts) and Green (Chlorophyta). General characteristics of the plants (Embriófitos). The Bryophytes (Bryophytina). Vascular plants (Traqueófitos) and vegetative organs: root, stem and leaves. The Ferns (Pteridophytina). The seed plants, gymnosperms and angiosperms. The flower. Life cycle. Pollination. Fertilization. The seed and the fruit. Angiosperms: Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons. Plants of pharmaceutical, environmental, food science and industry.
Seminars. 3 hours
Seminar 1. - Basics morphology and dichotomous key management
Seminar 2. - Exhibition of course work
Practice. 15 hours
Primarily be studied morphological aspects of vascular plants, with emphasis on the description and determination thereof with dichotomous keys.
- Strasburger, E. et. al. 2004. Tratado de Botánica. 35ª ed, Edit. Omega.
- Izco, J. y col., 2004. Botánica, 2ª ed., Edit. McGraw-Hill Interamericana.
- Nabors M.W. 2006. Introducción a la Botánica. Edit. Pearson Educación S.A.
- Díaz T.E. y col. 2004. Curso de Botánica, Edit. Trea.
Complementary (theoretical)
- Raven, P. H.; Evert, R. F. & Eichorn, S. E, Biología de las Plantas. 1991,vol I y II. Edit. Reverté.
- Font Quer, P. 2000. Diccionario de Botánica, Edit. Labor.
Complementary (practics & seminars)
- Aira, MªJ.; Vázquez, R.A. e Izco, J. eds. 2014. Manual de prácticas de Botánica Laboratorio y campo. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico.
- Aizpuru, I. y col.1999. Claves ilustradas de la Flora del País Vasco, Servicio de Publicaciones del Gobierno Vasco.
- Bárbara, I. & Cremades, J. 1987. Guía de las algas del litoral gallego. Casa de las Ciencias. Ayuntamiento de La Coruña.
- Bonnier G. & de Layens, G. 1997. Claves para la determinación de plantas vasculares, 5ª reimpresión, Edit. Omega.
- Castroviejo, S. y col. 2001. Claves de Flora Ibérica, vol. I. Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid. Dpto de Publicaciones del CSIC, Madrid.
- García. X.R. 2008. Guía das plantas de Galicia. Edit. Xerais.
- Gerhardt, E.; Vila, J. y Llimona, X. 2000. Hongos de España y Europa. Manual de Identificación. Edit. Omega.
- López-González, G. 2004. Guía de los árboles y arbustos de la Península Ibérica y Baleares. Edit. Mundi-Prensa
Salvo Tierra, E. 1990. Guía de helechos de la Península Ibérica y Baleares. Edit. Pirámide
- Wirth, V. y col. 2004. Guía de campo de líquenes, musgos y hepáticas. Edit. Omega.
Internet Sources
- Aula virtual de la materia
- www.
Con 24. Know medicinal plants: botanical diversity, physiology, use and management.
Con 38. Know the nature, mechanism of action and effect of toxins, as well as the resources in case of poisoning.
Skills or abilities:
H/D 12. Develop skills related to the use of the beneficial effects of medicinal plants and understand the health risks associated with their misuse..
H/D 14. Understand the relationship between the life cycle of infectious agents and the properties of the active ingredients.
H/D 19. Provide therapeutic advice in pharmacotherapy and diet therapy, as well as nutritional and dietary advice to users of the establishments in which they provide services..
Comp 01. Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
Comp 11. Teamwork
Comp 19. Research skills.
Comp 20. Ability to learn.
- Expository classes 5 hours a week throughout the 2nd semester (total 23 hours), every other week. The exhibition sessions will be accompanied by graphic support and other resources, available on the virtual Campus.
- Interactive classes:
- A) Two seminars, with a total duration of 3 hours. The first (S1), lasting 1 hour, will deal with the basic concepts of morphology and dichotomous key management. The second 2-hour seminar (S2) will be devoted to the presentation of course work.
- B) Laboratory practical classes, will have a total duration of 15 hours in sessions of 3 hours a day for 5 days in a row.
- Tutorials:
They are organized in two sessions of 1 hour each. The first will be used to organize course work. In the second tutorial, students can participate in a botanical itinerary around the university campus and surroundings.
In addition, students have 6 hours a week throughout the semester of teacher availability, to consult any questions about the subject with the teacher, either in person (at the established time) or through the virtual USC, or email.
The pass is achieved with 5 points out of a total of 10, of which at least 2.5 points will be from the final exam.
Theoretical knowledge will score up to 7.5 points (CG-Module B Competition). To evaluate them, several controls will be carried out throughout the course during the time of the expository classes whose total value will be 1.5 points. In addition there will be a final exam of all the subject scoring up to 6 points. Controls and final exam will be carried out in this way: the controls, during the lectures; the final face-to-face exam according to the calendar set by the Dean's Office.
Practical knowledge will score up to 1 point (Competition CS01). To evaluate them: a test will be performed at the end of the week corresponding to the practices, which will consist of the description and determination of two vascular plants, using dichotomous keys.
Attendance at laboratory practices (interactive classes) is compulsory for all first-enrollment students. If the student does not attend these practices, they will not be able to pass the subject neither in the ordinary opportunity nor in the second opportunity.
Repeating students may repeat the practices if they request it at the beginning of the course from the subject coordinator, so that they can be included in a group of practices. Another alternative is to not repeat the practices and request that the final exam be graded out of 7 points instead of out of 6. If you do not request either of the two options, you will be evaluated in your final exam out of 6 points, as rest of the non-repeat students.The course work will score up to 1.5 points (Competences CI05, CI08, CP02). For this it is necessary to register in a working group (Tutorial 1) and participate in the exhibition of the work. Course work is not compulsory but students who decide not to do so give up obtaining 1.5 points. The following competencies will be evaluated: botanical diversity, use and management; teamwork; information management; Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
Attendance at tutoring is not compulsory.
To pass the course, it is necessary to achieve 5 total points, of which at least 2.5 points must correspond to the final exam of the subject.
The evaluation will correspond to the acquisition of the following Competencies:
Theoretical final exam: Con-24; Con-38
Practical exam: Con-24; H/D-12; H/D-14
Coursework: Con-24; Comp-01; Comp-11; Comp-20
The qualifications obtained will be maintained during the two calls of each academic year. Repeating students who have obtained at least 1 point out of the 3 possible in the continuous assessment activities (controls + course work) of the previous course, will be able to maintain that score without having to participate in the controls or in the work of the current course.
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the "Regulations for the evaluation of student academic performance and review of grades" will apply.
The time of individual student work in this area is estimated at 112.5 hours, of which 45 are in person. They are distributed as follows:
- 23 hours for lectures plus 46 hours of study
- 15 hours for interactive classes (labs) plus 1.5 Non-contact
- 3 hours for interactive classes (seminars) and 2 hours of tutorials plus 20 hours of course work preparation
- 2 hours for exams and review
- We recommend a study of the time to practice the description and determination of vascular plants with the help of a field guide, preferably from April to June (optimum period of flowering for many species).
- Access to the Web pages of major botanical gardens and take advantage of the resources offered.
- Attendance at lectures, continued study and consultation of recommended bibliography.
Participation in tutorials is voluntary. However, students are reminded that in Tutorial 1 groups are organized to carry out or course work, therefore those who wish to do it must attend. It is recalled that the theory exam also includes questions about the botanical itinerary taught in Tutorial 2.
Maria Inmaculada Romero Bujan
- Department
- Botany
- Area
- Botany
- Phone
- 881814913
- mi.romero [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Francisco Javier Amigo Vazquez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Botany
- Area
- Botany
- Phone
- 881814977
- javier.amigo.vazquez [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Gonzalo Perez De Lis Castro
- Department
- Botany
- Area
- Botany
- Phone
- 982822465
- gonzalo.perezdelis [at]
- Category
- Xunta Post-doctoral Contract
Pilar Diaz Tapia
- Department
- Botany
- Area
- Botany
- pilar.diaz.tapia [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Tuesday | |||
09:00-10:00 | GrupoB /CLE_02 | Spanish | 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy |
12:00-13:00 | GrupoA /CLE_01 | Spanish | 5035 Plant Physiology Classroom |
15:00-16:00 | GrupoC /CLE_03 | Spanish | 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy |
Wednesday | |||
09:00-10:00 | GrupoB /CLE_02 | Spanish | 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy |
12:00-13:00 | GrupoA /CLE_01 | Spanish | 5035 Plant Physiology Classroom |
15:00-16:00 | GrupoC /CLE_03 | Spanish | 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy |
Thursday | |||
09:00-10:00 | GrupoB /CLE_02 | Spanish | 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy |
12:00-13:00 | GrupoA /CLE_01 | Spanish | 5035 Plant Physiology Classroom |
15:00-16:00 | GrupoC /CLE_03 | Spanish | 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy |
Friday | |||
09:00-10:00 | GrupoB /CLE_02 | Spanish | 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy |
12:00-13:00 | GrupoA /CLE_01 | Spanish | 5035 Plant Physiology Classroom |
15:00-16:00 | GrupoC /CLE_03 | Spanish | 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy |