ECTS credits ECTS credits: 3
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 51 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 9 Interactive Classroom: 12 Total: 75
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Center Higher Technical Engineering School
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: Sin Docencia (En Extinción)
Enrolment: No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción)
The main aim of the subject is to introduce students to the main financial aspects of business management and how making them compatible with sustainability and corporate social responsibility objectives. Knowing how these concepts can affect corporate profitability and risk can help technicians and engineers to propose and design the best actions and projects for the company and to convince their Chief Executive Officers of the suitability to put them into practice. The program will review the main areas of business management, highlighting the importance of risk and innovation management, and will explain how to develop an effective financial management and how to support the strategic management of the company through the assessment of real options. Finally, the relationships between the responsible management of the company and value creation will be analysed.
1.1. Business planning. Strategic tactical and operative planning.
1.2. Business organisation. Organisational structure.
1.3. Business direction. Managerial functions.
1.4. Business control. Balanced Scorecard.
1.5. Risk management.
1.6. Innovation management.
2.1. Financial planning.
2.2. Financial management.
2.3. Financial analysis.
2.4. Analysis of value creation.
3.1. Concept and types of real options.
3.2. Options assessment Methods.
3.3. Option to differ an investment.
3.4. Option to expand an investment.
3.5. Abandonment option.
3.6. Real options management.
4.1. The concept of sustainability.
4.2. The concept of business social responsibility.
4.3. Relations with stakeholders.
4.4. Sustainable management and value creation.
Basic bibliography:
Brealey, R., Myers, S.; Allen, F. (2015): Principios de Finanzas Corporativas (15ª edición). McGraw Hill-Interamericana de España.
Mun, J. (2006). Real Options Analysis. Tools and Techniques for Valuing Strategic Investments and Decisions (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
Complementary bibliography:
Amram, M.; Kulatilaka, N. (1999): Real Options: Managing Strategic Investment in an Uncertain World. Harvard Business School Press.
Benninga, S. (2008): Financial Modeling, The MIT Press.
Brealey, R. y otros (2007): Fundamentos de Finanzas Corporativas (5ª edición). McGraw Hill-Interamericana de España.
Copeland, T., y Tufano, P. (2004). A real-world way to manage real options. Harvad Business Review, 82(3), 90-99.
Dávila, T. y otros (2007): La innovación que sí funciona. Deusto.
de la Fuente Herrero, G. (2005). Las opciones reales en la estrategia empresarial. El caso del Grupo Antolín. Economía Industrial, (358), 139-148.
Epstein, M.J. (2008): Making sustainability work: best practices in managing and measuring corporate social, environmental and economic impacts. Greenleaf Publishing.
Fernández Fernández, L. (coord) (2007): La práctica de las finanzas de empresa, Delta Publicaciones, Madrid.
Fernández Sánchez, E. (2010): Administración de Empresas. Un enfoque interdisciplinar. Paraninfo.
García Machado, J.J. (2001): Opciones reales: aplicaciones de la teoría de opciones a las finanzas empresariales. Pirámide
García Manjón, J.V. (2010): Gestión de la innovación empresarial: claves para ser una empresa innovadora. Netbiblo.
Hitchcock, D. y Willard, M. (2006): The business guide to sustainability: practical strategies and tools for organizations. Earthscan.
Johnson, E. (2012): Sustainability in the Chemical Industry. Springer.
Mascareñas, J. (2005): “La valoración de un proyecto biotecnológico como una opción real compuesta”, Monografías de Juan Mascareñas sobre Finanzas Corporativas.
Mascareñas, J. y otros (2004): Opciones reales y valoración de activos. Prentice Hall.
McDonald, R.L. (2006). The Role of Real Options in Capital Budgeting: Theory and Practice. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 18(2), 28-39.
Pindado, J. (2012): Finanzas Empresarialies. Paraninfo.
Robbins, S. y Coulter, M. (2010): Administración (10º edición). Pearson – Prentice Hall.
Rodríguez Sandiás, A. (2013): Modelos de Análisis y Valoración de Proyectos, Ed. Andavira.
Rodríguez Sandiás, A. (2016): Dirección Financiera Aplicada: Inversiones, 3ª ed. Editorial Andavira.
Romero Castro, N. (2009): Financial Implications of Sustainability for Companies and Capital Markets. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
Ross, Westerfield y Jaffe (2008): Finanzas Corporativas (8ª edición). Mc-Graw Hill-Interamericana de España.
Sengupta, C. (2004): Financial Modeling. John Wiley & Sons.
Smit J.T.J., y Trigeorgis, L. (2004). Strategic Investment: Real Options and Games. Princeton University Press.
Trigeorgis, L. (1998): Real Options: Managerial Flexibility and Strategy in Resource Allocation. The MIT Press.
The subject contributes to reach the competences collected in the memory of the Master’s Degree:
- General and basic skills: CB8, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG10, CG12, CG14, and, with greater intensity, CG11 and CG15.
- Specific skills: CE9.
- Transferable skills: CT2, CT3, CT5, and, with greater intensity, CT4 and CT6
The methodology of the equivalent course (particularly the part related to business management) in the new curriculum, which offers face-to-face teaching, will be followed:
P4142106 - Entrepreneurship and business management
The assessment system of the equivalent course (particularly the part related to business management) in the new curriculum, which offers face-to-face teaching, will be followed:
P4142106 - Entrepreneurship and business management
Juan Ramon Piñeiro Chousa
- Department
- Financial Economics and Accounting
- Area
- Financial Economics and Accounting
- j.pineiro [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Noelia Maria Romero Castro
- Department
- Financial Economics and Accounting
- Area
- Financial Economics and Accounting
- Phone
- 982824478
- noe.romero [at]
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor