ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 9ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 173.35
Hours of tutorials: 1.25
Interactive Classroom: 0.4
Total: 175Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Work placements for Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Financial Economics and Accounting, Organisation of Companies and Commercialisation, History of Art, Geography, Electronics and Computing, Political Science and Sociology, Special Public Law and Company Law, Applied EconomicsAreas:
Financial Economics and Accounting, Marketing and Market Research, Business Organisation, History of Art, Regional Geographical Analysis, Human Geography, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Psicoloxía Organizacional e Xurídico-Forense, Labour and Social Security Law, Applied EconomicsCenter
Faculty of Economics and Business StudiesCall:
Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's DegreesTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
The training period in a company is compulsory for the professionalizing itinerary. Its main objective is to provide the students with the necessary skills by means of their immersion in a work environment which is representative for their future professional context.
Professional training period in tourism organizations.
Although the acquired skills depend on the post and the nature of the company where the student does the training period, it is expected that they develop the following ones:
-Apply the knowledge acquired to the reality of the tourism sector.
-Solve problems in new or unfamiliar contexts
-Make decisions based on incomplete or limited information.
-Demonstrate a strategic vision to business problems.
-Lead and manage the different types of tourism organizations.
-Apply ethical decision making.
-Demonstrate critical thinking.
-Working in teams of diverse composition.
-Develop creative and entrepreneurial proposals.Each student is assigned an academic tutor and a professional tutor in the organization. In individual sessions, the academic tutor will inform the student about the organization where he/she will develop his/her intership, the activities and appropriate behaviors, and the structure of the internship report required of the student. The student must complete and submit to the academic tutor, at the end of his/her intership, an intership report which outlines the activities performed, the skills developed, the problems encountered, and their personal assessment of the internship.
During the internship, the academic tutor will monitor the intership, establishing contacts with the student and the professional tutor to verify that the tasks performed contribute to the acquisition of skills and that the organization meets the conditions set in the collaboration agreement.The evaluation of the intership will be conducted by the academic tutor, based on the reports of the professional tutor and the internship report from the student.
The subject is of 9 credits and each credit is equivalent to 25 hours.
So, the duration of the training period will be 225 hours.In order to make the best of the learning process during the training period it is convenient to be periodically in touch with the academic and professional tutors and to inform immediately about any problem or doubt.
Contingency plan
USC establishes 3 possible scenarios for the 2021-2022 academic year: scenario 1 (adapted normality), scenario 2 (distancing) and scenario 3 (closure of facilities). The development of the practices will be carried out in person as preferent option in scenario 1, with the adaptations that need to be made in scenario 2 and scenario 3, depending on the indications of the competent administration and USC.