ECTS credits ECTS credits: 4.5
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 4 Expository Class: 14 Interactive Classroom: 18 Total: 36
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Areas: Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Center Higher Technical Engineering School
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
Soils and Environment
The study and knowledge of the subject of "Soils and environment" is basic in the curriculum of the Environmental Engineer because it allows students to acquire the necessary skills to understand the role of soil in environmental quality and interpret the information of soils necessary for the management of this resource, in a context of anthropic transformations. Specifically, it is intended that students understand: i) the importance of soil in the environment and the essential services it provides, ii) the fundamentals of soil formation and emergent properties, iii) the methodology of interpretation and classification of soils and its application to specific areas, iv) how to identify and diagnose unsustainable land management situations and develop a good practice guide, v) how to carry out optimal planning for alternative land uses.
The contents developed in the course are those contemplated in the descriptor of the subject included in the syllabus of the master’s in Environmental Engineering:
- The environmental importance of soil. Ecosystem functions and services. Threats
- Components, organisation, and properties of soil.
- Soil formation: factors and processes.
- Soil classification systems. World Reference Base and Soil Taxonomy.
- Soil geography. Soils of the world
- Soil assessment, protection, and conservation.
- Soils in environmental planning. Land use and sustainability
These contents will be developed through the following topics:
1. Concept of soil. Soil as a system. The environmental importance of soil. Productive functions and environmental services of soil. Threats
2. Soil organisation. From the pedosphere to the microstructure. Pedion, profile and horizons. Nomenclature of soil horizons.
II.1. Soil components
1. The mineral fraction: origin, composition, properties. Crystalline and non-crystalline components of the fine mineral fraction. Methods of study.
2. The organic fraction: origin, composition, properties. Transformations of organic matter, mineralisation and humification. Stabilisation processes of soil organic matter. Functions of soil organic matter. Organo-mineral complexes. Study methods.
3. Fluid phases. Soil water. Soil atmosphere.
4. Soil biota. Soil and biodiversity
Physical properties. Colour. Texture. Structure. Density, real and bulk density. Porosity. Permeability. Temperature.
2. Physico-chemical properties. Fundamentals of soil reactivity. Dissolution-precipitation reactions. Surface interactions: ion exchange and ion retention. Acid-base reactions: soil pH and acidity. Natural and induced acidity. Buffering capacity of soil. Oxidation-reduction processes. Eh concept. Eh-pH diagrams.
1. Factors of soil formation. Influence of environmental factors on the formation and characteristics of the soil: parent material, climate, relief, organisms and time. The human influence.
2. Processes of soil formation. Types of soil formation processes. Horizonation and pedoturbation. Maturation. Weathering and evolution of organic matter. Processes in hydromorphic media: reducing conditions and alternating redox conditions. Transfers in dissolution. Transferences in suspension: argilluviation, podsolization. metapedogenesis.
1. The classification of soils. Principles and problems. Types of soil classifications. modern classifications.
2. The World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB) (FAO, IUSS, ISRIC). Structure and rules of use. Horizons, properties and diagnostic materials. Reference soil groups and second level units.
3. Soil Taxonomy (ST) (USDA). Structure, nomenclature and rules of use. Diagnostic criteria. Soil Orders. Equivalences between ST and WRB
1. Reference soil groups from the World Reference Base of Soil Resources. Description, distribution, management, and use. Organic soils. Soils with strong human influence. Soils with little degree of development. Soils with strong influence of the parent material. Soils formed under hydromorphic conditions. Soils of cold climates. Steppe soils. Soils from Mediterranean to arid climates. Soils of humid climates - cold to temperate -. Highly evolved soils of tropical and subtropical climates.
2- 'Problem' soils. Vertisols, Organic Soils, Acid Sulphate Soils, Planosols and Stagnosols, Saline Soils and Sodic Soils.
1. Soil cartography and soil evaluation. Types of soil maps. Soil evaluation. Intrinsic and extrinsic parameters for evaluation. Types of soil evaluation systems: methodologies and objectives.
2. Soils and the environment. The soil as a regulator of surface biogeochemical cycles. Water. Carbon. The soil as a sink / source of greenhouse gases. Phosphorus. Nitrogen. Soil and plant nutrition.
3. Protection and conservation of soils. Soils and environmental problems: Erosion, Acidification, Salinization and sodification, Pollution. The European Strategy for Soil Protection.
• DRIESSEN PM, DECKERS, JA. SPAARGAREN, OC AND NACHTERGAELE FO (Eds.). 2001. Lecture Notes on the Major Soils of the World. World Soil Resources Reports 94. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.
ETSE signaturel: Not available. Download at:…
• IUSS Grupo de trabajo WRB. 2014. Base Referencial Mundial del Recurso Suelo. Un marco conceptual para la clasificación, correlación y comunicación internacional. Actualización 2015. Informes sobre Recursos Mundiales de Suelos 106. FAO, Roma. ISBN: 978- 92- 5 -308369- 5. Sinatura ETSE: No disponible. Descargar en:
• PORTA, J., LÓPEZ-ACEVEDO, M., POCH, R.M. 2008. Introducción a la Edafología. Uso y protección del suelo. Mundi-Prensa. Sinatura ETSE: No disponible. ATS82, ATS13, ATS82A (Biología), TS449, ATS13A (Farmacia)
• ELLIS, S. & MELLOR, A. 1995. Soils and Environment. Routledge. Sinatura Bioloxía TS230
• EUROPEAN SOIL BUREAU NEWORK. 2005. Soil Atlas of Europe. European Comission, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Louxemburg. Sinatura ETSE: Non dispoñible. Pódese descargar en:
• FAO. 2009. Guía para la descripción de suelos. 4ª edición. FAO, Roma, 2009. ISBN: No tienes Sinatura ETSE: No disponible. Pódese descargar en:…
• MACÍAS, F. & CALVO, R. 2001. Atlas de Galicia. Suelos. Consellería de Presidencia, Xunta de Galicia.
• Porta Casanellas, J. López Acevedo, M. Agenda de campo de suelos: información de suelos para la agricultura y el medio ambiente. Mundi Prensa, 2005. ISBN: 84- 8476- 231- 9. Sinatura ETSE: A230 5, 5A, 5B
• Soil Survey Staff. Claves para la Taxonomía de Suelos. 12ª edición. USDA-NCRS, 2014. ISBN: No tiene. Sinatura ETSE: No disponible. Pódese descargar en:
• WILD, A. 1995. Soils and the Environment. Cambridge UP. Sinatura Bioloxía TS22.
Web pages of interest
• FAO:
• ISRIC (Centro Internacional de Referencia y Información en Suelos), Wageningen, Holanda:
• Sociedad Española de la Ciencia del Suelo:
• Soil Science Society of America:
• United Nations Environment Programme:,
• Dpto. Edafología y Química Agrícola, Univ. Granada:
In this subject, students will acquire or practice a series of generic competences, desirable in an environmental scientist with knowledge of the soil applied to the resolution of environmental problems. In accordance with the table of competences designed for the degree, the following competences will be worked on:
CB 6. To possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context.
CB 7. That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their problem-solving skills in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study.
CB 8. That students can integrate knowledge and deal with the complexity of making judgements based on incomplete or limited information, including reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgements.
CB 9. That students know how to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.
CB 10. That students possess the learning skills that will enable them to continue studying in a way that is largely self-directed or autonomous.
GC 1. Identify and state environmental problems.
GC 3. Be able to take responsibility for their own professional development and specialization in one or more fields of study.
GC 4. Apply knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and other natural sciences, obtained through study, experience and practice, with critical reasoning to establish economically viable solutions to technical problems.
CT 1. Develop skills associated with teamwork: cooperation, leadership, listening skills.
Demonstrate critical and self-critical reasoning, analytical and synthesizing capacity.
Appreciate the value of quality and continuous improvement, acting with rigor, responsibility and professional ethics within the framework of commitment to sustainable development.
CE 3. Develop sufficient autonomy to participate in research projects and scientific or technological collaborations within the thematic area of Environmental Engineering, in interdisciplinary contexts and, where appropriate, with a high component of knowledge transfer.
SC 8. Approach a real environmental engineering problem from a scientific‐technical perspective, recognizing the importance of the search for and management of existing information and applicable legislation.
CE 9. Possess the autonomous learning skills to maintain and improve the competences of Environmental Engineering that allow for the continuous development of the profession.
SC 10. Be able to apply environmental management tools (environmental impact studies, life cycle analysis, industrial ecology, clean technologies, ISO standards, EMAS) when preparing reports or projects.
Virtual campus
The USC Virtual Classroom will be used through the Moodle application, as a communication tool with students, offering them information on the teaching schedule throughout the course and complementary materials for the study of the subject, promoting the student's autonomous study and the handling of bibliographical sources in English. Likewise, the delivery of tasks carried out by the students will be carried out using the Moodle platform.
At the beginning of the course, students will be provided with the following material on the virtual campus of the subject:
• TEACHING GUIDE: approved for the subject.
• DETAILED PLANNING: guide with the planning of activities.
• PRESENTATIONS: the presentations used by the teaching staff in the expository classes.
• PRACTICAL CASES: material for the interpretation and classification of soils that will be discussed in the seminars.
• SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: videos, texts, scientific articles, links to web pages with content of interest, issue bulletins, etc.
Classroom teaching (32 h)
• Lectures and interactive classes: The classes will be carried out by combining lectures (presentation and discussion of topics) and seminars (exercises) where the teacher will try to emphasize the most outstanding aspects of the program. It is important that students work on the material made available to them to promote teacher-student interaction. The assimilation of content by the students will be verified by completing questionnaires that will be delivered through the Virtual Classroom (the answers to the questionnaires will be part of the continuous evaluation).
• Field practice: if possible, a field practice will be carried out aimed at interpreting the formation factors, morphology, properties and edaphogenesis processes of different types of soils in Galicia.
• Group Tutorial: (4h) There will be a group tutorial aimed at solving problems and doubts.
• Individualized tutorials: will be carried out in person in the teacher's office and/or through the MS Teams platform.
The Master in Environmental Engineering establishes a minimum CE weighting of 50%, with the remaining 50% corresponding to a final exam. In this subject, this weighting will be used for CA (50%).
The grade will be the weighted average of the performance in the parts: continuous assessment questionnaires, teamwork and exam.
Continuous Assessment Activities
The CA includes monitoring of the following activities:
• Follow-up questionnaires: short questionnaires to be carried out individually throughout the course. Weighting: 25%. Face-to-face/telematic modality.
• Teamwork: students will have to carry out teamwork aimed at applying the knowledge acquired throughout the course. It will consist of the interpretation, evaluation, and classification of soils. Weighting: 25%. telematic modality
Final exam (in person). Weighting 50%. To pass the subject, students must obtain a minimum grade of 4 (out of 10) in the final exam.
All the activities linked to the evaluation are obligatory to pass the subject.
The consideration of "not presented" will be when no evaluation activity is attended. If the minimum mark in the final exam is not reached, the final mark will be that of the exam.
Those who must attend the second opportunity will keep the qualifications obtained in the continuous evaluation.
In case of not having done the teamwork, the exam will include a practical section.
Competency assessment
Exhibition classes: CB6, CG1, CG3, CT6, CE3, CE8, CE9, CE10
Interactive classes (debate and problem solving): CB6, CB7, CB8, CG1, CG3, CG4, CT1, CT4, CT6, CE3, CE8, CE10
Group tutoring and Group work: CB6, CB7, CB8, CB9, CB10, CG1, CG4, CT1, CT4, CT6, CE3, CE8, CE8, CE10
Questionnaires and exams: CB9, CB10, CG4, CT4, CE3, CE8, CE8, CE10
In cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the 'Rules for the assessment of academic performance of students and qualification review' will apply.
The subject has a workload equivalent to 4.5 ECTS that are distributed as shown in the table:
Training Activity Total Hours Class Attendance
Lectures (master classes) 14 100%
Interactive classes (seminars) 18 100%
Group tutoring 4 100%
Autonomous student work 74,5 0%
Exam 2 100%
Overall 112,5
It is recommended that students attending the course have a basic knowledge of General Chemistry, Biology, Geology and/or Biogeochemistry, which are very useful to pass the course.
Attendance and active participation in all teaching activities.
To encourage participation in the classes, it is recommended to carry out the activities requested throughout the course and, especially, to work with the materials provided through the Virtual Campus before the lectures and interactive classes.
Use of the recommended bibliography, not only textbooks, but also research and popular science articles.
Distribution of personal work (study, assignments, recommended reading, etc.) throughout the course.
Use of tutorial hours to resolve doubts.
Recommendations for telematic teaching (if necessary).
- In accordance with the rules for telematic assessment, a microphone and camera must be available for telematic tests, also to improve interaction with the teaching staff.
- Improve competences in the use of the telematic and digital resources available at USC
Communication channels with students
• MS Teams: during face-to-face activities and personalized tutorials.
• Virtual classroom of the subject
• Email (exclusively the institutional one of USC)
Language: Galician / Spanish
Maria Del Carmen Monterroso Martinez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
- Area
- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
- Phone
- 881813288
- carmela.monterroso [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Wednesday | |||
12:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Classroom A7 |
Thursday | |||
12:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Classroom A7 |
11.14.2024 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Classroom A7 |
11.14.2024 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom A7 |
06.16.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom A7 |
06.16.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Classroom A7 |