ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Pedagogy and DidacticsAreas:
Didactics and School OrganisationCenter
Faculty of Education SciencesCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
1.Recognize socio-educational intervention as an interdisciplinary, systematized and planned action within Social Education
2. Justify the research load present in the design and planning of socio-educational intervention programs.
3. Apply theoretical knowledge to design and implement a socio-educational intervention project based on the
basic principles that guide our professional practice.
4. Understand planning as a tool at the service of quality and improvement of socio-educational intervention.
5. Know the main procedures for planning and designing Social Education programs.The topics of the program are the following:
1.- Importance and sense of planning: basic aspects and planning models in socio-educational actions.
3.- Stages in the planning: diagnostic phase, design phase and project implementation phase.
4.- Plan and design actions based on the "Analysis of the context and diagnosis of needs": prioritize purposes and establish intervention objectives.
5.- Methodology: selection of methods, contents and activities adapted to the project and the subjects involved.
6.- Analysis and management of the necessary resources and implementation times.
7.- Project quality evaluation and guarantee systems. Establishment of deadlines and commitments.
8. -Innovate to improve socio-educational intervention processesBibliography básic
-Feliz Murias, T. (2010). Deseño de programas de educación social. McGraw-Hill :Interamericana.
-Froufe, S. e Sánchez Castaño, M. A. (1994). Planificación e intervención socioeducativa. Amarú Edicións.
-Pérez-Campanero, M.P. (1991). Como detectar as necesidades de Intervención Socioeducativa. Narcea.
Bibliografía complementary
Aguilar, M. J. y Andre-Egg, E. (1995). Como elaborar un proyecto: Guía para diseñar proyectos sociales e culturais. Lumen.
Aguilar, M. J., Fresno,J. M. y Andre-Egg, E. (2001). Como elaborar proyectos para a Unión Europea. CCS.
Álvarez, V. (coord.) (2002). Diseño y evaluación de programas. EOS.
Barbosa, E. F. y Moura, D. G. (2013). Proyectos educativos y sociales. Planificación, gestión, seguimiento y evaluación. Narcea.
Fantova, F. (2011). La gestión de organizaciones no lucrativas. Editorial CCS. 3ª edición.
García Herrero, G. y Ramírez, J. M. (2006). Manual práctico para elaborar proyectos sociales. Siglo XXI.
González, A. P., Medina, A. y Da Torre, S. (1995). Didáctica general: modelos y estrategias para la intervención social. Universitas.
Marchioni, M. (2007). Planificación social y organización de la comunidad. Ed. Popular.
Moreno, M. D. (2000). Gestión de la calidad y diseño de organizaciones. Prentice Hall.
Pérez Serrano, G. (2000). Elaboración de proyectos sociales. Casos prácticos. Narcea.
Vilar, J. y Riberas, G. (2002). Diseño de proyectos sociales. Fundación Pere Tarrés.
European, National, Autonomous or local Plans and Programs related to the different spheres of activity of social educators.
CB1 - That the students proved to have and to understand knowledge in an area of study what part of the base of the secondary education general, and itself tends to find to a level that, although it leans in advanced text books, it includes also some aspects that knowledge implicates proceeding from the vanguard of his field of study.
CG3 - To Apply the theoretical and methodological knowledge necessary for the planning and evaluation of his educational interventions, needs, issues and expectations in which it is inserted, attending to the circumstances in relation to the subjects with those that works and to the social dynamics of which they take part.
CT4 - To Be Implied actively in the resolution of problems and in the decision-making.
CE2.2 - To Promote and to develop educational performances orientated to invigorating the participation of the people in the society, minimizing the locations of risk or dependence and maximizing his potentials of inclusion and autonomy. Will have the attention to the diversity, to the equality of gender, to the values of the culture of peace and to the sustainability a special meaning in this achievement.
CE2.4 - To Elaborate, to manage and/or to use means and resources socioeducativos that makes possible an adequate development of his professional work and of the institutions or entities in which if slight to cape.
1. Having a global vision of the socioeducativa processes of intervention: his philosophy, his approaches, his conceptual and operative tools.
2. Carrying out the precise operations for the construction of a plan of intervention adapted to the context and to the subjects that it is destined for.
3. Knowing analyzing and valuing already designed socioeducativos projects and implementados.
4. Knowing how to employ different models (technological and comunicacionais) in the analysis of plans and/or socioeducativas actions.
5. Knowing and applying the theoretical bases and instrumentales of the innovation and the dynamization in the socioeducativa processes of interventionThe teaching process will have a continuous, formative, active and participatory character, to promote comprehensive learning. During school time, a series of integrated activities will be proposed in the different types of sessions:
a) Presentation of the subject and explanation of the program.
b) Attendance and participation in the classroom
c) Lectures: presentation, explanation of topics.
d) Interactive classes: practical activities -individual and group-
e) Course work tutorials
f) Carrying out a test-exam.
The Virtual classroom of the subject will be a resource to facilitate communication, access to resources for an adequate development of the same and the delivery, if applicable, of the practices carried out.
A possible practice/field trip is contemplated in collaboration with other subjects of the course or semester, depending on the availability of resources and agreements with external entities.The evaluation will be:
-Class attendance by 80% (1pt)
-Performance of group and individual activities (5 pts)
-Completion of exam (4 pts)
If any student is exempt from the expository part, the teacher will be informed to determine a new scoring criterion in that section.
In order to obtain a positive evaluation in the matter, all the specified evaluation activities must be carried out and delivered on time.
Participation and attendance at expository and interactive sessions are considered essential to get the most out of the subject. Failure to attend them must always be justified and duly accredited.
Students not presented in the previous call (2022-23), or who did not pass the subject, will be evaluated in the 2023-24 academic year according to the criteria of the subject program of the previous academic year.
Individual or group work by students must be original. Any copied work will suppose the suspense of the subject and the evaluation of the student in the following call. For evaluation purposes, the same work cannot be used for several subjects except in activities programmed in a coordinated manner. In cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for evaluating the academic performance of students and reviewing qualifications will apply.
In carrying out the practices and work, the APA -Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) standards will be followed. 7th ed. Washington: APA, 2019-, which can be consulted at the following link: http://www.apastyle.org
Students who fail the exam in January may repeat it in the second session in June. The student who, having attended 80% of the practices, did not obtain half the score assigned to this part, must carry out the practices indicated and hand them in on the June exam date.
EXEMPTION, WAIVER and other cases
Students with an exemption from teaching or official dispensation in the expository sessions must have a tutorial with the subject's professors within ten days of the granting of the exemption (notified to the subject's professors). In these cases, the final exam to be taken by these students will have an extraordinary part. Other justified-accredited cases will be treated as students with exemption from teaching, unless the practical part is affected, which would be recovered individually.
Students who have a waiver for interactive classes must agree with the teaching team on the practices to be delivered, which will be very similar to those developed in the classroom.Eyewitness activities (58 hours):
- Expositivas classes: 24 hours
- Interactive sessions: 24 hours
- Tuitions and evaluation: 10 hours
Personal work of the student (92 hours):
- Study: 30 hours
- Accomplishment of practical works: 50 hours
- Tuitions and evaluation: 12 hours.Requirements:
To reach the formative purposes of this matter the and the students must attend and to take part in a continued way, to have acquired basic competences related with the capacity of analysis of the social and cultural congate, as well as those of handling and analysis of norm referred to the different areas and you outline of work of the Social Educator . Besides, the profit in the matter improves yes are capable of sailing with skill for the net, the library and the virtual platform used by the USC.
The one who already passes on this matter passed on previously other ones necessary to tackle the subjects that we will treat here. So, setting off of this knowledge, the main requirement of this matter will be to be handled in a precise way in the concepts and in the nomenclature characteristic of the discipline and to get to unwrap some basic competences linked to the design and planning of the socio-educativa intervention of the and of the future educators and social educators.DELIVERY OF THE WORKS: The works carried out by the students must be delivered, preferably, through the virtual classroom.
ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY: In relation to personal or group work carried out for the subject and delivered on paper, the following indications will be taken into account:
- Avoid plastic covers or other unnecessary external packaging.
- Whenever possible, staples will be used instead of worms.
- Print both sides in "ink saving" quality.
- Do not use blank pages as separators for chapters or parts.
- Avoid annexes that do not have direct reference to the topics covered in the work.
MANDATORY USE OF INSTITUTIONAL TECHNOLOGICAL TOOLS: Virtual Campus, Microsoft Office 365, and other tools provided by the faculty and authorized as institutional tools by the university.
COMMUNICATION WITH THE TEACHING STAFF: It is essential that students necessarily use the USC email (rai account) in their communication with the teaching staff.
The regulations in force at the USC will be applied:
GENDER PERSPECTIVE: In response to gender equality criteria in the university environment, it is recommended to use non-sexist language both in daily classroom work and in assigned academic work. The USC Non-Sexist Language Guide can be consulted at the following link:guia de linguaxe non sexista da USC. https://pro-assetsusc.azureedge.net/sites/default/files/paragraphs/more… ice/2023-01/linguaxe_non_sexista_publicado_WEB_USC.pdf
The use of mobile phones in the classroom is restricted to their use as a work tool following the indications given by the teacher, making the students responsible for the legal and academic consequences that may arise from an unsuitable use of the same.
Bear in mind that teaching-learning (classes/tutorials) is a private process, private being understood as a process of communication and exchange between the teacher and the student body enrolled in the subject.
Maria Isabel Novoa Perez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Pedagogy and Didactics
- Area
- Didactics and School Organisation
- mariaisabel.novoa@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) Associate University Professor
Maria Isabel Novoa Perez
- Department
- Pedagogy and Didactics
- Area
- Didactics and School Organisation
- mariaisabel.novoa@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOSU (Organic Law Of University System) Associate University Professor
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Wednesday 16:30-18:00 Grupo /CLIS_02 (M - Z) Galician CLASSROOM 10-11 ( LIFE CAMPUS VIDA-Module A) 18:00-19:30 Grupo /CLE_01 (A - Z) Galician CLASSROOM 10-11 ( LIFE CAMPUS VIDA-Module A) 19:30-21:00 Grupo /CLIS_01 (A - L) Galician CLASSROOM 10-11 ( LIFE CAMPUS VIDA-Module A) Exams 01.10.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 (A - Z) CLASSROOM 6-7 (LIFE CAMPUS -Module A) 06.19.2025 18:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 (A - Z) CLASSROOM 6-7 (LIFE CAMPUS -Module A)