ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 102
Hours of tutorials: 6
Expository Class: 18
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Pedagogy and DidacticsAreas:
Didactics and School OrganisationCenter
Faculty of Education SciencesCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
1 Understanding the importance of being implied in processes of innovation to improve his educational practice
2.Analyzing them processes that take place in the context of the classroom and that are susceptible of research and of improvement
3.The transcendence of the analysis of the place of work and his understanding linking with the formative activity
4.Sparking off adequately a problem of research and designing a project to profundar in this subject.Concept of innovation, types of innovation, design and implementation of the innovation. The teacher as investigator of his own practice, the research-action, design and methods of research, the treatment and analysis of the data of research. The research at work and in Professional Formation.
Contents of the matter
Three blocks of contents were organized associating them with the Goals before suggested and structured through five subjects. The sequencing is not due to a precedence for importance or relevance of the contents, but for the need for a gradual introduction in the subject that helps the understanding:
Block I: Innovation in education (Goal 1 and 2)
Subject 1: Educational innovation
Subject 2: The teacher as investigator: research -action.
Block II: The analysis of the work (Goal 3)
Subject 3: Analysis of the work and the balance of competences.
Block III: Educational research (Goal 4)
Subject 4: Basic beginnings of the research (theoretical approaches, models and instruments of research)
Subject 5: Design of a research (Phases)BASIC:
Rosales, C. (2009). Didáctica: Innovación no ensino. Santiago: Andavira
Elliott, John. (1990). A investigación-acción en educación. Madrid, Morata
Tejada, J. (1997). O proceso de investigación científica. Barcelona: Edicións da Fundación “A Caixa”.
Buendía, L. et a o. (1999). Modelos de análises na investigación educativa. Sevilla: Alfar.
Díaz de Rad, V. (1999). Técnicas de análises de datos para investigadores sociais. Aplicacións prácticas con SPSS para Windows. Madrid: Ra-Ma.
Etxeberría, J. e Tejedor, J. (2005). Análise descriptivo de datos en educación. Madrid: A Muralla.
Krueger, R.A. (1991). O grupo de discusión. Guía práctica para a investigación aplicada. Madrid: Pirámide.
Latorre, A.; Recuncho, D. de o, e Arnal J. (1996). Bases Metodológicas da Investigación Educativa, Barcelona: GR92.
Mckernan, J. (1999). Investigación-acción e curriculum. Madrid: Morata
Pérez Gómez, A. (1983). “Paradigmas contemporáneos de investigación didáctica” en Gimeno, J. e Pérez Gómez, A. o ensino: a súa teoría e a súa práctica, Madrid: Akal. Pag. 95-138.
Tejada, J. (1998). Os axentes da innovación nos centros educativos (Profesores, directivos e asesores). Málaga: Ed. Aljibe, S.LGeneral Competences:
-Acquiring strategies to stimulate the effort of the student and promoting his capacity so that it learns by themselves even and with others and he develops skills of thought and of decision that facilitate the autonomy, the confidence and personal initiatives.
-Knowing the processes of interaction and communication in the classroom and to dominate skills and social skills necessary to encourage the learning and the communal life in the classroom and to tackle problems of discipline and resolution of conflicts.
-Designing and carrying out formal and non formal activities that contribute a place of participation towards doing of the center and culture in the congate in the one that is situated.
-Taking part in the evaluation, research and the innovation of the processes of teaching and learning, his conclusions and the reasons that sustain them to the educational community and other professionals of the education communicating.
Specific competences associated to the generic module:
-Knowing the processes of interaction and communication in the classroom and in the center, to approach and to solve possible problems.
-Taking part in the definition of the educational project and in the general activities of the center paying attention to criteria of improvement of the quality, attention to the diversity, prevention of problems of learning and communal life.
Specific competences associated to the specific module:
-Knowing and applying innovative educational proposals in the area of the specialization passed on.
-Analyzing critically the performance of the teaching, of the practical boas and of the orientation using indicators of quality.
-Identifying the problems related to the teaching and the learning of the matters of the specialization and sparking off alternatives and solutions.
-Knowing and applying methodologies and basic techniques of educational research and evaluation and being capable of designing and developing projects of research, innovation and evaluation.
Transversal competences
-Using bibliography and tools of search of bibliographic resources generals and specific, including the access for Internet.
-Managing in an optimum way the time of work and to organize the available resources, establishing priorities, alternative paths and identifying logical errors in take it of decisions.
-Promoting the capacity for the work in congates cooperative and multidisciplinary.The methodology will be active and participative, the development of the matter will have to facilitate the activity of every pupil/to so that it is capable of building his knowledge, as well as favoring an autonomous learning. On another side, those characteristics will be carried out with the combination of different methodologies (expositivo method, method of discussion, method of inquiry, independent study...), to have the opportunity of being implied in a great variety of learning experiences.
1. Development of the sessions of classroom
The organization of the work in every block of contents will have a similar structure:
- Every Block of Contents will be initiated with an explanation of lime is his goal with regard to the Matter and limes evening the Subjects in which it is structured, as well as the duration and the works that will imply and the materials and resources necessary for his development.
-Every Subject, will imply a diagnosis of previous knowledge, for afterwards to initiate an exhibition of the basic contents on the part of the teacher, according to the established epigraphs.
- Besides depending on the subjects individual works will be carried out or in group, which will give place to a subsequent debate or relay in common.
- And, to finish off, consolidation, with the exhibition and clarification of the points nails treated.
2. Access to the used documentation in the classroom and to that of enlargement
The documentation used for the exhibition of the subject, will be the arrangement of the pupils/the in the Classroom Virtual of the USC and/or in the library of the faculty. This same dynamics will be followed with any presented complementary material in the classroom.
3. Works to carry out for the pupils/the
3.1. Individual work
- Reading of the documentation corresponding to every block, which will allow a taking of individual contact with the contents, so that later they can carry out contributions, comments, to expose doubts, etc. In the sessions with the group-class.
- Readings of monographic works to extend certain points of some subject.
- Elaboration of schemas and you note staff, who will facilitate her the subsequent review of the matter and the assimilation of it.
- Recopilación bibliographic and legislative on some specific subject, so that it keeps being familiarized with the investigative techniques and being initiated into the research itself.
-In the accomplishment of the practices and works the norms will follow themselves Manual APA -Publication of the American Psychological Association (APA). 6th ed. Washington: APA, 2011-, that they can be consulted in the link: http://www.apastyle.org
A guide summarized in Castilian can find in the following direction: http://www.suagm.edu/umet/biblioteca/pdf/GuiaRevMarzo2012APA6taEd.pdf
Independent study.
3.2. Work in group
-The works to carry out evening of two types in groups: of research and of reflexion.
- Practical works of application of the knowledge of the matter:
*Os equipments of work have to be stable and will be composed by 3 to the 4 pupils/the depend of the specific activity to develop.
*Os works carried out evening places in common and discussed in the classroom.
* The guidelines for the accomplishment of each of them and the criteria for his correction, will be explained by the teacher and delivered in class.
3.3. Proposal of activities in his set
- Analysis of documentation and relay in common (2-4 pupils).
- Innovative proposals put forward (groups of 2-4 pupils).
- Formulation of a research-action (groups of 2-4 pupils).
- Design of a project of research (groups of 4-6 pupils).
4. Means and Resources for the accomplishment of the activities
Legislative documents; notes and articles proceeding from the press or from mass media written of informative type, journalistic and specialized.
Digital and computer resources.The attainment of the goals will be evaluated through three instruments:
- Test written (examination): 50% of the final qualification
- The participation and attendance of the expository and interactive sessions considered essential to get the most out of the subject. Non-attendance must always be justified and duly accredited.
- Work in group around a formative cycle (Project of Research): 50% final qualification
The punctuation will be on 10, the pass being in 5 and it being essential to approve the theoretical part (examination) and the practical part (research project).
The individual works or grupais will have to be original. Any copied work will mean the failure of the matter in the corresponding call. For avaliativos effects a same work can not be used for several matters, except that they were programmed in a coordinated way
In the accomplishment of the practices and works the norms will follow themselves Manual APA -Publication of the American Psychological Association (APA). 6th ed. Washington: APA, 2011-, that they can be consulted in the link: http://www.apastyle.org
A guide summarized in Castilian can find in the following direction: http://www.suagm.edu/umet/biblioteca/pdf/GuiaRevMarzo2012APA6taEd.pdfClass expositive and interactive s 60 hours, work of the pupil including study tuitions and practical work 300 hours
Study of basic texts of research selected of the bibliography, work practical tutor on subject of research. Analysis of researches carried out on this field
The Council of Government of 25 of March 2010 approved the Norm of assistance the class in the teachings adapted to the EEES
In it the profits of the assistance to the class, among them that a "better understanding of the matter" facilitates, expose themselves "the acquisition of group competences and individual, the continuous learning, the direct interaction with other pupils and pupils or the possibility of a teacher-student methodology most participative". One may remember that the USC is an eyewitness university, for what the assistance to a minimum of 80% of the sessions of class is obligatory. In the cases contemplated in the norm of the Faculty, the/the pupils/them will be able to request an official exemption from teaching.
The students must necessarily use the email of the USC (@ rai.usc.es) in their communication via email with the faculty.
In relation to the personal works or of group that themselves out carry for the matter to take into account the following indications:
- Preventing covers of plastic or other unnecessary external wrappings.
- As long as it is possible to use staples instead of bound.
- Printing "saving of ink" to two faces in quality.
- Not using sheets in white as separators of chapters or parts.
- Avoiding annexes that in the have direct reference with the confident subjects
Out of consideration for criteria of gender equality in the university area, making use of the language is recommended not sexist as much at work daily of classroom as in the ordered academic works. Information about this can be obtained in the link:
In the development of the matter the virtual platform of the USC as tools of support to the teaching, fundamentally as repository of materials of consultation and of study and as mass media with the student body, will be used so much of individual way as grupal. Some other accessible tools will be able to be used in the platform as the forum.
O/to student that does not fill in the requirement of assistance will not be able to surpass the matter in the opportunity of May not even of July, except the cases contemplated and oficialemente justified by the current norm. O/to student that fails the examen in May will be able to repeat it in July. O/the student that having attended 80% of the you practice had not obtained half of the positive punctuation assigned to this part, will have to carry out again them you practice that it they are indicated and to deliver them in the date of the examen of July.
The student body with exemption from official teaching will have to have an eyewitness tuition than teacher of the matter on the ten following days of the concession of the exemption. In these cases he will have to carry out the individualized final work, and will have the same value that he practices apart of the attendant student body. This work will have to be delivered and supervised by the teacher in the dates that they are indicated to her. When it does not reach half of the punctuation that is granted to him in this part, he will have to repeat it for the opportunity of July or else make only one test written with an avaliativo weight of a hundred per cent.
Milena Villar Varela
Coordinador/a- Department
- Pedagogy and Didactics
- Area
- Didactics and School Organisation
- milena.villar@usc.es
- Category
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Tuesday 19:00-21:00 Grupo /CLIS_01 Galician SEMINAR 4-2nd FLOOR (LIFE CAMPUS -Module C2) Wednesday 16:00-18:00 Grupo /CLIS_01 Galician SEMINAR 4-2nd FLOOR (LIFE CAMPUS -Module C2) Exams 05.22.2025 16:00-18:00 Grupo /CLE_01 CLASSROOM 6-7 (LIFE CAMPUS -Module C2) 07.02.2025 16:00-18:00 Grupo /CLE_01 CLASSROOM 6-7 (LIFE CAMPUS -Module C2)