ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Pedagogy and DidacticsAreas:
Didactics and School Organisation, Research and Diagnostic Methods in EducationCenter
Faculty of Education SciencesCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
- To understand the characteristics required for observation as a technique to collect reliable and valid data
- To value different elements (tools, techniques, resources, etc) involved in observational processes, depending on the approach.
- To develop outlines for subject and process observation in Preschool Education based on a consistent speech of the teaching practice.
- To build up and/or design observational tools that fit in a conceptual model previously established.
- To build up a teaching model committed to research, and to encourage innovation and improvement processes
- To develop the necessary skills for cooperative work and for participatory construction of knowledge.
- To move forward on building up critical thinking skills.
- To handle relevant theoretical documents.1. Research as a means to understand, improve and innovate teaching practice. The teacher as a researcher.
2. Concept and nature of observation. Observation and evaluation in Early Childhood Education.
3. Types of observation.
4. Observation planning. Phases and decisions in the observation process.
5. Main observation techniques and instruments in Early Childhood Education.
6. Assessment of the quality of observational data. Reliability, precision and validity in observation. Errors in observation and their types.- Anguera, M.T. (coord.) (2000): Observación en la escuela: aplicaciones Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona.
- Anguera, M.T.; Blanco, A. y Losada, J.L. (2001). Diseños Observacionales, cuestión clave en el proceso de la metodología observacional. Metodología de las ciencias del comportamiento, 3(2), pp. 135-160.
- Bakerman R. e Gottman, J.M. (1989): Observación de la interacción: introducción al análisis secuencial. Madrid. Morata.
- Bisquerra, R. (Coord.) (2004). Metodología de la Investigación Educativa. Madrid: La Muralla.
- Banno, B. e De Stefano, A. (2003). De la observación científica a la observación pedagógica: los instrumentos para evaluar aprendizajes. Contexto Educativo, 28.
- García Hoz, V. y Pérez Juste, R. (1989): La investigación del profesor en el aula.Madrid: Escuela Española.
- Gili Croll, P. (2000). La observación sistemática en el aula. Madrid: La Muralla
- González Tello, M., (1991), Observación y evaluación en el segundo ciclo de educación infantil. Registro muestrario de fichas. Madrid: Escuela Española.
- Huber, G. Gürter, L. (2004). Aquad 6. Manual del programa de análisis de datos cualitativos. Tübigen: Ingeborg HuberVerlag
- Irwin, M. e Bushnell, M. (1984): La observación del niño. Estrategias para su estudio. Madrid: Narcea.
- Martinez Coves, P. e outros (1999): Guías de observación del juego y dibujo. Valencia: Generalitat Valenciana. Colección: Suport escolar.
- Medinnus, G.R. (1979): Estudio y observación del niño. México: Limusa.
- Morales, P (1988): Medición de actitudes en psicología y educación. Construcción de escalas y problemas metodológicos. San Sebastián: Ttarttalo.
- Pérez Sánchez, M. (1991): Observación de bebés: relaciones emocionales en el primer año de vida. Barcelona: Ediciones Paidós Ibérica, S.A. Colección: Paidós educado, 3.
- Tójar Hurtado, J.C. (1993): Concordancia en los registros de observación: Calidad de la investigación educativa en metodología observacional. Barcelona: PPU.
- Tough, J. (1987): El lenguaje oral en la escuela: Una guía de observación y actuación para el maestro. Madrid: Visor
- Visauta, B. (1989): Técnicas de investigación social I: Recogida de datos. Barcelona: PPU.
- Wittrock, C., (1989), La investigación en al enseñanza. Vol.2: Métodos cualitativos y de observación. Barcelona: Paidós Ibérica S.A.
- Zimmermann, D., (1998), Observación y comunicación no verbal en la escuela infantil, Morata, Madrid.Specific competences for the Basic Formation Module:
- To understand that observation is a reflective tool which also improves teaching practice, from a social, scientific and ethical point of view.
- To master the techniques of observation, recording and data analysis by using different tools that include information technologies, documentation and audiovisuals.
- To know how to analyse the data, critically understand the reality and report conclusions.
Basic competences:
- That the students can apply their knowledge in a manner that indicates a professional approach to their work or vocation, and have competences typically demonstrated through devising and sustaining arguments and solving problems within their field of study.
- To be able to gather and interpret relevant data in order to make reflective judgements on issues.
- To be able to elaborate and transmit reports, at different levels, based on observation.
Transversal competences:
- To have an instrumental knowledge of ITC.The subject will be developed, in the big group expository sessions, basically in an explanatory way by the teacher. In some of the sessions written exercises, that involve a reflection on the theoretical topic dealt with, will be included. The fundamental aspects of the subject will be developed throughout these sessions and their aim is to become the basis for student knowledge organization and to support the practical work to be carried out in the subject.
In the interactive sessions, several activities will be implemented in order to tackle problem-and-case solving that has been previously formulated. In any case, this work will be performed in small group (4 or 5 students) and, it will be basically employed cooperative learning techniques. During these sessions, groups will also carry out the exposition of an observational work. This work will consist in the elaboration and application of an observational project which will be monitored by the teacher throughout the subject. Students will be provided with a set of texts and selected exercises that will be used as support material for the theoretical and practical classes.The evaluation of the subject will have a formative and continuous character and will cover the following aspects:
- Activities and group work carried out in the framework of the interactive sessions (60%). To pass the subject it will be necessary to have delivered, on time, a minimum of 80% of the requested tasks.
- Carrying out an individual written exam on the content of the subject (40%). This test will consist of two parts and, to pass the subject, the sum of the two parts must be at least 2 points. There will be no average when one of them is less than 1 point.
To obtain a positive assessment in the matter, it will be necessary to have the work delivered and completed on time, as well as to overcome each part of the matter.
Instruction num. 1/2017, from the USC General Secretariat, on the exemption from class attendance in certain circumstances. Students with an official exemption from teaching or dispensation must contact teachers at the beginning of the course and will be evaluated according to the same criteria as the rest of the students.
Individual or group work must be original. Any copied work will mean failure of the subject in the corresponding call. For evaluative purposes, the same work cannot be used for several subjects, except in coordinated activities.
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, what is included in the Regulations for the evaluation of student performance and review of grades will apply.Attendance activities. Autonomous activities
Big group/ Expository class 24h. 35h
Interactive class/ medium group 24h. 45h.
Small group 3h. 19h.
Part-time: 51h. 99 h
Full-time: 150h.The subject is focused on both the individual and group work. The group, from the methodological perspective, is an important learning facilitator. So, by using cooperative activities it is not only intended to develop attitudes, values and abilities, but also to review the concepts by the student.
The contents of this subject are organized in such a way that it is necessary, from the very first session, to carry out a daily and constant work in order that the students can progressively achieve mastery, that will help them to overcome the practical tasks and consequently achieve the intended goals.Communication with teachers:
The students will use the official email of the USC (@ rai.usc.es) in their communication with the teaching staff.
Class attendance:
Attendance at 80% of face-to-face classes is compulsory. In the cases contemplated in the regulations of the Faculty, the students may request an official exemption from teaching. Regarding the exemption from class attendance in certain circumstances, it will be subject to the norms dictated in instruction no. 1/2017, from the General Secretariat of the USC. In the case of having formalized and / or granted a request, the teaching staff must be informed at the beginning of the subject. Likewise of any other circumstance related to class attendance.
Formal quality of work:
The APA -Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) standards will be followed in carrying out the practices and assignments. 6th ed. Washington: APA, 2011-, which can be consulted at the link: http://www.apastyle.org. A summary guide in Spanish can be found at the following address: http: //www.suagm.edu/umet/biblioteca/pdf/guiarevmarzo2012apa6taed.pdf
Environmental responsibility:
In relation to personal or group work carried out for the subject, the following indications will be taken into account in the event of having to physically deliver them:
-Avoid plastic lids and other unnecessary external wrappers.
-Whenever it is possible to use staples instead of spirals.
-Print both sides in "ink saving" quality.
-Do not use blank pages as separators for chapters or parts.
-Avoid annexes that do not have direct reference to the topics developed.
Gender perspective:
In attention to criteria of gender equality in the university environment, it is recommended to make use of non-sexist language both in the daily work of the classroom and in the academic work assigned.
Use of the mobile in the classroom:
The use of mobile phones in the classroom as a working instrument is restricted, following the instructions given by the teacher, and the students are held responsible for the legal and academic consequences that may arise from its inappropriate use.
Data Protection:
The current regulations in the USC will apply: https://www.usc.gal/es/politica-privacidad-proteccion-datos
Contingency plan
In accordance with the Guidelines for the development of a safe classroom teaching for the 2020-2021 academic year, the following proposal of methodology and evaluation system for scenarios 2 and 3 established in said document are established.
Scenarios 2 and 3 methodology:
The adaptation of the subject methodology to scenarios 2 and 3 is based on the development of dynamics that favor the autonomous learning of the students under the supervision and guidance of the teachers, who will make use of different synchronous and asynchronous tools. At the beginning of the development of each topic, the teachers will explain to the students the dynamics and activities to be developed to favor the learning of the essential contents, as well as the resources available to address them.
The expository sessions will be used to address the fundamental contents of the subject and will take place both synchronously and asynchronously, always respecting the schedule of the subject. The teaching staff will make documentary and audiovisual resources available to the students in the virtual classroom of the subject that facilitate the understanding and study of the subject.
In the interactive sessions, the development of activities of different types will be proposed to address the resolution of problems and practical cases related to the content addressed in the exhibition sessions. These activities will be mainly of a group nature (4 or 5 students) and will be supervised by the teachers through the tools offered by the virtual campus (tasks, forums, etc.). They must be delivered through the virtual campus on the dates set by the teachers.
In this scenario, communication with students is essential to facilitate monitoring and solving specific doubts about the development of the topics. In this sense, the students will have spaces for collaboration and communication in a large group (virtual campus forums, group tutorials in Teams, etc.) and individual (internal messaging of the virtual campus, institutional web mail). Online tutoring schedules will be set.
For the development of teaching, different institutional tools will be used, including: Virtual Campus and MS Teams.
Scenarios 2 and 3 evaluation system:
The evaluation of the subject will have a formative and continuous character and will cover the following aspects:
- Activities and group work carried out in the framework of the interactive sessions (60%). They will be developed throughout the semester and to pass the subject it will be necessary to have delivered, on time, a minimum of 80% of the tasks requested.
- Carrying out an individual written test on the content of the subject (40%). This test will consist of two parts and, to pass the subject, the sum of the two parts must be at least 2 points. There will be no average when one of them is less than 1 point.
To obtain a positive assessment in the matter, it will be necessary to have the work delivered and completed on time, as well as to overcome each part of the matter.
Instruction num will be followed. 1/2017, from the USC general secretary, on the exemption from class attendance in certain circumstances. Students with an official exemption from teaching or dispensation must contact teachers at the beginning of the course and will be evaluated according to the same criteria as the rest of the students.
Individual or group work must be original. Any copied work will mean failure of the subject in the corresponding call. For evaluative purposes, the same work cannot be used for several subjects, except in coordinated activities.
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, what is included in the Regulations for the evaluation of student performance and review of grades will apply.
Ana Rodriguez Groba
- Department
- Pedagogy and Didactics
- Area
- Didactics and School Organisation
- Phone
- 881813847
- ana.groba@usc.es
- Category
Margarita Valcarce Fernandez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Pedagogy and Didactics
- Area
- Research and Diagnostic Methods in Education
- Phone
- 881813828
- margot.valcarce@usc.es
- Category
- Profesor/a laboral fijo/a
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Thursday 10:30-12:00 Grupo /CLIS_02 (Cr - L) Galician (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 23 12:00-13:30 Grupo /CLIS_01 (A - Co) + Dobre Grao 1º Galician (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 23 Exams 05.28.2025 09:30-11:30 Grupo /CLE_01 (A - Z) + Dobre Grao 1º (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 12 07.04.2025 09:30-11:30 Grupo /CLE_01 (A - Z) + Dobre Grao 1º (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 13