ECTS credits ECTS credits: 3
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 51 Hours of tutorials: Expository Class: 16 Interactive Classroom: 8 Total: 75
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
Areas: Psychobiology
Center Faculty of Psychology
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
-To give to the student knowledge on the principles underlying to the Neuropsychological Intervention
-To show to the student the main techniques of neuropsychological intervention
-To provide training on the skills to design, develop and evaluate neuropsychological intervention and rehabilitation programs, depending on the diagnosis and the social and individual variables occurring in each case.
-To provide knowledge that allows students to be able to identify the ethical implications of their professional acts and to fit ethical obligations of psychology in health, showing a professional and ethical commitment to the values of equal opportunity and respect for diversity.
1.- Fundamentals of neuropsychological intervention: neuroplasticity, obxectives, and variables contributing to recovery. Strategies for neuropsychological intervention.
2.- Techniques for neuropsychological rehabilitation. Aspects to consider in the planning, management and evaluation of a neuropsychological rehabilitation program.
3.- Neuropsychological rehabilitation of cognitive functions: attention-concentration, memory, language, executive functions, praxis, gnosis and awareness of deficits.
4.- Neuropsychological rehabilitation in clinical practice: application areas, intervention with families, ethical and legal aspects.
Basic bibliography:
Bruna Rabbasa, O., Roig Fusté, J. M., Puyuelo Sanclemente, M., Junqué Plaja, C. & Ruano Hernández, A. (2011). Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica: Intervención y práctica clínica. Barcelona: Elsevier.
Noggle, C., Dean, R., & Barisa, M. T. (Eds.). (2013). Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. Springer Publishing Company.
Prigatano, G.P. (2023). Principles of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. New York: Oxford University Press.
Triviño, M., Arnedo, M., Bembibre, J. (coord.) (2021). Neuropsicología a través de casos clínicos. Evaluación y rehabilitación (2ª ed.). Madrid: Médica-Panamericana.
Wilson, B., Winegardner, J., van Heugten, C. & Ownsworth, T. (2017) Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: The International Handbook. London: Taylor and Francis
Complementary bibliography:
Arnedo, M., Bembibre, J., Montes, A., Triviño, M. (2015). Neuropsicología Infantil: A través de casos clínicos. Madrid: Médica Panamericana
Arango Laprilla, J.C. (2006). Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica. México: Manual Moderno.
Attix, D.K. & Welsh-Bohmer, K.A. (2006). Geriatric neuropsychology: assessment and intervention. New York: Guildord Press.
Bruna Rabassa, O., Signo Miguel, S. & Molins Sauri, M. (2018). Intervención neuropsicológica en los trastornos neurodegenerativos. Madrid: Síntesis. Champion, A.J. (2006). Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: A resource for group-based education and intervention. England: John Wiley & Sons.
De Noreña, D., Ríos-Lago, M., Bombín-González, I., Sánchez-Cubillo, I., García-Molina, A. & Tirapu-Ustárroz, J. (2010). Efectividad de la rehabilitación neuropsicológica en el daño cerebral adquirido (I): atención, velocidad de procesamiento, memoria y lenguaje. Revista de Neurología, 51: 687-98.
De Noreña, D, Sánchez-Cubillo, I, García-Molina, A, Tirapu-Ustárroz, J., Bombín-González, I. & Ríos-Lago, M. (2010) Efectividad de la rehabilitación neuropsicológica en el daño cerebral adquirido (II): Funciones Ejecutivas, Modificación de conducta y psicoterapia, y uso de nuevas tecnologías. Revista de Neurología, 51: 733-744.
Ferri Campos, J., Navarro Pérez, M. D., O' Valle Rodríguez, M. (2022). Intervención neuropsicológica en procesos atencionales Madrid: Síntesis
Gil, R. (2019) Neuropsicología (7ª ed.). Barcelona: Elsevier.
Johnstone, B & Stonnington, H. (2009). Rehabilitation of neuropsychological disorders: A practical guide for rehabilitation professionals. New York: Psychology Press.
Junqué, C. & Barroso, J. (Coord.) (2009). Manual de Neuropsicología. Madrid: Síntesis.
Kolb, B. & Whishaw, I.Q. (2017). Neuropsicología Humana (7ªEd). Madrid: Médica Panamericana.
Lezak, M.D., Howieson, D.B & Loring, D.W. (2012). Neuropsychological Assessment (5ª Ed). New York: Oxford University Press.
Muñoz, J.M. & Tirapu, J (2001). Rehabilitación neuropsicológica. Madrid: Síntesis.
Pardos Veglia, A. (2019). Intervención neuropsicológica infantil. Madrid: Síntesis.
Pérez M. (2009). Manual de Neuropsicología Clínica. Madrid: Pirámide
Pérez Sánchez, M. (2019). Intervención neuropsicológica en los trastornos adquiridos del lenguaje. Madrid: Síntesis.
Rains, G.D. (2003). Principios de Neuropsicología Humana. Mexico: McGrawHill
Sánchez Cabeza, A. (2018). Intervención neuropsicológica y funcional en apraxias. Madrid: Síntesis.
Sohlberg, M. M. & Mateer, C. A. (2001). Cognitive Rehabilitation: An integrative neuropsychological approach. New York: Guilford Press.
Tirapu, J., Ríos, M, y Maeztu, F. (2011). Manual de Neuropsicología (2ª Ed). Barcelona: Viguera.
Wilson, B. A., Gracey, F., Evans, J. J., & Bateman, A. (2009). Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: Theory, Models, Therapy and Outcome. Cambridge University Press
Wilson, B. A., Herbert, C.M. y Shial, A. (2003). Behavioural approaches in neuropsychological rehabilitation: optimising rehabilitation procedures. New York: Psychology Press.
Other resources with interesting information about neuropsychological intervention:
APA División of Clinical Neuropsychology:
Specialized journals:
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation:
From the competencies set for the Master's Degree in this subject are addressed the following:
Basic and Generic Competencies:
CG6. To Know in depth the different models of assessment and intervention in the field of Health General Psychology, as well as techniques and procedures derived from them for addressing behavioral disorders and psychological factors associated with health problems.
CG8. To design, develop and, where appropriate, monitor and evaluate plans and programs of psychological intervention, in terms of psychological assessment and individual and social variables occurring in each case.
CG9. To show interpersonal communication skills and handling appropriate emotions for effective interaction with patients, families and caregivers in the process of problem identification, evaluation, communication of diagnosis and intervention and psychological follow-up.
CG11. To adjust to the ethical obligations of Health Psychology, showing an ethical and professional commitment to the values of equality of opportunities, respect for diversity and peaceful resolution of conflicts.
CB7. Students should know how to apply the knowledge they have acquired and their capacity to solve problems in new or little known areas within the broadest (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study.
CB8. Students should be capable of integrating knowledge and facing the complexity of making judgements from information which, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of that knowledge and judgement.
CB9. Students should know how to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and rationale underpinning these, to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.
Specific Competencies:
CE2. To be able to plan and develop a session of evaluation and intervention, establishing the hypothesis to deduce testable statements.
CE5. To Know how to choose and apply psychological intervention techniques most suitable for its intended purpose (prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, counseling, etc..).
CE6. To know how to plan and develop a psychological intervention, setting relevant and realistic objectives based on the characteristics of the problem and context.
CE7. To Know how to track intervention, according to the objectives set, to enter, if applicable, changes in it during development.
CE8. To know to give feedback to recipients adequately and accurately in order to involve them in the various stages of psychological assessment and intervention.
Transverse Competencies:
CT3. To be able to analyze critically and use sources of clinical information.
CT5. To know to develop the work from the perspective of quality and continuous improvement, with the necessary capacity for a responsible self-critical professional performance
CT7. To know to analyze from an ethical point of view the problems and its possible solutions
The classes, 120-minute long, take place in the Neuropsychology lab (-2 floor building A) and will consist of sessions for the exposition of the topics included in the program of contents and interactive sessions. For a better follow-up, the student will previously have the support material used in the classroom.
The interactive sessions will be held taking into account the development of contents in the expository sessions, being scheduled to take place after the end of the exposition of contents in each theme. They include activities related to case studies and problem-based learning, as well as the use of tools in the field of neuropsychological intervention. The student will prepare a report on these activities, collecting them in a portfolio that must be delivered to the teacher.
Furthermore, in order to assess the evolution, degree of acquisition of knowledge and skills acquired by the students in the classes, they must carry out individual Tutored Work, integrating their learning of the theoretical and practical contents.
The training activities of the classes are complemented with attendance at tutorials.
*Individual tutorials: the subject teacher will be available during tutorial hours to answer questions and any question related to the development of the subject and its contents. The tutorial schedule will be displayed on the Faculty's website, and on the door of her office (no. 78, module A).
*Student autonomous work: In addition to attending face-to-face activities, the student must dedicate time to reading complementary materials and studying the contents, as well as preparing reports.
*The USC Virtual Campus will be the tool that will be used to make available to the student any material related to the teaching methodology of the subject, which will have digital format by default.
*A specific forum will be created in the Virtual Campus aimed at answering questions related to teaching.
The Assessment of the Knowledge and competencies acquired by the Student will be realized according to the following criteria:
1.- There will be a final exam, covering the theoretical and practical program completely, for verifying the level of knowledge of students. This test will weigh 50% in the final qualification.
2.- It will be assessed the student’s class attendance and participation, and compliance of the activities planned in each of the sessions. The evaluation of this part will weigh 20% in the final qualification.
3.-The realization of an individual work report will be assessed, taking into account: the ability to argue and respond to the questions asked; the organization of information; the expression and coherence of the document; the management and precision of scientific language; the formal quality of the written presentation following APA standards. The evaluation of this part will account for 30% of the final grade
*In order for any of the elements on which the evaluation rests to add to the final grade, a minimum level must be reached in each of them, which represents 35% of the maximum score.
The subject has 3 ECTS credits, corresponding to an estimated total of 75 hours of student work, which are divided into:
Presence classes: 24 hours (Expositive: 16 h; Interactive: 8 h)
Autonomous Work of the Student: 51 hours (Reading and study activities: about 35 h; report writing: about 16 h.)
Recommendations for the study of the subject
- To attend regularly both the expositive and interactive sessions.
- To Participate and actively engage in classroom dynamics and in the realization of the planned activities.
- To complete the class notes with the recommended reading materials.
- To make questions to solve the doubts.
- To study the contents as the program unfolds.
- To use tutorials to resolve doubts and/or guidance in the learning process. The schedule of tutorials is as follows: Tuesdays from 9 to 12 h. and Thursdays from 11 to 14 h. (office nº 78 module A).
In the development of the subject it is considered that students have formation to degree level on the biological bases of human behaviour (Biological Fundamentals of Psychology, Behavioral Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience), in Neuropsychology as well as in subjects related to intervention in Clinical and Health Psychology. Also, according to a post-degree level, they are familiarized with the general aspects of intervention in Health Psychology and Applied Neuropsychology.
Santiago Galdo Alvarez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
- Area
- Psychobiology
- Phone
- 881813701
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Wednesday | |||
09:45-10:45 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Neuropsychology Teaching Laboratory |
10:45-11:45 | Grupo /CLIL_01 | Spanish | Neuropsychology Teaching Laboratory |
04.24.2025 10:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Neuropsychology Teaching Laboratory |
07.01.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Neuropsychology Teaching Laboratory |