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Provision of first-aid kits to the centres.
Imaxe: Steve Buissinne [Pixabay]

The USC, through the Health Surveillance Service, provides first aid kits to the different centres of the University. There is also a map showing the distribution of the first aid kits.

  • The first aid kits are granted after a written request has been made by the parties concerned.
  • Restocking of first aid kits is also done on behalf of the Health Surveillance Service upon written request.
  • New first aid kits: if there are still laboratories or departments with a lack of first aid kits, they can apply to the Health Surveillance Service.
  • Incident sheets:  an incident sheet is provided with the delivery of the first aid kits, or the restocking of material and users are requested that each time make use of the first aid kit, they write down the incidents that have occurred (fall, headache, etc.).
The contents of this page were updated on 06.07.2024.