ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 99 Hours of tutorials: 2 Expository Class: 25 Interactive Classroom: 24 Total: 150
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Chemistry Engineering
Areas: Chemical Engineering
Center Faculty of Sciences
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
- General and particular aspects of the food industry.
- Apply the knowledge acquired in compulsory subjects to the field of the food industry.
- Design industrial processes related to the food industries. Know understand and use the principles of engineering and basic food operations.
- Introduction. Special features of the food industry.
- Food processing operations
- Food preservation operations.
- Processes under development: New Products.
- Physical properties of food.
- Food dehydration.
- Concentration of liquid food by evaporation.
- Operations with chemical reaction: fermentation
- Product formulation and process optimization through linear programming.
- Applicable software in the food industry.
A) Básica:
- AGUADO, J. et al, 1999. Ingeniería de la industria alimentaria, v.1, v.2 and v.3. Madrid: Síntesis. ISBN 84-7738-667-6 (v.1); 84-7738-938-1 (v.2); 84-7738-939-X (v.3). Referencia: ALT 55-1, ALT 55-2, ALT 55-3; ALT 56-1, ALT 56-2, ALT 56-3
- IBARZ, A. and BARBOSA-CÁNOVAS, G.V., 2005. Operaciones unitarias en la ingeniería de alimentos. Madrid: Mundi-Prensa. ISBN 84-8476-163-0. Referencia: ALT 319 to 322
B) Complementary:
- BARBOSA, G. et al, 2000. Manual de laboratorio de ingeniería de alimentos. Zaragoza: Acribia. ISBN 84-200-0912-1. Referencia: ALT 252
- BRENNAN, JG. et al, 1986. Las operaciones en la industria de los alimentos. 3ªed. Zaragoza: Acribia. ISBN 84-200-0852-4. Referencia: ALT 121 to 123
- EARLE, R.L., 1988. Ingeniería de los alimentos. 2ªed. Zaragoza: Acribia. ISBN 84-200-0622-X. Referencia: ALT 168
- IBARZ, A. et al., 2000. Métodos experimentales en la ingeniería alimentaria. Zaragoza: Acribia. ISBN 84-200-0903-2. Referencia: ALT 265
- LOMAS ESTEBAN, M.C., 2002. Introducción al cálculo de procesos tecnológicos de los alimentos. Zaragoza: Acribia. ISBN 84-200-0980-6. Referencia: ALT 158, ALT 159
- MAFART, P., 2003. Ingeniería industrial alimentaria, v.1 y v.2. Zaragoza: Acribia. ISBN 84-200-0750-1 (v.1); 84-200-0768-4 (v.2). Referencia ALT 95-1 a ALT 97-1; ALT 95-2 a ALT 97-2
- SHARMA, S.K.; MULVANEY, S.J. and RIZVI S.S.H., 2003. Ingeniería de alimentos: Operaciones básicas y prácticas de laboratorio. México: Limusa-Wiley. ISBN 968-18-6203-1. Referencia: ALT 271, ALT 272
- SINGH, R.P. and HELDMAN, D.R., 1993. Introduction to food engineering. 4ª ed. San Diego: Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-12-370900-4. Referencia: ALT 389, ALT 390
- SINGH, R.P., 2004. Virtual experiments in food processing. California: RAR Press. ISBN 0-9748638-0-7. Referencias: ALT 229 to ALT 231
- TOLEDO, R.T., 1994. Fundamentals of food process engineering. 2ª ed. New York: Chapman & Hall. ISBN 0-442-23938-6. Referencia: ALT 395
C) Online Sources:
Basic and General:
CG4 - Ability to solve problems with initiative, decision making, creativity, critical thinking and to communicate and transmit knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of Industrial Engineering in the specialty of Industrial Chemistry.
CG10 - Ability to work in a multilingual and multidisciplinary environment.
CB2 - That the students can apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and have competences typically demonstrated through devising and sustaining arguments and solving problems within their field of study.
CB4 - That students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non- specialized audience.
CT1 - Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
CT2 - Ability to use computer applications in the field of Industrial Engineering.
CT3 - Ability to manage information.
CT4 - Capacity for teamwork.
Optional subject competences:
CEOP7: Knowledge of industrial food process engineering.
The achievement of a student's basic training is based on theoretical type classes (E, 25 hours) but active participation of students will be encouraged, especially focused on knowledge of various unit operations of the food process industry and equipment operation. Problems related to the syllabus of the subject will be solved.
Interactive hours (24 hours) are compulsory and divided into laboratory practices (15 h) and seminars (9 h) in the computer classroom.
The seminars (9 hours) allow the acquisition of general, transversal and specific competences. Exercises will be made and proposed that the student must solve in the classroom. In addition, students must submit a report of each of the seminars held on the agreed date.
Also, the labs program (15 hours) allows to transpose theoretical knowledge to practical application and development of scientific and technical documents. The work will be done in a group and at the end, a report will be delivered with the results obtained.
Individual tutorials will be held to clarify each student's specific problems and tutorials and compulsory activities/work with small groups (2 hours) to work on specific topics. A paper will be made and will be presented on the food industry in a concrete production process.
Tools will be used to support teaching and problem solving (working with multimedia presentations and spreadsheets).
If possible, a visit to a process plant will be scheduled to observe in situ the application of the knowledge acquired. These field practices will be subject to the availability of funding and the possibility of carrying them out by both the company visited and the USC.
The Learning Management System of USC will also be used as support.
For cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the “Normativa de avaliación do rendemento académico dos estudantes e de revisión de cualificacións” will be applied.
Monitoring of learning by approaching case studies and activities to address, in person or not, individually or in groups. In addition, there will be at least one exam.
The final grade will consider both the exam results (40%) and the compulsory activities in classroom seminars, work/activities and group tutorials (40%); laboratory practice (20%).
In the seminars (exercises/reports) the following competences will be evaluated CB2, CG4, CT3, CEOP7. Both the student's disposition in the interactive hours and the performance of the exercises and reports inside and outside the classroom will be evaluated.
In the labs a brief report of the practices will be presented: objective, methods, results, conclusions and bibliography. Both the laboratory and the report will be evaluated. The following competences will be evaluated: CB2, CG4, CG10, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CEOP7..
As regards the activities/work (group tutorials) the evaluation will be done on competences CB2, CB4, CG4, CG10, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CEOP7. Both the work presented and the presentation and explanation of the work will be evaluated.
In the final exam the specific skill will be assessed (CEOP7).
It is mandatory for the student to attend and obtain a minimum mark of 4 (over 10) in each of the evaluable parts (exam, seminars, work/activities (group tutorials) and laboratory practices). In case of not reaching this minimum the student can obtain a maximum of 4.
In case of failure to pass the subject in the first call (minimum 5), the student will be evaluated in the second call of at least those sections where the minimum score required has not been achieved. The labs will not be repeated for the second call.
Without realizing and/or surpassing the evaluation of the laboratory practices, seminars, work/activities and the final exam the subject can not be approved.
Failure to attend mandatory classes (seminars, tutorials, activities / work, and final exam) will prevent passing the subject in the first opportunity as well as in the second one.
Only students who have not done any presential activities may obtain a final grade of Non Presented.
Assistance to the presential sessions is mandatory: seminars, group tutorials, works/activities and laboratory practices (25 h E, 9 h Seminars, 15 h Lab, 2 h group tutorials, 4 h exam).
The students must take up the subject to understand and carry out further issues and problems that arise in class, as well as the work in group.
It is therefore estimated that the student should use a total of 95 hours of personal work (25 h lectures preparation, 15 h laboratory practices, 37 h seminars and activities/work, 2 h tutorials and 16 h exam preparation) to complete a total of 150 hours dedicated to the subject.
The students will perform on their own all practical exercises, both those already settled in the classroom as those proposed as personal work.
The student must have knowledge of Basic Training, Common to the Industrial, Specific Technology-Industrial Chemistry and Specific Engineering in Industrial Chemical Processes Modules.
It is necessary to manage Excel spreadsheet or similar.
Classes will be taught in Spanish and/or Galician.
The admission of students in the laboratory of practices requires that they know and comply with the General Safety Standards in the laboratories of practices, of the University of Santiago de Compostela. This information is available on the website of the USC:…