ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 97 Hours of tutorials: 2 Expository Class: 34 Interactive Classroom: 17 Total: 150
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
Areas: Nutrition and Bromatology
Center Faculty of Sciences
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
The aim of this course is to train the student to:
- Train them to elaborate and evaluate basic therapeutic diets and their application in cases of endocrine-metabolic pathologies and in special situations (part II).
Presentation of the matter.
- Diet therapy and cancer.
- Diet therapy in cardiovascular disease
- Diet therapy in oroesofagica pathology, gastric and intestinal.
- Diet therapy in Hepatobiliary disease and pancreatic.
- Nutritional care and dietary recommendations in renal diseases.
- Diet therapy and AIDS.
- Diet therapy for children with special needs.
The students will carry out individual/group works that will have as themes aspects related to this part of the subject, for which they will follow the indications of the Teacher.
The contents of the practices are considered complementary to theoretical content:
-Analysis and elaboration of diets in different diseases: cancer, cardiac, renal diseases, AIDS, etc. (part II),
Practices Report: the students (individual/groups of 2-3) will deliver the results and conclusions, following the teacher's instructions.
- Updated bibliography recommended by the teacher.
• Cervera P. Alimentación y dietoterapia. 3ª ed. Aravaca: McGrawHill/Interamericana; 1998.
• Escott-Stump, S. Nutrición, diagnóstico y tratamiento. Ed. Mc Graw-Hill. México. 2005.
• Gibney, M.J.; Elia, M.; Ljungqvist, O.; Dowset, J. Nutrición Clínica Ed. Acribia. Zaragoza. 2007.
• Gil Hernández, A. Tomo IV: Nutrición clínica (Tratado de Nutrición). Ed. Acción Médica-Grupo. Madrid. 2005.
• Iowa Dietetic Association; Maher, A.K. Manual de dietas simplificado. Editorial Acribia. Zaragoza. 2007.
• Mahan, L.; Scott-Stump, S. Nutrición y Dietoterapia de Krause (12ª ed). Ed. Mc Graw- Hill Interamericana. México. 2008.
• Martínez Hernández, A. Alimentación hospitalaria 2 Vols. V 1. Fundamentos. V 2. Dietas hospitalarias. Ed. Díaz de Santos. Madrid. 2004.
• Mataix J. Nutrición y alimentación humana. Tomo II (2ª ed.) Ergon. Madrid. 2009.
• Muñoz, M.; Aranceta, J.; García-Jalon, I. Nutrición Aplicada y Dietoterapia. (2ª ed.). Ediciones EUNSA. Pamplona. 2004.
• Requejo, A.M.; Ortega, R.M. Nutriguía. Ed. Complutense. Madrid. 2000.
• Rojas Hidalgo E. Dietética, principios y aplicaciones. (2ª ed). Madrid: Grupo Aula Médica; 1998.
• Ruiz Pons, M.; Sánchez-Valverde Visus, F.; Dalmau Serra, J.; Gómez López, L. Tratamiento nutricional de los errores innatos del metabolismo. (2ª ed.) Drug Farma. Madrid. 2007.
• Russolillo, G.; Marques, I. Álbum fotográfico de porciones de alimentos. Ed. ICM. Madrid. 2008.
• Russolillo, G.; Marques, I. Sistema de intercambios para la confección de dietas y planificación de menús. Ed. ICM. Madrid. 2008.
• Salas-Salvadó, J.; Bonada, A., Trallero, R.; Saló, M.E.; Burgos, R. Nutrición y dietética clínica (2ª ed.). Ed. Doyma SL. Barcelona. 2008.
CB2 - That students can apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and have competences typically demonstrated through devising and sustaining arguments and solving problems within their field of study
CB4 - That students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to an audience both skilled and unskilled.
CB5 - That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy
CG1 - Recognizing the essential elements of the profession of Dietitian- Nutritionist, including ethical principles, legal responsibilities and exercise of the profession, applying the principle of social justice to professional practice and developing it with respect for people, their habits, beliefs and cultures.
CG2 - Develop the profession with respect for other health professionals, acquiring skills for teamwork
CG3 - Recognizing the need to maintain and update professional skills, paying particular importance to learning autonomously and continuously, new knowledge, products and techniques in nutrition and food, as well as the motivation for quality.
CG4 - Know the limits of the profession and its competences, identifying when interdisciplinary treatment or referral to another professional is required.
CG6 - Understand, critically evaluate and know how to use and apply sources of information related to nutrition, food, lifestyles and health aspects.
CG7 - Ability to produce reports and complete records relating to professional intervention Dietitian -Nutritionist
CG12 - Know the nutrients, their function in the body, their bioavailability , needs and recommendations , and the foundations of energy and nutritional balance.
CG13 - Integrate and evaluate the relationship between diet and nutrition in health and disease states .
CG14 - Apply both healthy and sick scientific knowledge of physiology, pathophysiology, nutrition and food to planning and dietary advice in individuals and groups, throughout the life cycle.
CG16 - Interpret a nutritional diagnosis, evaluate the nutritional aspects of a medical history and to carry out dietary action plan .
CT1 - Ability for analysis and synthesis
CT2 - Ability to organize and plan
CT3 - Ability to work in teams (included in CG2)
CT5 - Ability to use information technology and communication (included in CG5)
CT6 - Ability to manage information (including in CG6)
CT8 - Ability to make decisions
CT9 - Ability to the transmission of knowledge (included in CG5)
CT10 - Ability for critical thinking and argumentation
CT11 - Ability for autonomous independent learning (including in CG3)
CT13 - Demonstrate initiative and entrepreneurship
CE27 - Assess and calculate the nutritional requirements in health and disease at any stage of the life cycle.
CE36 - Apply the basics of clinical nutrition to diet therapy .
CE37 - Plan, implement and evaluate therapeutic diets for individuals and / or groups.
CE39 - Participating in the multidisciplinary team of Hospital Nutrition Unit .
The contents are structured mainly in Master Class Sessions where the fundamentals of the subject are basically established. These expository sessions will be explained with the help of the classic and audiovisual tools available, as indicated. An important aspect is that the students must complete the aspects contemplated in theory with the consultation of the bibliography and with the realization in seminars of Works inside and outside (autonomous formation) of the presential/telematic sessions, for what it will be a very interesting part for the acquisition of competences of the student. In these works, it will be necessary to gather information and to decide on some conclusions, thus promoting the capacity to defend one's own decisions and to be self-critical. The Practices are considered a very important part of the student's training since they are fundamental complements to the theory and are therefore obligatory. At the direction of the Professor, the results will be made and delivered according to the instructions of the Teachers. The individual Tutorials and the Tutorials in small groups it is possible they will be telematic, e-mail. All this teaching, tutorials and teacher/student communication will be supported by the Virtual Help Course in the platform that the USC has available for virtual teaching (e-mail @rai.usc, forum or Teams), where it will be possible to locate the important announcements related to the subject and its activities as well as, for example, support summaries and additional material, updated bibliography, regulations, guides for the realization of the works and other activities, etc.
- 1) Continuous Evaluation (30%):
a) The work proposed by the teacher and the effort of the students in learning will be evaluated (up to 10 %): the result of the questions and works proposed by the teacher will be evaluated and should be carried out and delivered as indicated; the attitude of the student will be evaluated and his or her respect for the basic rules of coexistence that facilitate the work of all and indicate their effort to learn and acquire the skills.
Evaluated competences: CB2, CB4 , CB5, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG6, CG12, CG13, CG14, CG16, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT5, CT6, CT8, CT9 (included in CG5), CT10, CT11, CT13 CE27, CE36, CE37.
b) The performance of the Practices and delivery of the results is obligatory in order to overcome the matter (compulsory requirement). The results of the practical learning will be evaluated (20%).
Competences assessed: CB2, CB4, CB5, CG1, CG3, CG4, CG6, CG7, CG12, CG13, CG14, CG16, CT1,CT2, CT3, CT5 (included in CG1), CT6, CT8, CT9 (included in CG5), CT10, CT11, CT13, CE27, CE36, CE37, CE44.
- 2) Final Exam (70%): Assessment of knowledge about the contents of the subject (requirement to reach 45% to evaluate this test. In the case that this test is not evaluated, only the score obtained in the Continuous Evaluation will be indicated in the Acta).
Evaluated skills:CB2, CB4, CB5, CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG6, CG7, CG12, CG13, CG14, CG16, CT1, CT10, CT11, EC27, EC36, CE37, CE39, CE44.
The evaluation of the call second chance: all the scores by the student, except the Final Exam (70%), will remain.
Important notes:
In cases of fraudulent completion of all these exercises and tests indicated here, the provisions of the: "Regulations for the evaluation of student academic performance and for the review of grades" will apply.
The subject consists of 6 ECTS credits, including the following hours:
Lectures : 32 h
Seminars : 4 h
Practical lessons: 13 hours
Group tutorials : 2 h
Testing and review : 2 h
The distribution of the training activity during working hours of the total student is ( 25xECTS ) 150 hours.
-Show attention and interest during the face-to-face/telematic assistance.
-Preparation of diagrams and summaries: understanding and memorizing them. Use the tutorials to answer questions on the matter.
Check the bibliography, and the scientifc articles as well as other recommended documents shown in classes.
To take this course, knowledge of Dietetics and Physiopathology are needed.
Spanish language.
(Occasional communication possible in Galician, English or French with students who need it).
On the basis of Instruction No. 1/2017 of the General Secretariat on this matter, no dispensation is granted, as attendance at all face-to-face activities is required.
All the activities of the Continuous Assessment can only be developed during the period of the classes within the timetable established for this subject, it is reminded that non-attendance or failure to pass the practices will prevent the passing of the subject (compulsory requirement).
Carlos Manuel Franco Abuin
- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Nutrition and Bromatology
- carlos.franco [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Beatriz Isabel Vázquez Belda
- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Nutrition and Bromatology
- Phone
- 982822405
- beatriz.vazquez [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Alejandra Cardelle Cobas
Coordinador/a- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Nutrition and Bromatology
- alejandra.cardelle [at]
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Tuesday | |||
16:00-17:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish, Galician | 0P CLASSROOM 7 GROUND FLOOR |
Wednesday | |||
16:00-17:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician, Spanish | 0P CLASSROOM 7 GROUND FLOOR |
Thursday | |||
16:00-17:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician, Spanish | 0P CLASSROOM 7 GROUND FLOOR |
12.18.2024 10:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 0P CLASSROOM 4 GROUND FLOOR |
12.18.2024 10:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 0P CLASSROOM 5 GROUND FLOOR |
12.18.2024 10:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 0P CLASSROOM 6 GROUND FLOOR |
06.24.2025 10:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 2P CLASSROOM 3 SECOND FLOOR |
06.24.2025 10:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 2P CLASSROOM 4 SECOND FLOOR |