ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Morphological ScienceAreas:
Human Anatomy and Embryology, HistologyCenter
Faculty of PharmacyCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
1. To acquire the basic morphological knowledge on which the health sciences are based.
2. To understand and to recognise the normal structure of the human body, at the cellular, tissue and organ level in the different stages of life and in both sexes.
3. To know, to understand and to be able to adequately apply the anatomical (anatomical nomenclature) and histological terminology that will allow them to know the bases of the scientific language of the health sciences.
4. To know the basic methods for microscopic study.I. Lectures
Theme 1. The cell as the basic unit of life
Theme 2. Plasma membrane: structure and function. Transport through the membrane
Theme 3. Cytoskeleton
Theme 4. Cellular compartmentalization I: endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex
Theme 5. Cellular compartmentalization II: endosomes, lysosomes, peroxisomes, and mitochondria
Theme 6. Cellular compartmentalization III: nucleus and ribosomes
Theme 7. Cell division and death
Theme 1. Epithelial tissue.
Theme 2. Connective tissue.
Theme 3. Muscle tissue.
Theme 4. Nervous tissue
Theme 5. Circulatory system. Heart and vessels
Theme 6. General structure of the digestive tract
Theme 7. Liver and pancreas
Theme 8. Kidney and bladder
Theme 9. Respiratory system
Theme 1. Generalities. Fundamental anatomical concepts: terminology, body systems, and ontogenic origin
Theme 2. Musculoskeletal system I: osteology
Theme 3. Musculoskeletal system II: arthrology
Theme 4. Musculoskeletal system III: myology
Theme 5. Circulatory system I: generalities. Anatomy of the heart. External and internal configuration and cardiac structure. Cardionector system. Cardiac vascularization and innervation
Theme 6. Circulatory system II: arterial, venous, and lymphatic systems
Theme 7. Respiratory system. Generalities. Respiratory pathways. Lungs and pleurae
Theme 8. Digestive system I. General organization. Mouth. Pharynx. Esophagus. Stomach
Theme 9. Digestive system II. Small intestine. Large intestine. Accessory glands: liver, bile ducts, pancreas. Spleen. Vascularization and innervation
Theme 10. Urinary system. Kidney. Excretory pathways. Vascularization and innervation
Theme 11. Male and female reproductive system
Theme 12. Nervous system I: general organization. Central and peripheral nervous system. Somatic nervous system and autonomic or vegetative nervous system. Meninges. Cerebrospinal fluid. Blood-brain barrier
Theme 13. Nervous system II: Spinal cord. General organization. External and internal morphology. Roots and spinal nerves
Theme 14. Nervous system III: Brainstem. Medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain. Reticular formation and cranial nerves. Cerebellum. Fourth ventricle
Theme 15. Nervous system IV: Brain. Diencephalon and telencephalon. Third, second, and first ventricles
Theme 16. Nervous system V. Sympathetic and parasympathetic vegetative nervous system
II. Interactive Classes: Seminars
S1. Essential questions about the cell. Applications in biomedical research.
S1. Histological techniques: sample processing. Microscopic study of basic tissues
S1. Functional anatomy of the Liver. Hepatic portal circulation: role in drug administration.
III. Interactive Classes: Laboratory Practices
(Biology Laboratory Practices. Faculty of Medicine)
P1. The optical microscope: nomenclature and instructions for use. Study of free cells: preparation, staining, and assembly of a blood smear.
P2. Microscopic study of membranous organelles: comparative images between optical, fluorescence, and electron microscopy. Nucleus: microscopic study of mitosis preparations. Observation of human metaphasic chromosomes.
(Histology Laboratory Practices. Faculty of Medicine)
P1. Hematoxylin-Eosin staining. Identification of basic tissues. Cardiovascular system
P2. Main organs involved in absorption pathways: digestive tract, respiratory system, skin
P3. Organs and systems involved in elimination pathways (liver and kidney). Endocrine System
(Anatomical Technique Room. Faculty of Medicine)
P1. Musculoskeletal system of the head, trunk, and upper and lower limbs. Anatomical models and preparations.
P2. Splanchnology (I): Thoracic organs. Heart. Great vessels. Lungs and pleurae. Splanchnology (II): Abdominopelvic organs. Abdominal cavity and its contents. Peritoneum. Pelvic cavity and its contents. Anatomical models and preparations.
P3. Nervous system. Morphology of the spinal cord and brain in models and anatomical preparations. Anatomy of the sense organs, relevance in drug administration.I. Basic bibliography
There will be a link in the virtual classroom of the subject for access to the electronic versions of the manuals that make up the basic bibliography and that are accessible through the university library.
1. Calvo A. Biología Celular Biomédica. 1ª ed. Elsevier; 2015
2. Paniagua R. Biología celular y molecular. 4ª ed. McGraw-Hill; 2017
1. García-Caballero, Gallego R, Gándara M, Ferreirós A, Cuevas J, García-Caballero T. Atlas de prácticas Histología Humana Especial Farmacia. Fundación USC.
2. O'Dowd G, Bell S, Wright S. WHEATER. Histología Funcional. 7ª ed. Elsevier; 2024 (disponible online biblioteca USC).
3. Lowe J, Anderson P, Anderson S. STEVENS Y LOWE. Histología Humana. 5ª ed. Elsevier; 2020 (disponible online biblioteca USC).
4. Esenciais USC. Técnicas histológicas: microscopía óptica, inmunohistoquímica, hibridación in situ y microscopía electrónica. Lucía García-Caballero, Marina Gándara, Rosalía Gallego (disponible online colección Esenciais USC).
1. Suárez Quintanilla JA, Iturrieta Zuazo I, Rodríguez Pérez AI et al. Anatomía humana para estudiantes de Ciencias de la Salud. 2ª ed. Elsevier; 2020
Recommended anatomy atlases:
2. Netter, F. H., Atlas de Anatomía Humana. 7ª ed. Elsevier; 2019
3. Poteau Ginés JM y Merí Vived A. EVA Anatomía. Atlas. 1ª ed. Editorial Médica Panamericana; 2023
II. Supplementary bibliography
1. Karp G. Biología celular y molecular. Conceptos y experimentos. 7ª ed. McGraw-Hill; 2017
2. Pawlina W. ROSS. Histología. Texto y Atlas. Correlación con Biología celular y Molecular. 8ª ed. Wolters Kluwer; 2020
3. Kierszenbaum A, Tres L. Histología y Biología Celular. Introducción a la anatomía Patológica. 5a ed. Elsevier; 2020
4. García-Porrero JA y Hurlé AJM. Anatomía Humana. 2ª Ed. Editorial Médica Panamericana; 2019
5. Hansen JT. NETTER. Cuaderno de Anatomía para Colorear. 2ª ed. Elsevier; 2015
III Electronic resources and websites
1. 3D Atlas "Complete Anatomy". Elsevier. Link: https://www.elsevier.com/es-es/connect/innovacion-tecnologica-salud/com…
2. "Anatomía: el bolígrafo de Juan y el lápiz de Fernando". Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCitDdJrZjW4WhB8p9hgIz1A?app=desktopKnowledge:
General knowledge:
Con 02. To know the therapeutic and toxic effects of substances with pharmacological activity.
Con 03. To know how to apply the scientific method and acquire skills in handling legislation, sources of information, bibliography, protocol development, and other aspects considered necessary for the design and critical evaluation of preclinical and clinical trials.
Con 04. To acquire knowledge to design, prepare, supply, and dispense medicines and other products of sanitary interest.
Con 10. To know one's own limitations and the need to maintain and update professional competence, giving special importance to self-learning of new knowledge based on available scientific evidence.
Specific knowledge:
Con 19. To know the structures of biomolecules and their transformations in the cell.
Con 21. To know the properties of cell membranes and the distribution of drugs.
Con 37. To know the structure and function of the human body, as well as the general mechanisms of disease, molecular, structural, and functional alterations, syndromic expression, and therapeutic tools to restore health.
H/D 01. To intervene in health promotion and disease prevention activities, at the individual, family, and community levels, with a comprehensive and multiprofessional vision of the health-disease process.
H/D 05. To develop communication and information skills, both orally and in writing, to deal with patients and users of the center where professional activity is carried out.
H/D 06. To promote work and collaboration skills in multidisciplinary teams and those related to other healthcare professionals.
H/D 15. To develop skills to identify therapeutic targets and biotechnological drug production, as well as to use gene therapy.
Instrumental competences:
Comp 01. Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
Comp 02. Capacity to organize and plan.
Comp 03. Oral and written communication in one's own language.
Comp 05. Basic computer handling skills.
Comp 06. Information management skills (ability to search and analyze information from various sources).
Comp 07. Problem-solving.
Comp 08. Decision-making.
Interpersonal competences:
Comp 10. Critical and self-critical capacity.
Comp 11. Teamwork.
Comp 12. Interpersonal skills.
Comp 13. Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team.
Comp 14. Ability to communicate with experts from other areas.
Comp 15. Appreciation of diversity and multiculturalism.
Comp 16. Ability to work in an international context.
Comp 17. Ethical commitment.
Systemic competences:
Comp 18. Ability to apply knowledge in practice.
Comp 19. Research skills.
Comp 20. Ability to learn.
Comp 25. Ability to work autonomously.
Comp 28. Concern for quality.
Comp 29. Achievement motivation.I. Expository Teaching
The methodology used in expository teaching will be based on delivering lectures, during which exercise presentations in the classroom will be interspersed.
The professor will present the program content with the support of audiovisual and computer media, highlighting the most important sections and the bibliography.
Exercise Presentations in the Classroom
During the lectures, quizzes and exercises on the theoretical content may be proposed.
II. Interactive Teaching
Interactive teaching will be conducted in the form of seminars and laboratory practices.
In these, a methodology consisting of problem-solving, exercise presentations in the classroom, collaborative learning, and gamification will be employed.
In seminars, students individually and/or in small groups, with the assistance of the professor, will answer questions and/or perform exercises and tasks on the application of theoretical content. Additionally, images that must be interpreted by students with the assistance of the teacher will be projected.
Laboratory Practices
In laboratory practices, the objectives are to:
1. Observe, describe, and recognize microscopically different cellular structures, as well as different cell types and tissues using optical microscopy. Also, to describe and recognize the different organs and their constituent elements.
2. Perform basic techniques of cell biology and histology.
3. Identify, based on images, models, anatomical preparations, and on the cadaver, the different organs and systems. In anatomy practices, students will have an indicative manual of the work.
In interactive sessions, images will also be projected that students must interpret with the assistance of the teacher.
Exercise Presentations in the Classroom
In interactive sessions, quizzes and exercises on the theoretical content may also be proposed.
Collaborative Learning
In interactive classes, students in small groups, with the assistance of the professor, will answer questions and/or perform exercises and tasks on the application of theoretical content.
Gamification programs such as Educlick will be used in practices and seminars as interactive methods of self-assessment and continuous evaluation.
It is recommended to always prepare the material before the practices.
III. Virtual Classroom and Public Tutoring Forum
The subject will have a virtual classroom where students can access didactic material and digitized support images. Additionally, a public tutoring forum will be established in the virtual classroom.To pass the subject, it is essential to attend/participate in the interactive classes (seminars and laboratory practices). Grades obtained in the subject will not be carried over from one course to another.
In cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Student Evaluation and Academic Performance Regulations and Grade Rescission will apply.
Competency assessment in the subject will be conducted through the following systems:
I. Final Exam
- It will account for 90% of the total subject grade.
- It will consist of an objective question exam (multiple-choice test with single answer, where errors will be penalized). Questions will cover program content developed in both expository and interactive classes, i.e., seminars and laboratory practices.
- A minimum of 30% of the grade for each of the three subject blocks separately (CYTOLOGY, HISTOLOGY, and ANATOMY) must be achieved for the grade to be compensable with those obtained in the other blocks and to pass the subject.
- This exam evaluates the acquisition of general and specific subject knowledge, as well as the acquisition of systemic competencies.
II. Continuous Assessment
- It will account for 10% of the total subject grade.
- The continuous assessment grade will only be applied in the event of passing the final exam for the subject.
- Resolution of exercises and/or questionnaires, and the submission of assignments and practice reports during expository and interactive classes may be taken into account. These activities could be carried out through institutional platform resources (Virtual Classroom-Moodle and Microsoft Teams).
- In addition to the acquisition of the aforementioned general and specific knowledge and systemic competencies, the acquisition of instrumental and interpersonal skills and competencies in the subject will be evaluated.- Time for individual study of the contents of the programme: 60 hours.
- Time for the preparation of practicals: 20 hours
- Time for the elaboration of assignments, resolution of questionnaires and preparation of seminars: 10 hours.For an adequate development of the practical classes, it is essential that students prepare the practice beforehand by means of bibliographic material (atlases, books, and digital images presented in the virtual classroom). The use of a white coat will be compulsory for the practical sessions and it is recommended that students have an anatomical atlas available for the anatomy practical sessions.
The tutorials will be face-to-face and/or telematic and the bibliographic resources may be used in paper and/or digital version (electronic resources of the university library).The subject will have a virtual classroom where students will have access to teaching material and digitalised support images. In addition, a public tutorial forum will be set up in the virtual classroom for the resolution of doubts.
Maria Rosalia Gallego Gomez
- Department
- Morphological Science
- Area
- Histology
- Phone
- 881812399
- mrosalia.gallego@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Ana Isabel Rodriguez Perez
- Department
- Morphological Science
- Area
- Human Anatomy and Embryology
- Phone
- 881812464
- anai.rodriguez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Lucia Garcia-Caballero Perez
- Department
- Morphological Science
- Area
- Histology
- Phone
- ext 12400
- lucia.garcia.caballero@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Rita Valenzuela Limiñana
- Department
- Morphological Science
- Area
- Human Anatomy and Embryology
- rita.valenzuela@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Alba Ferreiros Lopez
- Department
- Morphological Science
- Area
- Histology
- alba.ferreiros.lopez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Intern Assistant LOSU
Marina Gándara Cortés
- Department
- Morphological Science
- Area
- Histology
- marina.gandara.cortes@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOSU (Organic Law Of University System) Associate University Professor
Pablo Garrido Gil
Coordinador/a- Department
- Morphological Science
- Area
- Human Anatomy and Embryology
- pablo.garrido@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Mateo Vazquez Torres
- Department
- Morphological Science
- Area
- Human Anatomy and Embryology
- mateovazquez.torres@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Intern Assistant LOSU
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Monday 09:00-10:00 Grupo B/CLE_02 Spanish 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy 15:00-16:00 Grupo C /CLE_03 Spanish 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy Tuesday 09:00-10:00 Grupo B/CLE_02 Spanish 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy 15:00-16:00 Grupo C /CLE_03 Spanish 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy Wednesday 09:00-10:00 Grupo B/CLE_02 Spanish 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy 15:00-16:00 Grupo C /CLE_03 Spanish 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy Thursday 09:00-10:00 Grupo B/CLE_02 Spanish 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy 15:00-16:00 Grupo C /CLE_03 Spanish 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy Friday 09:00-10:00 Grupo B/CLE_02 Spanish 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy 15:00-16:00 Grupo C /CLE_03 Spanish 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy