ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Total: 0
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Chemistry Engineering
Areas: Chemical Engineering
Center Faculty of Sciences
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
The general objective of the subject is to introduce the student to the knowledge of the basic principles and the bases of the design and operation of bioreactors, which have specific characteristics that differentiate them from the rest of the reactors used in the chemical process industry.
The contents of the subject according to the title memory are:
- Enzymatic and microbial catalysis. Velocity equations and kinetic models.
- Ideal Bioreactors
- Agitation, aeration and sterilization in bioreactors
- Industrial applications of bioreactors..
Basic bibliography:
•Gòdia Casablancas, F. y López Santín, J. (editores); Casas Alvero, C., Lema Rodicio, J.M., Roca Bordello, E. et al. Ingeniería Bioquímica. Ed. Síntesis. Madrid (1998). ISBN: 84-7738-611-0. (USC codes: QUT 329, QUT 58). Direct Access by USC e-libro:…
•Najafpour, Ghasem D. Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology. 2nd Edition. Elsevier. Amsterdam, Netherlands. (2015). ISBN: 0-444-63377-4. (Direct access by USC-Elsevier ScienceDirect Books).
Further reading:
•Bailey, J.E., and Ollis, D.F. Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals. 2nd ed. McGraw Hill, New York (1986). ISBN:0-07-003212-2. (USC codes: QUT 54, QUT 55)
•Díaz Fernández, Mario. Ingeniería de bioprocesos. 3ª Ed. Editorial Paraninfo.2021. ISBN 9788413660233. (Sinaturas USC: ETSE A160 12C, A160 12B). Direct access by USC-elibro:…
•Aiba, S., et al. Biochemical Engineering. 2nd ed. University of Tokyo Press. Tokyo (1973). ISBN: 0-12-045052-6. (USC codes: B Intercentros, DEP 15501; ETSE, Sala lectura 160 15)
•Atkinson, B., y Mavituna, F. Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology Handbook. Stockton Press (1991). ISBN : 1561590126. (USC codes: B Intercentros, DEP 15764; ETSE, Sala lectura 169 1)
-Con02: Recognize the physical, chemical, mathematical and statistical bases of biological processes.
Skills or abilities:
-H/D01: Appropriately apply physical, chemical, mathematical and statistical tools to the study of biological processes.
-H/D03: Use the chemical and thermodynamic principles of biocatalysis and the role of enzymes in the functioning of cells and organisms.
-Comp01: Develop the ability to properly organize and plan work, based on a synthesis and analysis that allows decision-making.
The achievement of basic training for the student will be through 28 hours of master classes (in-person expository teaching activity), where the theoretical foundations of the subject will be explained and exercises and problems will be solved that serve to apply theoretical knowledge. The active participation of the student will be sought, who will be encouraged to continually intervene.
The seminars (8 hours) are presented as an interactive in person teaching activity in which very diverse aspects can be addressed such as auxiliary calculation techniques, resolution of questions and problems, debates on topics of interest related to the contents of the subject, etc.
Practical classes constitute a in-person activity with mandatory attendance and interactive teaching in the computer classroom (12 hours). This classes will consist of an introduction to the simulation of biochemical processes with a particular application to the design of a bioprocess. Individual tutorials will be carried out to clarify particular problems of each student and tutorials with small groups (2 hours) to work on doubts and/or specific topics.
The USC Virtual Campus will be used at all times to support teaching.
If possible, visits to bioprocess facilities will be made to observe on-site the applications of the knowledge acquired. These visits will be subject to the availability of financing and the possibility of being carried out by both the companies / facilities visited and the USC.
"In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the" Regulations for evaluating student academic performance and reviewing grades will apply.
The evaluation system is continuous, with specific partial tests (exam) and monitoring of the learning with the approach of practical cases and activities to be solved, individually or in groups, mainly during the seminar hours. The student's final grade will consider both the result of the exam (specific partial tests) (50%) and their continuous evaluation (50%). This continuous evaluation includes both the activities carried out in the classroom (30%) and the practical sessions carried out in the computer classroom (20%).
Only students who have not carried out any of the evaluable activities will be able to obtain the final grade of Not Presented.
The evaluation will be carried out through Continuous Evaluation (50%) and examinatiton consisting of specific partial tests (50%).
* A1) Continuous Evaluation, the minimum required qualification will be 50% (2.5 points) and will consist of two sections:
1st) Practices in computer classroom (in-person and mandatory classes): performed synchronously. Rating: up to 2 points, minimum required rating: 1 point. Personal initiative, the ability to apply knowledge to the design and simulation of a bioprocess and to face and solve problems that may arise, as well as the results achieved and their criticism will be valued. Competences assessed: Con02 (5%), H/D01 (40%), H/D03 (5%), Comp01 (50%). The practices in the computer classroom are mandatory and due to their nature they cannot be repeated on the second opportunity.
2nd) Classroom activities: held synchronously. Rating: up to 3 points. Minimum required rating: 1.5 points. In Classroom activities the student's interventions and the resolution of the problems and questions that arise will be valued. Competences assessed: Con02 (25%), H/D01 (25%), H/D03 (25%), Comp01 (25%).
Students who do not achieve the minimum grade required in either of these two sections will receive a final grade of Suspense and will be evaluated on the Second Chance as detailed in section (B2)
* A2) -Specific partial tests (Exam): synchronous. It is theoretical-practical tests on the contents of the subject. Rating up to 5 points, minimum required rating: 2.5 points. Competences assessed: Con02 (25%), H/D01 (25%), H/D03 (25%), Comp01 (25%).
It is mandatory to achieve the minimum qualification required in each of the evaluated sections (practices, classroom activities and specific partial tests) in order to obtain an average grade. It is necessary to obtain, at least, an average grade of 5 points to pass the subject on first opportunity.
In the event that the student performs but does not obtain the minimum grade required in any of the previous sections, he or she will be evaluated again from that section on the date corresponding to the first opportunity exam.
If the student does not carry out any of the previous sections, he or she will receive a failed grade and must take the second chance exam.
Students who did not reach the average grade required in the first opportunity evaluation must take an in-person Final Exam with the following characteristics:
Final exam: theoretical-practical test on all the contents of the subject. Rating 100%, minimum rating required 5 points. Competences assessed: Con02 (25%), H/D01 (25%), H/D03 (25%), Comp01 (25%).
This subject is divided into 28 hours of lecture classes, 8 hours of seminars, 12 hours of interactive teaching in a computer classroom, 3 hours of group tutorials, and 4 hours for carrying out evaluation tests and exams (55 presencial hours in total). With all this, the student must spend a total of 95 hours of personal work to complete a total of 150 hours dedicated to the subject (6 ECTS).
The student must have prior knowledge of macroscopic balances, transport phenomena, equilibrium and chemical kinetics. For this reason, it is highly recommended that you have taken the subjects: Bioprocess engineering, Enzymology and Microbiology.
It is also advisable to have knowledge of spreadsheet management (Microsoft Excell) at the user level.
The subject is taught in both official languages of Galicia: Spanish and Galician.
Jose Manuel Martinez Ageitos
- Department
- Chemistry Engineering
- Area
- Chemical Engineering
- josemanuel.martinez.ageitos [at]
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Eugenio Fernandez Carrasco
Coordinador/a- Department
- Chemistry Engineering
- Area
- Chemical Engineering
- eugenio.fernandez [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Jorge González Rodríguez
- Department
- Chemistry Engineering
- Area
- Chemical Engineering
- Phone
- 982824155
- jorgegonzalez.rodriguez [at]
- Category
- Professor: Temporary supply professor for IT and others
Monday | |||
11:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | 2P CLASSROOM 4 SECOND FLOOR |
Tuesday | |||
11:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | 2P CLASSROOM 4 SECOND FLOOR |
Wednesday | |||
11:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | 2P CLASSROOM 4 SECOND FLOOR |
05.13.2025 10:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 2P CLASSROOM 2 SECOND FLOOR |
05.13.2025 10:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 2P CLASSROOM 5 SECOND FLOOR |
06.25.2025 10:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 2P CLASSROOM 2 SECOND FLOOR |
06.25.2025 10:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 2P CLASSROOM 5 SECOND FLOOR |