ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 33 Interactive Classroom: 15 Total: 51
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Physical Chemistry
Areas: Physical Chemistry
Center Faculty of Sciences
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
- Describe phase equilibrium and its application to real solutions and phase transitions in biomolecules.
- Identify the foundations of surface and interface phenomena and apply them to biological systems.
- Identify the transport phenomena relevant in biological systems.
- Discuss ion and electron transport in biological systems.
- Identify the fundamentals of Statistic Thermodynamics and apply them to biomolecules.
- Phase equilibrium and application to biomolecules
- Non-ideal solutions.
- Surface and interface phenomena.
- Transport phenomena.
- Ion and electron transport in biological systems.
Laboratory program: laboratory experiments related to the theoretical contents of the subject.
The essential contents of this subject are included in the activity sheets for each topic that will be available in the virtual classroom. The activity sheets are mainly based on the following books. Another additional bibliography will be indicated in the virtual classroom if necessary.
• P. W. Atkins y J. de Paula, Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011.
• P. W. Atkins, J. de Paula y James Keeler, Atkins’ physical chemistry, 11th edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2017. Spanish version: Atkins Química Física, 8th edition, Editorial Médica Panamericana, Buenos Aires, 2008. Student`s solutions manual for physical chemistry: solutions to problems corresponding the 6th edition.
• R. Chang, Physical chemistry for the biosciences, University Science Books, 2005. Spanish version: Fisicoquímica para las ciencias químicas y biológicas, Trad. R. Zugazagoitia, A. Rojas et al., MacGraw-Hill, México, 2008.
• H. Kuhn, H.-D. Försterling y D. H. Waldeck, Principles of physical chemistry, Wiley, Hoboken-New Yersey, 2009. Spanish version: Principios de fisicoquímica, trad. J. Hernández and M. A. Lanto, Cengage Learning, México, 2012.
Con02: Recognize the physical, chemical, mathematical and statistical bases of biological processes.
Con10: Acquire knowledge and distinguish the different applications of the main experimental methods and instrumentation.
H/D01: Appropriately apply physical, chemical, mathematical and statistical tools to the study of
biological processes.
Comp06: Develop the ability to learn autonomously with initiative and entrepreneurial spirit.
Comp07: Use the basic tools of information and communication technologies.
The methodology of the inverted classroom will be used, where the student works the theoretical concepts asynchronously before the class and solves related exercises and problems in groups during the class with the help of the professor. For this, the contents of the subject are divided in activity sheets and put at the disposal of the students in the virtual classroom. Before each class the degree of understanding reached by the students in each one of the concepts object of study will be checked with an on-line questionnaire. Based on the results, the teacher gives a brief explanation at the beginning of the class of those concepts that the students have not well understood. Afterwards the students solve in groups exercises and problems in which they apply the theoretical concepts studied.
In these classes, the students solve individually complex problems that combine different concepts studied before. A part of the classes will be used to prepare the project that will be developed during the practical lessons. The students participate actively in the seminars and their contribution is taken into account for the continuous evaluation.
These classes will be used to deal with some non-specific aspects of the subject (uncertainties in measurements, data processing, etc.) but which are essential for problem solving and analysis of the experimental data from the practical sessions. Questions of interest related to the contents of the subject previously prepared by the students will also be discussed.
The laboratory lessons are experimental work sessions in the laboratory in which the students acquire the basic skills of a chemistry laboratory and consolidate the knowledge acquired in the theory classes. Students should attend the practical lessons knowing the tasks to be carried out and the related theoretical concepts, for which they will have the corresponding teaching material in advance.
ATTENDANCE: it is compulsory the assist to the laboratory lessons, seminars and tutorial classes except in case of an exceptional cause which has to be properly justified. The absence to these activities will have to be justified documentarily, accepting reasons of examination and of health, as well as those cases included in the university regulations.
For each unjustified absence from the laboratory lessons, 0.5 points will be subtracted from the final grade of the subject. Each unjustified absence from seminars or tutorials will mean a zero mark in the corresponding deliverable.
The qualification “aprobado” will be obtained for a final grade of 5 out of 10. The final grade, both in the first and in the second opportunities, will be determined based on the evaluation of the following aspects:
• 25% of the final grade: continuous evaluation, which takes into account the completion of assignments, exercises, problems, and questionnaires during tutorials, seminars, and lectures.
Evaluated competences: Con02, Con10, H/D01, Comp06, Comp07.
• 25% of the final grade: evaluation of the laboratory lessons based on the previous preparation of the students, the laboratory report and the continuous evaluation in the laboratory. It is a requirement to obtain a minimum grade of 4,0 over 10 in the laboratory lessons to pass the subject.
Evaluated competences: Con02, Con10, H/D01, Comp06, Comp07.
• 50% of the final grade: evaluation of the final exam of the subject with conceptual questions and problems, complementary to the continuous evaluation and the laboratory grade, both in the first and in the second opportunity and in any of the scenes. It is a requirement to obtain a minimum grade of 4,0 over 10 in the exam to pass the subject.
Evaluated competences: Con02, Con10, H/D01, Comp06.
PLAGIARISM AND MISUSE OF TECHNOLOGIES IN THE CONDUCT OF TASKS OR TESTS: "For cases of fraudulent execution of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for the evaluation of student academic performance and revision of qualifications will apply."
Second Opportunity Assessment:
The same conditions apply as in the first opportunity. The marks of the continuous evaluation and laboratory lessons cannot be recovered, keeping those obtained during the academic period.
Evaluation in second call and later:
The continuous evaluation and exam marks are not saved for subsequent calls, only the laboratory lessons mark is saved if it is greater than or equal to 5.0 out of 10 and for a maximum of two more academic years.
This course involves 51 hours of attendance (plus 4 hours for the exams), so that students will invest about 95 additional hours of individual work, split between the home-study and deepening of the theory and the application of such content to the resolution of problems and the preparation of reports.
For each of the classroom activities the following times of personal work are estimated:
- Lectures: 33 h classroom, 33 h of individual personal work or in a group.
- Seminars: 3 h classroom, 17 h of individual personal work or in a group.
- Tutorial classes: 3 h classroom, 37 h of individual personal work or in a group.
- Laboratory lessons: 12 h laboratory, 12 h of individual personal work.
• It is important to keep the study of the subject "up to date" preparing each class based on the corresponding cards. The comprehension questions and some of the short exercises should be done before each class. The student must answer the previous questionnaire of each class indicating the doubts and difficulties with the contents.
• The resolution of problems is fundamental for the learning of this subject.
• It is indispensable to prepare the laboratory lessons before entering in the laboratory.
• It is recommended to consult regularly the virtual classroom of the subject, where all the relevant information about the program, schedules and organization of the subject will be available, as well as the activity sheets and complementary audiovisual material (slides, simulations, web links, etc.) and also on-line questionnaires which help to prepare the theoretical contents.
This document has been machine-translated from the Spanish original.
Maria De La Merced Novo Rodriguez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Physical Chemistry
- Area
- Physical Chemistry
- m.novo [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Wajih Al-Soufi
- Department
- Physical Chemistry
- Area
- Physical Chemistry
- Phone
- 982824114
- [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Stella Hernández Faria De Moraes
- Department
- Physical Chemistry
- Area
- Physical Chemistry
- stella.hernandez.faria [at]
- Category
- Xunta Pre-doctoral Contract
Monday | |||
18:00-19:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | 2P CLASSROOM 2 SECOND FLOOR |
Tuesday | |||
18:00-19:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | 2P CLASSROOM 2 SECOND FLOOR |
Wednesday | |||
18:00-19:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | 2P CLASSROOM 2 SECOND FLOOR |
Thursday | |||
10:00-13:00 | Grupo /CLIL_01 | Galician | LAB. 11 |
18:00-19:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | 2P CLASSROOM 2 SECOND FLOOR |
Friday | |||
10:00-13:00 | Grupo /CLIL_01 | Galician | LAB. 11 |
16:00-18:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS01 | Galician | COMPUTER CLASSROOM 1 |
18:00-20:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS03 | Galician | COMPUTER CLASSROOM 1 |
20:00-21:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS05 | Galician | COMPUTER CLASSROOM 1 |
01.09.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 0P CLASSROOM 5 GROUND FLOOR |
01.09.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 0P CLASSROOM 6 GROUND FLOOR |
06.10.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 2P CLASSROOM 3 SECOND FLOOR |
06.10.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 2P CLASSROOM 4 SECOND FLOOR |