ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 99 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 24 Interactive Classroom: 24 Total: 150
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Common Law
Areas: Civil Law
Center Faculty of Labour Relations
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
To apply the critical reasoning in the study and analysis of a specific topic or matter.
Autonomous learning.
To work individually or in groups.
To expose and defend adequately, written or orally, a topic or matter of general characteristic or related with its speciality.
To know and understand the basic sense of legal system and application of basic legal regulations, of public and private Law, necessary to the later specialized study of the different legal branches, as well as the appropriate performing of tasks of advice and technique representation in the administrative and procedural area and defence in labour Court.
Lesson 1. Legal system and legal rule. Structure of legal system.
Lesson 2. The sources of law in general. The Spanish Constitution of 1978
Lesson 3. State law. Laws, and rules having the force of law. Customary law. The general principles of law. Jurisprudence.
Lesson 4. Autonomic law
Lesson 5. European law and regulations and international treaties.
Lesson 6. The application of law. Temporary validity of the rules.
Lesson 7. The effectiveness of the rules.
Lesson 8. Constitutive effectiveness of the rules. Subjective right. The exercise of the rights.
Lesson 9. The person as subject of Law: Law of person.
Lesson 10. Property relationships of individuals: the credit rights and property rights.
Lesson 11. Marriage and matrimonial property regimes. Inheritance.
- ACEDO PENCO, Á., Introducción al Derecho Privado y al Derecho de la Persona. Dykinson, 2019
- ÁLVAREZ CAPEROCHIPI, J.A., Introducción al Derecho. Comares, 2009.
- CARRASCO PERERA, Á. y GONZÁLEZ CARRASCO, C., Introducción al Derecho y fundamentos de Derecho Privado. Tecnos, 2017.
- FERNÁNDEZ SARASOLA, I. y SÁNCHEZ ÁLVAREZ, E., Manual de fundamentos de Derecho público y privado, Tecnos, 2017.
- GARCÍA RUBIO, M.ª P., Introducción al Derecho Civil. Cálamo, 2002.
- LASARTE ÁLVAREZ, C., Compendio de Derecho Civil: Trabajo Social y Relaciones Laborales. Dykinson, última edición.
- LLEDÓ YAGÜE, F. y otros, Compendio de Derecho Civil. Parte general. Tomo I. Teoría general del derecho. Volumen I. Dykinson, última edición.
- MORENO CATENA, V., Introducción al Derecho Procesal, Tirant lo Blanch, 2017.
- RIVERA FERNÁNDEZ, M. y HORNERO MÉNDEZ, C. (coords.), Fundamentos de Derecho Privado (Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos). Tecnos, 2016.
- SÁNCHEZ CID, I., Instituciones de Derecho Civil. Parte general. Obligaciones y contratos. Ratio Legis, 2019.
- VERDERA SERVER, R., Lecciones de Derecho Civil. Derecho Civil I. Tirant lo Blanch, 2018.
- VV.AA., Introducción al Derecho. Coordinador: L. Prieto Sanchís. Colección Estudios. Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, última edición.
- VV.AA., Introducción al Derecho español. Coordinador: A. Embid Irujo. Iustel, 2010.
- VV.AA., Derecho Civil. Introducción. Derecho de la persona. Derecho subjetivo. Derecho de propiedad. Coord. A. Carrasco Perera, Tecnos, 2011.
- VV.AA., Introducción al Derecho Constitucional. Coord.: F. Balaguer Callejón, Tecnos, 2017.
- VV.AA., Curso de Derecho Privado. Dirs. J. Orduña e A. B. Campuzano. Tirant lo Blanch, 2015.
- VV.AA., Lecciones básicas para el aprendizaje del Derecho Civil. Coord.: Mª J. Cazorla González, Atelier, 2017.
- VV.AA., Manual de Introducción al Derecho. R. Bercovitz Rodríguez-Cano, E. Valladares Rascón e H. Díez García, Bercal, 2015.
- VV.AA. Lecciones de Derecho Civil. Coords.: J.M. Ruiz-Rico Ruiz, A. Gálvez Criado e M.D., Arias Díaz, Tecnos, 2017.
Ability to have an understanding of the legal phenomena and its repercussion in social reality.
Ability to understand the legal basic concepts that form the conmunity, national and autonomic legal system.
On-site teaching: Theoretical classes, practices and tutorials.
Non on-site teaching: Specific readings, essay of reports and other legal documents.
Attendance to class and active participation (10%).
Delivery of works and solving cases (30%).
Final exam consisting in answering questions and/or case studies are formulated (60%).
The three activities identified are considered evaluable for the purposes covered by the rules of permanece at USC, so student participation in any of them produce the legal effects. Therefore, and in accordance with current regulations to stay at USC for Bachelor and Master studies (art. 5.2), mere attendance and participation in any of the activities in the interactive classes shall be evaluated and, therefore, the student's final grade in no case will be NOT FILED.
Warning: to pass the subject the minimum score required on the final exam is 3 points out of 6. Only after obtaining this points, the score will be computed by the attendance and the work done during the course.
It is necessary an on-site work at class by students of 48 hours: theoretical classes, practices and exams.
It is necessary a personal work by students of 102 hours: individual study or in groups, solving practical cases or other works, recommended readings.
Regular attendance to class.
Students’ active participation at class.
To have the necessary materials (handouts, legislation and jurisprudence). It is advisable to attend classes with the legal material which corresponds to the lesson.
Daily study of the subject.
To use the tutorial timetable in order to solve doubts about the theoretical explanations and the solution of practical problems.
Contract and Tort Law
Labour Law
Corporate Law
Administrative Law
Trade Union Law
Social Security Law
Labour Procedure Law
Margarita Cristina Herrero Oviedo
Coordinador/a- Department
- Common Law
- Area
- Civil Law
- Phone
- 881814621
- margarita.herrero [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Marta Madriñan Vazquez
- Department
- Common Law
- Area
- Civil Law
- Phone
- 881814741
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Tuesday | |||
15:00-17:00 | Grupo B - horario de tarde (M-Z) | Spanish | Classroom 5 |
Wednesday | |||
11:00-13:00 | Grupo A - horario de mañana (A-L) | Spanish | Classroom 5 |
01.15.2025 09:30-12:30 | Grupo B - horario de tarde (M-Z) | Classroom 3 |
01.15.2025 09:30-12:30 | Grupo A - horario de mañana (A-L) | Classroom 3 |
01.15.2025 09:30-12:30 | Grupo B - horario de tarde (M-Z) | Classroom 5 |
01.15.2025 09:30-12:30 | Grupo A - horario de mañana (A-L) | Classroom 5 |
01.15.2025 09:30-12:30 | Grupo B - horario de tarde (M-Z) | Classroom 6 |
01.15.2025 09:30-12:30 | Grupo A - horario de mañana (A-L) | Classroom 6 |
01.15.2025 16:00-19:30 | Grupo A - horario de mañana (A-L) | Classroom 6 |
01.15.2025 16:30-19:30 | Grupo A - horario de mañana (A-L) | Classroom 3 |
01.15.2025 16:30-19:30 | Grupo A - horario de mañana (A-L) | Classroom 5 |
06.13.2025 16:30-19:30 | Grupo B - horario de tarde (M-Z) | Classroom 3 |
06.13.2025 16:30-19:30 | Grupo B - horario de tarde (M-Z) | Classroom 5 |
06.13.2025 16:30-19:30 | Grupo B - horario de tarde (M-Z) | Classroom 6 |