ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 51
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 9
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 75Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Higher Technical Engineering SchoolCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
Sin Docencia (En Extinción)Enrolment:
No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción) -
The objectives of this course are summarized in two points:
1) The energy industry is more than ever a face subject to an in-depth analysis question to better management of energy resources, the study of technologies involved in the design of new processes and the optimization of the already established processes. It is in any case of orienting the efforts toward the development of an industry and a company with a much smaller carbon footprint.
2) Put into use the potentialities acquired along the degree of chemical engineering both in regards to give continuity to what is already known in the application of the fundamentals of thermodynamics as in the design of processes associated with chemical and energy industry as the use of specific calculation tools.The contents that develop in 3.0 ECTS are covered succinctly in the descriptor of the subject in the curriculum of the master's degree in chemical engineering and Bioprocesses, and they are: ''the energy market. " Fuels: properties. Energy production. Power quality. Exergy. Energy production plants. Boilers. Combined cycles. Industrial co-generation."
Matter has been oriented towards a predominantly technological content, of an essential resource in industrial processes: energy, which is dealt with in three blocks:
Block 1-energy resources and their management (energy market), its use, its transformation (equipment and processes).
Block 2-power plant. Associated technologies.
Block 3-process integration: integration of heat and work. Networks of heat exchangers, heat pumps.
Blocks 1 and 2 of the subject will be taught by Prof. J.J. Casares Long, as a specialist in the field of energy and his professional experience in conventional power plants. Your extension will be 1.5 ECTS.
Block 3 will be taught by Prof. J.A. Souto González, specializing in energy optimization, including both established technologies and emerging. Your extension will be 1.5 ECTS.
In this way, blocks 1 and 2 will address energy resources and its transformation into energy plants for further industrial and domestic use. On this basis, block 3 is aimed at the optimization of the conversion and use of energy, both in regards to the energy recovery as to its quality.
Block 1
Theme 1 is dedicated to the study of various forms of energy in use in today's society, and the technologies used for this purpose, providing all the energy market, as well as the risks associated with energy systems
Topic 2 deals with the study of non-renewable resources, understanding as such those used above the possibilities of renewal thereof: coal, oil, natural gas, uranium and associates.
Renewable energy resources are considered in topic 3: marine, wind energy, solar thermal, solar photovoltaic, biomass
Item 4 deals with the strategy for the future: short, medium and long term.
Block 2
Item 5 is dedicated to the analysis of the power plant (combustion, water-steam and electrical transformation cycle.)
Theme 6 explores other technologies associated with various energy resources: gas turbines, combined cycle and cogeneration systems.
Block 3
Issue 7 is dedicated to the study of current techniques of energy optimization of industrial plants on a form of energy, heat, employed in the design of heat recovery systems.
These techniques are expanded on the topic 8 towards the integration capacity of the heat and work, until reaching the total energy integration of industrial plant.
9 theme is introduced and applied the concept of exergy to energy production plants; integrated as a distinct form of energy to assess the efficacy of the process, not only in terms of the amount of recovered energy, but also taking into account the quality of residual energy and its potential further use.
THEME 1 energy resources
Energy and power. Thermodynamics and thermal energy. Entropy. Energy flows. Production and consumption. Risks associated with energy systems (accidents, waste management, emissions).
THEME 2. Non-renewable resources
Coal: reserves, production and consumption, advanced technologies, derived liquid fuels. Petroleum: production and consumption, petrochemical industry, synthetic oil reserves. Natural gas: reserves, production and consumption, nuclear energy: nuclear fission, nuclear reactors
THEME 3 renewable resources
Hydroelectric power: turbine, storage pump systems; marine energy: tides and waves; ocean currents. Wind energy. Solar energy: photovoltaic and thermal. Biomass.
THEME 4 the energy challenge
Strategy for the future: in the short and medium term: energy efficiency and renewable energy; long term: power fusion, solar photovoltaic, geothermal, reduction of consumption.
ITEM 5 the power plant
Thermal power stations. Fuels, combustion, efficiency of boilers and heaters. Design of heat transmission equipment. Fans, pumps and steam turbines.
ITEM 6 other technologies
Gas turbines. Fluidized bed combustion. Cogeneration systems.
ITEM 7. Integration of heat.
Energy optimization. Maximum recovery of heat (MER). Synthesis of heat exchanger networks.
ITEM 8. Total energy integration.
Integration of heat and work. Integration of heat pumps. Cooling systems.
ITEM 9. Power quality.
Exergy and exergy analysis. Application to the plant's energy production.Basic
W. Shepherd and D.W. Shepherd, “Energy Studies”, Imperial College Press, 2014
U.V. Shenoy: “Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis”. Gulf Publishing Company. Houston, 1995.
W. Smil, “Energy at the crossroads”, The MIT Press, 2003
B. Sorensen: “Renewable Energy”. Academic Press. London, 2000.
B. Linnhoff: “Process integration for the efficient use of energy”. The Institution of Chemical Engineers, 1982.
J.M. Smith, H.C. van Ness, M.M. Abbott: “Introducción a la Termodinámica en Ingeniería Química”. McGrawHill. México 2003.
M. El-Halwagi, “Process Integration”, Elsevier, 2006.
K.W.Li and A.P.Priddy, “Power plant systems design”, J. Wiley & Sons, 1992
P. Jain, "Wind Energy Engineering", 2nd Edition, McGraw_Hill, 2016
Documents management
The capabilities of the USC Learning Management System will be applied as learning support.In this subject the student will acquire or practice a series of generic, desirable in any university degree, and specific competences, in general or specific engineering of energy engineering in particular. Inside the box of competences contained in the memory of the title, students will reach the following competences:
General and basic skills:
CB9: That students know how to communicate their findings, knowledge and latest reasons underpinning them public specialised and non-specialised in a way clear and unambiguous.
CB10: That students possess learning skills which allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.
Ng6: Have the ability to solve problems that are unfamiliar, incompletely defined, and have specifications in competition, whereas the possible methods of solution, including the most innovative, selecting the most appropriate, and correct implementation, evaluating the different design solutions.
CG10: Having capacity for analysis and synthesis for the continuous improvement of products, processes, systems, and services using criteria of safety, affordability, quality, and environmental management.
Specific skills:
CE3: Apply the acquired knowledge and ability to problem-solving in new environments or little known within broad (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the study of chemical engineering area.
CE4: Ability to apply the scientific method and the principles of engineering and economics, to formulate and solve complex problems in processes, equipment, facilities and services, that matter may experience changes in their composition, status or energy content, chemical industry and other related sectors among which are the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, materials, energy food or environmental.
SG5: Conceive, design, calculate, and design processes, equipment, installations and services, in the field of chemical engineering and industrial sectors, in terms of quality, safety, economy, rational and efficient use of natural resources and preservation of the environment.
CE12: Possess the skills of independent learning to maintain and improve chemical engineering skills that enable the ongoing development of the profession.
Traversal competences:
CT2: Adapt to changes, and being able to apply new and advanced technologies and other relevant developments, with initiative and entrepreneurial spirit.
CT6: Ethical commitment in the framework of sustainable development.The methodology of the equivalent course in the new curriculum, which offers face-to-face teaching, will be followed:
P4142210 - Energy transition and integrationThe assessment system of the equivalent course in the new curriculum, which offers face-to-face teaching, will be followed:
P4142210 - Energy transition and integration-
Jose Antonio Souto Gonzalez
- Department
- Chemistry Engineering
- Area
- Chemical Engineering
- Phone
- 881816757
- ja.souto@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Juan Jose Casares Long
- Department
- Chemistry Engineering
- Area
- Chemical Engineering
- Phone
- 881816794
- juanjose.casares@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) Emeritus