ECTS credits ECTS credits: 3
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 1 Expository Class: 14 Interactive Classroom: 12 Total: 27
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Chemistry Engineering
Areas: Chemical Engineering
Center Higher Technical Engineering School
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
This optional subject is aimed at achieving essential objectives for the work of the chemical engineer in any process industry, taking into account that:
a) Energy is the only high-value raw material required in any industrial process.
b) From both an economic and environmental point of view, the energy transition and the optimal use of energy are two basic requirements for the competitiveness and sustainability of today's chemical industry.
This need is substantiated within the Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering and Bioprocesses in three objectives:
1) The energy transition is more than ever a reality in developed countries, subject to an in-depth analysis with a view to the necessary replacement of non-renewable energy resources by renewables and the study of the technologies involved in the design and development of new processes.
2) The energy optimisation of processes, both new processes and consolidated processes, through the application of thermodynamic criteria.
In both objectives, it is a matter of directing technical efforts towards the design and development of an energy-competitive and more sustainable industry, and a society with a much lower carbon footprint.
3) To put into use and expand the potential acquired throughout the Degree in Chemical Engineering, both to give continuity to what is already known in the application of the fundamentals of Applied Thermodynamics, Industrial Energy and Optimization of Chemical Processes in the design of processes, as well as for the use of new technologies and specific calculation tools.
The contents that are developed in 3.0 ECTS are those succinctly contemplated in the subject descriptor in the curriculum of the Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering and Bioprocesses, and which are: "Introduction: The energy system in transition. Energy resources and vectors. Onshore and offshore wind energy. Water power. Solar radiation and photovoltaic generation. Other storage technologies and systems. Energy efficiency in industry. Integration of heat and power. Power quality."
The subject has been oriented towards an eminently technological content, on an essential resource in industrial processes, energy, which is addressed in three blocks:
Block 1.- The energy system. Energy resources and vectors.
Block 2.- Renewable energies. Associated technologies. Energy storage systems.
Block 3.- Process integration: integration of heat and power. Networks of exchangers. Integration of thermal machines. Power quality.
In this way, Block 1 will address the energy system and the basic energy resources and vectors for its current transition towards maximizing the exploitation and use of renewable energy resources.
Block 2 is oriented, on the one hand, to technologies for the transformation of renewable energy resources, with special emphasis on atmospheric renewable energies (ARE), and to the energy storage technologies required to guarantee the availability of supply.
Block 3 is aimed at optimising the transformation and use of energy, both in terms of energy recovery and energy quality.
Block 1
Topic 1 is dedicated to the review of the different forms of energy in use in today's society and the technologies used for this purpose, all of which constitute the energy market, as well as the risks associated with the different models of energy systems.
Topic 2 addresses the current energy transition strategy: short, medium and long term.
Block 2
Topic 3 considers, on the one hand, renewable energy resources, with special emphasis on atmospheric renewable energies (ERA: wind, solar, hydroelectric), marine and biomass. At the same time, given the volatility of the main renewables and the need to ensure the availability of energy supply, the main energy storage systems are introduced, for further use.
Block 3
Topic 4 is dedicated to the study of current techniques for energy optimisation of industrial plants on a form of energy, heat, used in the design of heat recovery systems.
These techniques are extended in Topic 5 to the capacity of integration of heat and work, until the total energy integration of the industrial plant is reached. Topic 6 introduces and applies the concept of exergy to an energy production plant, as a quantity that measures the quality of energy.
TOPIC 1 Energy resources.
The energy system. Energy resources and vectors. The energy market.
TOPIC 2. Energy transition.
Origin of the energy transition: Risks associated with energy systems (accidents, waste management, emissions). Current models of energy transition: in the short and medium term: energy efficiency and renewable energies; Long-term: nuclear fusion energy, geothermal energy, consumption reduction.
TOPIC 3 Renewable resources and energy storage.
Hydropower: turbines, pumped storage systems; marine energy: tides and waves; ocean currents. Wind energy. Solar energy: thermal and photovoltaic. Battery storage. Biomass.
TOPIC 4. Heat integration.
Energy optimisation. Maximum Energy Recovery (MER). Synthesis of heat exchanger networks.
TOPIC 5. Total energy integration.
Integration of heat and power. Turbine integration. Heat pumps and refrigeration. Application to the chemical process.
TOPIC 6. Power quality.
Exergy concept. Exergetic analysis.
W. Shepherd and D.W. Shepherd, “Energy Studies”, Imperial College Press, 2014
U.V. Shenoy: “Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis”. Gulf Publishing Company. Houston,1995.
W. Smil, “Energy at the crossroads”, The MIT Press, 2003.
B. Sorensen: “Renewable Energy”. Academic Press. London 2000.
P. Jain, "Wind Energy Engineering", 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2016.
M. Iqbal “An introduction to solar radiation”. Academic Press, San Diego (CA), 1984.
B. Linnhoff: “Process integration for the efficient use of energy”. The Institution of Chemical Engineers, 1982.
M. El-Halwagi, “Process Integration”, Elsevier, 2006.
J.M. Smith, H.C. van Ness, M.M. Abbott: "Introduction to Thermodynamics in Chemical Engineering." McGrawHill. Mexico 2003.
In this subject, the student will achieve a series of learning outcomes, both general and desirable in any university degree, as well as specific, typical of engineering in general or specific to the subject "Energy Transition and Integration" in particular.
Within the table of learning outcomes included in the degree report and divided into knowledge, competencies and skills, students will achieve the following:
(CN02) Acquire advanced knowledge and demonstrate, in a context of scientific and technological research or highly specialized, a detailed and substantiated understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects and of the work methodology in one or more fields of study in the field. Chemical engineering.
(CN04) Acquire advanced knowledge for the design and holistic understanding of chemical processes, from both a fundamental and practical perspective.
(CP01) Apply knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and other natural sciences, obtained through study, experience, and practice, with critical reasoning to establish economically viable solutions to technical problems.
(CP02) Conceptualize engineering models, apply innovative methods in problem solving and appropriate computer applications for the design, simulation, optimization and control of processes and systems.
(CP03) Design products, processes, systems and services for the chemical industry, as well as the optimization of others already developed, taking as a technological basis the various areas of chemical engineering, including processes and transport phenomena, separation operations and engineering of chemical, nuclear, electrochemical and biochemical reactions.
(HD01) Have the ability to solve problems that are unfamiliar, incompletely defined, and have competing specifications, considering possible solution methods, including the most innovative ones, selecting the most appropriate, and being able to correct the implementation, evaluating the different design solutions.
(HD02) Adapt to structural changes in society caused by factors or phenomena of an economic, energy or natural nature, in order to solve the problems arising and provide technological solutions with a high commitment to sustainability.
(HD05) Perform adequately in establishing and developing interpersonal relationships.
(HD08) Learn autonomously in order to maintain and improve the skills and competencies that allow the continuous development of the profession.
(HD11) Master time management and critical situations.
This subject will be developed through different teaching and learning mechanisms, as indicated in the following sections. It is important to highlight that the contents of the subject may be addressed alternatively or repetitively in face-to-face or non-face-to-face teaching, as appropriate in each case.
Documentation management: The capabilities of the USC Virtual Campus will be used to support teaching.
1. Face-to-face teaching
• Theoretical (expository) classes, which introduce the basic concepts and problems related to air pollution, in accordance with the contents and objectives of the subject.
• Problem seminars (Interactive), which introduce the student to the resolution of specific problems related to the content of the subject.
• Energy integration laboratory, in the Computer Room, in which students will solve various practical cases with a computer, and will be evaluated at the end of each session. Therefore, attendance is mandatory.
• Development of practical cases, according to their typology, some of which are also presented in remote teaching. Including teaching in the energy integration laboratory in which, when evaluated in it, attendance is mandatory.
• Group tutoring, compulsory, which will be dedicated to the quantitative analysis of a case of energy integration.
• Technical visits: Depending on the available resources, it is intended to carry out joint technical visits with the students of the subject "Industrial Air Pollution", related to the contents of the subject.
2. Remote teaching
A series of practical cases will be proposed to the students, some of them to be developed jointly with the students of the subject "Industrial Air Pollution", related to the contents of the subject:
- With regard to the use of renewable resources, together with the students of the subject "Industrial Air Pollution" the students will estimate the effective capacity of solar and wind atmospheric renewable energies (ARE). Your assessment will be completed with related questions on the written exam for the subject.
- With regard to energy integration, students will also develop the evaluation and energy integration of a process, which must be conceptualized in such a way that all their energy needs are identified and covered, internally and externally.
3. Competency development
Competence developed 1=Classes E/I 2=Energy Integration Laboratory 3=Compulsory tutoring 4=Case study Energy Process Integration 5=ARE Case Studies 6=Technical visits
CN02 1 4
CN04 1 4 6
CP01 2 3 4 5
CP02 2 3 4 5
CP03 2 3 4 5
HD01 1 4 6
HD02 1 4 6
HD05 4 5 6
HD08 4 5 6
HD11 2 4 5 6
1. Grading System
Students will have to solve a series of studies and evaluations on practical cases throughout the semester in which this subject is developed (including internships in the Computer Science Classroom), which will constitute 60% of the overall grade of the subject. The teachers' report and the student's participation in classes and group tutoring will account for another 10% of the overall grade. The evaluation will be completed with a final exam that will include a series of theoretical and practical questions, with the resolution of numerical problems, according to the following table.
Grading system Evaluation mode Weight in the overall grade Minimum value out of 10Written exam (inc. technical visits) Individual 30 % 3.5
Lab. Energy Integration Individual/Team 20 % -
Case Study Process Energy Integration In a team 20 % -
Case studies ARE In a team 20% -
Attendance and active participation in classes (inc. group tutoring) Individual 5% -
Teacher report Individual 5 % -
To pass the subject, the student must obtain a minimum grade of 3.5 out of 10 in the written exam. Otherwise, the student's overall grade will correspond to that of the written exam.
The grades of the assignments/tutorials/practical cases/laboratory and the teacher's report obtained in the course in which the student has taken the face-to-face teaching of the subject will be kept in all the evaluation opportunities of that course. It is always necessary that each time the student takes the written exam, which will receive the corresponding grade.
When assignment/tutorial/case study/lab assessments are not retained, repeat learners will follow the same assessment system as new learners.
For cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the "Regulations for the assessment of the academic performance of students and the review of qualifications" will apply.
2. Competency assessment
1=E/I Classes 2=Energy Integration Lab Results 3=Group Tutoring 4=Process Energy Integration Results 5=ERA Results 6=Written Exam
CN02 1 4 6
CN04 1 4 6
CP01 2 3 4 5 6
CP02 2 3 4 5 6
CP03 2 3 4 5 6
HD01 1 4 6
HD02 1 4 6
HD05 4 5
HD08 4 5 6
HD11 2 4 5 6
The subject has a workload of 3.0 ECTS, corresponding to 1 ECTS credit to 25 hours of total work, with the total number being about 75 hours. These hours are distributed as follows:
Activity Face-to-face hours
Theory (inc. Technical visits) 12
Seminars & Case Studies 10
Energy Integration Lab 4
Group Tutoring 1
Exam and review 2
Total face-to-face hours 29
Total hours of personal work 46
Totals: Hours 75 ECTS 3.00
where the face-to-face hours indicate the number of hours of face-to-face teaching of the subject, including the various face-to-face activities and tutorials that will be carried out in it. The hours of personal work result from the sum of those corresponding to all the activities that the student must carry out, and that he or she must dedicate individually or in a team, without the presence of the teacher.
Students who enroll in the subject must have a series of basic knowledge and other specific knowledge that is important to be able to pass the same: Algebra, calculus, fluid physics, matter and energy balances, applied thermodynamics, conventional equipment and power plants, computer applications at user level (Word, Excel, web).
Enrolled students must regularly monitor classes and participate in all assessable activities that take place both in the classroom and outside the classroom.
The subject will be taught in Spanish.
Jose Antonio Souto Gonzalez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Chemistry Engineering
- Area
- Chemical Engineering
- Phone
- 881816757
- ja.souto [at]
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Juan Jose Casares Long
- Department
- Chemistry Engineering
- Area
- Chemical Engineering
- Phone
- 881816794
- juanjose.casares [at]
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) Emeritus
Friday | |||
11:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Classroom A6 |
05.20.2025 10:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLIL_01 | Classroom A6 |
05.20.2025 10:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Classroom A6 |
05.20.2025 10:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom A6 |
07.03.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom A6 |
07.03.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLIL_01 | Classroom A6 |
07.03.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Classroom A6 |