- Code
- CE0177
- Type
- Specialization Course
- Teaching Modality
- Semi-face-to-face
- Duration
- 1 year
- Credits
- 30.0
- Course
- 2024-2025
- Price
- 2.900,00€
- Center
- Facultad de Medicina y Odontología
- Management
Maria Mercedes Gallas Torreira
Jose Manuel Pose Rodriguez - Contact
Department / Organizing Center
Cirurgía y Especialidades Médico-CirúrgicasMARIA MERCEDES GALLAS TORREIRA
Facultad de Medicina y OdontologíaDates
Duration: 29/11/2024 - 15/07/2025
Pre-registration: 01/09/2024 - 14/10/2024
Registration: 15/10/2024 - 15/11/2024Minimum number of students: 10
Maximum number of students: 15Mandatory insurance:
20,69€ (Students who formally enroll in their own Postgraduate courses, Continuous Training and Training Program, will also be included the amount of mandatory accident insurance and travel assistance for USC students, as established in current regulations (Council Agreement Government June 29, 2009) and will be issued together with the 1st liquidation of registration. Except in the courses that are 100% virtuous, considered these by academic year; and in the cases in which the students have paid this same insurance in a USC degree in the current academic year.) -
Access requirements
Bachelor / graduate degree in Dentistry. Bachelor /graduate degree in Medicine. Specialist in Stomatology and / or Maxillofacial Surgery.
You can consult a manual of the admission procedure on the CEP website in Archive or by clicking here
To apply for admission, go to the following link of the virtual secretary
https://matricula.usc.es/Posgrao/SolicitudeEstudosPropiosAccess to pre-registration and registration
Selection system
Curriculum Vitae
Fractional payment schedule
Deadline Amount Date 1 1.450,00€ 15/10/2024 - 15/11/2024 2 1.450,00€ 28/02/2025 - 10/03/2025 -
Acquire skills in digital dentistry through regulated theoretical-practical training.
- Know the current commercialized devices, their indications for use, advantages and limitations.
- Know the different free and commercialized software with their clinical applications.
- Acquire knowledge of digital flows and their indications in the clinic and in the laboratory.
- Learn to use (advanced user level) these devices and equipment.
During the 5 modules and in the established virtual tutorials, the students will receive the regulated training necessary to acquire the basic theoretical and practical knowledge of these technological tools (softwares and appliances) to incorporate them into their daily clinical practice in the professional practice of odontology. The didactic methodology of this specialization course is based on a structure in five modules, two initial modules (module 1 and 2), two specific modules: digital orthodontics/ aligners and smile design; occlusal digital restorations - veneers and digital prostheses; guided implant surgery and a final module of case resolution (module 5). The training will be based on interactive face-to-face and virtual (web) theoretical-practical sessions, live demonstrations by the course teaching team and practical workshops, presentation and discussion of clinical cases.
C1.- Knowledge of the digital flow and component elements.
C2.- Competence in the use and interpretation of radiological resources related to digital flow: DICOM files, 3D viewers, treatment planning systems.
C3.- Knowledge of the intraoral and facial capture systems (scanners), dental color registration and digital photography and their incorporation into daily clinical practice.
C4.- Knowledge of the main digital smile design protocols and their adaptation to the different software on the market.
C5.- Knowledge of the “dental designer” software for the production of “chairside” flows.
C6.- Training in the use of clinical CAD / CAM systems and incorporation of digital flow in oral rehabilitation: acquisition, design of oral restorations / rehabilitations and direct production with a clinical milling machine.
C7.- Knowledge of additive 3D printing techniques in the dental clinic.
C8.- Use of mesh repair software, socket, STLS modification, file transformation, orthodontics, guided surgery, prosthesis design, etc.
The theoretical and practical contents are taugtg in 3 subjects:
CE0177103 Initation to comprehensive digital dentistry (100 h)
CE0177102 Diagnosis and 3D planning in dentistry (150 h)
CE0177101 3D Digitalization in the dental laboratory (50 h) -
Continuous evaluation (participation in interactive classes, presentation and discussion of clinical cases, defense of cases at the end of the course).
Programming by MODULES (fridays and saturdays), theoretical and practical content in interactive classes, practical workshops and group and individual WEB-TUTORIALS (saturday 10:00-13:00h). The diploma is structured in 3 mandatory subjects: CE0177103 - Introduction to comprehensive digital dentistry (100 h); CE0177102- 3D diagnosis and planning in dentistry (150 h) CE0177101- 3D digitalization in the dental laboratory (50h).
Friday and saturday 9:00 -14:00h and 16:00-20:00h
Course taught in HIBRID moadality (70% non-online 30% online)
You can consult more information on the course website at the link:https://odontologiadigitalintegral.com -
Code Subject Credits 1 Digitalization 3D In The Dental Laboratory. 5.0 2 Diagnosis And Planning In 3D Dentistry. 15.0 3 Basic Integral Digital Dentistry. 10.0
The contents of this page were updated on 07.19.2022.