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Work placements

Academic work placements are a training activity that aims to enable students to apply and complement the knowledge acquired in their academic training.

Clinical work placements

Clinical Work Placements I, II and III are subjects taught in the 3rd, 4th and 5th year of the Degree in Medicine.

Clinical Work Placements have a transversal nature and their objective is to initiate the students in clinical work placements (Clinical Work Placement I), to experience all the medical activities that are carried out in the hospital (records, clinical sessions, medical visit, consultations, minor surgery, surgical interventions...) acquiring general clinical competences (Clinical Work Placements II and III).

Students will stay as long as possible with their tutors, establishing a closer teacher-student relationship, which we believe will result in higher quality teaching and teacher and student satisfaction.

The work placements will be divided into two large blocks, although not similar in duration, which are medical and surgical.

The work placements are organised in 3 groups (A, B, C) that will carry out two rotations of 2.5 weeks in the 3rd year (in the first and second four month period), and of 5 weeks in 4th and 5th year. One of the rotations of the 5th year students will be held in a Health Centre.

The rotation by groups in the afternoon-evening of the third year, CAB in the first term and BCA in the second; in the fourth  year ABC in the first term and CAB in the second, and in the fifth year BCA in the first term and ABC in the second, to avoid that the moments of greater work for the students always fall on the same groups. No changes in rotation will be made given the distribution already made and which takes into account the effort of the students in the examination periods in the different clinical courses.

The modules of the afternoon-evening rotations of 3 hours in Clinical Work Placement I (6 ECTS), and of the whole morning in Clinical Work Placement II and III (12 ECTS) including some on-call work.

The supervised work placements will be organised in the form of professional work placements following the concept of integrated dental clinic with the aim of achieving sufficient clinical experience so that students can carry out the final assessment of competencies, not only the purely clinical ones, but also those that allow the incorporation of professional values, care communication competencies, clinical management, clinical reasoning and critical judgement. They should include clinical work by the student on patients of all ages and conditions in an integrated manner and under appropriate supervision.

Clinical work placements in the non-teaching period may be carried out in national or international health institutions recognised by the Centre's Quality Committee and/or by the Centre's Quality Manager.

Coordination of clinical work placements. Degree in Medicine

The contents of this page were updated on 03.11.2025.