- Faculty of Sciences
Avda. Alfonso X O Sabio, s/n, 27002Lugo
ciencias.decanato [at] usc.gal
The Faculty of Science, created in 1991 as a transformation of the University College of Lugo, is a centre dedicated to training capable, competent and socially committed professionals. It dynamically seeks excellence in all the functions it performs, such as teaching, generation of knowledge and their dissemination through the research undertaken, carrying them out in a socially responsible manner and integrated into the environment of the Terra Campus, fundamentally in the areas of Engineering, Experimental Sciences and Health Sciences. It offers a prestigious university education, with the capacity to adapt in order to bring together professionals that are in demand by society, and has a complete offer of studies (3 degrees, 1 open degree and 2 master's degrees) in which it integrates teaching and research. It stands out due to its customized teaching and its commitment to quality, being one of the first USC centres to obtain institutional accreditation and achieving excellent results in various rankings for degrees.
Nova Oferta Curso 2024-25 Máster Universitario en Biociencias Moleculares
Dirixidido a graduados en Bioquímica, Biotecnoloxía, etc.
Prazas: 12 Fac. Ciencias + 12 Fac. Bioloxía
Solicitude: 20 xuño a 16 xullo