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Campus Terra, more international than ever thanks to its master’s degrees

O Campus Terra, máis internacional ca nunca grazas -tamén- aos seus másteres
O Campus Terra, máis internacional ca nunca grazas -tamén- aos seus másteres
Over 300 students from Asia, Latin America and Europe have enrolled in USC Lugo Campus postgraduate degrees

Upon finishing a university degree, the doors to a new world open, full of paths that lead to different destinations, such as Campus Terra. Inside this space of the University of Santiago de Compostela lies a constellation of huge stars: its master’s degrees.


Its appeal to many university graduates is unquestionable, as, according to the provisional enrollment statistics, more than 300 people have already enrolled. In fact, there has been a significant increase of international students, mainly from Asia, Latin America and other countries in Europe.


You are on time to embark on this journey through the land of stars, as there are still some places available in some degrees, where the enrollment period is still open. This is the case of the master’s degrees in Law and Business Management, in the area of Social and Legal Sciences, which is extremely popular amongst students.


Likewise, in the Faculty of Sciences there are some places in the Food Processing Engineering and the Innovation in Nutrition, Security and Food Technologies master’s degrees, which have less than 20% of their places available. There are also places to be claimed in the Planning and Territorial Management, the Forest Engineering and the Agronomic Engineering master’s degrees, all of which are taught at the Polytechnic School of Engineering.


However, the official master’s degree in Management of Educational Activities in Nature (DAEN) and the postgraduate degree in Teacher Training for Secondary School and Vocational Training, all of which are taught at the Faculty of Teacher Training, have filled 100% of their places. Such is also the case of the Polytechnic School of Engineering, where there are spots available in their Project Management and their Unmanned Aerial Systems master’s degrees, and in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, where there are still places in the Genomics and Genetics master’s degrees, as well as in their exclusive master's degree in Milk Production.


The official master’s degree in Cultural Services of the Faculty of Humanities stands out as the one of the brightest stars, as it has attracted a higher number of international students and even has a waiting list.


A few steps into this journey across the star map of the USC Campus Terra, you will notice how bright its academic offering shines, thanks to its unique and well-established programmes, and to its international nature.

The contents of this page were updated on 02.25.2022.