Teaching and Quality Committee of the Centre
Decana: Ana María Gude Fernández
Vicedecano de Organización Académica: Vicente Antonio Sanjurjo Rivo
Vicedecano de AA.EE e Infraestruturas: Francisco Javier Framiñán Santas
Secretaria e Responsable de Calidade: Natalia Pérez Rivas
Coordinadora do Grao en Dereito: Ana María Gude Fernández
Coordinador do Grao en Criminoloxía: Fernando Vázquez-Portemeñe Seijas
Coordinador do Máster Universitario en Avogacía: Lotario Vilaboy Lois
Coordinador do Máster Universitario en Estudos Internacionais: Miguel Enrique Arenas Meza
Coordinador do Máster Universitario en Dereito Transnacional da Empresa e das Tecnoloxías Dixitais: César García Novoa
Luis Míguez Macho
Sonia Esperanza Rodríguez Boente
Luz Ruibal Pereira
Fernando Vázquez-Portomeñe Seijas
Restantes categorías do Persoal Docente e Investigador
Montero Ferrer, Carmen
Alexandra Castro Bompastor
Pablo Cristin Álvarez
Amaya Díaz Seijido
Celia Fernández Pérez
Gael Mariño González
Alberto Neira Ferreiro
Alumnado de Máster e Doutoramento
Persoal de Administración e Servizos
Responsable da Unidade de Apoio á Centros e Departamentos: Marta María Balea Cotos
In accordance with Article 35 of the internal regulations of the Faculty of Law, the Teaching and Quality Committee has the following competences:
- The Teaching and Quality Committee is competent to decide on any matters entrusted to it by the Faculty Board in relation to the teaching staff, students and, in general, the development and coordination of teaching, and to take any initiatives it deems appropriate in these areas.
- It will also assume all the functions that the current regulations attribute to the quality committees of the centres.
The main functions of the Centre's Quality Committee are:
- To carry out the design, implementation, monitoring and improvement of the QAS at the centre.
- To draw up the centre's quality report.
- To encourage the implementation and regular monitoring of the centre's annual improvement plan.
- To stimulate the participation of all groups involved in the assessment and improvement of the quality of the degrees taught at the centre.
- To track the results of the centre.
- To propose the information to the management team, which should be made public.
- To prepare or propose modifications if necessary, to the results or follow-up/accreditation reports prepared by the degree committees.
Academic committee for Degrees and EDP
The Teaching and Quality Committee assumes the functions of the academic committee for the degrees in Law and Criminology.
Committee for the Master's Degree in International Studies
- Ana María Gude Fernández. Dean and chairman of the committee
- Natalia Pérez Rivas. Secretary of the Faculty and Quality Manager of the centre.
- Miguel Arenas Meza. Master's Degree Coordinator
- Marta María Balea Cotos. Support Unit Manager for Centres and Departments
- Daniel Neira Barral. Academic Secretary of the Degree’s committee
- Teaching and research staff representative:
- Francisco Jesús Ferreiro Seoane
- Isabel Lirola Delgado
- Montserrat Pintado Lobato
- María Teresa Ponte Iglesias
- Irene Rodríguez Manzano
- Carlos Teijo García
- Carmen Montero Ferrer
- Students representatives:
- Malena Sánchez Álvarez
- José Antonio Brea Ventosa
Academic committee of the University Master's Degree in the Legal Profession.
- Ana María Gude Fernández. Dean and chairman of the committee
- Lotario Vilaboy Lois. Director of the School of Legal Practice of Santiago de Compostela, secretary of the Academic Committee and academic coordinator of the degree
- Antonia Nieto Alonso. Professor of Civil Law at the USC
- Antonio Javier Ferreira Fernández. Professor of Administrative Law at the USC
- Francisco José Rabuñal Mosquera. Dean of the Bar Association of Santiago de Compostela
- Ramón Quintela Miramontes. Lawyer and member of the governing body of the Bar Association
- María Jesús Vieito Mayo. Lawyer and member of the governing body of the Bar Association
- Jesús Waldo Maroño Gargallo. Lawyer and School of Legal Practice of Santiago de Compostela
Academic Committee of the Master's Degree in Transnational Business Law and Digital Technologies
- Ana María Gude Fernández. Decana da Facultade de Dereito que actuará como Presidenta
- Natalia Pérez Rivas. Secretaria da Facultade de Dereito e Responsable de Calidade do centro
- Cesar García Novoa. Coordinador do Máster
- Marta María Balea Cotos. Responsable da Unidade de Xestión de Centros e Departamento da Facultade de Dereito
- Representantes do PDI:
- Luís Míguez Macho
- Francisco Hernández Rodríguez
- Representantes do alumnado:
- Fara Diva Pérez Calderón
- Luis Carneiro Ferreira Leça
Comité Consultivo da Facultade de Dereito
- Ana María Gude Fernández (presidenta). Decana da Facultade de Dereito
- Natalia Pérez Rivas (secretaria). Secretaria académica da Facultade de Dereito e Responsable de Calidade do Centro
- Santiago Brage Cendán. Coordinador do Grao en Criminoloxía
- Lotario Vilaboy Lois. Coordinador do Máster Universitario da Avogacía e da Procuradoría
- Miguel Enrique Arenas Meza. Coordinador do Máster en Estudos Internacionais
- Cesar García Novoa. Coordinador do Máster Universitario en Dereito Transacional da Empresa e das Tecnoloxías Dixitales
- María Dolores Rivera Frade. Presidenta da Sala do Contencioso-Administrativo do Tribunal Superior de Xustiza de Galicia
- Xosé Antón Sarmiento Méndez. Letrado Oficial Maior do Parlamento de Galicia
- José María Graíño Ordóñez. Notario
- Beatriz González Moreno. Coordinadora Xeral do Valedor do Pobo
- Francisco José Rabuñal Mosquera. Decano do Ilustre Colexio de Avogados de Santiago de Compostela
- José Ángel Vázquez Yáñez. Director do Centro Penitenciario Teixeiro de A Coruña
- Juan Cástor Vázquez Salgado. Comisario Nacional de Policía
- Jesús Aneiros Rodríguez. Comandante da Garda Civil
Quality Manager at the Faculty of Law
- Monitoring of the indicators that measure the quality of the degrees taught at the faculty.
- Response to the Monitoring and Renewal of Accreditation Reports of the Degree in Law.
- Member of the Academic Committees for the Master's Degrees.
- Secretary of the Law Degree Advisory Committee.
Quality Coordinator at the Faculty of Law
Coordination of the preparation of the reports necessary for the accreditation and assessment of the faculty´s degrees.