ECTS credits ECTS credits: 4.5
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 74.2 Hours of tutorials: 2.25 Expository Class: 18 Interactive Classroom: 18 Total: 112.45
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Social, Basic and Methodological Psychology
Areas: Social Psychology
Center Faculty of Psychology
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: Sin Docencia (Ofertada)
Enrolment: No Matriculable (Sólo Alumnado Repetidor)
• Access to an enough knowledge of the subjects developed in the program.
• Integrated understanding of the different social media processes.
• Acquisition of capabilities to analyze messages and assess the effectiveness of them.
• Knowledge and use of social media research tools.
Contents for the Expositive Sessions:
1. Introduction to the study of Social Psychology of communication. Frameworks and theoretical models in the study of communication. Intellectual, interpersonal and intergroup processes in communication. Informal communication
2. Persuasion, influence and communication. Dual models and persuasion. Basic principles of influence. The color, the form and the visual aspects on a social media post
3. Communication and new technologies. The New Information and Communication Technologies. New communication codes in ICT. Psychosocial problems derived from the New Technologies.
4. Mass media. The effects of the media and its reinterpretation. The establishment of the agenda (Agenda-setting). Priming and framing. Disinformation and fake news.
Contents for the Interactive Sessions
1. Analysis sessions:
1.1.- Contextualizing a campaign
1.2.- Messages that seek to influence
1.3.- Perception, colors, emotions
Production sessions
2.1.- Planning the strategy
2.2.- Campaign development
Two reports will be submitted: one for the three analysis sessions and another for the two production sessions.
Rodríguez, M. (2020). Apuntes de psicología social de la comunicación. Santiago de Compostela. Campus na Nube.
Other materials:
Cebreiros, J. (2015). Olvida tu lenguaje corporal. Una nueva forma de entender la comunicación. Barcelona. Plataforma Editorial
Cuesta, U. (2000) Psicología Social de la Comunicación. Madrid. Cátedra.
Durán, A. (1987) Psicología de la Publicidad y de la Venta. Barcelona. CEAC.
Durán, M. & Baña, M. (coords.) (2016). Comportamiento social inclusivo. Santiago. Tórculo Comunicación Gráfica.
D'Adamo, O., García-Beaudoux, V. e Freidenberg, F. (2007). Medios de comunicación y opinión pública. Madrid. McGraw-Hill.
Heller, E. (2004). Psicología del color. Barcelona. Editorial Gustavo Gili
Moral, F. & Igartua, J.J. (2005). Psicología Social de la Comunicación. Málaga. Ediciones Aljibe.
Morales, J.F. (coord.) (2021). Comunicación y Psicología. Madrid. Sanz y Torres.
Pastor, Y. (2006) (coord.) Psicología Social de la Comunicación. Madrid. Pirámide
Sabucedo, J.M. & Morales, J. F. (2015). Psicología Social. Madrid: Editorial Médica Panamericana (Disponible en su versión electrónica en…)
Sabucedo, J.M. & Rodríguez, M. (1997). Medios de comunicación de masas y conducta política. Madrid. Editorial Biblioteca Nueva.
We also would use other resources availables online
Specific competences of the degree to which the subject contributes:
CE1 - Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the functions, characteristics, contributions and limitations of the different theoretical models of Psychology.
CE5 - Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the psychosocial principles that intervene in the behavior of individuals and the functioning of groups and organizations.
CE7 - Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the different methods of evaluation, diagnosis and treatment in different applied fields of Psychology -clinic and health, social, educational.
CE8 - Know how to identify the needs and demands of the recipients in the different fields of application and establish the goals of psychological action.
CE11 - Know how to select and administer specific techniques and instruments of Psychology
CE13 - Know how to transmit the results of the evaluation to the recipients, in a timely and accurate way
CE14 - Know how to prepare psychological reports in different fields of action, aimed at the recipients and other professionals
Specific Matter Competences:
• Acquire a vision of communication processes in an integrated manner, both conceptual and applied
• Know mass media and their effects on people and groups
• Understand and understand the psychosocial perspective of advertising
• Know and apply methods of analysis of communicative phenomena
• Acquire a first level of training in communication skills
- Theoretical part
The theoretical part will be developed through face-to-face classes using audiovisual media. Students are provided with the generated material that makes it easier to follow the explanations of each topic.
- Practical part
The practical part will be developed in the classroom and will consist of various exercises that will aim to apply the knowledge acquired in the classroom. There will be three analytsis sessions (1st to 3rd), and two production sessions (4th and 5th), about preparing a campaign on a topic of social interest.
Theoretical part:
For the information or knowledge competencies, an exam will be held on a date approved by the Faculty Board. To pass the subject, it is an essential requirement to pass this part of the assessment. The grade obtained in this theoretical part will account for 60% of the student's final grade.
Interactive part:
The group report on the 3 analysis sessions will be evaluated up to 2 points. The contribution of each student to this report, both by attending the sessions and participating in it, will be taken into account.
For the two production sessions (4th and 5th), both attendance and the reports that have to be submitted will be evaluated, up to a maximum of 2 points.
In case of class attendance waiver: the theoretical part can be prepared according to the materials and tasks that will be included in the virtual campus and the manual included in the basic bibliography, having to take the final exam on a date approved by the faculty board. For the interactive part, you must submit a single report on the advertising part and the two tasks required in the production sessions, for which you will receive information and / or material in the same week as the classroom sessions.
Each student must devote a total of 112.5 hours, of which 37 will be practical and 75.5 will be of a more individualy work
Tutoring schedule for teachers of this subject:
Cristina Gómez Román:
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8 am to 10 am
Mauro Rodríguez Casal:
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8 am to 10 am
Mauro Lucio Rodriguez Casal
Coordinador/a- Department
- Social, Basic and Methodological Psychology
- Area
- Social Psychology
- Phone
- 881813765
- mauro.rodriguez [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Cristina Gómez Roman
- Department
- Social, Basic and Methodological Psychology
- Area
- Social Psychology
- Phone
- 881813796
- cristina.gomez [at]
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Wednesday | |||
12:00-13:30 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Galician | Classroom 11 |
13:30-15:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | Classroom 10 |
03.25.2025 16:30-18:30 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Classroom 3 |
03.25.2025 16:30-18:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 3 |
03.25.2025 16:30-18:30 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 3 |
03.25.2025 16:30-18:30 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 6 |
03.25.2025 16:30-18:30 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Classroom 6 |
03.25.2025 16:30-18:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 6 |
03.25.2025 16:30-18:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 7 |
03.25.2025 16:30-18:30 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 7 |
03.25.2025 16:30-18:30 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Classroom 7 |
06.24.2025 12:30-15:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 1 |
06.24.2025 12:30-15:00 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Classroom 1 |
06.24.2025 12:30-15:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 1 |
06.24.2025 12:30-15:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 2 |
06.24.2025 12:30-15:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 2 |
06.24.2025 12:30-15:00 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Classroom 2 |