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Geographic Information Systems

  • 2024/2025
  • ECTS credits
    ECTS credits: 6

    ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
    Student's work ECTS: 99
    Hours of tutorials: 3
    Expository Class: 24
    Interactive Classroom: 24
    Total: 150

    Use languages
    Spanish, Galician

    Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021

    Agroforestry Engineering

    Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry

    Higher Polytechnic Engineering School

    Second Semester

    With teaching


    • Introduction to GIS: definition, components, data models, information sources.

    • Conceptual and structural modelling of geographic data.

    • Spatial databases: conceptual and logical design, normalization.

    • GIS functions: data input, spatial analysis of raster and vector data, data output.

    • Design, analysis, management and operation of GIS projects.

    • These basic contents are developed along the course duration following the following structure of theoretical lessons:

    • Unit 1. Introduction to GIS (2h face-to-face and 3 h non-face-to-face work)

    • Unit 2. Spatial data representation models (2h face-to-face and 3 h non-face-to-face work)

    • Unit 3. Spatial databases (2h face-to-face and 3 h non-face-to-face work)

    • Unit 4. Measurements and queries in vector space (2h face-to-face and 3 h non-face-to-face work)

    • Unit 5. Overlaying operations (2h face-to-face and 3 h non-face-to-face work)

    • Unit 6. Network analysis (2h face-to-face and 3 h non-face-to-face work)

    • Unit 7. Operations in raster space (2h face-to-face and 3 h non-face-to-face work)

    • Unit 8. Methods for spatial interpolation (2h face-to-face and 3 h non-face-to-face work)

    • Unit 9. Terrain analysis (2h face-to-face and 3 h non-face-to-face work)

    • Unit 10. Data input and digitalization (2h)

    • Unit 11. Data output (2h face-to-face and 3 h non-face-to-face work)

    • Unit 12. Practical applications (2h face-to-face and 3 h non-face-to-face work)

    • And the following list of practical sessions in IT classroom:

    • Session 1 - First contact with GIS environments (4h face-to-face and 8 h non-face-to-face work)

    • Session 2 - Vector analysis (4h face-to-face and 8 h non-face-to-face work)

    • Session 3 - Basic raster operations (4h face-to-face and 8 h non-face-to-face work)

    • Session 4 - Spatial interpolation (4h face-to-face and 8 h non-face-to-face work)

    • Session 5 - Terrain analysis (4h face-to-face and 8 h non-face-to-face work)

    • Session 6 - Digitalization of analogic data (4h face-to-face and 8 h non-face-to-face work)

  • Olaya Ferrero, Víctor, 2014. SisUnits de Información Geográfica.

  • Longley, Paul A., Michael F. Goodchild, David J. Maguire e David W. Rhind, 2011. Geographic Information Systems and Science. Jonh Wiley & Sons.

  • Pérez Navarro, A. (coord.), 2011. Introducción a los sisUnits de información geográfica y geotelemática. Editorial UOC, Barcelona.

  • Complementary bibliography

  • Longley, Paul A., Michael F. Goodchild, David J. Maguire e David W. Rhind (eds.), 2011. Geographic Information Systems and Science. Principles, Techniques, Applications and Management (2a ed.). Jonh Wiley & Sons.

  • Heywood, Ian, Sarah Cornelius e Steve Carter, 2011. An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (4a ed.). Pearson Education Limited.

  • Neteler, Marcus e Helena Mitasova, 2008. Open Source GIS: a GRASS GIS Approach (3a ed.). Springer.

  • CT5 - Capacidad para obtener información adecuada, diversa y actualizada

  • CT9 - Habilidad en el manejo de tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC)

  • CT12 - Capacidad para resolver problemas mediante la aplicación integrada de sus conocimientos

  • Competencias específicas

  • CO5 - Diseño, producción y difusión de la cartografía básica y temática. Implementación, gestión y explotación de SisUnits de Información Geográfica (SIG).

  • CO6 - Conocimientos y aplicación de los métodos y técnicas geomáticas en los ámbitos de las diferentes ingenierías.

  • Theoretical lectures (competences C05, C06, CT12)

  • Practical sessions (competences CT5, CT9, C05, C06, CT12)

  • Official schedule will be followed in all scenarios. Also, theoretical and practical sessions will be complemented by:

  • Use of the virtual campus (Moodle).

  • Practical cases and projects.

  • Individualized and group tutoring.

  • Autonomous study.

  • Evaluation of competence.

  • Continuous assessment, based on practical assignments along the duration of the course (1st opportunity), or practical test (2nd opportunity). 50% of final grade. Competences CT5, CT9, CT12, CO5, CO6.

  • Written test. 50% of final grade. Competences CO5, CO6, CT12.

  • Students are required to achieve a minimum of 4 points (out of 10) in each component and a minimum of 5 points (out of 10) overall to receive a passing grade. A passing grade in one of the components will be retained, at most, for the following academic year.
    Written and practical tests will be held in classroom in scenario 1 (adapted normality) and via virtual campus in scenarios 2 and 3. Continuous assessment will take place via virtual campus in any scenario.
    Students exempt of attendance to classes will follow the same assessment system.
    The USC Normative for Assessment of Academic Performance will be automatically applied if fraud or fabrication of assessment materials is detected.

  • 2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd
    11:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Pendente de asignar
    11:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Pendente de asignar
    06.02.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 13 (Lecture room 4)
    07.04.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 13 (Lecture room 4)