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School of Engineering
Higher Polytechnic Engineering School
  • Rúa Benigno Ledo, 27002
  • 982823008
  • eps.secretaria.direccion [at]

The Higher Polytechnic School of Engineering, which has been in existence for over 50 years, currently has an interdisciplinary staff of 124 teachers and researchers. This makes the vast academic offer in the Centre possible (5 degrees, 1 double degree, 1 open degree, 5 oficial master’s degrees and 2 own master’s degrees and 3 PhD programmes).

It stands out for its commitment to the quality and excellence of its training programmes (Centre accredited by the Council of Universities, EUR-ACE international seal, good positioning in the rankings of degrees) and due to a high rate of labour insertion of graduates. The EPSE is committed to mobility (Erasmus, SICUE and international agreements) and work placements in companies.

Novo requisito para prácticas externas

Neste curso 2023-24 implantouse un novo requisito para poder facer as prácticas externas.

Información aqui.

Research groups

The contents of this page were updated on 10.02.2023.