The constant evolution of the project management discipline requires a reformulation of the title, to adapt the contents to the new needs that society requires. At the same time, the extension of the application of project management techniques and tools
beyond the engineering field requires giving the master's degree a more interdisciplinary character that allows it to satisfy the expectations of students with an access profile that is increasingly varied and distant from the engineering field. This reality forces us not only to provide the contents of the master's degree with a more transversal nature, but also to incorporate teachers from areas other than those currently taught in the master's degree (Engineering Projects), such as the areas of Business Organization, Marketing and Market Research or Financial Economics and Accounting.
Master's Degree in Project Management (2nd Edition)
1 academic year
RUCT code: 3500274
ECTS Number: 60
Seats number: 25
Dean or center director:
rosa.romero [at]
Title coordinator:
Carlos Amiama Ares
carlos.amiama [at]
Use languages:
Spanish, Galician
Coordinator university:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Partaker universities:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
BOE publication date:
Last accreditation date:
1 academic year
RUCT code: 3500274
ECTS Number: 60
Seats number: 25
Dean or center director:
rosa.romero [at]
Title coordinator:
Carlos Amiama Ares
carlos.amiama [at]
Use languages:
Spanish, Galician
Coordinator university:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Partaker universities:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
BOE publication date:
Last accreditation date:
• Compulsory: 30
• Optional: 6
• Compulsory external internships: 12
• Master's final dissertation: 12
o Total: 60
The master's degree, of 60 ECTS credits, is structured into three large modules.
The first of them, an expository and interactive teaching module (36 ECTS credits), called “Fundamentals of project management” in which the body of compulsory subjects will be taken (30 ECTS credits distributed in 10 subjects of 3 ECTS credits each one) that will allow the student to achieve the learning results that constitute the core element of this master's degree.
Likewise, in this module 4 optional subjects will be offered (3 ECTS credits each) of which the student must take 2, completing the remaining 6 ECTS credits.
Once this module is completed, the student will carry out external academic internships that will have a load of 12 ECTS credits.
Finally, the student must complete the Master's final dissertation, which will have a load of 12 ECTS credits.
Between mid-September and the following subjects will be offered (first semester):
- Conceptual framework of project management.
-Project scope management.
- Time and resource management.
- Monitoring and control of the project.
- Project information and communications management.
- People management.
Between mid-January and July-September the following subjects will be offered (second semester):
- Hiring and negotiation
- Project risk and opportunity management
-Quality management
- Analysis of financial viability.
- Sustainability in project management.
- Risk management in investment projects.
- Research project management.
- Commercial management of the project.
- Internship
- Master's final dissertation
The teaching load is balanced weekly (18 ECTS in each period) and then the Internships and the TFM are completed.
Conceptual Framework of project management
- P4032101
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 3 Credits
Project Scope Management
- P4032102
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 3 Credits
Time and resources management
- P4032103
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 3 Credits
Project monitoring and control
- P4032104
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 3 Credits
Information and project communication management
- P4032105
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 3 Credits
Staff management
- P4032106
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 3 Credits
Quality management
- P4032107
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 3 Credits
Financial Viability Analysis
- P4032108
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 3 Credits
Hiring and negotiation
- P4032109
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 3 Credits
Project risk and opportunity management
- P4032110
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 3 Credits
Investment project risk management
- P4032202
- Elective Credits
- Second Semester
- 3 Credits
Project direction sustainability
- P4032204
- Elective Credits
- Second Semester
- 3 Credits
Research project management
- P4032205
- Elective Credits
- Second Semester
- 3 Credits
Project market management
- P4032206
- Elective Credits
- Second Semester
- 3 Credits
- P4032111
- Compulsory Credits
- Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees
- 12 Credits
Master's Dissertation
- P4032112
- Compulsory Credits
- End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects
- 12 Credits
campo insuficiente para modificación
• Compulsory: 30
• Optional: 6
• Compulsory external internships: 12
• Master's final dissertation: 12
o Total: 60
The master's degree, of 60 ECTS credits, is structured into three large modules.
The first of them, an expository and interactive teaching module (36 ECTS credits), called “Fundamentals of project management” in which the body of compulsory subjects will be taken (30 ECTS credits distributed in 10 subjects of 3 ECTS credits each one) that will allow the student to achieve the learning results that constitute the core element of this master's degree.
Likewise, in this module 4 optional subjects will be offered (3 ECTS credits each) of which the student must take 2, completing the remaining 6 ECTS credits.
Once this module is completed, the student will carry out external academic internships that will have a load of 12 ECTS credits.
Finally, the student must complete the Master's final dissertation, which will have a load of 12 ECTS credits.
El Plan de Acción Tutorial de la EPS de Ingeniería presenta un conjunto de acciones que tienen por finalidad guiar, orientar y acompañar al alumnado durante sus estudios universitarios.…
Cumpriranse en todo momento os requisitos establecidos no artigo 18 do Real Decreto 822/2021 do 28 de setembro, polo que se establece a organización dos ensinos universitarios e do procedemento de aseguramento da súa calidade.
In the case of students from countries with a language other than Galician, Portuguese or Spanish, students must accredit the B2 Spanish language level
· Know the main standards in project management and its applicability to different contexts.
· Be familiar with the terminology and specific tools for project management.
· Understand the relevance the discipline has in the organisations and the management of their project portfolios, projects, and programmes
Comp01 - Manage decision making tools.
Comp02 - Define the government of the project.
Comp03 - Create the work breakdown structure and the organisational structure of the project.
Comp04 - Identification, involvement, management, and control of the stakeholders of the project.
Comp05 - Elaborate a feasible plan appropriately sizing the implied resources.
Comp06 - Assess the advance of the base line and implement solutions to correct deviations in time and costs.
Comp07 - Elaborate information and project communication management plans.
Comp08 - Manage communication events. Documental record.
Comp09 - Identify problems and develop effective solutions in the management of people.
Comp10 - Develop and implement GROP (Project Risks and Opportunities Management) plans. Resources and contingencies reserve estimation.
Comp11 - Elaborate a quality management plan. Assessment of success in management.
Comp12 - Elaborate and acquisition management plan.
Comp13 - Assess and quantify the main financial risks of investment projects.
Comp14 - Integrate sustainability in the direction of projects and assess the sustainability of projects.
Comp15 - Develop, implement, monitor, and estimate resources in execution plans of research projects.
Comp16 - Understand the basic implications of the environment around the project: the permanent organisation of what has been developed; the economic, financial and market environment; the technological environment and the legal environment.
Comp17 - Understand and apply the concept of project and project direction (orientation to projects).
Comp18 - Assess the financial viability of a project.
A/S01 - Apply critical, logic and creative thought.
A/S02 - Integrate information proceeding from different sources.
A/S03 - Lead and work efficiently in interdisciplinary teams.
A/S04 - Ability to establish strategies to solve disagreements related to the project.
A/S05 - Solve problems in an efficient manner.
A/S06 - Make decisions taking into account technical, economic, social and environmental aspects.
A/S07 - Ability to exchange opinions and to efficiently communicate ideas and defend them.
A/S08 - Carry out bibliographical studies and synthesize findings.
A/S09 - Ability to create projections enabling to position the project towards the future.
A/S10 - Compare and select technical and management alternatives.
A/S11 - Identify emerging methodologies and techniques.
A/S12 - Commitment to environment and sustainable development.
A/S13 - Exercise of the profession under deontological principles.
A/S14 - Analysis and synthesis skills.
Con01 - Adquirir unas nociones básicas en el ámbito de la gestión de proyectos.
Con02 - Metodologías para la gestión del alcance del proyecto.
Con03 - Metodologías para la gestión de interesados.
Con04 - Planificar en un horizonte temporal el proyecto y estimar los recursos necesarios.
Con05 - Monitorizar el avance del proyecto y gestionar las desviaciones y el control de cambios.
Con06 - Conceptos básicos y avanzados sobre el proceso comunicativo, datos, información y conocimiento.
Con07 - Prácticas en gestión y dirección de recursos humanos para crear valor en la organización.
Con08 - Metodologías para la Gestión de Riesgos y Oportunidades del Proyecto (GROP).
Con09 - Conceptos básicos y avanzados en el ámbito de la gestión de la calidad de proyectos.
Con10 - Metodologías de la gestión de compras en un proyecto.
Con11 - Metodologías de gestión de riesgos específicas para proyectos de inversión.
Con12 - Comprender los conceptos de sostenibilidad, desarrollo sostenible, y resiliencia, y su aplicación a la dirección de proyectos.
Con13 - Procedimientos para la solicitud, evaluación y justificación científica y económica de proyectos de investigación.
Con14 - Metodologías para definir la estrategia comercial del proyecto.
Con15 - Como analizar, planificar y presupuestar las decisiones de inversión, financiación y operativas en un proyecto de inversión.
Student mobility is regulated through the “Regulation of inter-university exchange.” Exchange programmes are managed through the International Relations Office, such as
national exchange programmes (SICUE) as well as Europeans (ERASMUS) and from outside the European Union (exchanges with Latin American countries or English-speaking countries):
The student must take a total of 12 ECTS credits of company internships, in which they will put into practice the competences, skills and knowledge acquired in the master's degree. The student will be able to choose between one of the more than 130 companies with an agreement with the master's degree that currently exist or propose another typology, it being necessary to sign an agreement between the USC and the company, prior to the student's incorporation. During the development of their internship in a company, students will have an academic tutor, a teacher of the master's degree, and a professional tutor, belonging to the company.
The master's thesis aims to be an anticipated professional activity where the students applie the knowledge acquired in their training to a real and complex problem. When carrying out project management work, you must analyse the problem, choose the most appropriate solution to solve it and implement the actions to put this solution into
practice, ending with a potential evaluation of the expected results. The theme of the work will be of sufficient magnitude, preferably derived from a real commission. Each student will have a tutor to carry out continuous and dynamic monitoring. The possibility is contemplated for the student to choose as their master's final dessertation a novel topic in project management to delve deeper into that line of work. It is also considered as a possibility for the student to develop an analysis of the maturity of an organisation, in terms of the implementation of project management methodologies and techniques.
• Compulsory: 30
• Optional: 6
• Compulsory external internships: 12
• Master's final dissertation: 12
o Total: 60
The master's degree, of 60 ECTS credits, is structured into three large modules.
The first of them, an expository and interactive teaching module (36 ECTS credits), called “Fundamentals of project management” in which the body of compulsory subjects will be taken (30 ECTS credits distributed in 10 subjects of 3 ECTS credits each one) that will allow the student to achieve the learning results that constitute the core element of this master's degree.
Likewise, in this module 4 optional subjects will be offered (3 ECTS credits each) of which the student must take 2, completing the remaining 6 ECTS credits.
Once this module is completed, the student will carry out external academic internships that will have a load of 12 ECTS credits.
Finally, the student must complete the Master's final dissertation, which will have a load of 12 ECTS credits.
Between mid-September and the following subjects will be offered (first semester):
- Conceptual framework of project management.
-Project scope management.
- Time and resource management.
- Monitoring and control of the project.
- Project information and communications management.
- People management.
Between mid-January and July-September the following subjects will be offered (second semester):
- Hiring and negotiation
- Project risk and opportunity management
-Quality management
- Analysis of financial viability.
- Sustainability in project management.
- Risk management in investment projects.
- Research project management.
- Commercial management of the project.
- Internship
- Master's final dissertation
The teaching load is balanced weekly (18 ECTS in each period) and then the Internships and the TFM are completed.
Conceptual Framework of project management
- P4032101
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 3 Credits
Project Scope Management
- P4032102
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 3 Credits
Time and resources management
- P4032103
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 3 Credits
Project monitoring and control
- P4032104
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 3 Credits
Information and project communication management
- P4032105
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 3 Credits
Staff management
- P4032106
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 3 Credits
Quality management
- P4032107
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 3 Credits
Financial Viability Analysis
- P4032108
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 3 Credits
Hiring and negotiation
- P4032109
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 3 Credits
Project risk and opportunity management
- P4032110
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 3 Credits
Investment project risk management
- P4032202
- Elective Credits
- Second Semester
- 3 Credits
Project direction sustainability
- P4032204
- Elective Credits
- Second Semester
- 3 Credits
Research project management
- P4032205
- Elective Credits
- Second Semester
- 3 Credits
Project market management
- P4032206
- Elective Credits
- Second Semester
- 3 Credits
- P4032111
- Compulsory Credits
- Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees
- 12 Credits
Master's Dissertation
- P4032112
- Compulsory Credits
- End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects
- 12 Credits
campo insuficiente para modificación
• Compulsory: 30
• Optional: 6
• Compulsory external internships: 12
• Master's final dissertation: 12
o Total: 60
The master's degree, of 60 ECTS credits, is structured into three large modules.
The first of them, an expository and interactive teaching module (36 ECTS credits), called “Fundamentals of project management” in which the body of compulsory subjects will be taken (30 ECTS credits distributed in 10 subjects of 3 ECTS credits each one) that will allow the student to achieve the learning results that constitute the core element of this master's degree.
Likewise, in this module 4 optional subjects will be offered (3 ECTS credits each) of which the student must take 2, completing the remaining 6 ECTS credits.
Once this module is completed, the student will carry out external academic internships that will have a load of 12 ECTS credits.
Finally, the student must complete the Master's final dissertation, which will have a load of 12 ECTS credits.
El Plan de Acción Tutorial de la EPS de Ingeniería presenta un conjunto de acciones que tienen por finalidad guiar, orientar y acompañar al alumnado durante sus estudios universitarios.…
Cumpriranse en todo momento os requisitos establecidos no artigo 18 do Real Decreto 822/2021 do 28 de setembro, polo que se establece a organización dos ensinos universitarios e do procedemento de aseguramento da súa calidade.
In the case of students from countries with a language other than Galician, Portuguese or Spanish, students must accredit the B2 Spanish language level
· Know the main standards in project management and its applicability to different contexts.
· Be familiar with the terminology and specific tools for project management.
· Understand the relevance the discipline has in the organisations and the management of their project portfolios, projects, and programmes
Comp01 - Manage decision making tools.
Comp02 - Define the government of the project.
Comp03 - Create the work breakdown structure and the organisational structure of the project.
Comp04 - Identification, involvement, management, and control of the stakeholders of the project.
Comp05 - Elaborate a feasible plan appropriately sizing the implied resources.
Comp06 - Assess the advance of the base line and implement solutions to correct deviations in time and costs.
Comp07 - Elaborate information and project communication management plans.
Comp08 - Manage communication events. Documental record.
Comp09 - Identify problems and develop effective solutions in the management of people.
Comp10 - Develop and implement GROP (Project Risks and Opportunities Management) plans. Resources and contingencies reserve estimation.
Comp11 - Elaborate a quality management plan. Assessment of success in management.
Comp12 - Elaborate and acquisition management plan.
Comp13 - Assess and quantify the main financial risks of investment projects.
Comp14 - Integrate sustainability in the direction of projects and assess the sustainability of projects.
Comp15 - Develop, implement, monitor, and estimate resources in execution plans of research projects.
Comp16 - Understand the basic implications of the environment around the project: the permanent organisation of what has been developed; the economic, financial and market environment; the technological environment and the legal environment.
Comp17 - Understand and apply the concept of project and project direction (orientation to projects).
Comp18 - Assess the financial viability of a project.
A/S01 - Apply critical, logic and creative thought.
A/S02 - Integrate information proceeding from different sources.
A/S03 - Lead and work efficiently in interdisciplinary teams.
A/S04 - Ability to establish strategies to solve disagreements related to the project.
A/S05 - Solve problems in an efficient manner.
A/S06 - Make decisions taking into account technical, economic, social and environmental aspects.
A/S07 - Ability to exchange opinions and to efficiently communicate ideas and defend them.
A/S08 - Carry out bibliographical studies and synthesize findings.
A/S09 - Ability to create projections enabling to position the project towards the future.
A/S10 - Compare and select technical and management alternatives.
A/S11 - Identify emerging methodologies and techniques.
A/S12 - Commitment to environment and sustainable development.
A/S13 - Exercise of the profession under deontological principles.
A/S14 - Analysis and synthesis skills.
Con01 - Adquirir unas nociones básicas en el ámbito de la gestión de proyectos.
Con02 - Metodologías para la gestión del alcance del proyecto.
Con03 - Metodologías para la gestión de interesados.
Con04 - Planificar en un horizonte temporal el proyecto y estimar los recursos necesarios.
Con05 - Monitorizar el avance del proyecto y gestionar las desviaciones y el control de cambios.
Con06 - Conceptos básicos y avanzados sobre el proceso comunicativo, datos, información y conocimiento.
Con07 - Prácticas en gestión y dirección de recursos humanos para crear valor en la organización.
Con08 - Metodologías para la Gestión de Riesgos y Oportunidades del Proyecto (GROP).
Con09 - Conceptos básicos y avanzados en el ámbito de la gestión de la calidad de proyectos.
Con10 - Metodologías de la gestión de compras en un proyecto.
Con11 - Metodologías de gestión de riesgos específicas para proyectos de inversión.
Con12 - Comprender los conceptos de sostenibilidad, desarrollo sostenible, y resiliencia, y su aplicación a la dirección de proyectos.
Con13 - Procedimientos para la solicitud, evaluación y justificación científica y económica de proyectos de investigación.
Con14 - Metodologías para definir la estrategia comercial del proyecto.
Con15 - Como analizar, planificar y presupuestar las decisiones de inversión, financiación y operativas en un proyecto de inversión.
Student mobility is regulated through the “Regulation of inter-university exchange.” Exchange programmes are managed through the International Relations Office, such as
national exchange programmes (SICUE) as well as Europeans (ERASMUS) and from outside the European Union (exchanges with Latin American countries or English-speaking countries):
The student must take a total of 12 ECTS credits of company internships, in which they will put into practice the competences, skills and knowledge acquired in the master's degree. The student will be able to choose between one of the more than 130 companies with an agreement with the master's degree that currently exist or propose another typology, it being necessary to sign an agreement between the USC and the company, prior to the student's incorporation. During the development of their internship in a company, students will have an academic tutor, a teacher of the master's degree, and a professional tutor, belonging to the company.
The master's thesis aims to be an anticipated professional activity where the students applie the knowledge acquired in their training to a real and complex problem. When carrying out project management work, you must analyse the problem, choose the most appropriate solution to solve it and implement the actions to put this solution into
practice, ending with a potential evaluation of the expected results. The theme of the work will be of sufficient magnitude, preferably derived from a real commission. Each student will have a tutor to carry out continuous and dynamic monitoring. The possibility is contemplated for the student to choose as their master's final dessertation a novel topic in project management to delve deeper into that line of work. It is also considered as a possibility for the student to develop an analysis of the maturity of an organisation, in terms of the implementation of project management methodologies and techniques.