ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 99 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 24 Interactive Classroom: 24 Total: 150
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Agroforestry Engineering
Areas: Engineering Graphics
Center Higher Polytechnic Engineering School
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
This course, contemplated in the Plans of Study of the Qualifications of Degree of Agricultural Engineering and Agroaliamentaria and Forest Engineering and of the Natural Environment, has eat main objective provide to the students skills of space reasoning, as well as tools of graphic expression chords with the new technologies of the information and basic knowledges on Normalization in this field, that facilitate him the operations of design and representation of three-dimensional objects related with the his future professional activity. There Is that provide to the student/it, future/to engineer/it, of the practical knowledges that allow him understood and expressed in a graphic language, common distinct wings technical professions.
Like this, the contents of the course of "Graphic Expression in the Engineering" answer the a paramount goal, than if it formulates regarding this course and to the his formative block: it to achieve that the students, when finalizing his studies, was able to elaborate and manage the necessary graphic documentation for the editorial of one project of the his speciality. In this case, and dacordo with the collected in the Memory of the qualifications, the results of the learning in this course owe to contemplate also an introduction to the utilization of any plans of CAD (preferably AutoCAD, by the his wide utilization in the world of the engineering), with the objective to purchase some basic knowledges of representation with these tools.
To arrive to reach this objective is necessary than the students work the following destrezas and skills, so much of generic type (that owed to be common and transversal it all the courses) and specific:
a) Capacity for the analysis and the synthesis.
b) Capacity to learn.
c) Capacity to resolve problems.
d) Capacity to apply the knowledge in practice.
e) Capacity to generate new ideas (creativity).
f) Capacity for it takes of decisions.
g) Capacity for the autonomous work, it was in group or individually.
Of informative type:
a) The rational knowledge and dedutivo of the bases of the enabling Geometry resolve the problems of traced geometrical planes of usual use in the drawings of the speciality.
b) The knowledge applied of the main Systems of Representation, of the his bases and technical, with special dedicación to the Systems Diédrico, Axonométrico and of Planes Acoutados.
c) The basic knowledge of the Normalization in general and of the norms of application to the Technical Drawing in the professional field of the engineering.
d) The coñemento of one plan universal of CAD like fast and accurate tool to resolve the problems of traced geometrical of usual use in the drawings of the speciality, for the resolution of space problems and for it confección of documentary bases within the scope of the engineerings.
e) The knowledge of the structuring of the graphic documentation of one project of engineering.
Of formative type:
a) The acquisition and strengthening of vision and space understanding.
b) The acquisition of destreza in the handle of the tools computings applied to the graphic expression, so as to obtain a good representation of the reality.
c) The acquisition of capacity for the interpretation of anyone of the main Systems of Representation, and to do representations in the Systems Diédrico, Axonométrico and of Planes Acoutados employing the new technologies.
d) The acquisition of capacity of analysis and resolution of graphic problems.
e) The acquisition of destreza in the handle of the instruments of drawing and accuracy and of frocks of pulcritude, so as to obtain a good quality of the traced.
f) The utilization of the manually heaved drawing like instrument of space analysis.
All this agrees with the collected in the Ministerial Orders CIN/323/2009 and CIN/324/2009, by the that establish respectively the requirements for the verification of the university titles that enable for the exercise of the professions of Agricultural Technical Engineer and Forest Technical Engineer, that establish literally that the students, in the his training, owes to purchase “capacity of space vision and knowledge of the techniques of graphic representation, so much by traditional methods of Metric Geometry and Descriptive Geometry, eat by means of the applications of design assisted by computer”.
The Memories of the Titles of Degree in Agricultural Engineering and Agroalimentaria and Forest Engineering and of the Natural Environment contemplate for this couse the following contents:
- Technical drawing and Normalization.
- Study of the Systems of Representation.
- Introduction to the DAO.
- Bases of the Systems of Representation.
- Descriptive geometry.
- System of Planes Acotados: basic and main principles applications.
- System Axonométrico: traced práctico of perspectives.
- System Diédrico: basic principles and representation by sights.
- Normalization of the Technical Drawing.
- Introduction to the Design Assisted by Computer.
These theoretical and practical contents go to develop along the semester through the blocks and are afraid detail the continuation, with the temporary distribution presencial that points out in both cases (taking into account that the course delivers in 24 expository hours, 24 interactive and 3 of group tutoring).
The 6 blocks that present in this apartado constitute the essential and necessary contents to surpass this couse. Nonetheless, you are afraid them appear marked (*) correspond with the of senior importance, dacordo with the felt of the subject in the qualifications in the that imparts, being necessary for his correct interpretation the dominance of the rest of the collected in each block.
For each subject, collects to temporalización (in presencial hours) referred to the theoretical exhibition in the expository hours and to the realization of the practices of classroom in the interactive classes, and also for each thematic block presents an estimate of the time of autonomous work of the students (in non presencial hours HNP) until completing the hours that correspond to the course by the his cargo of 6 credits ECTS (150 hours in total).
BLOCK I - The Systems of Representation. (2 HNP)
Subject 1.- BASES OF THE SYSTEMS OF REPRESENTATION. (*) (1 expository hour)
1.1 The projection. Types and properties.
1.2 Systems of Representation. Fundamental condition. Ranking.
1.3 System Diédrico. Bases and applications.
1.4 System of Planes Acoutados. Bases and applications.
1.5 System Axonométrico. Bases and applications.
1.6 System Cónico. Bases and applications.
BLOCK II - System of Planes Acoutados. (30 HNP)
Subject 2.- THE POINT AND THE STRAIGHT. (1 expository hour + ½ interactive hour)
2.1 Representation of the point.
2.2 Representation of the straight. Slope, module or interval, traces.
2.3 Graduation of a straight.
2.4 Belonging point-straight. Obtención Of the quota of a point of the straight.
2.5 Particular positions of the straight.
2.6 Relative positions between two straight.
2.7 Geographical orientation of a straight.
Subject 3.- THE PLANE. (1 expository hour + ½ interactive hour)
3.1 Determination and representation of the plane.
3.2 Straight remarkable: horizontal, traces and straight of maximum slope.
3.3 Earring and module of one plane.
3.4 Particular positions of the plane.
3.5 Belonging point-plane and straight-plane.
3.6 Determination of the slope of a straight of the plane.
3.7 Traced of one plane of slope given than go through a point.
3.8 Traced of one plane of slope given than contain the a straight.
3.9 Traced of a straight of slope given than belonging it a plane.
3.10 Representation of plane figures.
3.11 Utilization of one plane vertical auxiliary: heaved.
Subject 4.- INTERSECTIONS (STRAIGHT and PLANE). (1 expository hour + 1 interactive hour)
4.1 Intersection of two straight. Particular cases.
4.2 Intersection of planes. Particular cases.
4.3 Intersection of straight and plane. Particular cases.
4.4 Intersection of one plane with a plane figure.
4.5 Intersection of a straight with a plane figure.
4.6 Intersection of two plane figures between sí.
Subject 5.- PARALLELISM AND PERPENDICULARITY. (1 expository hour + 1 interactive hour)
5.1 Parallelism between straight.
5.2 Parallelism between planes.
5.3 Parallelism between straight and plane.
5.4 Teoremas of perpendicularity.
5.5 Perpendicularity between straight and plane.
5.6 Perpendicularity between straight.
5.7 Perpendicularity between planes.
Subject 6.- ABATEMENTOS. (1 expository hour + 1 interactive hour)
6.1 Generalities.
6.2 Abatemento of one point belonging to a plane.
6.3 Abatemento of a straight belonging to a plane.
6.4 Abatemento of a plane figure.
Subject 7.- DISTANCES. (*) (1 expository hour + ½ interactive hour)
7.1 The real distance and the reduced distance.
7.2 Distance between two points.
7.3 Distance of a point it a plane.
7.4 Distance of a point the a straight.
7.5 Distance between two straight parallels.
7.6 Distance between two parallel planes.
7.7 Distance go in a straight and a parallel plane it she.
7.8 Minimum distance between two straight that cross.
Subject 8.- ANGLES. (1 expository hour + ½ interactive hour)
8.1 Angle of a straight with the plane of projection.
8.2 Angle of one plane with the of projection.
8.3 Angle of two straight that cut.
8.4 Angle of two planes.
8.5 Angle of a straight with one plane.
Subject 9.- REPRESENTATION OF VOLUMES. SECTIONS. (*) (1 expository hour + 1 interactive hour)
9.1 Geometrical bodies.
9.2 Polyhedrons. Regular polyhedrons.
9.3 Prisms and pyramids.
9.4 The cone and the cilindro.
9.5 The sphere.
9.6 Intersection between bodies and plane: sections.
9.7 Intersection between bodies and straight.
9.8 Intersection between bodies.
9.9 Shadow dismissed by a body.
Subject 10.- APPLICATIONS – I : COVERS AND SOLERAS. (*) (1 expository hour + 1 interactive hour)
10.1 Covers. Nomenclature.
10.2 Resolution of covers with perimeter poligonal the equal quota.
10.3 Covers with inner playground.
10.4 Covers with perimeter poligonal the distinct quotas.
10.5 Covers with beirados bent.
10.6 Calculation of the surface of the faldóns.
10.7 Complementary determinations (heaved, sections…).
10.8 Soleras.
Subject 11.- APPLICATIONS – II : REPRESENTATION OF TERRAIN. (*) (1 expository hour + 1 interactive hour)
11.1 Topographical surface. Curves of level. Equidistancia.
11.2 Singularities of the earthy.
11.3 Line of maximum slope.
11.4 Determination of the quota of a point of the earthy. Interpolación Of curves of level.
11.5 True distance between two points of the earthy.
11.6 Traced of one itinerario with constante slope.
11.7 Intersection of one plane with a topographical surface.
11.8 Profiles of the earthy.
11.9 Topographical panoramas.
11.10 Surfaces seen and unseen. Zones of shadow.
Subject 12.- EXPLANATIONS. (*) (1 expository hour + 1 interactive hour)
12.1 Explanacións: generalities. Platform and noiros of disassemble and terraplén.
12.2 Obtención of the final configuration of one explanación. Agreements.
12.3 Particular case of platform with bordes bent.
12.4 Particular case of platform with bordes curvos horizontals.
12.5 Particular case of platform with bordes curvos bent.
12.6 Traced of transversal profiles.
12.7 Cubicación of the volume of earths stirred up.
Subject 13- ROADS. (*) (1 expository hour + 1 interactive hour)
13.1 Conditionings in the traced of a road of communication.
13.2 Traced lonxitudinal of the axis of the road.
13.3 Traced of the profile lonxitudinal. Rasante.
13.4 Plane of plant.
13.5 Traced of the transversal profiles. Profiles type. Cubicación.
BLOCK III - System Diédrico (Direct Method). (28 HNP)
Subject 14.- THE POINT AND THE STRAIGHT. (1 expository hour + ½ interactive hour)
14.1 Comparison go in the traditional and direct methods.
14.2 Represent ation of the point. System of coordinates. Note.
14.3 Representation of the straight. Projection of profile.
14.4 Particular positions and favourable positions of the straight.
14.5 Belonging point-straight.
14.6 Conversion of a straight oblicua in another in favourable position.
Subject 15.- THE PLANE. (1 expository hour + ½ interactive hour)
15.1 Determination and representation of the plane.
15.2 Straight belonging-plane and point-plane.
15.3 Straight remarkable of one plane.
15.4 particular Positions and favourable positions of the plane.
15.5 Conversion of one plane oblicuo in another in favourable position.
Subject 16.- INTERSECTIONS (STRAIGHT and PLANE). (1 expository hour + 1 interactive hour)
16.1 Intersection of two straight. Particular cases.
16.2 Intersection of two planes. Particular cases.
16.3 Intersection between straight and plane. Particular cases.
16.4 Visibility of the straight and the plane in the intersections.
Subject 17.- PARALLELISM AND PERPENDICULARITY. (1 expository hour + ½ interactive hour)
17.1 Parallelism between straight.
17.2 Parallelism between planes.
17.3 Parallelism between straight and plane.
17.4 Reminding the Teoremas of perpendicularity.
17.5 Perpendicularity between straight and plane.
17.6 Perpendicularity between straight.
17.7 Perpendicularity between planes.
Subject 18.- DISTANCES. (*) (1 expository hour + 1 interactive hour)
18.1 Distance between two points.
18.2 Distance of a point it a plane.
18.3 Distance of a point the a straight.
18.4 Distance between two straight parallels.
18.5 Distance between two parallel planes.
18.6 Distance go in a straight and a parallel plane it she.
Subject 19.- ANGLES. (½ expository hour + ½ interactive hour)
19.1 Angle of a straight with one plane of projection.
19.2 Angle of one plane with one of projection.
19.3 Angle of two straight that cut .
19.4 Angle of two planes.
19.5 Angle of a straight with one plane.
Subject 20.- AUXILIARY METHODS – I : ABATEMENTOS. (1 expository hour + ½ interactive hour)
20.1 Aim of the auxiliary methods.
20.2 Reminding the concept of abatemento of one plane.
20.3 Obtención of the dejected positions of a point, of a straight and of a figure
Plane contained in the plane than if abate.
20.4 Application of the plane affinity to the resolution of problems of abatementos.
20.5 Restitution of the projections of a dejected plane figure.
Subject 21.- AUXILIARY METHODS – II : CHANGES OF PLANE. (1 expository hour + ½ interactive hour)
21.1 Concept.
21.2 Change of Vertical Plane: obtención of heaved auxiliaries.
21.3 Change of Horizontal Plane: obtención of auxiliary plants.
21.4 Changes of successive plane.
Subject 22.- AUXILIARY METHODS – III : TWISTS. (1/2 expository hour)
22.1 Concept.
22.2 Twist of a point.
22.3 Twist of a straight.
Subject 23.- REPRESENTATION OF VOLUMES. SECTIONS. (*) (1 expository hour + 1 interactive hour)
23.1 Representation diédrica and reading of geometrical bodies. Sights.
23.2 Intersection between bodies and plane: sections.
23.3 Intersection between bodies and straight.
BLOCK IV - Perspectives. (12 HNP)
Subject 24.- AXONOMTERIC SYSTEM. TRACED PRÁCTICO OF PERSPECTIVES. (*) (2 expository hours + 2 interactive hours)
24.1 Axonometría ortogonal. Types of axonometría ortogonal. Scales axonométricas.
24.2 Axonometría oblicua: Perspective Cabaleira. Perspective Cabaleira Normalized and Military Perspective or Planimétrica.
24.3 Traced of perspectives axonométricas isométricas and cabaleiras normalized:
- Representation of plane figures.
- Representation of volumes.
- Representation of the planes.
- Intersection of planes.
- Intersection between planes and volumes: sections.
BLOCK V - Normalization. (6 HNP)
Subject 25.- NORMALIZATION DO TECHNICAL DRAWING. (1/2 tutoring hour in group)
25.1 Concept of normalization: origin and aim. Norms UNE and ISO. Other norms.
25.2 The normalization in the Technical Drawing.
25.3 Norms envelope to presentation of the technical drawings:
- Formats and presentation of graphic elements (UNE 1026-2-83).
- Prayed of planes (UNE 1027-95).
- Writing. Common characters (UNE 1034-1-75).
- Picture of rotulación (UNE 1035-95).
25.4 To scale: definition, types and employment.
Subject 26.- THE NORMALIZATION OF THE REPRESENTATION. (*) (1/2 tutoring hour in group)
26.1 Norm JOINS 1-032-82: general principles of representation.
26.2 Denomination and disposal of the sights:
It) Method of the first diedro (European System).
b) Method of the third diedro (American System).
26.3 Criteria of election of the sights. Centered in the format.
26.4 Cuts and sections. Breaks.
26.5 Croquización.
Subject 27.- ACOTACIÓN. (1/2 tutoring hour in group)
27.1 Concept. Norm JOINS 1-039-94.
27.2 Elements of acoutamento.
27.3 Registration of the figures of quota: methods and particularidades.
27.4 Disposal of the quotas.
27.5 Acoutamentos singular.
Subject 28.- INTRODUCTION AO DRAWING OF PROJECTS. (1/2 tutoring hour in group)
28.1 Generalities.
28.2 Planes of situation and of location or emprazamento.
28.3 Descriptive planes of the determining.
28.4 Descriptive planes of the current situation (without project).
28.5 Planes definidores of the transformation.
28.6 Sistematización and ordination of the plane of one Project.
BLOCK VI - The Technical Drawing Assisted by Computadora. (12 HNP)
Subject 29.- BASES OF THE CAD. (*) (1 tutoring hour in group + 6 interactive hours)
29.1 Historical development of the drawing and design assisted by computadora.
29.2 The CAD like tool for the graphic expression in the engineering.
29.3 Programs of drawing in 2D and modeladores in 3D.
29.4 basic Utilization of a platform of CAD: AutoCAD
The practical contents will develop in interactive classes from the contained previous theorists, doing exercises related with the different couses, once finish the theoretical exhibition of the same in the expository hours of theory or in parallel with them. Also they will be treated autonomously put it students, especially after they complete his notes with the bibliography recommended in the apartado following.
Basic bibliography:
Bertrán Guasp, J. Geomeetría Descriptiva I: Sistema Diédrico Directo. Donostiarra. S. Sebastián, 1995
Collado Sánchez-Capuchino, V. Dibujo Técnico (Expresión Gráfica de la Ingeniería). Tébar Flores. Albacete, 1996
Izquierdo Asensi, E. Ejercicios de Geomeetría Descriptiva I (Diédrico). Dossat. Madrid, 1992
Izquierdo Asensi, E. Ejercicios de Geomeetría Descriptiva II (Acotado y Axonométrico). Paraninfo. Madrid, 1994
Montaño La Cruz, F. AutoCAD 2023 (Colección “Manuales imprescindibles”). Anya Multimedia. 2023
Reyes Rodríguez, A.M. AutoCAD 2021 (Colección “Manuales imprescindibles”). Anaya Multimedia. 2021
Rodríguez De Abajo, F.J. Geomeetría Descriptiva II: Sistema de Planos Acotados. Donostiarra. San Sebastián, 1982
Varios Autores, Cuadernos de prácticas de Dibujo Técnico. Donostiarra:
0: Dibujo Lineal
1: Croquización.
2: Cortes, secciones y roturas
3: Acotación
6: Vistas y visualización.
7: Iniciación al Sistema Diédrico
11: Sistema de Planos Acotados
12: Sólidos geomeétricos en Sistema Diédrico.
14: Sistema Diédrico Directo.
Bibliography of query (complementary):
Bertoline, G.R. et al. Engineering and Graphics Communication. Irwin. Chicago,1995
Félez, J.; Martínez, M.L. Dibujo Industrial. Síntesis. Madrid, 1996
Félez, J. e outros. Fundamentos de Ingeniería Gráfica. Síntesis. Madrid, 1996
Gimenez Peris, V. Diédrico Directo Tomo I: Teoría y 190 ejercicios de aplicación. Editor Autor. Madrid, 2007
Montaño de la Cruz, F. AutoCAD 2020. Guía Práctica. Anaya Multimedia. 2019
Pérez Díaz, J.L., Palacios Cuenca, S. Expresión Gráfica en la Ingeniería. Prentice Hall. Madrid, 1998
Reyes Rodríguez A.M.; Montaño de la Cruz, F. AutoCAD Práctico: 130 ejercicios definitivos. Anaya Multimedia. 2012
Speck, H. J. e Vieira Peixoto. Manual básico de desenho técnico. Florianápolis, Brasil, 2004.
Taibo Fernández, A. Geomeetría Descriptiva y sus aplicaciones. Editorial Tébar. 2009
For the development of the course, the Centre also will provide to the different students resources, go in those that fits to highlight graduate them of software of the program of CAD (AutoCAD) with the corresponding hardware.
Asimesmo, the students will explain to the start of each practical session in the classroom of drawing with the exercises to develop in the same, with a script detailed of the steps to follow in the case of the interactive classes of laboratory, to develop in the classrooms of computing of the Centre.
In this course the students will purchase and will practise the following basic competence, general, specific and transversal, that appear inside the pictures of competence that designed for the group of each two qualifications and that appear in the Memory verified of both titles, and that eat already aimed , agree with the collected in the Ministerial Orders CIN/323/2009 and CIN/324/2009, by the that establish respectively the requirements for the verification of the university titles that enable for the exercise of the professions of Agricultural Technical Engineer and Forest Technical Engineer:
Basic and general competence:
CG1 - Knowledge in basic courses, scientific and technological enabling a learning contínua, as well as a capacity of adaptation to new situations or entornos changing.
CG2 - Capacity of resolution of problems with creativity, initiative, methodology and critical reasoning.
CG6- Capacity for the work in multidisciplinary teams and multiculturais.
Specific competence (of basic and general training):
FB2 - Capacity of space vision and knowledge of the techniques of graphic representation, so much by traditional methods of
Metric geometry and descriptive geometry, eat by means of the applications of design assisted by computer.
CEG1 - Capacity for the previous preparation, conception, editorial and signature of projects that have by object to building, reform, repair, preservation, demolición, manufacture, installation, montaxe or exploitation of goods mobles or inmobles that by the his nature and characteristics remain comprised in the own technique of the agricultural and livestock-farming production (installations or edificacións, exploitations, infrastructures and rural roads), the industry agroalimentaria (industries extractivas, fermentativas, dairy, conserveras, hortofrutícolas, cárnicas, pesqueiras, of salgaduras and, in general, anyone another devoted to the manufacture and/or transformation, preservation, manipulation and distribution of alimentary products) and the gardening and the paisaxismo (urban green spaces and/or rural parks, gardens, viveiros, arboredo urban, etc., public sportive installations or personal and fields subjected the recovery paisaxística).
Transversal competence:
CT2- Capacity for the reasoning and the argumentation.
CT3- Capacity to work individually, with attitude of autocrítica.
CT9- Skill in the handle of technologies of the information and of the communication (TIC).
CT12- Capacity to resolve problems by means of the application integrated of the his knowledges.
Basic and general competence:
CG1- Capacity to comprise the biological bases, chemical, physical, mathematical and of the systems of necessary representation for the development of the professional activity, as well as to identify the different elements bióticos and physical of the half forest and the renewable natural resources susceptible of protection, preservation and aproveitamentos in the forest field.
Specific competence:
CEFB2- Capacity of space vision and knowledge of the techniques of graphic representation, so much by traditional methods of
Metric geometry and descriptive geometry, eat by means of the applications of design assisted by computer.
Transversal competence:
CT2- Capacity for the reasoning and the argumentation.
CT3- Capacity to work individually, with attitude of autocrítica.
CT9- Skill in the handle of technologies of the information and of the communication (TIC).
CT11- Utilization of information in foreign tongue.
CT12- Capacity to resolve problems by means of the application integrated of the his knowledges.
The methodology and activities to develop in the course of "Graphic Expression in the Engineering" adapt to the demands of the European Space of Tertiary education. In this felt, the distribution go in the different activities of the 6 ECTS of this course that presents the continuation (with 150 hours of dedicación total) shows as the autonomous work of the estudantado convírtese in good measure in the main character of the his learning:
- Expository classes = 24 presencial hours (+ 36 hours of autonomous work = 60)
- Interactive classes = 24 presencial hours (+ 36 hours of autonomous work = 60)
- Group tutoring = 3 presencial hours (+ 6 hours of autonomous work = 9)
- Free tutoring = 2 presencial hours
- Examinations = 6 presencial hours (+ 12 of autonomous work = 18)
- Review of examinations = 1 presencial hour
Totals: 60 presencial hours + 90 hours of autonomous work = 150 hours
It appears so a factor that expresses the relation between it presencialidade and the autonomous work of the estudantado that require the activities mentioned. Like this, by each hour presencial in the classes, the students will owe to devote at least one and average, outside of the classrooms, to complete the corresponding notes to the different subjects treaties, to finish off the practices initiated or to apply the learnt the new situations.
In this way, the methodology employed in this course obeys the a series of activities than, put his character participativo, if they adapt to the system proposed in the EEES, with the clear protagonism of the autonomous work of the before mentioned students.
Specifically, to docencia of the course bases in the following activities, working in all they the basic competence, general and specific (CG1, CG2, CG6, FB2 and CEG1 in the case of the Agricultural Engineering and Agroalimentaria, and CG1 and CEFB2 in the case of the Forest Engineering and of the Natural Environment), and also the transversal CT2, CT3, CT9, CT11 and CT12 collected in this Guide:
- Expository or magistral classes in only group, where in the senior part of the time will do the exhibition ordeada and reasoned of the contained of each of the subjects of the course.
- Interactive classes of laboratory or practical with computadora in groups with one maximum of 20 people, imparted in the classrooms of drawing and of computing, to resolve exercises related with the different contents of the course.
- Group tutoring with one maximum of 10 people, realized also in the classroom of drawing or in the of computing to treat subjects related with the course that require of a senior attention customized.
- Free tutoringattended in the dispatch of the professor, in the classroom if they are of collective way, or through the Course opened of the course in the Virtual Campus of the USC, to treat to resolve all the doubts than envelope to course go arising along the course.
- Examination of the contained and of the practical application of the knowledges purchased.
- Voluntary reviews (and recommended) of the exercises of examination.
- Support in the net with one Study opened for this course in the Virtual Campus of the USC.
Additionally, in the course foresees to do a trip of studies, of assistance no mandatory and no avaliable, that will form part of the welcoming activities to the qualifications and that will have like objective inside the course know installations and constructive aspects of the exploitations agropecuarias of to facilitate his possible graphic representation.
The drawing is a fundamental way of expression for the engineer and the contents boarded in this course constitute a powerful tool of work in this felt. Therefore, the qualification of the students owed to reflect the level purchased in the necessary training for his correct utilization and presentation.
Like this, in all the exercises, xa they are of Practices or of Examination, will value two aspects:
1º.- The knowledges, the capacity of resolution and the space vision.
2º.- The accuracy, to lexibilidade and to pulcritude in the resolution and presentation of the exercise.
In this way, the qualification obtained in the correction of the procedure and results of an exercise, will be able to be recessed tie a 30% by bad quality of the presentation or by little accuracy in the drawing.
The evaluation of the learning of the students, and therefore the form to measure if it purchased the basic competence, general and specific marked for this course in the two qualifications, will base in one process of continuous evaluation that will entail a system of tracking and final examination (mandatory and complementary it this tracking, of character eminentemente practical) along the course. The continuation expose his main characteristic:
For the final grade of the subject, in the first or second opportunity, in addition to the exam described below, the completion and presentation of all the exercises of the practices (grade P, with a score of 10 points), both those developed in the interactive classes and the complementary ones that are proposed and that the students will have to solve and send also within the established deadlines (which will involve as a whole 35% of the grade of the subject). The teacher will receive the submissions of these exercises through the Virtual Campus at the times determined and will make their correction and subsequent comments, individual or group, through that same Virtual Campus. The resolution and submission of these materials will be mandatory, although students will have a reasonable margin of exemption, a maximum of 20%, if at any time they do not make these submissions (which in any case will reduce their grade in this section by having a grade of 0 in the exercises not sent).
FINAL EXAMINATION (first opportunity of the announcement in course):
When finishing off the first semester, in the month of December or January (in official date fixed put Centre), will realize a proof or final examination (with one attaches of 65% of the note of the course).
All the students will owe to realize mandatorily this final proof, than form part of the continuous evaluation of the course.
To approve the examination, there is that have more of 5 points on 10 (qualification E), but the course can be surpassed if the qualification of the practices compensates the deficit tie this note: if the final qualification (CF = 0,35xP + 0,65xE) is upper to 5, the course considérarase approved always and when the note of the examination And was senior of 3,5 points on 10.
EXAMINATION OF JUNE-JULY (second opportunity of the announcement in course):
In the case of not approving the course in the previous opportunity, in the following (in the of June-July) the students will realize a new examination of recovery of all the course, being the subject final qualification to the same conditions pointed out previously.
Summarizing, the overrun of the course (in 1ª or 2ª opportunity) requires to achieve 5 points on 10 in the his final qualification CF, taking into account that the examination (E) supposes a 65% of the note, and the realization and delivery of the exercises of the practices of classe and complementary (P) a 35%. In any case, initially is indispensable to get like minimum 3,5 points on 10 in the examination of the course for power take into account the another criterion of evaluation (this condition could saw modified in function of as if it develop the course by different reasons, but in any case, always would be of favourable way for the students).
All these components will serve to evaluate jointly the competence CG1, CG2, CG6, FB2 and CEG1 related with this course in the qualifications of Degree in Agricultural Engineering and Agroalimentaria, and the competence CG1 and CEFB2 in the qualifications of Degree in Forest Engineering and of the Natura Environment. Regarding the transversal competence (CT2, CT3, CT9, CT11 and CT12) collected in this Guide, will be worked along the teaching development of the course, without being subjected it a process of specific evaluation to check his achievement.
In the case of the no enrolled students for the first time in the course by not to have it surpassed previously, only will have to do the final examination (in the his first or second opportunity) if already did and sent the practices in a previous matrícula. In this case, the note achieved in the handsome practices in the his day will serve to apply the criteria of evaluation commented for the students enrolled for the first time, that also would be of application in this supposed.
If it does not had handsome and envoys these practical, or wanted to improve the note achieved previously, would have to do the proposals in the present course like support in the preparation of the course, applying also in this situation the system of evaluation described in the previous paragraphs.
Remember that all the classes have “face-to-face and mandatory character” and therefore, will carry a strict control of assistance. Of not featuring an upper assistance to 80%, the students in these circumstances will not be able to presented to the examinations, neither in the first neither in the second opportunity. Only it would remain was of this demand the no enrolled students for the first time if already fulfilled this requirement in a previous matrícula.
The students that have conceded one metes out of assistance, to be evaluated, will have to do the final examination (in the his first or second opportunity), having to do also the practical proposals by the his account, with the support of the tutorías, for a back envío and correction by part of the professor (that help him to go purchasing the competence related with the course). This autonomous work, together with the note of the examination, would be subject to the even system of evaluation described for the previous cases.
Say lastly than in front of the fraudulent realization gave exercises and proofs will be of application the collected in the “Rule of evaluation of the academic performance of the students and of review of qualifications” of the USC.
With the system of credits ECTS, aparte of the assistance to the expositoy classes (24 hours along the semester, 2 by week), to the interactive classes (24 hours along the semester, with sessions of 2 weekly hours), to the group tutoring (3 hours in all the semester) and to the individual tutoring (the times that wish along the course), the students will owe to devoted to the "settlement" of the learnt and to the resolution of the exercises of the practices and of others was of the classe, an average of 5 or 6 weekly hours. In this way, the hours devoted to the course would adjust, more or less, to the foreseen:
6 credits ECTS x 25 hours credit = 150 hours of dedicación
24 expository hours + 24 interactive hours + 3 hours of group tutoring = 51 hours
Other presencial hours of mandatory character = 6 hours (examination)
150 - 51 - 6 = 93 hours of autonomous work
93 hours / 15 weeks of the semester = 6 hours by week
Although the acquisition of the space vision and of the destreza in the graphic representation, even with the employment of tools computings, can have an inherent component to the person that facilitate his learning, the true is which both skills require of one work constante so that they can be desenvoltas with guarantee of success in the achievement of the objective marked in this course.
It is important the assistance it all the classes of the course, presencials or virtual if it was the case, like instrument to strengthen the learning of the students. In them goes to develop the learnt and is to be conscious of the level than goes purchasing and of the his limitations, always with the help and the support of the professor. With the supplement of the tutorías, in group and individual, will surpass anyone impede that him poda present.
In any case, no treats of memorizar definitions and procedures, senon to resolve problems related with the qualifications, employing for are the tools that provides us this course. And these skills, that can result plus easy for some people than for another eat already aimed, purchase with the practice and the constante and personal work along the course.
To impartición of this course will be in Galician.
For the resolution of the practical exercises in paper, in the classroom of drawing or of autonomous way, the students will need like minimum the following material of drawing:
- Portaminas Classical (2 mm) or retráctil (0,5 mm) with half mine (F or HB).
- Compás articulated, with rosca and mines of the same dureza that it portaminas.
- Afíaminas (for the mines of 2mm) and rasqueta or sandpaper (for the mine of the compás).
- Rubber to erase pencil, white and with lining.
- Escuadra and cartabón of 25 or30 cm, without bisel neither graduation.
- Escalímetro (Recommended with the scales 1:100, 1:200, 1:250, 1:300, 1:400 and 1:500).
- Transparent adhesive tape normal.
In order to encourage students' attention to the explanations given by the teaching staff, and in view of the growing inopportuneuse of these devices in the classroom, this Guide includes the prohibition of the use of mobile phones and tablets for private use during the development of the sessions (unless their use is directly related to the content taught and always under the supervision of the teaching staff).
Thus, students will be required to keep these devices turned off (or inactivated) and stored safely during classes, and may be expelled if they do not comply with this requirement.
In the same way, students will be asked to make good use of computers in the practices taught in the computer classrooms, not entering browsers or programs that are not those that are being used at all times in the development of the classes, with the same consequences as in the previous case if they do not do so.
Francisco Javier Lopez Gonzalez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Engineering Graphics
- Phone
- Ext.23211
- franciscojavier.lopez [at]
- Category
- Professor: Collaborator
Wednesday | |||
12:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | Classroom 7 (Lecture room 2) |
Thursday | |||
12:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | Classroom 7 (Lecture room 2) |
Friday | |||
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | Classroom 7 (Lecture room 2) |
01.16.2025 10:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 11 (Lecture room 3) |
01.16.2025 10:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 12 (Lecture room 3) |
06.10.2025 09:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 11 (Lecture room 3) |
06.10.2025 09:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 12 (Lecture room 3) |