ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 1 Expository Class: 30 Interactive Classroom: 25 Total: 56
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Functional Biology
Areas: Cellular Biology
Center Faculty of Biology
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
Know the origin, structure and function of animal and plant tissues and organs.
Know and distinguish different animal and plant tissues and organs.
Know the basic techniques used in Histology.
Identify different animal and plant cell types and tissues in photomicrographs obtained in different types of optical and electron microscopes.
Train in the handling of the bright field optical microscope by observing histological slides of sections of various animal and plant organs and relate theoretical and practical content identifying different cell types and tissues.
How to use and look for information in specific and general bibliography and in Internet to supplement the information provided in lectures and seminars.
Contents of this subject are organized into 14 theory lectures, 8 laboratory sessions, 2 seminar sessions and a tutorial.
Lectures will take place face-to-face in the classroom of the Faculty of Biology indicated in the schedule established by the centre.
LECTURE 1 (3 hours).- Plant body plan. Plant tissues. Biology of meristems.
LECTURE 2 (2 hours).- Biology of the parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma.
LECTURE 3 (2,5 hours).- Biology of vascular tissues I. Xylem.
LECTURE 4 (2 hours).- Biology of vascular tissues II. Phloem.
LECTURE 5 (2,5 hours).- Biology of protection tissues.
LECTURE 6 (1,5 hours).- Biology of secretory tissues.
LECTURE 7 (1,5 hours).- Sporogenous tissue and gametophytes.
LECTURE 8 (3 hours).- Origin and evolution of animal tissues. Biology of epithelia: covering and glandular epithelium.
LECTURE 9 (3 hours).- Biology of connective tissues. Adipose tissue.
LECTURE 10 (1 hour).- Biology of cartilaginous tissue.
LECTURE 11 (2 hours).- Biology of bone tissue.
LECTURE 12 (2 hours).- Biology of blood. Haematopoiesis.
LECTURE 13 (2 hours).- Biology of muscular tissue.
LECTURE 14 (2 hours).- Biology of the nervous tissue.
Laboratory sessions will take place face-to-face in the general laboratory 3 of the Faculty of Biology. The duration of each session will be 2.5 hours.
LAB SESSION 1.- Root anatomy: Primary and secondary roots. Leaf anatomy.
LAB SESSION 2.- Stem anatomy: Primary and secondary stems. Flower anatomy.
LAB SESSION 3.- Integument and exocrine glands. Digestive system anatomy I.
LAB SESSION 4.- Digestive system anatomy II.
LAB SESSION 5.- Digestive system anatomy III. Respiratory system.
LAB SESSION 6.- Lymphoid organs.
LAB SESSION 7.- Excretory system.
LAB SESSION 8.- Nervous system. Sense organs.
Seminar sessions will take place face-to-face in the classroom of the Faculty of Biology indicated in the schedule established by the centre. There will be two seminars, of 2,5 hours each, in which will carry on practice of exercises for the recognition of animal and plant tissues in photomicrographs obtained in different types of optical and electronic microscopes, and of different types of questions and different types of activities with the aim of delving the contents taught in the classroom lectures.
During the tutorial hour, teachers will make recommendations to organize and study the subject and will resolve any doubts that may arise for the students.
Basic bibliography:
Paniagua, Ricardo; Nistal, Manuel; Sesma, Pilar; Álvarez-Uría, Manuel; Fraile, Benito; Anadón, Ramón; y Sáez, Francisco J. (2007). Citología e Histología Vegetal y Animal. Vol.2. 4ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill-Interamericana.
Alonso Peña, José R. (2011). Manual de Histología vegetal. Madrid: Ediciones Mundi-Prensa.
Evert, Ray F. (2008). Esau Anatomía vegetal: meristemos, células y tejidos de las plantas: su estructura, función y desarrollo. 3ª ed. Barcelona: Omega.
Gartner, Leslie P. (2021). Texto de Histología: Atlas a color. 5ª ed. Madrid: Elsevier. Accesible en liña:
Megías, Manuel; Molist, Pilar; y Pombal, Manuel A. (2019). Atlas de histología vegetal y animal. Accesible en: [Consultado 09/05/2023].
Complementary bibliography:
Crang, Richard; Lyons-Sobaski, Sheila; and Wise, Robert (2018). Plant Anatomy: a concept-based approach to the structure of seed plants. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Mauseth, James D. (2009). Botany : an introduction to plant biology. 4th ed. Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett.
Tres, Laura; y Kierszenbaum, Abraham L. (2020). Histología y Biología Celular: Introducción a la anatomía patológica. 5ª ed. Madrid: Elsevier. Accesible en liña:
Ross, Michael H. (2015). Histología: texto y atlas: correlación con Biología celular y molecular. 7ª ed. Barcelona: Wolters Kluwer.
Young, Barbara; O'Dowd, Geraldine; y Woodford, Phillip (2014). Wheater histología funcional: texto y atlas en color. 6ª ed. Barcelona: Elsevier. Accesible en liña:
Knowledge/contents: Con01, Con07, Con08
Skills/abilities: H/D02, H/D03, H/D07, H/D08, H/D09, H/D13
Capacities: Com01, Comp02, Comp03, Comp04, Comp06
Classroom lectures. Teachers will explain lectures contents in the classroom with the support of audio-visual media and will promote the participation and intervention of the students during the course of the lecture.
Teachers will use the USC virtual campus to provide students teaching material with the aim of facilitating the understanding of the contents taught in the lectures.
Seminar sessions. Seminar sessions will consist of the realization by lecturers of teaching activities of different kind with the active participation of the students, who will have to carry out, both individually and in a group, a series of activities, with the aim of delving the contents taught in the classroom lectures.
Laboratory sessions. At the beginning of each lab session, teachers will make a brief introduction on the organ(s) object of study. Throughout these lab sessions, students will be trained in the handling of the bright field optical microscope by observing various histological slides of sections of plant and animal organs. By analysing those sections students must understand the general structure of the organ(s) and identify and distinguish the different cell types and tissues that compose it(them).
Each student will have a bright field optical microscope, histological slides corresponding to each session, and a script with the description of the organs that will be studied in each session that will be available through the virtual classroom of the subject prior to carrying out the session in the laboratory.
Tutorial. Teachers will make recommendations to organize and study the subject and will resolve any doubts that may arise for the students. It will be carried out virtually, using the MS-Teams platform.
According to the Estatutos da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela y la Normativa de asistencia a clase nas ensinanzas adaptadas ao Espazo Europeo de Ensinanza Superior (Consello de Goberno, 25 marzo 2010) “It is the duty of students to attend the theoretical and practical classes of each subject and the completion of the appropriate complementary work”. Of all the activities developed in the subject, the only ones that are compulsory are the interactive laboratory classes, with a 80% attendance required.
For the two evaluation opportunities, the grade obtained by each student will be a weighted average of their performance in the parts of the subject in which their work is evaluated. Students must pass two assessment tests:
1) Theoretical content exam, which will account for 65% of the overall grade for the subject. It will consist of two parts: one referring to the contents on plant tissues lectures, and another referring to the contents on animal tissues lectures and the contents taught in the seminar regarding the histological tissues processing. Each part will consist of a written test with multiple choice questions (where two incorrect answers subtract one correct answer), short and/or long answer questions, and questions related to photomicrograph and diagrams of tissues and/or organs included in the lectures. The answer using terms or concepts corresponding to animal tissues in the questions referring to plant tissues, or vice versa, will be penalized with the subtraction of one point in the overall grade of the exam.
To pass the theoretical content exam it is mandatory to achieve a grade equal to or greater than 5.0 points (out of 10.0) in each of the parts. If this is not the case, the summation will not be carried out and the exam will be considered failed.
In this exam, the following competencies are evaluated: Con01, Con07, Con08, H/D02, H/D03, H/D07, H/D08, H/D09, H/D13, Comp01, Comp02, Comp03, Comp06.
2) Examination of laboratory sessions, which will account for 35% of the overall grade for the subject. This exam will consist of two parts that will be held consecutively on the same date and in the same classroom, which are the following:
1st part.- It will consist of photomicrographs recognition of animal and plant tissues/organs. Students will have to identify, in colour photomicrographs projected in the classroom and obtained from the histological slides studied during the lab sessions, animal and plant organs and the structures indicated in each photomicrograph. Each student will have to write her/his answers in a template provided by teachers at the time of the exam. If the organ is not identified (blank answer) or is not identified correctly, answers referring to the indicated structures will not be scored.
2nd part.- It will consist of a written exam with true/false test questions (where one incorrect answer subtracts one correct answer). The questions will refer to the theoretical contents of the lab sessions scripts.
To pass the lab sessions exam it is necessary to achieve a grade equal to or greater than 5.0 points (out of 10.0) in each of the parts (photomicrographs and test). Otherwise, the sum will not be made and the lab sessions will be considered failed.
As part of the continuous evaluation, there will be a date in which only the interactive laboratory class exam will be carried out. Students who have not passed one or both parts of the exam on this date could make the exam again on the official dates of the first and second opportunities, once they have taken the theoretical content exam.
In this exam, the following competencies are evaluated: Con01, Con07, Con08H/D02, H/D08, H/D09, Comp03, Comp04.
The overall grade of each student in the subject will result from the sum of the grade obtained in the exam of lectures contents (65%) and the grade obtained in the exam of lab sessions contents (35 %). This sum will only be carried out when the student reaches a grade equal to or greater than 5.0 points (out of 10.0) in each of the exams. If the sum cannot be made, the grade that will appear in the academic record will be that of the exam that obtains the highest grade.
For repeating students, the assessment system will be the same as for newly enrolled students.
For cases of fraudulent completion of exams, the provisions of the "“Normativa de avaliación do rendemento académico dos estudantes e de revisión das cualificacións" of the USC will be applied.
Classroom lectures: 30 hours.
Seminar sessions: 5 hours.
Laboratory sessions: 20 hours.
Tutorials: 1 hour.
Study time and individual work: 90 hours.
Examinations: 4 hours.
Classroom lectures and laboratory and seminar sessions attendance and active participation during class work.
Study and weekly review of the information provided in lectures, and seminar and laboratory sessions, using the textbooks suggested by the lecturer.
Clarify doubts consulting the lecturers.
The subject requires previous study of the Cell Biology subject in the first semester of the first year of the Degree in Biology.
The subject will have a virtual classroom from the beginning of the semester on the Moodle platform of the USC virtual campus, in which lecturers will provide students with subject information (schedules, groups of classroom lessons, seminar and laboratory sessions, teaching guide, bibliography, presentations of theoretical content, laboratory scripts, news forum and notices, etc...), and didactic materials referring to the contents taught in classroom lessons and in seminar and laboratory sessions. Students will be informed throughout the semester of the beginning of the different activities (expositive, interactive laboratory and seminar classes), exam dates and other issues related to the subject, through the tool "notices" of the virtual classroom, through which students can also communicate with the teachers of the subject.
Maria Fatima Adrio Fondevila
Coordinador/a- Department
- Functional Biology
- Area
- Cellular Biology
- Phone
- 881816943
- fatima.adrio.fondevila [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Miguel Angel Rodriguez Diaz
- Department
- Functional Biology
- Area
- Cellular Biology
- Phone
- 881816942
- miguelangel.rodriguez.diaz [at]
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Jesus Lamas Fernandez
- Department
- Functional Biology
- Area
- Cellular Biology
- Phone
- 881816951
- jesus.lamas [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Eva Maria Candal Suarez
- Department
- Functional Biology
- Area
- Cellular Biology
- Phone
- 881816947
- eva.candal [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Daniel Romaus Sanjurjo
- Department
- Functional Biology
- Area
- Cellular Biology
- daniel.romaus.sanjurjo [at]
- Category
- Researcher: Marie Curie Programme
Nicolas Vidal Vazquez
- Department
- Functional Biology
- Area
- Cellular Biology
- nicolas.vidal.vazquez [at]
- Category
- Ministry Pre-doctoral Contract
Raquel Peña Romero
- Department
- Functional Biology
- Area
- Cellular Biology
- raquel.pena.romero [at]
- Category
- Ministry Pre-doctoral Contract
Laura Gonzalez Llera
- Department
- Functional Biology
- Area
- Cellular Biology
- l.gonzalez.llera [at]
- Category
- USC Pre-doctoral Contract
Aroa Ferrer Pinos
- Department
- Functional Biology
- Area
- Cellular Biology
- aroa.ferrer.pinos [at]
- Category
- Ministry Pre-doctoral Contract
Marina Leonor Perez Sanz
- Department
- Functional Biology
- Area
- Cellular Biology
- marina.perez.sanz [at]
- Category
- Ministry Pre-doctoral Contract
Tuesday | |||
16:00-17:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Classroom 03. Carl Linnaeus |
17:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Spanish | Classroom 04: James Watson and Francis Crick |
Wednesday | |||
16:00-17:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Classroom 03. Carl Linnaeus |
17:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Spanish | Classroom 04: James Watson and Francis Crick |
05.21.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 01. Charles Darwin |
05.21.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 04: James Watson and Francis Crick |
05.21.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Main Hall Santiago Ramón y Cajal |
07.07.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 01. Charles Darwin |
07.07.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 02. Gregor Mendel |