ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 1 Expository Class: 10 Interactive Classroom: 46 Total: 57
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Financial Economics and Accounting
Areas: Financial Economics and Accounting
Center Higher Technical Engineering School
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
The main objective of the subject is to familiarize students with some fundamental concepts related to the technical, commercial and, above all, economic-financial evaluation of business creation projects in the field of the environmental processes industry and related industrial sectors, as well as with the main financial aspects derived from business management and how to make it compatible with sustainability and corporate social responsibility in the context of a circular economy. In particular, it is intended that the student be able at the end of the subject to carry out the analysis and valuation of any investment project, with special emphasis on determining the profitability of the project and the analysis of the financial risk it entails. Knowing how to integrate sustainability into the analysis of the company's profitability and risk can help technicians and engineers to propose and design the most appropriate actions and projects for the company and to convince senior management of the convenience of putting them into practice. The various aspects of business management will be reviewed, highlighting the importance of risk management, innovation and sustainability in the company.
The contents developed in the course are articulated around those indicated in the subject descriptor included in the Master's in Chemical Engineering and Bioprocesses study plan:
• General concepts about business creation and entrepreneurship within the framework of sustainability.
• The concept of a company: approach to business reality through accounting.
• Feasibility analysis of investment projects.
• Fundamentals of business management under criteria of sustainability and corporate social responsibility.
• Financial management and analysis of value creation.
The subject program is divided into 3 topics with 15 basic sections, which are detailed below:
1.1. The company and the entrepreneur.
1.2. Entrepreneurship: conditioning factors.
1.3. Company forms.
1.4. Basic concepts of business management.
1.6. Fundamentals of accounting and finance.
2.1. The business plan.
2.2. Commercial viability.
23. Technical viability.
2.4. Financial viability.
3.1. Planning and organization in the company.
3.2. Main managerial functions.
3.3. Basic aspects of financial planning and management.
3.4. Financial analysis.
3.5. Sustainable management and value creation.
Basic bibliography:
Material prepared ad hoc by the teaching team will be provided through the virtual classroom for the development of each topic of the program.
Further reading:
Aceituno Aceituno, P. (Coord.) (2021). Creación y gestión de empresas. Centro de Estudios Financieros (CEF). Madrid.
Benninga, S. (2008): Financial Modeling, The MIT Press.
Brealey, R., Myers, S.; Allen, F. (2015): Principios de Finanzas Corporativas (15ª edición). McGraw Hill-Interamericana de España.
Mun, J. (2006). Real Options Analysis. Tools and Techniques for Valuing Strategic Investments and Decisions (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
Casillas, T. y Martí, J.M. (2019): Cómo hacer un plan de empresa. Guía práctica para su elaboración y puesta en marcha. Profit Editorial. Barcelona.
Fernández Fernández, L. (coord) (2007): La práctica de las finanzas de empresa, Delta Publicaciones, Madrid.
Gallego, J.L. (2020): Circulando hacia una nueva economía. Empresas con rumbo fijo hacia la economía circular. Profit Editorial. Barcelona.
Guilera Agüera, L. y Garrell Guiu, A. (2021): Productos y servicios inteligentes y sostenibles. Técnicas para la innovación y la creatividad. Marge Books. Barcelona.
HBS (2021). Cómo crear un plan de negocio. Editorial Reverté. Barcelona, 2021.
Jurado Apruzzese, S. y Llamas Fernández, F.J. (2021): Lean Startup. Aplicación práctica para emprendedores, intraemprendedores y formadores. Anaya Multimedia. Madrid.
Labatut Serer, G. (2020): Plan de Viabilidad Empresarial. Ediciones Lefebvre. Barcelona.
Medina Hernández, U. y Correa Rodríguez, A. (2008): Cómo evaluar un proyecto empresarial. Díaz de Santos.
Muñiz, L. (2010): Planes de negocio y estudios de viabilidad. Bresca.
Partal Ureña, A. et al (2020): Introducción a las finanzas empresariales (3ª ed.). Ediciones Pirámide.
Pérez Martell, R. (Coord.) (2021): La tecnología y los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible. J.M. Bosch Editor. Barcelona.
Pindado, J. (2012): Finanzas Empresarialies. Paraninfo.
Rodríguez Sandiás, A. (2013): Modelos de Análisis y Valoración de Proyectos, Ed. Andavira.
Rodríguez Sandiás, A. (2016): Dirección Financiera Aplicada: Inversiones, 3ª ed. Editorial Andavira.
Romero Castro, N. (2009): Financial Implications of Sustainability for Companies and Capital Markets. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
Sanchís Palacio, J.R., Campos i Climent, V. y Ejarque Catalá, A.T. (2020): Emprendimiento sostenible. Emprendiendo desde la cocreación de valor y el bien común. Ediciones Pirámide. Madrid
Sánez Iscar, E.J. (2019): Emprendedores paso a paso. Todo lo que necesitas saber para emprender tu propio negocio. Editorial Colex. A Coruña.
It is intended to contribute to achieving the knowledge, skills and abilities collected in the report of the Master's degree in Chemical Engineering and Bioprocesses:
(CN05) Know the bases of entrepreneurship and management skills within the framework of business management.
(CP06) Direct and organize companies, as well as production and service systems, applying knowledge and capabilities of industrial organization, commercial strategy, planning and logistics, commercial and labor legislation, financial and cost accounting.
(CP09) Manage Technological Research, Development and Innovation, taking into account technology transfer and property and patent rights.
(HD02) Adapt to structural changes in society motivated by factors or phenomena of an economic, energy or natural nature, to solve the resulting problems and provide technological solutions with a high commitment to sustainability.
(HD06) Perform professionally with ethical commitment within the framework of sustainable development.
(HD12) Perform with initiative and entrepreneurial spirit.
The program covers the topics that are considered essential to provide students with the skills required in the planning and evaluation of the creation of a company and in the key aspects of its sustainable management. In the face-to-face teaching hours, we will try to delve deeper into the most relevant and innovative aspects for the student, making a more superficial review of those already covered in other subjects. Throughout the course, reference will be made to the specific bibliography to be used to expand the knowledge acquired in each topic. Teaching of an eminently practical nature will be taught, resorting to the use of real cases to exemplify and clarify the contents of the program, using the appropriate computer tools and promoting autonomous and team work. The USC virtual campus will be used to provide study and work material to students and channel the delivery of work and communications with the professor.
During the weekly teaching hours, we will try to follow the methodological guidelines mentioned below:
- Make the logical rigor of Economic and Financial Theory compatible with the necessary expository clarity that allows a better understanding of the concepts discussed, through the use of examples that specify the concepts introduced and the results obtained.
- The theoretical demonstrations and mathematical training of the analyzed models will be the subject of attention on numerous occasions in order to introduce students to their use before using computer tools.
- There will be the support of the appropriate computer tools at all times.
- Solve exercises that allow the student to practice and check the assimilation of the content presented.
- Promote teamwork both within the teaching center and outside of it.
- Encourage dialogue in the classroom and active participation in class.
Specifically, the development of the following activities is planned, which will contribute to the development of the indicated competencies:
- A: Workshop to propose business ideas within the framework of sustainability, linked to SDG 12. Responsible production and consumption (HD02, HD06, HD12)
- B: Online review of business plans (CN05, CP06, HD12)
- C: Development of the economic-financial viability analysis of a business plan (CN05, CP06, HD12)
- D: Analysis of the organizational structure and innovation strategy of a company and search for examples of protection of intellectual or industrial property (CN05, CP06, CP09)
- E: Financial economic analysis of a company with integration of non-financial information (CN05, CP06, HD02, HD06)
- F: Proposal for solutions to improve sustainability in companies, linked to SDG 12. Responsible production and consumption (HD02, HD06)
Both expository and interactive teaching will be face-to-face, contemplating the possibility that, in an exceptional and justified manner, virtual teaching will be combined with face-to-face teaching up to a maximum of 10% of the hours of the subject.
To determine the final qualification on both occasions, students' learning will be monitored by carrying out activities, works or projects individually and/or in groups. Likewise, students will have to take a final exam with theoretical questions and problem solving that will allow the final grade to be individualized.
Rating Distribution
Exam : 50% (for the evaluation of CN05, CP06, CP09)
Activity A: 2% (for the evaluation of HD02, HD06, HD12)
Activity B: 3% (CN05, CP06, HD12)
Activity C: 14% (CN05, CP06, HD12)
Activity D: 10% (CN05, CP06, CP09)
Activity E: 14% (CN05, CP06, HD02, HD06)
Activity F: 2% (HD02, HD06)
Tutorials/Teacher report: 5%
Students who are granted exemption from class attendance (following Instruction No. 1/2017 of the General Secretariat on exemption from class attendance in certain circumstances) will be evaluated with a specific final exam that will represent 100% of the note.
The criteria to be applied in the evaluation of student performance are specified in the following:
- Direct and systematic observation of the work carried out in the classroom by the student.
- Assessment of the student's ability to participate in class both when asking or answering questions and when posing and developing some type of debate related to the subject.
- Completion of a written test, to be taken on the dates set in the center's official calendar.
- On the other hand, during the course a series of exercises and practical cases will be presented, with the aim of encouraging student participation in class and bringing the knowledge acquired closer to the reality of business creation and management.
The evaluation system will be the same in all calls (first and second opportunity and first and subsequent registrations).
Students will have the right to a review of their grade in the terms provided in the regulations.
In cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for evaluating the academic performance of students and reviewing grades will apply.
Theory: 10 hours
Seminars: 6 hours
Laboratories/computer classroom: 36 hours
Small group tutorials: 1 hour
Exam and review: 2 hours
Personal work: 95 hours
Total student work: 150 hours
A basic level of knowledge related to economics and business is recommended and basic knowledge of computer tools such as word processors, spreadsheets and/or simulators is required. Particularly, taking into account the fundamental role that work on the spreadsheet plays in this subject, it is advisable that the student who does not move with ease in this field try to improve his handling both with his personal effort and by making use of the hours of tutoring.
It is also recommended that the student consult the extensive bibliography offered to consolidate and expand the knowledge acquired, especially in those points of the syllabus in which, for reasons of timing, it is not possible to go into depth in the development of the face-to-face classes.
Teaching will be taught in Spanish. The USC virtual campus will be used to provide study and work material to the student and channel the delivery of work and communications with the professor. And the Excel program will be used to explain and put into practice the knowledge that the program affects.
Juan Ramon Piñeiro Chousa
Coordinador/a- Department
- Financial Economics and Accounting
- Area
- Financial Economics and Accounting
- j.pineiro [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Noelia Maria Romero Castro
- Department
- Financial Economics and Accounting
- Area
- Financial Economics and Accounting
- Phone
- 982824478
- noe.romero [at]
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Monday | |||
12:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Classroom A6 |
Friday | |||
12:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Classroom A6 |
01.17.2025 10:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom A6 |
01.17.2025 10:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLIL_01 | Classroom A6 |
01.17.2025 10:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Classroom A6 |
06.19.2025 10:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Classroom A6 |
06.19.2025 10:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom A6 |
06.19.2025 10:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLIL_01 | Classroom A6 |