ECTS credits ECTS credits: 8
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 2.5 Interactive Classroom: 1 Total: 3.5
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Work placements Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Microbiology and Parasitology, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology, Animal Pathology, Botany, Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, Zoology, Genetics and Physical Anthropology, Anatomy, Animal Production and Clinical Veterinary Science, Plant Production and Engineering Projects
Areas: Microbiology, Physical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology, Food Technology, Animal Health, Botany, Pharmacology, Genetics, Comparative Anatomy and Pathology, Animal production, Plant Production
Center Faculty of Veterinary Science
Call: Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
To make available to the student the completion of curricular internships, which can be carried out in external entities and in the centres, structures, and services of the University, according to the foreseen modality and guaranteeing that they serve the training purpose of the same.
The specific to each destination of stays, within the non-clinical modality.
Not applicable
General competencies
• GVUSC01. Ability to learn and adapt.
• GVUSC02. Ability to analyze and synthesize.
• GVUSC03. General knowledge of the work area.
• GVUSC04. Work planning and management.
• GVUSC05. Ability to apply knowledge in practice.
• GVUSC06. Ability to work independently and as a team.
• GVUSC07. Ability to work in an international context.
• GVUSC08. Leadership, initiative and entrepreneurship.
• GVUSC09. Ability to communicate in different areas.
• GVUSC10. Ethical commitment and assumption of responsibilities.
Disciplinary competencies
• CEDVUSC 01. Generic knowledge of animals, their behavior and the bases of their identification.
• CEDVUSC 02. Structure and function of healthy animals.
• CEDVUSC 03. Breeding, improvement, management and welfare of animals
• CEDVUSC 05. Basic and applied principles of the immune response.
• CEDVUSC 06. Know the basic aspects of the different biological agents of veterinary interest.
• CEDVUSC 08. Knowledge and diagnosis of the different animal diseases, individual and collective, and their prevention measures, with special
emphasis on zoonoses and notifiable diseases.
• CEDVUSC 10. Know the techniques applicable to domestic animals, including those with direct influence on animal and human health.
• CEDVUSC 11. Knowledge of the bases of operation and optimization of animal and plant production systems and their repercussions on the
• CEDVUSC 12. Principles of Food Science and Technology. Quality Control of processed foods and Food Safety.
• CEDVUSC 13. Know the organizational, economic and management aspects in all those fields of the veterinary profession.
• CEDVUSC 14. Know the Rules and Laws of the veterinary field and the regulations on animals and their trade.
• CEDVUSC 15. Know the rights and duties of the veterinarian, with special emphasis on ethical principles.
• CEDVUSC 16. Know the basic analytical techniques and their interpretation.
• CEDVUSC 18. Know the basic procedures to ensure the proper functioning of reproductive activity as well as technological processes and
methods for solving obstetric problems.
Professional competencies
• D1VUSC 02. Collect and send specimens with their corresponding report.
• D1VUSC 03. Perform basic analytical techniques and interpret clinical, biological and chemical results.
• D1VUSC 04. Diagnose the most common diseases through the use of complementary diagnostic protocols and techniques.
• D1VUSC 05. Carry out epidemiological studies and develop prevention, control and eradication programs for animal diseases, with special
attention to notifiable diseases and zoonoses.
• D1VUSC 09. Apply the basic procedures that guarantee the correct functioning of the reproductive activity, the technological processes and
the resolution of obstetric problems.
• D1VUSC 10. Identify the raw materials intended for animal feed and the management of the diet appropriate to the species and state of the
• D1VUSC 11. Assess and interpret the productive and health parameters of an animal group, considering the economic, environmental and
welfare aspects, seeking their optimization.
• D1VUSC 12. Perform animal inspection
• D1VUSC 13. Carry out sanitary control of the different types of companies and catering and food establishments.
• D1VUSC 14. Carry out risk analyses, including environmental and biosafety risks, as well as their evaluation, management and supervision of
quality management systems.
• D1VUSC 15. Advice and management, technical and economic, of veterinary companies in a context of sustainability.
• D1VUSC 16. Apply the methods of individual identification of animals.
• D1VUSC 17. Prepare specific technical reports on veterinary skills.
Academic competencies
• CEAVUSC 01. Analyze, synthesize, solve problems and make decisions in the professional fields of the Veterinarian.
• CEAVUSC 02. Maintain ethical behavior in the exercise of their responsibilities before the veterinary profession and society.
• CEAVUSC 03. Disseminate the information obtained during the professional practice of the Veterinarian in a fluid, oral and written way, with
other colleagues, authorities and society in general.
• CEAVUSC 04. Search and manage information related to the activity of the Veterinarian.
• CEAVUSC 05. Know and apply the scientific method in professional practice, including evidence-based medicine.
• CEAVUSC 06. Know how to seek professional advice and help.
• CEAVUSC 07. Have basic knowledge of a foreign language, especially in technical aspects related to Veterinary Sciences.
• CEAVUSC 08. Be aware of the need to keep the knowledge, skills and attitudes of professional skills up to date through a process of ongoing
Transversal competencies
• CTVUSC 01. Capacity for reasoning and argumentation.
• CTVUSC 02. Ability to obtain adequate, diverse and up-to-date information through various means, such as bibliographic information and the
Internet, and to analyze it critically.
• CTVUSC 03. Ability to prepare and present an organized and understandable text.
• CTVUSC 05. Skills in handling ICTs.
• CTVUSC 06. Use of information in a foreign language.
• CTVUSC 07. Ability to solve problems through the integrated application of their knowledge.
Internships in public or private companies or entities will be regulated, in addition to the official study regulations, by Real Decreto 592/2014, of July 11, which regulates external academic internships for university students, by the regulations of stays and by agreements that are signed in accordance with the regulations for the management of USC agreements, as well as by the calls themselves and other general applicable provisions.
The student will carry out stays of four weeks duration, where they will be linked to the systematic work of the destination company/centre, carrying out the internships in a supervised manner, with a reference academic tutor.
The professional tutor will evaluate the work and the activity carried out by the student, as well as the reflection of that work in the report carried out. The evaluation will be carried out based on a rubric that is available to the student in the Virtual Classroom of the subject and that will have a weight in the final grade of 40%. In addition, to pass the evaluation of the professional tutor, the student cannot have an evaluation in “disagreement” or “totally in disagreement” in more than 20% of the evaluated items.
It is the responsibility of the student to provide the professional Tutor with the file with the evaluation sheet. The evaluation of the professional tutor will be carried out once the student gives him a copy of the report, since this document includes the approval of his presentation. The professional tutor must send the student's evaluation by email to the academic tutor, as soon as possible after the end of the stay.
Each student must submit an internship report to the academic tutor. The report prepared by the student must contain a description of the activities carried out and must include the following sections: (1) Introduction detailing the centre where the internships are carried out and the activities carried out there; (2) Description of the activities developed by the student; (3) Development and discussion of two clinical cases/procedures with appropriate structure and discussion; and (4) Personal evaluation and final conclusion of the experience of this training practice.
The procedures to be developed will be of a non-clinical nature, having to agree with the academic tutor if they conform to what was requested, in order to consider all the mandatory sections completed. If it does not contain the four sections described, the report will be considered suspended, with a rating of four.
The report must have a maximum of 25 pages (excluding annexes), DIN A4, written in Times New Roman font, size 11 and line spacing 1.5. The wording will be taken into account. Any failure in this condition will result in a deduction of 2 points from the final grade.
The academic tutor must base his assessment on the quality of the presentation of the report and the degree of use of the practice and not on the number of activities carried out, since the number of activities depends on the workload of the assigned centre and does not from the student. The grade will have a weight in the final grade of 60%.
The report must be presented in the Virtual Classroom of the subject within twenty calendar days after the end of the stay. If this deadline is not met, it will be considered as not having been presented and it will go to the second opportunity.
Each part of the evaluation must be passed separately, and a minimum of 50% of the maximum mark must be obtained, both in the evaluation of the academic tutor and in the evaluation of the professional tutor.
If the suspended part is the report evaluated by the academic tutor, the student may submit a new report at the next opportunity. If the failed part is the internship evaluated by the professional tutor, the student must re-enrol again in the subject and do the pre-registration at the Faculty again. The note that will appear in the Acta will be the one that motivates the suspension or the minimum in the case of having failed both evaluations (that of the professional tutor and that of the academic tutor).
The notes of either of the two tutors will not be kept for the following course.
In the case of plagiarism, fraud or improper use of technologies in the preparation of the memory, the provisions of the "Standards for the evaluation of the academic performance of the students and the review of qualifications" will be followed.
Face-to-face work (191 hours):
• Pre-professional non clinical practices: 191 hours Personal work of the student (34 hours):
• Preparation of practice report: 34 hours
- To use the tutorials to clarify doubts about the practices developed and which ones fit the writing of the memory
- To dedicate the necessary time during the stays to prepare the memory, not leaving its writing for the completion of the same.
- To consult the bibliography as the practices are developed, both to expand knowledge and to establish the discussion of the clinical cases/procedures.
- To actively participate in the development of the activities, raising doubts and making constructive comments on the techniques taught.
- To Review the theoretical contents on which the practices are based before carrying them out, in order to make their follow-up more effective.
In order to take this subject, the student must complete an administrative part that must be complied with, which includes the presentation of the agreement with the company/entity where the stay will take place or the prior presentation of the Annex.
With regard to the Annex, it must be delivered, duly completed, with the dates and the details of the tutors, signed by the student, his professional tutor and his academic tutor. The Annex will be delivered through a repository enabled in the subject's Virtual Classroom at least seven days before the start of the stay. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the stay not being completed on the dates initially planned.