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Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Faculty of Veterinary Science
  • Avda. Carballo Calero s/n, 27002
  • 982822012
  • veterinaria.decanato [at]

The Faculty of Veterinary Science, founded in 1983, brings together the legacy of the former Special School of Veterinary Science (1882-1924) - based in Santiago de Compostela - and is the only centre in the Autonomous Community of Galicia in which Veterinary Science professionals are trained. The faculty teaches the Degree in Veterinary Science and the Master's Degree in Genomics and Genetics, in which more than 130 teachers from 19 departments of the USC participate.

Modificación de los horarios de las materias de semestres pares

Por diversos motivos, se modificaron algunos aspectos de los horarios de las materias de semestres pares. Estos cambios figuran resaltados en los documentos pdf en color amarillo o verde.


Premios Ángela Ruiz

Listado provisional de concesión de los premios Ángela Ruiz a la Excelencia para el curso 2023/24.

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SICUE 2025-26

El plazo para interponer reclamación contra el listado provisional del resultado de asignación de destinos finaliza el 31 de marzo de 2025.

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The contents of this page were updated on 01.07.2025.