- Faculty of Veterinary Science
Avda. Carballo Calero s/n, 27002Lugo
veterinaria.decanato [at] usc.gal
The Faculty of Veterinary Science, founded in 1983, brings together the legacy of the former Special School of Veterinary Science (1882-1924) - based in Santiago de Compostela - and is the only centre in the Autonomous Community of Galicia in which Veterinary Science professionals are trained. The faculty teaches the Degree in Veterinary Science and the Master's Degree in Genomics and Genetics, in which more than 130 teachers from 19 departments of the USC participate.
Convocatoria de dispensa de asistencia a clase 2024-25
Máis información na seguinte ligazón
Erasmus call 2025-26
The deadline for submitting the application is December 30, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.