Quality Assurance Committee
- Chairman: Gonzalo Fernández Rodríguez. Dean
- Secretary: Margarita Rico Gómez. Quality Manager of the Centre
- Members:
- José María Alonso Meijide. Secretary of the Center
- Ana María Bravo Moral. Quality Coordinator of the Centre
- Natalia Vilariño del Río. Coordinator of the Degree in Veterinary Science
- Manuel Vera Rodríguez. Coordinator of the Master`s Degree in Genomics an Genetics
- Marta Inés Miranda Castañón. Director of the Department of Anatomy, Animal Production and Veterinary Clinical Sciences (APACCV)
- Joaquín Hernández Bermúdez. Director of the Department of Animal Pathology
- Jesús Eulogio Blanco Álvarez and Carlos Manuel Franco Abuín. Representatives of the PDI in those belonging to the Departments based in the Faculty
- Ana María Pérez Vázquez. Unit Manager Management Support
- Andrés Couso Viana. Representative of undergraduate student in Veterinary Science
- Victoria Díaz Paderne. Representantive of Master´s students in Genomics and Genetics
- To carry out the design, implementation, monitoring and improvement of the QAS at the faculty.
- To draw up the centre's quality report.
- To encourage the implementation and regular monitoring of the faculty annual improvement plan.
- To stimulate the participation of all groups involved in the assessment and improvement of the quality of the degrees taught at the faculty.
- To monitor the results of the faculty.
- To propose the information to the management team, which should be public.
- To report favourably, or propose modifications, to the results or follow-up/accreditation reports prepared by the degree committees.
Veterinary Degree Committee
- Chairman: Gonzalo Fernández Rodríguez. Dean
- Secretary: Luis Ángel Quintela Arias. Vice-Dean of Teaching Organization and Students
- Members
- José María Alonso Meijide. Secretary of the Center
- Margarita Rico Gómez. Quality Manager of the Centre
- María Isabel Quiroga Berdeal. Vice-Dean of External Practices. Institutional Relations and Mobility and representative of blocks 10 and 11 Tutored Practices and TFG
- Natalia Vilariño del Río. Coordinator of the Degree in Veterinary Science
- Coordinator of semesters:
- María Jesús Sainz Osés. 1º semester
- Jorge Blanco Álvarez. 2º semester
- Francisco Javier Diéguez Casalta. 3º semester
- Sonia Vázquez Rodríguez. 4º semester
- Víctor Pereira Lestayo. 5º semester
- Rosario Panadero Fontán. 6º semester
- María Carmen Louzao Ojeda. 7º semester
- Ceferino López Sández. 8º semester
- Pedro García Herradón. 9º semester
- Antonio González Cantalapiedra. Veterinary Director of the HVURC
- Ana María Pérez Vázquez. Management Support Unit Manager
- Adrián Casas Sanz and Martín Portas Bugallo. Representatives of the students of Degree in Veterinary Science
- Analyze the information provided by the degree coordinator and the CCR in order to carry out the monitoring of the degree.
- To carry out the periodic monitoring of the degree and prepare the corresponding reports.
- To make proposals for improvement, derived from the monitoring, for transfer to the CCC and its incorporation, if applicable, to the faculty's improvement plan.
- To make proposals, if necessary, for the modification or suppression of the degree, if this is derived from its periodic monitoring.
- Review recognition equivalency tables between the USC Veterinary Degree and the same degree in other Spanish universities.
Master’s Degree in Genomic and Genetics Committee
Inter-University Committee
- Manuel Vera Rodríguez. USC General Coordinator
- Carmen Bouza Fernández. USC General Secretary
- Humberto Quesada Rodríguez. UVigo Coordinator
- Carlos Canchaya Sánchez. UVigo Secretary
- Antonio M. de Ron Pedreira. External Area Coordinator
USC Committee
- Gonzalo Fernández Rodríguez. President, dean of the Veterinary Faculty, head of the center
- Manuel Vera Rodríguez. Coordinator
- Carmen Bouza Fernández. Academic Secretar
- Margarita Rico Gómez. Responsible for quality the center
- Ana María Pérez Vázquez. Responsible for management support
- María Isabel Quiroga Berdeal. Member
- Paulino Martínez Portela. Member
- Pablo Díaz Fernández. Member
- Román Vilas Peteiro. Member
- Ricardo Andrés Castejón Abreu and Victoria Díaz Paderne. Students representatives
UVigo Committee
- Humberto Quesada Rodríguez. Coordinador
- Carlos Canchaya Sánchez. Secretary
- Armando Caballero Rúa. Member
- Paloma Morán Martínez. Member
- Adolfo Cordero Rivera. Member
- Marta Santalla Ferradás. Member
- José Faro Rivas. Member
- Analyze the information provided by the Master coordinator and the QMC to carry out the monitoring of the Master.
- Conduct periodic monitoring of the Master and prepare the corresponding reports.
- Make improvement proposals, derived from the monitoring, for submission to the QAC and their incorporation, if applicable, into the faculty's improvement plan.
- Submit proposals, if applicable, for the modification or discontinuation of the Master, if such actions result from its periodic monitoring.
External Advisory Committee
- Galician Council of Veterinary Colleges. Chairman
- Autonomous Administration
- Directorate-General for Livestock, Agriculture and Agri-food Industries
- Directorate-General for Public Health
- Spanish Veterinary Business Confederation (CEVE)
- Association of Spanish Small Animal Specialist Veterinarians (AVEPA)
- Spanish National Association of Bovine Medicine Specialists (ANEMBE)
- Galician Association of Pig Veterinarians (AGAVEPOR)
- Association of Equine Veterinarians (AVEE)
- Cooperativas Orensanas S.C.G (COREN)
- Advisory representative of the Strategic Grouping for Research, Management and Sustainable Production of Bio-resources (BioReDes)
- Advisory representative of the Veterinary Public Health Royal Veterinary College. University of London. United Kingdom Javier Guitián
- Advisory representative of the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE). Ana Bravo. Former Chairman EAEVE
- To debate the trends and social changes of interest for the Faculty’s teaching and research activity.
- Channelling information about the centre to society and making it more visible in its environment.
- To advise on the development and implementation of the faculty's strategic plan.