ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 99 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 24 Interactive Classroom: 24 Total: 150
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Anatomy, Animal Production and Clinical Veterinary Science
Areas: Animal production
Center Higher Polytechnic Engineering School
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
Course objectives
Ability to know, understand and use animal production systems in order to obtain animal products (meat, milk and eggs): identification of the main production and management factors that affect nutritional composition and quality of products of animal origin.
The memory of the title contemplates for this matter the following contents:
Animal morphology and identification. Main productive processes of animals: reproduction, laying, milk production, growth, digestion and metabolism of nutrients. Nutritive value of feed for livestock. Nutritional needs of animals: rationing. Selection and improvement of livestoc
1 Introduction to Animal Husbandry and Animal Identification (1 h)
2 Reproduction of domestic animals: reproductive management (4 h)
3 Growth and development of domestic animals (1 h)
4 Animal feed (4 h)
5 Animal health and hygiene management (2 h)
6 Introduction to animal genetic breeding (2 h)
7 Livestock facilities (2 h)
8 Animal production systems (4 h)
9 Animal Products (4 h)
Non presential time of student dedication: Introduction to Animal Husbandry and animal identification (2 h). Reproduction of domestic animals: reproductive management (14 h). Growth and development of domestic animals (3 h). Animal feed (14 h). Animal health and hygiene management (3 h). Introduction to animal genetic breeding (4 h). 7 Livestock facilities (3 h). Animal production systems (14 h). Animal products (2 pm)
Calculation of technical indices (2 h)
Formulation of feed and rations for ruminants and monogastrics (4 h)
Classroom or computer practices; computer software (2 h)
Guided visits to Official Centres, Industries and Agricultural Operations. Observations: It will be done if possible. Teacher will provide a practice script. Once completed, the student will prepare a report that will be evaluated in conjunction with the work done during them (4 h)
Laboratory / computer room:
Introduction to searching information on the Internet about pages of interest (2 h)
Animal morphology and identification (2 h)
Reproductive and digestive system recognition (2 h)
Recognition of raw materials in animal feed (2 h)
Physical and chemical characteristics of livestock products: milk, meat and eggs (2 h)
Application of computer programs to livestock farms (2 h)
Guided visits to Official Centers/Agricultural Farms. Observations: It will be done if possible; the teacher will distribute a practice script. Once completed, the student will prepare a report that will be evaluated together with the work done during them.
Non presential time dedicated to practical contents: 25 hours
Basic bibliography
Bibliografía Básica
Arana, Ocaña Y Terradillos (2002). Manual de Instalaciones para Explotaciones Lecheras.
Junta de Andalucía.
Blasco, A. y Santacreu. (1992) Zootecnia. Mejora genética animal. Servicio de Publicaciones
de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Valencia.
Buxadé Carbó, C. (Coordinador y Director) (2002). Zootecnia. Bases de Producción Animal. Ediciones Mundi Prensa. Madrid.
Buxadé, C. (2001). El ordeño en el ganado vacuno: aspectos claves. Ed. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.
Buxadé, C. 1987. La gallina ponedora. Sistemas de explotación y técnicas de producción. Ed. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.
Buxadé, C. 1988. El pollo de carne. Sistemas de explotación y técnicas de producción. Ed. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.
Caravaca, F.P et al. (2003). Bases de la producción animal. Universidad de Sevilla.
Caravaca, al. (2007). Sistemas ganaderos en el Siglo XXI. Universidad de Sevilla
Garcia Rollan, M. (1990). Sanidad Ganadera, Ed. Mundi Prensa.
IEH., 2003. El libro del huevo. Ed. Instituto de Estudios del Huevo. Madrid.
I.N.R.A. (1984). Alimentación práctica de bovinos. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.
I.N.R.A. (1990). Alimentación de bovinos, ovinos y caprinos. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.
Lawrie, R. (1998). Ciencia de la carne. Ed. Acribia. Zaragoza
Luquet, F.M. (Coord.), 1991. Leche y productos lácteos. 1. De la mama a la lechería. Ed. Acribia. Zaragoza.
Luquet, F.M. (Coord.), 1993. Leche y Productos Lácteos. Vaca, oveja, cabra Vol. 2. Los Productos Lácteos. Transformación y Tecnologías. Ed. Acribia. Zaragoza
Sastre, A., Ortega RA., Tortuero F., Suárez G., Vergara G. y López C., 2002. Lecciones sobre el huevo. Ed. Instituto de Estudios del Huevo. Madrid.
Sauveur, B., 1993. El huevo para consumo: Bases productivas. Ed. Mundi Prensa. Madrid.
Pond, W. G. Cornell University y Pon, K. R. Texas Tech University (2006) Introducción a la ciencia animal. Ed Acribia. Zaragoza.
Zea, J. y Díaz, M.D. (1990). Producción de carne con pastos y forrajes. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.
Warwick, E.J. y Legates, J.E. (1992). Cría y mejora del ganado. 3ª Ed. Mc-Graw-Hill
Complementary bibliography
Dairy cattle
Bovis: monografía bimestral
Beef cattle
Philips, C.J.C.- 2003.- Principios de produción bovina. Acribia. Zaragoza.
Dodsworth, L-2000 – Sistemas de explotación de ganado vacuno de carne. Ed. Academia SL. León.
Pardos L., Rodríguez L., Ruiz A., Sánchez M. y Alcalde M.J.. 2014. Manual de gestión técnico económica de explotaciones ovinas y caprinas. Editorial Agrícola Española. Madrid.
Sañudo, C. – 2009- Ovinotecnia:producción y economía en la especia ovina. Univ. Zaragoza.
Ovis: monografía bimestral
Daza, A.- 2004.- Ganado caprino: produción, alimentación y sanidad. Ed. Agrícola Española. Madrid.
CCAE, MARM – 2007 - Guía de prácticas correctas de higiene: caprino de leche y carne. MARM,
Porci: monografía bimestral
Quiles, A., Hevia, ML.- 2004.- Produción porcina intensiva. Ed. Agrícola Española. Madrid.
Poultry breeding
Castelló, J.A.- 2010.- Produción de huevos. Real Escuela de Avicultura. Barcelona.
Castelló, J.A.- 2002.- Produción de carne de pollo. Real Escuela de Avicultura. Barcelona.
Abab, j. - 2003.- Reproducción e incubación en avicultura. Real Escuela de Avicultura. Barcelona.
Rabbit breeding
Bennet, B. - 2011. Guia de la cría de conejos. Ediciones Omega. Barcelona.
Crespo JC. 2006. Prácticas de cunicultura industrial. Junta de Castilla y León.
"We recommend the use of both basic and complementary internet resources specified in the Bibliography section, as well as that electronic access bibliography available at the USC Library. A BUSC EN LIÑA Also, at Through portico ( and EZproxy (https: // ezbusc), managed by BUGalicia, you can search for scientific journals and electronic books (with USC credentials) . For specific topics, teachers may provide open access articles or recommend searching through PubMed or Google Schoolar. "
CG1 - Knowledge of basic, scientific and technological subjects that allow continuous learning, as well as an ability to adapt to new situations or changing environments.
CG2 - Ability to solve problems with creativity, initiative, methodology and critical reasoning.
CT10 - Use of bibliographic information and the Internet.
CR3 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of animal production. Livestock facilities.
CR4 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of biotechnology applications in agricultural and livestock engineering.
EA1 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of animal production technologies: Animal anatomy. Animal physiology. Animal production, protection and exploitation systems. Animal production techniques. Genetics and animal improvement.
MC1 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of plant and animal production technologies: Plant breeding; Biotechnology and plant breeding; Crops; Crop protection; Gardening and Landscaping. Sport zones.
MC2 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of Nutrition. Hygiene and animal production systems. Biotechnology and Animal Improvement. Animal products.
Participatory lectures: Oral presentation of the teacher on the different topics
Use of classic blackboards
Making presentations by computer
Individualized tutorials: Personalized attention to the student to solve doubts and problems raised.
CG1, CG2, CT10, CR3, CR4, EA1, MC1, MC2
• Practical classes: They constitute an application of what has been analyzed in theory, and will include:
a) Analysis of practical cases.
CG1, CG2, CT10, CR3, CR4, EA1, MC1, MC2
b) Resolution of problems and practical cases. Issue Bulletin
Laboratory practices.
Computer classroom practices
Problem resolution.
Preparation and presentation of work: Expected delivery date (7th-8th week of the course)
CG1, CG2, CT10, CR3, CR4, EA1, MC1, MC2
At the end of each topic or thematic group, the resolution of exercises that will be evaluated will be proposed.
During the realization of the practices / seminars, first examples will be solved and new exercises / problems will be proposed individually that must be solved in the classroom / laboratory of practices for a limited time, these exercises will be subsequently evaluated and will allow continuous monitoring of the students.
CG1, CG2, CT10, CR3, CR4, EA1, MC1, MC2
Guided visits to Official Centers / Industries, Farms.
CG1, CG2, CR4, EA1
Non presential activities:
• Autonomous work and independent study of the students.
• Work: To be carried out on the topics that are proposed at the time.
• Preparation of final evaluation test.
CG1, CG2, CT10, CR3, CR4, EA1, MC1, MC2
Evaluation system
The knowledge evaluation will be carried out by means of a final written test which includes an evaluation of theoretical knowledge by means of objective assessment tests “miscellaneous test type and questions to be developed” (50% of the exam grade) and a part of exercises practical (50% of the exam grade). The total value of the final test 70% of the total grade for the course. Competences assessed: EA1, CR3, CR4, CG2, MC1 and MC2.
Practical sessions
a) Attendance to practical classes will have an additional score of 15% of the total final grade, based on attendance, active participation and attitude in them and the delivery of exercises / problems proposed in class. It will be carried out by means of a control sheet of both theoretical and practical assists and control of the delivery of the previously proposed solved exercises. Competences assessed: CG1, CT10 and MC2
b) Completion / presentation of specific work on the subject (15% of the final grade). Competencies assessed CG7, CT10 and MC2.
Total a + b = 30% of the total evaluation of the subject
Observations: the teacher will distribute a practice script. Once completed, the student will prepare a report that will be evaluated together with the work done
To evaluate in the second opportunity, the same method is followed as in the first
To evaluate the repeating students the same methodology will be followed
For students with class exemption, the theory will be evaluated through assignments and the exam.
Attendance at the practical part is compulsory.
In case of plagiarism, fraud or improper use of technologies for the realization of the telematic tests, the provisions of the“Normativa de avaliación do rendementoacadémico dos estudantes e de revisión de cualificacións”will apply.
Study time and individual work
Presential sessions in class: 24 hours
Interactive classes:
Seminars: 12 hours
Laboratory: 12 hours
Tutorials: 3 hours
Exam: 3 hours
Total hours: 54
Student's personal work:
Individual study 71
Preparation of reports and practical work 25
Exam Time: 3
Total hours of personal work of the student 96
Total: 150 horas
Recommendations for the study
Participatory assistance in expository teaching classes, seminars and laboratory.
Exercises proposed for correction in class.
Tutorial sessions
It is recommended to have studied the biology course.
The student will have the documentation used in the classes
Antonio Iglesias Becerra
Coordinador/a- Department
- Anatomy, Animal Production and Clinical Veterinary Science
- Area
- Animal production
- antonio.iglesias [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Wednesday | |||
16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | Classroom 4 (Lecture room 1) |
Thursday | |||
19:00-21:00 | Grupo /CLIL_01 | Galician | Classroom 4 (Lecture room 1) |