ECTS credits ECTS credits: 3
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 1 Expository Class: 12 Interactive Classroom: 12 Total: 25
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Anatomy, Animal Production and Clinical Veterinary Science
Areas: Animal production
Center Higher Polytechnic Engineering School
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
Acquisition of basic knowledge to understand rationing programs in animal production.
Know the classification of nutrients and foods.
Recognize the main raw materials used in animal feed.
The Degree Title Memory for this subject includes the following contents:
Food characterization tables and their interpretation. Animal needs based on different productive and reproductive variables. Determination of the nutritional value of foods. Identification of the raw materials most frequently used in formulation: protein, energy, oilseed, fibrous materials, dehydrated forage, silage forage, vitamin correctors and additives. Characterization of forages according to their conservation status. Influence on the ingestion capacity of animals. Interaction of feeding with the physiology of the animal.
These contents will be developed according to the following list of topics (the duration assigned to each activity may vary depending on the development of each content):
EXPOSITIVE TEACHING (12 face-to-face hours / 24 hours of non-face-to-face work)
Topic 1. Animal feeding, the nutrient content of food, the digestive and metabolic use of nutrients and the formulation of rations (3 h / 6 h).
Topic 2. Nutrient needs of animals, types and assessment of needs (2 h / 6 h).
Topic 3. Nutrient content of different foods, chemical composition of foods, classification of different raw materials according to their composition (2 h / 2 h).
Topic 4. Food toxicity (1 h / 1 h).
Topic 5. Food digestion. The digestive system of monogastrics (2 h /3 h).
Topic 6. Rumen degradation and food digestion. The digestive system of ruminants (2 h / 6 h).
INTERACTIVE TEACHING (12 face-to-face hours / 23 hours of non-face-to-face work)
Practice 1.- Technical visit to the Experimental Farm of Campus Terra and the Provincial Council of Lugo on the Gayoso Castro farm, for milk production (4 h / 3 h).
Practice 2.- Practical seminar to follow up on a ration (4 h / 12 h).
Practice 3.- Raw materials identification laboratory practice (4 h / 8 h).
TUTORIALS FOR SMALL GROUPS (1 face-to-face hour)
Formulation of questions related to theoretical content and practical assumptions.
Non-face-to-face work (indicative reference):
Reading and preparation of topics (12 h).
Preparation of practical and/or directed activities (24 hours).
Preparation of evaluation activities (12 h).
Basic bibliography:
FEDNA (Fundación Española para el Desarrollo de la Nutrición Animal). (2019). Tablas FEDNA de composición de alimentos. (On line:…. Last access may-2024).
FEDNA (Fundación Española para el Desarrollo de la Nutrición Animal). (several years). Normas FEDNA para la formulación de piensos. (On line: Last access may-2024).
FEDNA (Fundación Española para el Desarrollo de la Nutrición Animal). (2000 to 2002). Normas FEDNA de Control de Calidad. (On line: Last access may-2024).
CHEEKE, P.R.; DIERENFELD, E. S. (2010). Comparative Animal Nutrition and Metabolism. Ed. CABI, Cambridge, MA.
I.N.R.A. (2010). Alimentación de bovinos, ovinos y caprinos: necesidades de los animales, valores de los alimentos: Tablas INRA 2007. Ed. Acribia, Zaragoza.
RUEDA, V.; ROLDÁN, C. (2013). Guía didáctica de Nutrición y Alimentación Animal: bromatología y monogástricos: guía didáctica. Ed. Unicopia G.S.L., Lugo.
Complementary bibliography:
BACH, A.; CALSAMIGLIA, S. (2002). Manual de racionamiento para el vacuno lechero. Ed. Servet, Zaragoza.
CASE, L. (2001). Nutrición canina y felina. Ed. Harcourt, Madrid.
DE BLAS, C.; GONZÁLEZ, G.; ARGAMENTERIA, A. (1987). Nutrición y alimentación del ganado. Ed. Mundi-Prensa, Madrid.
JARRIGE, R. et al. (1995). Nutrition des ruminants domestiques. Ed. I.N.R.A., París.
McDONALD, P.; EDWARDS, R.A.; GREENHALGH, J.F.D.; MORGAN, C.A. (2006). Nutrición animal. Ed. Acribia, Zaragoza.
DRYDEN, G. McL. (2008). Animal Nutrition Science. Ed. CABI. Cambridge, Massachussets.
NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL. (2006). Nutrient requirements of dog and cats. Ed. National Academy Press, Washington.
POND, W.G.; CHURCH, D.C.; POND, K.R. (2002). Fundamentos de nutrición y alimentación de animales. Ed. Limusa, Mexico.
SAUVANT, D.; PEREZ, J.-M.; TRAN, G. (2004). Tablas de composición y de valor nutritivo de las materias primas destinadas a los animales de interés ganadero : cerdos, aves, bovinos, ovinos, caprinos, conejos, caballos y peces. Ed. Mundi-Prensa, Madrid.
ZEA, J.; DÍAZ, M.D. (1990). Producción de carne con pastos y forrajes. Ed. Mundi-Prensa, Madrid.
Knowledge and understanding
Con02. 1.2. A deep knowledge and understanding of the engineering disciplines specific to the specialty, at the level necessary to acquire the rest of the skills of the degree.
Con08. 5.6. Knowledge and critical understanding of economic, organizational and management issues (such as project management, risk and change management).
H/D12. 5.2. Practical skills, such as using computer tools to solve complex problems, carry out complex engineering projects, and design and conduct complex investigations.
H/D18. 8.1. Ability to undertake one's own continuing training independently.
H/D19. 8.2. Ability to acquire further knowledge autonomously.
Comp01. CG1. Ability to plan, organize, direct and control the production systems and processes developed in the agricultural sector and the agri-food industry, in a framework that guarantees the competitiveness of companies without forgetting the protection and conservation of the environment and the improvement and development sustainable rural environment.
Comp07. CG7. Ability to develop the necessary skills to continue learning autonomously or directed, incorporating new concepts, processes or methods derived from research, development, and innovation into their professional activity.
Comp19. CE12. Adequate knowledge and ability to develop and apply own technology in nutrition and hygiene in animal production.
Quarterly subject, with expository classes distributed in blocks of two hours a day. Interactive classes may last up to four hours. Small group tutorials have a total duration of one hour.
The learning of the subject is divided into five components:
- Theory: expository and participatory classes explaining the main concepts of the subject. (To work on: Con02. 1.2., H/D19. 8.2, Comp01. CG1, Comp07. CG7, Comp19. CE12).
- Practical assumptions/seminars: participatory classes with the purpose of interpreting reports. (To work on: Con02. 1.2, Con08. 5.6, H/D12. 5.2, H/D18. 8.1, Comp01. CG1, Comp19. CE12).
- Technical visit: to be carried out at the Campus Terra Experimental Farm, with a practical explanation of the activities carried out there, carrying out practical exercises on the contents taught. (To work on: Con08. 5.6, H/D18. 8.1, H/D19. 8.2, Comp07. CG7, Comp19. CE12).
- Laboratory practices: identification of raw materials. (To work on: Con02. 1.2, Con08. 5.6, H/D18. 8.1, Comp19. CE12).
- Small group tutorials: in these tutorials questions related to the theoretical contents and practical assumptions will be asked. (To work on: Con08. 5.6, H/D18. 8.1, H/D19. 8.2, Comp07. CG7, Comp19. CE12).
The fundamental theoretical contents will be developed in expository classes, complementing the teaching with interactive sessions, where the topics described in the Contents section of this Guide will be expanded in a practical way.
It is important that students create their own "notebook" on the subject, with all the information available (teaching material that will be delivered for each topic, notes collected in class and expanded with additional information and information obtained from class practices).
The interactive practical sessions stimulate student activity, the application of the knowledge provided in the expository classes, as well as group work and debate. The practices will begin by establishing their objectives, giving guidelines for their monitoring.
During the technical visit to the Campus Terra Experimental Farm, the practice will consist of analyzing and/or measuring different parameters in order to evaluate the ration supplied to the animals and prepare a final report on it with recommendations for improvement.
Small group tutoring is a didactic technique that represents a great benefit for teaching, both to resolve doubts that students have about the subject, and to guide them in the preparation of the work proposed in the practical sessions.
The teaching material used is made available to students through the USC Virtual Campus.
The theoretical-practical exam of all the contents of the program will serve to evaluate the competences: Comp01.CG1, Comp07. CG7 and Comp19. CE12 and the skills/abilities H/D12. 5.2 and H/D18. 8.1.
The tests carried out on the contents that are the subject of work by the students will serve to evaluate the competence Comp19. CE12 and the skills/abilities H/D12. 5.2 and H/D18. 8.1.
The evaluation system of the knowledge acquired will be carried out through a final exam that will have a weight of 70% of the grade in the final grade. (It will be evaluated: Comp01.CG1, Comp07. CG7 and Comp19. CE12, H/D12. 5.2 and H/D18. 8.1)
The subject will be considered failed if it does not exceed 50% of the maximum grade of the final exam. This same criterion will also apply to the extraordinary recovery opportunity (2nd opportunity).
The final exam will include all the content taught, both in the expository and interactive classes.
Attendance at scheduled practical activities is mandatory. In order to take the final exam, it is necessary to attend 100% of the practical sessions and submit the evaluation tests that will be carried out at the end of them.
The evaluation system is complemented by the tests carried out during the practices, which will be considered continuous evaluation and will have a weight of 30% of the grade in the final grade. (It will be evaluated: Comp19. CE12, H/D12. 5.2 and H/D18. 8.1).
The grades obtained in the continuous evaluations will be kept for the 2nd opportunity of the current academic year but not for subsequent calls.
Repeating students will have the same obligation to carry out all the practical activities and the corresponding evaluation tests, even if they had completed them the previous academic year.
The practical activities are mandatory and inexcusable attendance, so non-attendance will prevent passing the subject both in the ordinary opportunity of the semester and in the 2nd opportunity. Regarding practical activities, there are no differentiated criteria for repeat students or for students who are granted a waiver of attendance.
In the case of plagiarism, fraud or improper use of technologies during the evaluation tests, the provisions of the “Regulations for evaluating the academic performance of students and reviewing grades” will be applied.
Student’s self-work:
Lecture classes: 12 h
Interactive activities (practices): 12 h
Small group tutorials: 1 h
Evaluation activities: 3 h
Non-face-to-face student’s work (indicative):
Reading and preparation of topics: 12 h
Preparation of practical and/or directed activities: 23 h.
Preparation of evaluation tests: 12 h
Total working hours: 75 hours
- Attend all the activities of the subject, both theoretical and practical.
- Carry out constant monitoring of the subject.
- Use individual tutorial schedules to clarify doubts about the content developed in classes or resolve and/or raise broader topics.
- Dedicate the planned weekly time to each component in an organized and systematic manner.
- Consult the basic bibliography as the topics are developed and make use of the complementary bibliography to expand knowledge on the topics addressed in the directed activities.
- Actively participate in the development of all teaching activities.
Monday | |||
09:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | - | Seminar I (Pav.III) |