ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 99 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 24 Interactive Classroom: 24 Total: 150
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: History
Areas: Modern History
Center Faculty of Geography and History
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
Introduce the student to the knowledge of the main demographic, economic, social, political and cultural processes in Europe from the mid-17th century to the end of the 18th century and make them aware of space-time coordinates.
Second half of the 17th century and the 18th century in its entirety.
A.- The socioeconomic bases
1. The population: from the old demographic regime to the beginning of the "demographic revolution".
2. The agricultural sector: continuity and renewal.
3. The expansion of trade. Industry and the origins of the "industrial revolution".
4. Society: permanence and transformations.
B.- Government and politics. international relations
5. The political situation in Europe in the second half of the 17th century.
6. The political situation in the eighteenth century.
7. Enlightened Despotism.
C.- Thought and culture
8. Culture and religiosity in the Baroque century.
9. The new currents of thought.
10. The Enlightenment and its diffusing ducts.
EIRAS ROEL, A., Historia Universal, vol. 12. Siglo XVII, Barcelona, 1994.
ENCISO RECIO, L.M., Historia Universal, vol. 13. Siglo XVIII, Barcelona, 1994.
FLORISTÁN IMÍZCOZ, A. (coord.), Historia Moderna Universal, Barcelona, 2005.
HINRICHS, Introducción a la Historia de la Edad Moderna, Barcelona, 2001.
MOLAS RIBALTA, P. et al., Manual de Historia Moderna, Barcelona, 1993.
TENENTI, A., La Edad Moderna: siglos XVI-XVIII, Barcelona, 2000.
BARDET, J.-P., y DUPÂQUIER, J. (dirs.), Historia de las poblaciones de Europa, Madrid, 2001.
BLACK, G., La Europa del siglo XVIII, 1700-1789, Madrid, 1997.
CHARTIER, R., El orden de los libros. Lectores, autores, bibliotecas en Europa entre los siglos XIV y XVIII, Barcelona, 1992.
CIPOLLA, C.M., Historia económica de la Europa preindustrial, Madrid, 1976.
VRIES, J. de, La economía de Europa en un período de crisis, 1600-1750, Madrid, 1979.
DUPLESSIS, R.S., Transiciones al capitalismo en Europa durante la Edad Moderna, Zaragoza, 2001.
FLANDRIN, J.-L., Los orígenes de la familia moderna, Barcelona, 1979.
FLINN, M.W., El sistema demográfico europeo, 1500-1820, Barcelona, 1989.
HALL, A.R., La revolución científica, 1500-1750, Barcelona, 1985.
KRIEDTE, P., Feudalismo tardío y capital mercantil. Líneas maestras de la historia económica europea desde el siglo XVI hasta finales del XVIII, Barcelona, 1992.
LIVI-BACCI, M., Ensayo sobre la historia demográfica europea. Población y alimentación en Europa, Barcelona, 1988.
MARAVALL, J.A., La cultura del Barroco: análisis de una estructura histórica, Barcelona, 2008.
MUNCK, Th., La Europa del siglo XVII, 1598-1700, Madrid, 1994.
NAVA RODRÍGUEZ, M.T., La educación en la Europa moderna, Madrid, 1992.
REINHARD, W. (ed.), Las élites de poder y la construcción del Estado, Madrid, 1996.
RENOUVIN, P. (dir.), Historia de las relaciones internacionales, Madrid, 1967.
RIVERO RODRÍGUEZ, M., Diplomacia y relaciones exteriores en la Edad Moderna. De la Cristiandad al sistema europeo, 1453-1794, Madrid, 2000.
ROLL, E., Historia de las doctrinas económicas, México, 1982.
ROSSI, P., El nacimiento de la ciencia moderna en Europa, Barcelona, 1997.
SCHULTZ, H., Historia económica de Europa, 1500-1800. Artesanos, mercaderes y banqueros, Madrid, 2001.
SIMPLICIO, O. de, Las revueltas campesinas en Europa, Barcelona, 1989.
SLICHER VAN BATH, B.H., Historia agraria de Europa occidental, 500-1850, Barcelona, 1974.
VALLESPIN, F. (ed.), Historia de la teoría política, Madrid, 1990.
VOVELLE, M., Ideologías y mentalidades, Barcelona, 1985.
Know and analyze the main explanatory keys of Universal Modern History from the mid-seventeenth century to the end of the eighteenth century.
Understand and interpret maps, graphs, texts and historical sources.
Work autonomously, with responsibility and initiative, developing information management, organization and planning skills.
- The expositive classes will be used for the explanation of the syllabus of the subject by the teacher with the support of those didactic resources that enable a better understanding.
- On the other hand, the interactive classes will be dedicated to the presentation and commentary of historical materials in the form of texts, maps, graphs or statistical tables, it is expected that the student will take an active part in the development of said classes through their participation with questions or reflections. .
- Likewise, the student must carry out and deliver the practical works that will be proposed in a timely manner.
- The personalized tutorials will be aimed at clarifying specific questions in relation to the tasks of the course, as well as trying to resolve any difficulties related to the subject.
- Field practices will be carried out, provided that financial resources are obtained for it.
- The Virtual Campus will be used to support the teaching of the subject.
- The qualification of the subject will result from the following sums:
1) written exam to be taken after classes finish,
2) practical work carried out and delivered throughout the course.
- In accordance with the regulations in force, the first of the aforementioned summands is given a value of 70% within the overall rating, while the second is given the remaining 30%.
Possible participation in activities of a historiographical nature organized within the framework of the Faculty's Centenary will be taken into account, provided that the student duly accredits their attendance.
- In any case, in order to pass the course, it will be an essential requirement to have at least a 5 in both addends.
- For the July exam, the passes achieved at the first opportunity will be kept, and in the event that the practical part has not been passed, all failed work must be presented, it being understood that all work not presented will be graded with a zero in the grade calculation.
- Under no circumstances will partial approvals be saved for successive courses.
- Students who obtain exemption from class attendance must take the written exam and the practical work with the same characteristics already indicated.
- It will be considered as "not presented" in the final grade to all those students who do not appear for the exam and who have not delivered any of the practical works.
- In cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests (plagiarism and improper use of technological means), the provisions of the "Regulations for the evaluation of academic performance for two students and review of qualifications" will apply.
Each hour of expository teaching should be accompanied by a complementary work of the student of approximately two hours, and for each hour of interactive teaching the student should apply an average of four hours of personal work. By virtue of this and the teaching load of the subject, it is estimated that the personal work time of the student should be established around 150 hours.
- Regular class attendance, whether in person or online, is considered a fundamental and irreplaceable condition.
-The reading of the recommended bibliography would serve to extend or complement the explanations received in the classes.
-It is also considered appropriate to make comments on texts and other historical documents (maps, statistical tables, graphs).
-The consultation of historical atlases and specific dictionaries should be something habitual.
-Always try to clarify any doubts that may arise, either in class or in tutorials.
1. It is considered necessary to have previously completed the subject of Modern History I.
Maria Del Carmen Saavedra Vazquez
Coordinador/a- Department
- History
- Area
- Modern History
- Phone
- 881812611
- mdelcarmen.saavedra [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Alex Valledor Arostegui
- Department
- History
- Area
- Modern History
- alex.valledor.arostegui [at]
- Category
- Predoutoral Contract_Other Programs
Tuesday | |||
15:00-17:00 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Spanish | Classroom 11 |
Thursday | |||
17:00-19:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Classroom 08 |
Friday | |||
15:00-17:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Classroom 08 |
05.20.2025 16:00-18:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 10 |
05.20.2025 16:00-18:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 11 |
06.30.2025 15:30-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 10 |