ECTS credits ECTS credits: 4.5
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 74.25 Hours of tutorials: 2.25 Expository Class: 18 Interactive Classroom: 18 Total: 112.5
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Plant Production and Engineering Projects
Areas: Plant Production
Center Higher Polytechnic Engineering School
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
Providing knowledge of techniques used in reforestation, seed manage and production of forest plants.
Making the student choose and justify the most suitable techniques in diverse hypothetical scenarios, calculate costs of reforestation works and economically evaluate the reforestation actions.
Providing knowledge about environmental impact of reforestation and how to evaluate it.
Providing knowledge about elaboration of bioclimatic diagrams and their use in reforestation.
Providing the basics of the structure of a reforestation project.
Plant quality and forest reproductive material.
Brushing out methods and management of adventitious plants.
Methods for site preparation: mechanical, fytocides, burning.
Seeding and planting methods.
Reforestation and forest restauration case studies.
Theory: 18h in-class (C) + 47 hours of individual work (W): For every lesson, C + W hours are shown
Lesson 1. Seeds, extraction, handling and preservation. (4 + 12)
L2. Forest reproductive material. Production in the nursery (1 + 3)
L3. Reforestation methods (2 + 2)
L4. Planting density (1 + 2)
L5. Brushing out methods (3 + 9)
L6. Site preparation methods (4 + 12)
L7. Planting methods (1 + 3)
L8. Cultural treatments (1 + 2)
L9. Execution of reforestation works (1 + 2)
Practicals: 18 hours in-class and 25 hours of individual work
Practicals will consist of preparing a forestation plan. Each student will be provided with a real case study of forest plantation with all the necessary information. The seminars are structured as follows:
1) Seminars for the physiographic description of the land to be planted and its influence on decision-making. Altitudes, slopes and expositions will be analyzed. Cartographic material (vector and raster maps) that the student will have to search for and download from the CNIG will be used. The students will use Geographical Information System (GIS) QGis version 3.6. (5 hours) (+ 5 hours individual work)
2) Seminars for the climatic description of the study area and its influence on decision-making. With the data provided, each student will carry out thermometric, pluviometric and ombrothermic description, and will elaborate bioclimatic diagrams. (3 hours) (+ 6 hours individual work)
3) Case studies of forest plantations: choice of species, delimitation of stands, procedures and budgets. (9 hours) (+ 12 hours individual work)
4) Seminar for evaluation of environmental impact of forestation projects. (1 hour) (+ 2 hours individual work)
Rigueiro Rodríguez y Rodríguez Soalleiro (coordinadores) (1997-2000). Manuales de selvicultura: pino pinaster, eucalipto, pino de Oregón, pino radiata en Galicia, castaño en Galicia, frondosas caducifolias. EPS de Lugo. Proxecto Columella. Área Forestal. Serie Manuales Técnicos. Programa Adapt.
Catalán Bachiller, G (1977). Semillas de árboles y arbustos forestales. Monografía Nº 17. ICONA. MAPA. Madrid. 391 p.
Pemán García J, Navarro Cerrillo R (1998). Repoblaciones forestales. Universidad de Córdoba y Universitat de Lleida. 400 p.
USDA (2008) The Woody Plant Seed Manual. USDA. Forest Service, Agriculture Handbook 727, 1223 pp.
Nyland, Ralph D (1996) Silviculture : concepts and applications. McGraw-Hill, XXII, Boston, 633 pp.
Aldhous, JR y Mason, WL (eds.) (1994). Forest Nursery Practice. Forestry Commission Bulletin 111, HMSO, Londres. 268 p.
García Salmerón, J (1991). Manual de repoblaciones I. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Montes. Fundación Conde del Valle de Salazar. Madrid. 794 p.
García Salmerón, J (1995). Manual de repoblaciones II. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Montes. Fundación Conde del Valle de Salazar. Madrid. 918 p.
Molina JL, Navarro M, Montero de Burgos JL y Herranz JL (coord.) (1989). Técnicas de forestación en países mediterráneos. ICONA. Madrid. 663 p.
Ramos Figueras, JL (1981). Repoblaciones. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Montes. Madrid. 315 p.
Ruano Martínez, JR (2003). Viveros forestales. Ediciones Mundi-Prensa. 281 p.
Serrada Hierro R (2000). Apuntes de repoblaciones forestales. Fundación Conde del Valle de Salazar. Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Forestal. Madrid. 435 p.
CB2 The students should be able to apply their knowlegde to their work or vocation in a professional way and should have the competence usually demostrated through the development and defense of arguments and the solving of problems within their field of study
CB3 The students should be able to gather and interpret relevant data in order to express judgements including reflections on relevant subjects of social, scientifical or ethical nature
CB4 The students should be able to transmit informations, ideas, problems and solutions to a wether or not specialized public.
CG3 The students should know the processes of degradation affecting forest systems and resources (pollution, pests and diseases, fires, etc) and be able to use the methods of forest protection, of forest water resources restoration, and of preservation of biodiversity.
CG5 The student shoud know the basis of forest improvement be able to apply his knowledge in a practical way to plant production and biotechnology.
CG 6 Ability to measure, inventory and evaluate forest ressources, apply and develop sylvicultural techniques and management of all kinds of forest systems, parks and recreational areas, as well as techniques of exploitation of timber yielding and non-timber yielding forest products.
CG 13 Ability to design, conduct, elaborate, implement and interpret projects and plans, as well as to write technical reports, reconnaissance reports, timber valuations, forest appraisals and expert's reports
CETEEF2 Reforestation. (Ability to design forest restauration actions, to select operational methods for control of adventitious plants, site preparation, and introduction of forest reproductive material. Ability to write proposals and budgets of reforestation works)
CT 1 Ability for analysis and synthesis
CT 2 Ability for reasoning and argumentation
CT 3 Ability to work individually with an auto-critical ability
CT 5 Ability to obtain suitable, diverse and updated information
CT 6 Ability to elaborate and present well organized and understandable texts
CT 7 Ability to make public presentations in a clear, concise and coherent way
CT8 - Compromise of truthfulness of the information provided to others.
CT 11 Use of information written in a foreign language
CT 12 Ability to solve problems by the integral application of his/her knowledge
All the competences are worked
-Work in class
Theory: Mainly, dialectical method. The teacher hands over documents for the programming of themes. The students prepare the subjects, which are discussed in class.
1) Case studies of forest plantation: selection of species, establishing stands, procedures, budgets.
2) Seminars on evaluation of environmental impact of forest plantations.
3) Seminars on elaboration of Bioclimatic Diagrams, etc.
4) Practicals on the blackboard for solving practical exercises
Personal work:
With help of the Virtual Class, solving of case studies, evaluation of environmental impact of forest plantations, elaboration of Bioclimatic Diagram , plans of stands, solving problems of forest nursery, voluntary works.
Use of english: For every topic of study, the most relevant related terminology in english will be mentioned.
Attendance to classes is compulsory. To have the right to be evaluated by continual evaluation, as well in the first as in the second call, the students must attend at least 83% lectures -theory classes- (15 out of 18 hours) and 90% practicals (16 out of 18 hours)
--System of evaluation (Competences), relative weight in qualification (%) and other informations about evaluation items:
-Participating in classes and preparation of themes (CB 2, 3, 4; CETEEF 2, CT1, CT2): 10%
The fact of just attending classes, although compulsory, will not have any weight in the evaluation.
-Periodical evaluations; 2 to 4 (CG 3, 5, 6; CETEEF 2, CT1, CT2, CT12): 30%
To pass the tests, the minimum mark will be 5.0 for each of them. The relative weight of individual tests in this item will be proportional to the percentage of contents evaluated.
-Solving of individual case study (CG 3, 6, 13 CETEEF 2, CT2, CT3, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT8, CT11, CT12): 30% -
This task is to be carried out individually, corresponding to the proposed task in interactive classes (practicals), It will be evaluated through the Virtual Class Platform. The minimum mark to achieve is 5.0.
-Solving of exercises in Virtual Class Platform (CG 5, 6; CETEEF 2, CT2, CT5, CT12): 30%
The number of exercices can vary from 6 to 8 exercices. The relative weight in the item for each individual exercise will depend on its degree of difficulty and will be pointed out explicitly in the presentation of the task. The minimum mark to pass the task is 7.0 (corresponding to 5.0 for the calculation of the Final Mark). Marks between 7.1 and 8.0, correspond to 6.0; between 8.1 and 8.5, to 7.0; between 8.6 and 9.0, to 8.0; between 9.1 and 9.5, to 9.0; between 9.6 and 10, to 10.
-Final Exam (CB2, CG5, CG6, CG13, CETEEF 2, CT1, CT2, CT5, CT12):
Whenever the student met attendance requirements but did not pass each and every Periodical Evaluation, and Exercices of the Virtual Class Platform, he/she must do a Final Exam, at the date established. Students evaluated only by means of the Final Exam, that is to say, not evaluated in any item by continual evaluation, can obtain a maximum mark of 8.0 (the minimum mark to pass the exam is 5.0), and the mark obtaned will have a relative weight of 60% for the calculation of the Final Mark. For students evaluated at a certain degree by continual evaluation, who must do the Final Exam, the relative weight of the Final Exam will depend on the percentage of the contents evaluated in it (the ones not passed in continual evaluation).
Repeaters are exempt of attendance to theoretical lessons. The rest of the assessment conditions are the same as for new students.
The exemption from attendance in this matter, for those students who meet the requirements, is total. Regarding the theory part, the student can choose to carry out the activities and tests proposed for the continuous evaluation, within the deadlines defined for each activity and test (in the tests, there will be no special schedule for students with exemption), and will be evaluated under the same conditions as those mentioned above for this type of evaluation. If they are only evaluated through a final exam, it will have a maximum value of 10 and its weight in the evaluation will be 65%. In the practice part, the student is obliged to submit within the established deadlines the works related to a case study of forest plantation, with the same evaluation conditions mentioned for standard evaluation.
"In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for evaluating student academic performance and reviewing grades will apply."
Reading and preparation of lessons, 20 hours
Doing exercises, 15 hours
Preparation of practicals and afterwork, 15 hours
Academical works (in groups or individual), 10 hours
Studying for tests, 12 hours
Attend expository classes
Frequently attend tutorials
Consult forestation/afforestation projects
Use bibliography
Visit forest stands and nurseries
Juan Luis Fernández Lorenzo
Coordinador/a- Department
- Plant Production and Engineering Projects
- Area
- Plant Production
- juanluis.fernandez [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Santiago Lamosa Quinteiro
- Department
- Plant Production and Engineering Projects
- Area
- Plant Production
- Phone
- 982823111
- santiago.lamosa [at]
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Tuesday | |||
09:00-10:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | Classroom 3 (Lecture room 1) |
10:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Galician | Classroom 3 (Lecture room 1) |
Wednesday | |||
10:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | Classroom 3 (Lecture room 1) |
05.30.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 12 (Lecture room 3) |
07.02.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 12 (Lecture room 3) |