ECTS credits ECTS credits: 4.5
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 74.2 Hours of tutorials: 2.25 Expository Class: 18 Interactive Classroom: 18 Total: 112.45
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
Areas: Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatments
Center Faculty of Psychology
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
1. Provide the necessary knowledge to properly select psychological assessment techniques and tests within the evaluation process.
2. Present the peculiarities of the assessment process aimed at selection, classification and psychological intervention
3. Present the main orientations and assessment instruments in the field of intelligence.
4. Present the main orientations and assessment instruments in the field of personality.
1. Nature, Use and Value of Psychological Assessment Tests
Basic assumptions of the evaluation; Standards for psychological assessment; Ethical principles of psychological assessment; Critical appraisal.
2. The selection-oriented assessment process
The context of decision-making oriented to the selection and prediction of behavior; Mechanical prediction vs. prediction based on clinical judgments; Assessment in the field of personnel selection; Risk assessment of violence in the legal context; Critical appraisal.
3. The assessment process oriented to psychological intervention.
The different functions of assessment in the field of intervention; Diagnosis; Case detection (screening); Assessment aimed at planning an intervention; The evaluation of programs and interventions; Critical appraisal.
4. Personality assessment
Controversies within personality assessment; Instruments for the assessment of personality attributes; The interactive perspective in personality assessment; Critical appraisal
5. Clinical assessment and diagnosis of personality
Introduction; Categorical classification systems; The MMPI and its evolutions; Millon's proposal for the assessment of personality disorders; The Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI); Critical appraisal
6. Intelligence and its assessment
Introduction; Historical development of intelligence assessment; Assessment of intelligence from the Binet-Terman-Wechsler tradition; Factorial approach in the assessment of intelligence; Contemporary approaches in the assessment of intelligence; Current controversies in the field of intelligence assessment; Critical appraisal
7. The assessment of motivation
Introduction; Assessment of interests; Assessment of values; Personal goals and self-regulation; Attributions and expectations; Critical appraisal
8. Challenges and threats to psychological evaluation
Psychological assessment and the Internet; The role of Artificial Intelligence in assessment
Manuais de referencia:
- Alonso Tapia, J. (2011). Evaluación psicológica: Coordenadas, contextos, procesos y garantías. Madrid: Ediciones UAM.
- American Educational Research Association. (2018). Estándares para pruebas educativas y psicológicas.
- Cohen, R. J., Schneider, W. J., & Tobin, R. M. (2023). Evaluación y pruebas psicológicas. Una introducción a las pruebas y la medición. McGraw Hill.
- Moreno Rosset, C. Y Ramírez Uclés, I.Mª. (2019). Evaluación Psicológica. Procesos, técnicas y aplicaciones en áreas y contextos. Madrid: Sanz y Torres.
Referencias complementarias:
- Aiken, L.R. (2003). Tests psicológicos y evaluación. México. Prentice Hall.
- Anastasi, A. y Urbina, S. (1998). Tests psicológicos. Mexico: Prentice Hall.
- Angera, M. T., Chacon, S. y Blanco, A. (2008). Evaluación de programas sociales y sanitarios. Madrid: Síntesis.
- Del Barrio, V. (2010). Evaluación psicológica aplicada a diferentes contextos. Madrid: UNED.
- Fernández Ballesteros, R. (2005). Introducción a la evaluación psicológica II. Madrid: Pirámide.
- Fernández Ballesteros, R. (2011). Evaluación psicológica. Conceptos, métodos y estudio de casos. Madrid: Pirámide.
- Kirchner, T., Torres, M. y Forns, M. (2007). Evaluación psicológica: modelos y técnicas. Barcelona: Paidós.
- Magallón-Neri, E. (2022). Evaluación Psicológica: Perspectivas emergentes basadas en la tecnología de la información. [Documento docente]. Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Barcelona
- Muñoz, M. (2014). Manual práctico de evaluación psicológica clínica. Madrid: Pirámide.
- Muñoz, M., Roa, A., Pérez, E., Santos-Olmo, A. B. y de Vicente, A. (2002). Instrumentos de evaluación en salud mental. Madrid: Pirámide.
- Sternberg, R. J. y Detterman, D. K. (Eds.) (2004). ¿Qué es la inteligencia?: Enfoque actual de su naturaleza y definición. Madrid: Pirámide.
General of the degree:
• To be able to gather and interpret relevant data related to human behavior and to make informed judgments about psychological problems.
• Identify the relevant characteristics of behavior through the methods, techniques, and instruments of psychological assessment.
• Be able to transmit information about ideas, problems and solutions on issues related to human behavior to both specialized and non-specialized audiences.
• Know how to use the relevant documentary sources in Psychology, with the capacity for synthesis and critical analysis.
• Prepare psychological reports aimed at the recipients and other professionals.
Subject Specific:
• Know how to plan the evaluation of people and interventions in different areas of psychological intervention.
• Be able to select and administer psychological assessment techniques and instruments in the field of intelligence and personality, as well as to interpret and report on the results of those tests.
• Be able to assess differences, problems and needs of the recipients in different areas of application.
• Acquire knowledge about the peculiarities of the evaluation process aimed at the selection and classification of people in different contexts of psychological action.
• Acquire knowledge about the peculiarities of the evaluation process oriented to the design and evaluation of programs and interventions in the different contexts of psychological action.
• Respect people's rights and ethical obligations in the psychological assessment
The theorical classes will be taught during the first semester over two hours of class per week at the officially approved timetable. In theorical classes the exposition of the subject will be carried out, as well as the debate and discussion of readings related to the different topics. Attendance at classes is recommended but not compulsory.
The interactive classes will be carried out in sessions of 75-90 minutes in which different practical aspects of the subject will be worked on. In some cases, the work in the classroom must be complemented with non-face-to-face work to carry out the proposed activity. Attendance at interactive activities is recommended but not mandatory.
As support for the subject, a virtual classroom will be available to all students on the Virtual Campus of the USC ( in which you can find relevant support material for the subject, discussion forums on relevant topics, as well as communication tools with professors and with other students of the subject.
The evaluation of the theoretical contents of the subject will be carried out through a mandatory exam to pass the subject. This test will be held on the dates and place officially established and will consist of a multiple choice exam. This test represents 60% of the final grade. This evaluation system will be complemented by a continuous evaluation system for which participation in the activities that are carried out throughout the course in theoretical classes (discussion forums, commentary of readings) and practices (reports) will be considered. This system will represent 40% of the final grade of the subject.
To pass the subject you will have to achieve a minimum grade of 4 (out of 10) in the final exam.
Based on academic criteria, it is a requirement to pass this subject to take the final exam.
For students with an attendance waiver, only the final exam grade will be taken into account.
In addition to attendance at the 24 hours of lectures and 14 hours of practices in small groups, it is estimated that the non-in persons work time required to pass the subject is 80 hours.
Xosé Antón Gomez Fraguela
- Department
- Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
- Area
- Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatments
- Phone
- 881813944
- xa.gomez.fraguela [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
María Laura Lopez Romero
Coordinador/a- Department
- Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
- Area
- Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatments
- Phone
- 881813767
- laura.lopez.romero [at]
- Category
- Researcher: Ramón y Cajal
Lorena Maneiro Boo
- Department
- Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
- Area
- Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatments
- Phone
- 881813735
- lorena.maneiro [at]
- Category
- Xunta Post-doctoral Contract
Beatriz Diaz Vazquez
- Department
- Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
- Area
- Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatments
- Phone
- 881813904
- beatrizdiaz.vazquez [at]
- Category
- Ministry Pre-doctoral Contract
Maria Álvarez Voces
- Department
- Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
- Area
- Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatments
- Phone
- 881813904
- mariaalvarez.voces [at]
- Category
- Ministry Pre-doctoral Contract
Tuesday | |||
09:00-10:00 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Galician | Classroom 9 |
10:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | Classroom 8 |
Thursday | |||
09:00-10:00 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Galician | Classroom 9 |
11:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | Classroom 8 |
01.14.2025 16:30-18:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 3 |
01.14.2025 16:30-18:30 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Classroom 3 |
01.14.2025 16:30-18:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 5 |
01.14.2025 16:30-18:30 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Classroom 5 |
01.14.2025 16:30-18:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 6 |
01.14.2025 16:30-18:30 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Classroom 6 |
01.14.2025 16:30-18:30 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Classroom 7 |
01.14.2025 16:30-18:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 7 |
06.17.2025 16:30-18:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 3 |
06.17.2025 16:30-18:30 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Classroom 3 |
06.17.2025 16:30-18:30 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Classroom 6 |
06.17.2025 16:30-18:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 6 |
06.17.2025 16:30-18:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 7 |
06.17.2025 16:30-18:30 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Classroom 7 |