ECTS credits ECTS credits: 3
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 51 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 9 Interactive Classroom: 12 Total: 75
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
Areas: Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatments
Center Faculty of Optics and Optometry
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
• Gaining a deeper understanding of the suitability of the psychological perspective when considering the variables-of-the-person in order to comprehensively approach the patient.
• Fostering a significant learning of the styles, obstacles and skills that need to be enhanced in the communication between the health professional and the patient.
• Presenting the what, the how and why of an interview to construct an information collection technique.
• Looking into the main causes, whether they are exogenous or endogenous, of stress and burnout in health professionals.
Unit 1. Person, Patient and Psychology: a necessary federation
Unit 2. The communication between the health professional and the patient: styles, obstacles and skills that need to be enhanced.
Unit 3. The interview: techniques and developments for good practice
Unit 4. Stress and burnout in professionals: exploring the whys
Basic Bibliography
Ruíz Moral, R. (2014). Comunicación clínica. Principios y habilidades para la práctica. Madrid: Panamericana.
Martorell, M.C y González, R. (1997). Entrevista y consejo psicológico. Madrid: Síntesis.
Complementary Bibliography
Back, A., Arnod, R. y Tulsky, J. (2012). El arte de la comunicación con pacientes graves. Madrid. Alianza Editorial.
Caballo, V. (2007, 7ª ed.). Manual de evaluación y entrenamiento de las habilidades sociales. Madrid: Siglo XXI.
Costa, M. y López, E. (2006). Manual para la ayuda psicológica. Dar poder para vivir. Más allá del counseling. Madrid: Pirámide.
Gallar, M. (2005, 4ª ed.). Promoción de la salud y apoyo psicológico al paciente. Madrid: Thomson.
Gil-Monte, P. (2004). El síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo (burnout): una enfermedad laboral en la sociedad del bienestar. Madrid: Pirámide.
Gómez-Sancho, M. (1998, 2ª ed.). Cómo dar malas noticias en Medicina. Madrid: Ediciones Arán.
Looker, T. y Gregson, O. (1998). Superar el estrés. Madrid: Pirámide.
Mingote, J.C. y Pérez, F. (1999). El estrés del médico. Madrid. Díaz de Santos.
Nevid, J.S. (2009, 3ª ed.). Psicología. Conceptos y aplicaciones. México: CENGAGE Learning.
Otero-López, J.M. y cols. (2012). Estrés y burnout en profesores de enseñanza secundaria. Madrid: Díaz de Santos.
Otero-López, J.M. (2013, 2ª ed.). Psicología de la Personalidad. Manual de prácticas. Barcelona: Ariel.
Pervin, L.A. (1996). La ciencia de la personalidad. Madrid: McGraw Hill.
Rojí, B. y Cabestero, R. (2004). Entrevista y sugestiones indirectas: entrenamiento comunicativo para jóvenes psicoterapeutas. Madrid: UNED Ediciones.
Saunders, W.B. (2002). La entrevista psiquiátrica. El arte de comprender. Madrid: Elsevier
Wade, C. y Tavris, C. (2003, 7ª ed.). Psicología. Madrid: Pearson.
van-der Hofstadt, C.J. (2005, 2ª ed.). El libro de las habilidades de comunicación. Madrid: Diaz de Santos.
Vázquez, C. y Muñoz, M. (2002). Entrevista diagnóstica en salud mental. Madrid: Síntesis.
CG3. Acquire knowledge and skills necessary for incorporation into specialized professional practice and research in the field of Optometry.
CB7. Students should be able to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study.
CB9 Students should be able clearly and unambiguously communicate their conclusions (and their underlying reasons) to both specialists and non-specialists.
CT1. Participate in debates and discussions, leading and coordinating them and be able to summarize them and draw the most relevant and widely-accepted conclusions from them.
CT2. Use the different oral and written communications skills, presentations, panels, etc., to communicate their knowledge, proposals and positions.
CT3. Develop critical and self-critical capacity and decision-making skills.
CT4. Ability to handle Information and Communication Technologies.
CT5. Reflection capacity from different perspectives of Knowledge
CE7 Acquire knowledge and skills from different perspectives of knowledge in Vision Sciences.
Master classes, discussion groups, role-playing, discussion of clinical cases, readings and debates will be some of the didactic resources used. The practical dimension of the course will be underscored, but in perfect symbiosis with the theoretical contents. In this sense, under the supervision of the teacher, practical sessions will be conducted regarding the different themes and topics that make up the syllabus of the course.
Both the theoretical contents and the rest of the activities (practical sessions, seminars, readings, complementary assignments) will be assessed. Attending practical sessions and completing the practical work is compulsory (this being a necessary condition to pass the course).
Grading criteria:
The mark obtained in the theoretical exams will be 50% of the grade. The remaining 50% will correspond to practical sessions (40% completion of the different assignments set, including presentations, clinical cases, discussion groups, role-playing, group dynamics, 10% participation and active involvement in the practical sessions).
Study time and individual work outside of the classroom is estimated at 40 hours
- Attending practical sessions
- Participation and involvement in the dynamics of practical classes
- Completion of the activities set
- Taking advantage of tutorials
Jose Manuel Otero Lopez
- Department
- Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
- Area
- Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatments
- Phone
- 881813882
- josemanuel.otero.lopez [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor