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Facultade de Óptica e Optometría
Facultade de Óptica e Optometría
  • Edificio Monte da Condesa, s/n, 15782
    Santiago de Compostela
  • 881813510
  • facultade.opticaeoptometria [at]

The Faculty of Optics and Optometry of the USC is a teaching, research and care centre, located in the Life Campus, which has the ideal facilities for training in fundamental competences for the professional development of the future graduate, in a primary care discipline, which deals with visual health care. The Centre offers degree studies in Optics and Optometry. In addition, it supports a first class international research work in Optometry, Micro Optics and Grin Optics, Integrated Optics, Fibre Optics and Optical Metrology; Micro Optics and Wave Sensors, Eye Surface and Lenses. The Faculty also includes the Optometry Service of the USC.

Prácticas externas Máster en Optometría.

Publícase a asignación de centros para as prácticas externar do máster, 2º semestre curso 2024/25.…
The contents of this page were updated on 01.20.2025.