Erasmus+ programme includes traineeships in companies or institutions, with the aim of helping students adapt to the demands of the labour market, acquire specific skills and improve their understanding of the economic and social environment of the host country, while acquiring work experience.
The Erasmus+ Traineeship is granted by the home university and the beneficiary students can where to carry out the internship, without a bilateral Erasmus+ agreement being required between the institutions, so the USC can receive applications from students directly in the different services and departments.
- Candidates must contact the unit where they would like to carry out their traineeship directly, although the Mobility Office can provide guidance on the operation of the programme.
- If the work center agrees to host the student, they must sign the Erasmus+ Traineeship documents provided by the home University.
- If the traineeship is related to research, trainees will have to be registered in the Registry of Visiting Researchers of the USC.
Students from foreign universities interested in a traineeship at the USC Mobility Office are welcome to contact us via erasmus.practicas [at] usc.gal to check if there are vacancies open in one of our Campus (Santiago or Lugo).
Mobility Office
- Mobility Office
- Rúa de Lope Gómez de Marzoa, 4. Campus Vida , 15782Santiago de Compostela
- international [at] usc.gal
Mobility Office
- Oficina de Mobilidade. Mobility Office
- Rúa Bernardino Pardo Ouro, s/n. Campus Universitario, 27002Lugo
- international.lugo [at] usc.gal