ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 99 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 24 Interactive Classroom: 24 Total: 150
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Center Faculty of Geography and History
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: Sin Docencia (En Extinción)
Enrolment: No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción)
-To achieve a general Knowledge about the Economical and Social Evolution of the Human Groups in the Recent Prehistory and the Protohistory from a Holistic Perspective.
-To take Conscious on the Part of the Students of the Relation and Interaction between Past and Present in the Building up of the Societies.
1. The Neolithic and the Origin of the Production Economies. The Neolithization of Near East and other extra-European areas.
2. The Neolithization of the Continental Europe and the Mediterranean.
3. The Atlantic Neolithic and the Megalithic complex.
4. The Chalcholithic: general characterization, metallurgy and appearance of the complex societies.
5. The first Metallurgical Societies of Europe and the Bell Beaker Culture.
6. The Bronze Age in the Continental Europe and the Mediterranean.
7. The Bronze Age in the Atlantic Europe.
8. Late Bronze Age and the transition to the Iron Age.
9. Early Iron Age: The Hallstatt Culture.
10.The Second Iron Age: La Tène Culture and the Celts.
Basic bibliography:
EIROA, J.J., 2010: Prehistoria del Mundo. Sello Editorial. Barcelona.
MENENDEZ, M.; JIMENO, A.; FERNANDEZ, V.M., 2011: Diccionario de Prehistoria. Alianza Editorial, 2ª ed. Madrid.
MUÑOZ IBÁÑEZ, F. J. (coord.) 2021: Prehistoria II. Las sociedades metalúrgicas (3ª ed.). UNED. Madrid.
Compulsory reading: Rodríguez Casal, A. A. (1990). O Megalitismo. A primeira arquitectura monumental de Galicia. Santiago de Compostela, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico.…
Complementary bibliography:
AURENCHE, O. y KOZLOWSKY, S. K., 2003: El origen del Neolítico en el Próximo Oriente. El paraíso perdido. Ed. Ariel. Barcelona.
BELEN, M.; CHAPA, T. 1997: La Edad del Hierro. Ed. Síntesis, Madrid.
BERNABEU, J; AURA, J.; BADAL, B. 1995: Al Oeste del Edén: las primeras sociedades agrícolas en la Europa Mediterránea. Síntesis. Madrid.
BLASCO, Mª C., 1993: El Bronce Final. Ed. Sintesis, Madrid.
COLLIS, J., 1989: La Edad del Hierro en Europa. Ed. Labor, Barcelona.
CUNLIFFE, B. (2008). Europe Between the Oceans: 9000 BC-AD 1000. Oxford University Press. Oxford.
DELIBES, G.; FERNANDEZ MIRANDA, M.: 1993. Los orígenes de la civilización. El Calcolítico en el Viejo Mundo. Síntesis. Madrid.
GARCÍA DÍEZ, M., ZAPATA, L. (eds.) (2013): Métodos y técnicas de análisis y estudio en Arqueología prehistórica. Universidad del País Vasco. Bilbao.
KRISTIANSEN, K., 2001: Europa antes de la historia: los fundamentos prehistóricos de la Europa de la Edad del Bronce y la Primera Edad del Hierro. Ed. Península, Barcelona.
LULL, V.; GONZALEZ MARCEN, P.; RISCH, R., 1992: Arqueología de Europa, 2250-1200 A.C. Una introducción a la “edad del bronce”. Síntesis, Madrid.
MAZURIE, K., 2007: El origen del neolítico en Europa. Ariel Prehistoria. Barcelona.
RENFREW, C., BAHN, P. (2004): Arqueología. Teorías, métodos y práctica. AKAL. Madrid.
RODRIGUEZ CASAL, A. A. (ed.) 1997: O Neolítico atlántico e as orixes do Megalitismo. Ed. USC. Santiago de Compostela
RUIZ-GALVEZ, M. 1998: La Europa Atlántica en la Edad del Bronce. Un viaje a las raíces de la Europa occidental. Ed. Crítica. Barcelona.
SCARRE, C. (ed) (2005): The Human Past. World Prehistory and the Development of Human Societies. Thames and Hudson. London.
- To know the main Aspects and the Dynamics of the Recent Prehistory and the Protohistory.
- Critic Capacity of Analysis and Research in this Field.
- Initiation to the fieldwork and to basic research in this area.
- Skills to find out archaeological Information using specialized bibliography and through the Internet.
Expositive Teaching
Weeks 1ª; 2ª, 3ª-7ª, 9ª-14ª, 30 Hours in Total for each Group. Theoretical Teaching in the Class.
Interactive Teaching
Week’s 3ª-7ª, 5 Hours in Total for each Group. Week's 9ª-14ª, 6 Hours in Total for each Group. Practices on several Aspects of the Recent Prehistory, Protohistory and Galician Hillforts, from an archaeological methodology and the Interdisciplinarity, with Management of Bibliographic and Documentary Sources, Photographic Documentation, the Internet, cartography and material culture studies.
Week 8ª, dedicated to solve doubts of the Students.
Week 15ª, dedicated to Field Practices, visiting archaeological sites and centers.
Ordinary evaluation: the assessment for this course will be based on continuous evaluation, with the following percentages assigned to each type of activity:
- Final Exam: 70% (equivalent to 7 points). This exam will be held on the dates prescribed by the Faculty, and will assess the knowledge acquired during the lectures.
- Attendance, participation, and practical assignments: 30% (equivalent to 3 points). This includes attendance and participation in classes, tutorials, and field practicals, as well as the submission of a summary of a practical issue composed by a compulsory reading and several individual practical assignments throughout the course. The submission must be sent in PDF format online (via the virtual campus) on the dates indicated by the lecturer during the classes.
Extraordinary evaluation: maintaining the respective percentages, the part that was not passed will be repeated, and if applicable, the required work specified in the regular call will be submitted.
Exemption from attendance: If a student is exempt from attending classes, the final exam will account for 100% of the grade (10 points).
Please note that any fraudulent performance of exercises or tests will be subject to the "Regulations for the evaluation of students' academic performance and revision of grades".
Activities of Expositive Teaching: 32 Hours.
Activities of Interactive Teaching in Groups: 16 Hours.
Tutorials and Assessment: 2 Hours.
Subtotal: 50 Hours.
Personal Work:
Study: 40 Hours.
20 Hours of Elaboration of Works in Group.
40 Hours of Elaboration of Individual Works.
Subtotal: 100 Hours.
Total: 150
It is recommended that students combine attendance and participation in both theoretical and practical classes with personal study of the subject matter in order to keep up to date with the course material. Additionally, students are encouraged to develop functional proficiency in some of the main foreign languages.
Special attention will be given to the archaeology of Northwestern Iberia within the broader context of European Prehistory. The course will be taught in Galician and Spanish.
Miguel Carrero Pazos
- Department
- History
- Area
- Prehistory
- Phone
- 881812565
- miguel.carrero [at]
- Category
05.28.2025 09:00-11:30 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 07 |
07.07.2025 09:30-12:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 07 |