ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 99 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 24 Interactive Classroom: 24 Total: 150
Use languages Spanish, Galician, English
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Center Higher Technical Engineering School
Call: First Semester
Teaching: Sin Docencia (En Extinción)
Enrolment: No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción)
General objective:
The aim of this subject is to introduce the strudents in the basic concepts of Chemical Science, providing them with the adequate tools to face the contents of the Industrial Chemistry Module. Moreover, the knowledge of chemistry will be encouraged taking into account the relevant role that it plays in nature and society.
Specific objectives:
- Understand the basic principles of thermodynamics.
- Understand the thermodynamics of chemical reactions.
- Understand the concept of chemical equilibrium and factors that affect this equilibrium.
- Apply the concept of chemical equilibrium to acid-base, redox and precipitation systems.
- Know the basic concepts of the galvanic cells in electrochemistry.
- Understand the basic concepts of chemical kinetics, as well as its methodology and application to the study of simple reactions.
- Differenciate between surface properties and normal matter properties.
Chapter 1. Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics
Heat and Work. 1st Law of Thermodynamics. Heat of reaction and calorimetry. Hess’s Law
Standard enthalpies of formation. Spontaneous change. Entropy. Spontaneity criteria. 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. Gibbs free energy
Chapter 2. Chemical equilibrium
Dynamic equilibrium. Expressions for the equilibrium constant. Relation between equilibrium constants. Meaning of the value of an equilibrium constant. Reaction quotient: prediction of a net change direction. Le Châtelier’s principle
Chapter 3. Acid-base equilibrium
Acid-base theories. pH scale. Acid and base strength. Poliprotic acids. Hydrolysis. Common ion effect. Buffer solutions. Neutralization, titrations and indicators.
Chapter 4. Solubility and precipitation equilibrium
Solubility product constant and molar solubility. Precipitation criteria and fractional precipitation.
Common ion effect. Effect of pH on the solubility. Complex ions and solubility.
Chapter 5. Electrochemistry
Electrochemical cells. Electrode standard potentials. Nernst equation. Corrosion. Electrolysis.
Chapter 6. Basic principles of Chemical Kynetics
Rates of chemical reactions. Measuring reaction rates. Rate law and order of a reaction. Zeroth, first and second order reactions. Effect of temperature on reaction rates.
Chapter 7. Surface phenomena
Surface and interface concepts. Surface phenomena on liquids: Surface tension; Curved surfaces
Laboratory practicals:
1. Acid-base equilibrium: volumetric and potentiometric acid-base titration
2. Thermochemistry: calorimetric determination of a neutralization heat
3. Electrochemistry: study of different redox systems
4. Kynetics: Kynetic study of the iodide-persulphate oxidation reaction
Basic (reference manual)
• PETRUCCI, R. H. et al., 2017. Química General : Principios y aplicaciones modernas, 11ª edición. Madrid: Pearson. ISBN: 978-84-9035-533-6
• PETRUCCI, R. H. et al., 2017. Química General : Principios y aplicaciones modernas[en liña] 11ª edición. Madrid: Pearson. ISBN: 978-84-9035-533-6
On-line resources:
PETRUCCI, R. H. et al., 2011. General Chemistry, Principles and Modern Applications [en liña]. Edición abreviada. Dispoñible en:…
General Chemistry:
• CHANG, Raymond, 2017. Química, 12ª edición. México: McGraw Hill. ISBN 978-607-15-1393-9
• DOMINGUEZ REBOIRAS, Miguel A.,2006. Química. La Ciencia Básica. Madrid: Thomson. ISBN 849723475
On-line resources:
• ROSENBERG, Jerome L, Lawrence M. EPSTEIN, Peter J. KREIGER, 2009. Química (Serie Schaum) [en liña] 9ª Edición. México: McGraw Hill. ISBN 9789701068885. Dispoñible en:
Basic competences:
C.B.4. students to be able to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
General competences:
C.G.3. Knowledge in basic and technological subjects, enabling them to learn new methods and theories and providing them with versatility to adapt to new situations.
Specific basic competences:
F.B.4.1. Ability to understand and apply basic knowledge principles and their applications in engineering: general chemistry.
Transversal competences:
o CT.1. Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
o CT.6. Problem solving
o CT.19. Autonomous learning
This is a subject that will begin its extinction in the academic year 2024-2025, so it is a subject without teaching.
Final marks assignement.
Exam(1): 100%.
which will have 2 clearly differentiated parts:
Theoretical exam consisting of short questions (in some cases it may be a numerical resolution exercise) related to the different contents of the subject. Its mark will be 25% of the overall mark.
Part 2. Problem exam consisting of several problems related to the contents of the course. Its grade will be 75% of the overall grade.
Translated with (free version)
Carlos Manuel Estevez Valcarcel
- Department
- Physical Chemistry
- Area
- Physical Chemistry
- Phone
- 881814436
- carlosmanuel.estevez [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
01.21.2025 09:15-14:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom A1 |
07.07.2025 09:15-14:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom A2 |