ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 99 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 24 Interactive Classroom: 24 Total: 150
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Center Higher Technical Engineering School
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: Sin Docencia (En Extinción)
Enrolment: No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción)
This introductory subject is presented as a first contact with inorganic chemistry. The main objective is the study of the chemical elements and their most important compounds. In particular, the subject will focus on the study of hydrogen, main group elements (s and p blocks) and the noble gases.
Specific Objectives:
-To explain and predict properties of related substances and their periodic trends.
-To understand the chemical processes involved in the preparation of elements and inorganic compounds of industrial interest.
-To understand the properties of related compounds through theoretical analysis of the experimental data.
-To describe the properties of the elements and compounds of industrial interest.
Topic 1. Periodical trends of the elements. The periodic table. Atomic radii. Ionization energy. Electron affinity. Electronegativity. Oxidation states. Thermodynamics. (4 h)
Topic 2. Hydrogen. The element and its isotopes. Dihydrogen: preparation and reactivity. General study of hydrides. Water; the hydrogen bond. (3 h)
Topic 3. Group 1 elements. General properties of the group elements. Reactivity of alcaline compounds. Simple compounds of alcaline metals (halides, oxides, hydroxides, salts). Solvay Procces. The choline-soda procces. (2 h)
Topic 4. Group 2 elements. General properties of the group elements. Reactivity of alcaline-earth compounds. The berilium singularity. Simple compounds of alcaline-earth metals (halides, oxides, hydroxides, salts). Water hardness. (2 h)
Topic 5. Group 13 elements. General properties of the group elements. Study of boron: allotropic forms and preparation of the element. Compounds with hydrogen: diborane. Aluminium: preparation and properties. (2 h)
Topic 6. Group 14 elements. General properties of the group elements. Study of carbon. Allotropic forms of carbon. Compounds with oxygen: CO y CO2. Carbonates and hydrogen carbonates. Silicon and silicates. (4 h)
Topic 7. Group 15 elements. General properties of the group elements. Study of dinitrogen: natural state and preparation. Ammonia: properties and industrial production. Nitric acid. Phosphorus: natural state and industrial production. Allotropic forms of phosphorus. Compounds with oxygen. (4 h)
Topic 8. Group 16 elements. General properties of the group elements. Study of dioxygen: bonding and reactivity. Trioxygen: structure and bonding. Oxides: classification and properties. Sulphur: industrial preparation and allotropic forms. Physical and chemical properties. Sulphur oxides. Sulphur oxoacids: sulfuric acid. (3 h)
Topic 9. Group 17 elements. General properties of the group elements. Anomalous behaviour of fluorine. Normal oxidation states of the elements. Bonding in X2 molecules. Preparation of the elements. Physical and chemical properties of the elements. Halides. Hydrogen halides. Oxoacids and oxosalts .(4 h)
Topic 10. Group 18 elements. General properties of the group elements. Special properties of helium. Aplications of noble gases. The discovery of the chemistry of noble gases. Xenon fluorides and oxides. (1 h)
Laboratory contents:
1.- Potassium alum
2.- Study of properties for sodium peroxoborate
3.- Study of halogens and some halogen compounds reactivity
4.- Sodium acid carbonate
The laboratory work is performed in four sessions of four hours each. In each session the student performs one of the practices.
Development of the course activities.
36 interactive sessions, seminars and tutorials will be carried out (28 + 6 + 2= 36 sessions).
At the beginning of each topic every student will be provided with a presentation of the topic.
Basic (reference manuals):
- RAYNER-CANHAM, G., 2000. Química Inorgánica Descriptiva. 2ª edición. México: Pearson Educación. ISBN 9684443854.
- HOUSECROFT, C.E., A.G. SHARPE, 2006. Química inorgánica [en liña]. 2ª edición. Madrid: Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN 9788483225448
- HOUSECROFT, C.E., A.G. SHARPE, 2018. Inorganic Chemistry. 5ª edition. Harlow: Pearson. ISBN 9781292134147
-PETRUCCI, R. H. et al., 2017. Química General : Principios y aplicaciones modernas, 11ª edición. Madrid: Pearson. ISBN: 978-84-9035-533-6
- PETRUCCI, R. H. et al., 2017. Química General : Principios y aplicaciones modernas[en liña] 11ª edición. Madrid: Pearson. ISBN: 978-84-9035-533-6
- QUIÑOA, E., R. RIGUERA, J.M., VILA. 2006. Nomenclatura y formulación de los compuestos inorgánicos. 2ª edición. Madrid: McGraw-Hill. ISBN 8448146255
- RAYNER-CANHAM, G., 2014. Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry. 6ª edición. New York: Freeman. ISBN 9781464125577
- LEE, J.D., 2009. Concise inorganic chemistry. 5ª edition. Oxford: Blackwell Science. ISBN 9780632052936
- SHRIVER, D.F., Peter W. ATKINS, 2008. Química Inorgánica. 4ª edición. México: McGraw-Hill, ISBN 9789701065310
In the link it can be accessed the book C. E. Housecroft, A. G. Sharpe, in english language (Inorganic Chemistry) for free. In this link there are also General Chemistry books for the students having difficulties in basic concepts like redox (including redox balancing) or acid-base chemistry.
General and basic domains:
-CB 4: Ability to understand and apply basic principles and applications in engineering
-CG 3: Knowledge in general subjects that will enable the student to learn new methods and theories, and equip them with the versatility to adapt to new situations.
-CG 4: Ability to solve problems with initiative, decision making, creativity, critical thinking and to communicate and transmit knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of industrial chemical engineering.
-CG 7: Ability to analyze and assess the environmental and social impact of technical solutions.
-CG 10: Ability to work in a multilingual and multidisciplinary environment.
Specific domains:
-FB4.3: Ability to understand and apply basic principles and applications in engineering: Inorganic chemistry.
Cross-linked domains:
-CT 1: Ability for analysis and synthesis
-CT 2: Ability to organize and plan
-CT 3: Oral and written communication in native languages and some foreign ones
-CT 6: Troubleshooting
-CT 8: Teamwork
-CT 10: Skills in interpersonal relationships
-CT 13: Ability to apply knowledge in practice
-CT 17: Creativity
-CT 18: Leadership
-CT 19: Autonomous learning
Skills assessment.
Allocation of basic (CB), general (CG) and cross curricular (CT) skills to the learning activities of the course.
Lecture Seminar Tutorial Laboratory* Exame
CG10 X
FB4.3 X X X
CT10 X
CT13 X X
CT17 X X X
CT18 X X X
CT19 X X
*Compulsory activity.
This is a subject that begins its extinction in the academic year 2024-2025, so it is a subject without teaching.
The evaluation will be carried out by means of an exam on the contents of the subject, being the mark to the 100% of the subject.
Subject in extinction with no teaching
Subject in extinction with no teaching
Subject in extinction with no teaching
Rosa Maria Pedrido Castiñeiras
- Department
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Area
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Phone
- 881814245
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
01.14.2025 09:15-14:00 | Grupo de examen | Work Classroom |
05.26.2025 09:15-14:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom A1 |
07.09.2025 09:15-14:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom A1 |