ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 30 Interactive Classroom: 18 Total: 51
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Functional Biology
Areas: Plant Physiology
Center Faculty of Sciences
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
-To understand the basic processes of plant functioning, focusing on carbon metabolism as the basis of plant development and its spatial and temporalregulation and integration.
-To know how to apply plant biotechnology useful in agroindustry, critically analysing (under different approaches) the different approaches to plantgrowth control, making decisions according to the available resources, working in multidisciplinary groups.
-Knowing the scientific method, handling a large amount of information to analyse in depth the different physiological phenomena.
-Ability to communicate and/or adopt advances in the agricultural field.
Water and nutrient relationships and transport in plants. Photosynthesis. Developmental physiology. Introduction to plant biotechnology. Physiologyunder stress conditions.
-Practical exercises:
Water potential. Transpiration. Transport by xylem. Photosynthesis. Plant hormones. Germination. Plants under stress conditions.
Basic bibliography,
Azcón-Bieito J, Talón M (eds). 2008 (2ª ed.). Fundamentos de Fisiología vegetal. Madrid: McGraw-Hill Interamericana. ISBN 978-84-481-5168-3. (FVE120/121/122/123/241).
Barceló J, Nicolás G, Sabater B, Sánchez-Tamés R. 2000 (7ª ed.). Fisiología Vegetal. Madrid: Pirámide. ISBN 84-368-1521-4. (FVE 12).
García Breijo FJ, Roselló Caselles J, Santamarina Siurana MP. 2006. Introducción al funcionamiento de las plantas. Valencia: Ediciones UniversidadPolitécnica de Valencia. ISBN 84-9705-944-1. (FVE 201).
Hopkins WG, Hüner NPA. 2009 (4ª ed.). Introduction to plant physiology. Nueva York (NY): Wiley. ISBN 978-0-470-24766-2. (FVE 288/344).
Pineda, M. 2004. Resúmenes de Fisiología Vegetal. Córdoba: Servicio de publicaciones de la Universidad de Córdoba. ISBN 84-7801-718-6 (FVE145/243).
Taiz L, Zeiger E, Moller IA, Murphy A. 2015 (6th ed.). Plant physiology and development. Sunderland (MA):Sinauer Associates Inc. ISBN 978-1-60535-255-8. (FVE 374; 5ª ed. FVE317; 4º ed. 132, 196; en castellano,FVE 119/225)
Complementary bibliography,
Beltrán JP, García Olmedo F, Puigdoménech P. 2003. Plantas transgénicas. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. ISBN 84-7800-718-0. (FVE361).
Buchanan RB, Gruissem W, Jones RL. 2015 (2ªed). Biochemistry and molecular biology of plants. Chichester (UK): American Society of PlantPhysiologists, Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-470-71422-5. (A VBF 77H/ A VBF 77I/VBF346).
Davies PJ (ed.) 2004 (3ª ed). Plant hormones: biosynthesis, signal transduction, action. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. ISBN 1-4020-2685-4(1-4020-2686-2 e-book) (FVE 181).
Epstein E, Bloom AJ. 2005 (2ª ed.). Mineral nutrition of plants: principles and perspective. Sunderland (MA, USA): Sinauer Associates Inc. ISBN 0-87893-172-4. (FVE 355).
Jones R, Ougham H, Thomas H, Waaland S. 2013. The molecular life of plants. Chichester (UK): Wiley- Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-470-87012. (FVE 327).
Raghavendra, A.S. (ed.) 2000. Photosynthesis a comprehensive treatise. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-78444-1. (FVE 286).
Web pages
Con01: Recognize the structure and function of the different cell types. Understand diversity and remember biological taxonomy.
Con06: Understand in depth the main physiological and metabolic processes of multicellular organisms, as well as identify and explain the molecular bases and regulation of these processes.
Con10: Acquire knowledge and distinguish the different applications of the main experimental and instrumentation methods.
H/D01: Appropriately apply physical, chemical, mathematical and statistical tools to the study of biological processes.
H/D08: Plan and use the main experimental methods aimed at the analysis of biological activity, isolation techniques, characterization of biological molecules, development of therapeutic systems and evaluation of active substances.
H/D12: Prepare, write and present orally a study or project in the field of Biochemistry, critically interpreting the results obtained and evaluating the conclusions reached.
Comp01: Develop the ability to properly organize and plan work, based on a synthesis and analysis that allows decision-making.
Comp06: Develop the ability to learn autonomously with initiative and entrepreneurial spirit.
The lectures will take place during the second semester, according to the timetable approved by the centre. The subject will be taught in lecture classes(expository in a large group), where the lecturer will present the contents of the subject with the help of audiovisual media (blackboard and projector).Prior to the lecture, all the material necessary to follow the class will be available to students on the Virtual Campus.
Students will be required to participate at all times, discussing what they have learnt in the subject and relating it to previous subjects.
The laboratory practicals will be carried out simultaneously with the theoretical classes. These practicals will be related to the theoretical contents of thesubject of Plant Physiology. During the practicals, a series of experiments, monitoring and/or observations will be carried out by applying experimental protocols described in the practicals script. This script will be available to students in the virtual classroom before each session and students must reviewthe script before starting the practical. While the practical is being carried out, students will take notes on it in order to be able to be evaluatedafterwards. Attendance is compulsory. Students who have previously completed all the practicals are exempt from this obligation; the practicals will bekept for two years.
In the seminars, students, individually or in groups, will carry out a work related to the theoretical contents of the subject. The students will have topresent the topic orally using the flipchart and the blackboard. Afterwards, both the other students and the teacher will ask any questions that may havearisen during the presentation of the subject.
The tutorials will be used to resolve any doubts that the student may have during the course. These doubts will be solved and discussed collectively bythe teacher and the students, encouraging the active participation of the student in their own learning.
Theoretical evaluation:
The theoretical evaluation will consist of a written exam on the contents of the subject. The teacher will evaluate the mastery of theoretical knowledge of the subject. The grade will be 60% of the final grade. The associated Knowledge, Skills and Competencies are the following: Con01, Con06, H/D01 and Comp01
Practical evaluation:
The teacher will evaluate attendance, participation and use of the practices. The evaluation of the practices will take place through the delivery of a practice report or a practice exam. Attendance at all practices is mandatory. The grade will be 25% of the final grade. The associated Knowledge, Skills and Competencies are the following: Con06, Con10, H/D01, H/D08 and Comp01
Evaluation of interactive classes (seminars):
Attendance at all seminars is mandatory to be qualified in this section. Both the presentation of the work and the ability to answer questions about it will be graded. The grade will be 15% of the final grade. The associated Knowledge, Skills and Competencies are the following: Con06, H/D12 and Comp06.
The final grade for the subject will be the sum of the marks obtained in the theoretical assessment, practical, seminar.
"For cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, what is established in the "Regulations for the evaluation of students' academic performanceand revision of grades" will apply.
The final exam is compulsory for students who do not pass the continuous assessment.
Classroom hours:
- Lectures: 30 hours
- Interactive classes (seminars): 3 hours
- Laboratory practicals: 15 hours
- Tutorials: 3 hours
Total face-to-face hours: 51 hours
Students' personal work
Reading and preparation of the topics: 20 hours
Preparation of laboratory practicals: 4 hours
Preparation of the practical report or exam: 20 hours
Preparation of seminars: 14 hours
Exam preparation: 41 hours
Total non-classroom hours: 99 hours
- Total hours of student work: 150 hours
- Attendance at subject activities and continued study of the subject are the best guarantee of passing the course.
- Involvement and active participation in the discussions that arise in the different types of sessions; students must be aware of their central role in theacquisition of competences.
- Consult the recommended bibliography for each subject prior to the sessions, regardless of the nature of the sessions. And afterwards, to reinforcewhat has been learnt.
- Working on a daily basis will make it easier to follow the classes, the practical sessions and to pass the assessment tests.
- Summarise, with tables and/or diagrams that relate the different parts of the subject, what has been studied.
A basic knowledge of Biology and Biochemistry will make it easier to follow the course.
Javier Veloso Freire
- Department
- Functional Biology
- Area
- Plant Physiology
- Phone
- 982822467
- javier.veloso [at]
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
Thursday | |||
18:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | 2P CLASSROOM 2 SECOND FLOOR |
06.02.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 2P CLASSROOM 3 SECOND FLOOR |
06.02.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 2P CLASSROOM 4 SECOND FLOOR |
06.24.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 2P CLASSROOM 3 SECOND FLOOR |
06.24.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 2P CLASSROOM 4 SECOND FLOOR |