ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 99 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 24 Interactive Classroom: 24 Total: 150
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Pedagogy and Didactics
Areas: Theory and History of Education.
Center Faculty of Teacher Training
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
The intended aim of this subject is that the students can acquire the ability to synthesize, through a diachronic and comparative study, of the pedagogical processes that led to the current configuration of this stage of education. This study will be conducted through the analysis of thought and practice held in many different preschools in contemporary world. It is intended that the student can acquire knowledge about the origins and current status of preschool education and at the same time be able to analyze the reasons underlying this stage of the education system. The subject relies on raising the students' reflective capacity through the analysis of texts, images and materials that stimulate their critical thinking and understanding of education.
In the lectures there will be a synthesis of updated knowledge and practical sessions will be designed to encourage students to apply their knowledge to insightful commentary and criticism of texts, visual images and school materials. Teamwork helps to understand the fundamentals of cooperative learning and to take into account the views of others that enrich each other and to understand knowledge and collective construction. These aspects are supplied with the virtual page of the course where students have the opportunity to discuss in forums and get more information. The goals of this subject are condensed in the following objectives:
Conceptual objectives:
- To understand the educational processes of childhood, both in the familiar context and in school centres.
- To know relevant theoretical and historical concepts in the professional practice of early childhood education.
- To differentiate between different modes, models and educational systems referred to preschools from historical and comparative perspectives.
- To perceive the differences, similarities and changes in preschool education reforms making comparisons between the various solutions proposed.
Procedural objectives:
- To develop the ability to analyze and synthesize knowledge of preschool education.
- To acquire the ability to develop critical thinking.
- To show acumen to understand and comment pedagogical texts, pictures and teaching materials and play.
- To develop the necessary abilities to implement written works following the academic criteria.
Attitudinal objectives:
- To have openness towards knowledge and a tolerant spirit.
- To develop the necessary aptitude skills to become a good teacher, specially the capacity to communicate and interact with people, develop a sense of responsibility and positivism.
- To show initiative and autonomous thought which enable to make free and sensible decisions as teachers.
1.- Education as a human phenomenon. Educational theories and methods of education. The educational contexts and families. Educational institutions and personal educators.
2.- Pedagogical thinking and infant education. From Comenio to Pestalozzi: on the need of a regulated education for infants.
3.- The origin of infant schools in Europe. The New Lanark School and the Lancasterian movement.The early infant schools in Spain: Pablo Montesino and the Virio School.
4.- Romanticism and childhood education. Analysis of Fröbel’s thinking. Development of early Kindergarten Fröbel’s diffusion. Fröbel’s influence in Spain.The development of childhood education in the second half of the 19th century.
5.- Montessori’s schools: analysis on general fundamentals. The Decrolynian School. Other preschool educational models in the 1st half of the 20th century.
6.- The contributions of the Academy of Geneva. Claparède and Piaget. Audemars-Lafendel method. The influence of Piagetian ideas.
7.- The evolution of preschool education in Spain during the 20th century. The education laws of democracy and preschool education.
8.- Constructivist theory on childhood education. Practical knowledge in the context of preschools. Analysis of school and play material from the learning perspective.
9.- Comparative analysis of preschool education systems in the European Union. School and non-school models. Childhood education in other continents.
10.- Current tendencies in early childhood education. The Picklet Institute. Childhood schools of Modena and Reggio Emilia. The High/Scope model. Preschool at home. Preschool education in the 21st century.
Basic bibliography:
González-Agápito, J. (2003) La educación infantil. Lecturas de un proceso histórico en Europa. Octaedro.
Pozo Andrés, M. M., Álvarez Castillo, J. L., Luengo Navas, J. J., & Otero Urtaza, E. (2002). Teorías e instituciones contemporáneas de educación. Biblioteca Nueva.
Sanchidrián Blanco, C., & Ruiz Berrio, J., (coords.) (2010). Historia y perspectiva actual de la educación infantil. Graó.
Complementary bibliography:
Abbagnano, N., & Visallberghi, A. (1988). Historia de la Pedagogía (reimp.). FCE.
Ariès, P., e Duby, G (Dr.). (2000). Historia de la vida privada (5 volumes). Taurus.
Borras, J. M. (1996). Historia de la infancia en la España contemporánea. Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez.
Bowen, J. (1992). Historia de la educación occidental. El occidente moderno: Europa y el nuevo mundo. S. XVII-XX. (T.III), Herder.
Colmenar Orzaes, C. (1991). Las escuelas de párvulos en España durante el siglo XIX: su desarrollo en la época de la Restauración. Historia de la Educación, 10, 89-105.
Colmenar Orzaes, C. (1995). Génesis de la educación infantil en la sociedad occidental. Revista Complutense de Educación, 6, 15-29.
De Puelles Benítez, M. (2011). Un proyecto educativo singular: La Institución Libre de Eseñanza. En Política y educación en la España contemporánea (pp. 41-56). Editorial UNED.
Donnachie, I. (2014). People, Places and Spaces: Education in Robert Owen’s New Society. En S. Mills & P. Kraftl (eds) Informal Education, Childhood and Youth (pp. 81-96). Palgrave Macmillan.
Gardner, H. Feldman, D.H. e Krechevsky, M.(2001). El Proyecto Spectrum (3 volumes). Morata.
Hoyuelos, A. (2006). Estética en el pensamiento y obra de Loris Malaguzzi. Octaedro.
Luzuriaga, L. (1994). Historia de la educación y de la pedagogía (reimp.). Losada.
Michelet, A (1977). Los útiles de la infancia. Herder.
Taylor Allen, A. (1986). Jardines de niños. Jardines de Dios: Kindergartens y guarderías en Alemania en el siglo XIX. Revista de Educación, 281, 125-154.
Zabalza, M. (1996). Calidad en la educación infantil. Narcea.
Specific documentation associated with each topic/block will be detailed in the teaching guide of the subject.
The competences officially established in the curriculum assigned to this subject are included here:
General competences:
- G1. To understand the educational and learning processes in the 0-6 period, in the family, social and school context.
- G9. To know preschool classroom management and the variety of actions included in running a classroom. To assume that teaching practice must be improved and be adaptable to scientific, pedagogical and social changes throughout life.
Basic competentes:
- B2 That the students can apply their knowledge in a manner that indicates a professional approach to their work or vocation, and have competences typically demonstrated through devising and sustaining arguments and solving problems within their field of study.
- B3 That students can be able to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) in order to make judgements that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
Specific competences:
- E27. To situate preschools within the Spanish educational system, in the European and international context.
-E28. To know international experiences and examples of innovative practices in pre-school education.
- E29. To assess the importance of group work.
- E30. To participate in the development and follow-up of educational projects of preschool education in collaboration with the territory and with other professionals and social agents.
- E31. To know the legislation that regulates preschools and their organization.
- E32. To assess the personal relationship with each student and with his/her family as an educational quality factor.
Transversal competences:
- T3. Instrumental knowledge of Information and communication technologies.
- T4. Information competence.
Attendance activities
• In big group: expository activities, board lessons, general practical activities, group organization, material presentation, debates and assessment sessions.
• In work group: Practical activities in small group, analysis and text commentaries, images and school material, presentations of work plans and reports.
• Small group or individual activities: Individual tutorials, teamwork meetings, comment and readings.
Non-attendance activities
• Autonomous work activities: lectures attendance, expositions, films, readings, individual study and other recommended activities.
• Medium group activities (seminars): individual autonomous study or in group and additional information search.
• Small group or individual activities: writing exercises, conclusions and other works, recommended readings, activities in the library or similar, elaboration of oral presentations, debates and similar.
Competences related between teacher and student activities:
• In big group: G1, G9. B2, B3, E27, E28, E30, E31, E32, T3, T4.
• In work group: G1, B2, B3, E27, E28, E29, E30, T3, T4.
• Small group or individual activities: B2, B3. E29, E30, E32, T3, T4.
In theoretical classes the teacher will present the contents of each topic which will be supported by the material he will provide the students with, and will be as compulsory reading. The use of bibliography must be adapted to each specific topic and the most relevant aspects will be pointed out by the teacher.
The work of practical sessions will be focused on developing the ability to comment images, pedagogical texts, on searching and organizing information sources, on analysing and assessing school material, toys and any other assignment specified at the proper time. The capacity to analyse, synthesize and develop critical thinking is worked on more specifically in text commentaries.
It is compulsory for students to present an assignment carried out in group that develops the basic ideas of the syllabus following the teacher’s instructions. The report elaboration and the methodology to be applied will be explained in class. It will be taken into account in this methodological process the principles of activity, socialization and participation to make students reach the competences. This work will be publicly displayed in interactive sessions.
This is an attendance subject. Regular attendance to theoretical and practical classes and active participation of the students will be taken into account in the assessment. In any case it enforces the regulation of the USC of 25th March 2010 on class attendance for grades adapted to the European Higher Education Space that specifies that attendance to a minimum of 80% of the classes is compulsory. Students who get the exemption from the theoretical class attendance must hand in all the assignments in due time.
In order to pass the subject, besides the assignment assessment, it will be necessary to show the ability to comment on a pedagogical text, as well as to be able to answer the basic questions developed in the class in the specific test. Final assessment will take into account the following criteria:
- Classroom participation: 10%.
- Written reports and other student productions: 35%.
- Oral presentations of specific assignments or oral tests: 15%.
- Specific test: 40%.
In order to obtain a positive grade, it will be necessary to obtain a minimum of 50% between the sum of the different parts of the grade. In order to obtain a positive evaluation of the subject, it will be necessary to hand in the assignments within the established deadlines. Papers, reports and text commentaries must be original and made specifically for this subject. The handing in of a non-original work will result in an automatic failure.
Students who do not hand in the work requested and who fail in the first exam, are not obliged to submit any work for the following exams, but their grade cannot be higher than 7 points, coming from a test. However, any failed student may attempt to improve the marks obtained in the assignments, text comments and reports in the following examinations.
The actions of the lecturer will be governed, in all cases, by the Regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and review of grades, approved by the Governing Council on 15 June 2011 (DOG 21 July 2011) and modified by the Resolution of 5 April 2017 (DOG, 8 May). Class attendance is compulsory unless dispensation is granted. In accordance with this legal provision, it is reminded that "In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests", the provisions of these regulations shall apply.
Students with dispensation from class attendance
Students who obtain and accredit dispensation from class attendance will be assessed by means of a specific final test with a 100% of the mark. It is recommended that students with dispensation attend as many classroom sessions as possible, in order to prepare for this test and to follow the contents worked on in the classroom.
In order to pass the subject, it will be necessary to demonstrate ability in the pedagogical text commentary, as well as to know how to answer the basic questions worked on in the specific test. In these cases, in order to pass this subject, it is compulsory to pass the final test in which the contents seen in the theoretical classes and practised in the interactive sessions will be incorporated.
Students who have been granted dispensation from attendance will have to abide by the provisions of the Instruction 1/2017 of the General Secretariat.
Attendance activities.
• In big group: expository, chalk classes, practical activities in general, group organization, material presentation, debates and assessment sessions. 24 hours.
• In work group: Practical activities in small group, analysis and text commentaries, images and school material, presentations of work plans and reports. 24 hours.
• Small group or individual activities: Individual tutorials, teamwork meetings, comment and readings. 3 hours.
Non-attendance activities.
• Autonomous work activities: lectures attendance, expositions, films, readings, individual study and other recommended activities. 35 hours.
• Medium group activities (seminars): individual autonomous study or in group and additional information search. 45 hours.
• Small group or individual activities: writing exercises, conclusions and other works, recommended readings, activities in the library or similar, oral presentation and debate preparation or similar. 19 hours.
Having background knowledge, helps when making readings or essays on childhood or family history, knowing the classical authors of pre-school education and being familiar with the school material of preschools. Students must have developed writing skills, know how to use the library resources and know how to search for information via Telematica. It is an ongoing study subject, especially working on text commentary of the recommended authors and establishing relationships and differences between the different proposals and solutions of the theories and pedagogical practices in preschool education. Students must use tutorials to answer doubts and examine in detail the study approach they are developing.
During the first class sessions, taking into account the work schedule, the submission date for readings and reports will be established. The photo card shall be handed in the first days of class. This subject is partly developed in the virtual-USC. All the students must be registered, either for work and text commentary submission, participation in forums or use e-mail tutoring and have access to content material at disposal on this page. The Faculty Library has a high specialization in books regarding this subject, and students should get used to using it from day one, as well as all its possibilities for finding information. Also, the students should make use of specialized telematic networks. The syllabus is explained in more detail in the subject Guideline.
Environmental liability
In this subject the delivery of material is mainly virtual. However, in exceptional cases, in which work is delivered on paper:
- Avoid plastic covers or other unnecessary external packaging.
- Whenever possible, use staples instead of stapling.
- Print double-sided in "ink-saving" quality.
- Do not use blank sheets of paper as chapter or part dividers.
- Avoid annexes that have no direct reference to the topics developed.
Gender perspective:
It is recommended to make use of non-sexist language, both in everyday classroom work, as well as in academic assignments.
David Garcia Romero
- Department
- Pedagogy and Didactics
- Area
- Theory and History of Education.
- Phone
- 982821010
- d.garcia.romero [at]
- Category
- Professor: Intern Assistant LOSU
Leticia Lopez Castro
- Department
- Pedagogy and Didactics
- Area
- Theory and History of Education.
- Phone
- 982821052
- leticia.lopez [at]
- Category
- Professor: Intern Assistant LOSU
Tuesday | |||
16:00-17:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician | Classroom 24 |
17:30-19:00 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Galician | Classroom 24 |
19:00-20:30 | Grupo /CLIS_04 | Galician | Classroom 24 |
Wednesday | |||
16:00-17:30 | Grupo /CLIS_03 | Galician | Classroom 27 |
17:30-19:00 | Grupo /CLIS_02 | Galician | Classroom 27 |
19:00-20:30 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Galician | Classroom 27 |
01.13.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 22 |
01.13.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Classroom 22 |
01.13.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 23 |
01.13.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Classroom 23 |
01.13.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Classroom 29 |
01.13.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 29 |
06.16.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 29 |
06.16.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Classroom 29 |