ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 99 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 24 Interactive Classroom: 24 Total: 150
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Evolutionary Educational Psychology
Areas: Evolutionary Educational Psychology
Center Faculty of Education Sciences
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
The objectives prosed includes both to the acquisition of basic knowledge about the discipline, as well as the practice of skills related to knowledge and the acquisition of certain evaluative dispositions. It is considered a priority that students reach:
1. To know the object of study of the discipline, its definition and method.
2. To know the processes of intra and interpersonal change that take place throughout the life cycle.
3. To reflect on the applicability of knowledge about evolutionary processes in order to optimize development.
4. To learn to critically analyze and synthesize the scientific literature relevant to the discipline.
5. To acquire ethical concerns regarding the implications of the knowledge acquired, with a view to professional practice.
The subject Psychology of Development deals with the study of Developmental Psychology which is the discipline of Psychology that describes, explains, intervenes and optimizes the processes of psychological change that human beings experience throughout their lifespan. It is based in the knowledge about the psychological changes and the individual, social and cultural differences that occur in human beings.
The descriptors of the subject, as recorded in the Memory of the Degree in Pedagogy, are specified in the following contents:
1.1. The psychological development throughout life. Contexts and diversity in development.
1.2. Theoretical perspectives on psychological development: objectives, approaches and limits
1.3. Research Methods. Questions about development. Research strategies. Research and deontology.
2.1. Genetics and prenatal development.
2.2. The birth and the newly born.
2.3. Early childhood Physical, cognitive, social and personal development.
3.1. Physical and psychomotor development.
3.2. Cognitive development. Contexts of learning, school, family, society.
3.3. Social and personal development.
4.1. Physical maturation and health.
4.2. Cognitive development and schooling
4.3. Social and personal development. Identity, family relationships and friendship.
5.1. Physical maintenance and health.
5.2. Cognitive development, education and professionalization.
5.3. Social and personal development. Personal relationships. Job. Social engagement.
6.1. Physical changes and health.
6.2. Cognitive changes Attention, memory, intelligence and wisdom.
6.3. Social and personal development. Retirement. Personal relationships. Social implication
6.4. The end of life. Care, death and morn.
Basic bibliography:
- Berger, K.S. (2016). Psicología del desarrollo, infancia y adolescencia, 6ª edición. Editorial Panamericana.
- Triadó, C., Celdrán, M., e Villar, F. (2019). Desarrollo adulto y envejecimiento, 2ª edición. Alianza editorial.
Complementary bibliography:
- Arnett, J.J. (2008). Adolescencia y adultez emergente: enfoque cultural. Pearson Educación.
- Baltes, P.B. (1981). Métodos de investigación en psicología evolutiva : enfoque del ciclo vital. Madrid : Morata.
- Craig, G. J. e Baucum, D. (2009). Desarrollo psicológico. Pearson Educación.
- Feldman, R. S. (2007). Desarrollo psicológico a través de la vida. Pearson Educación.
- Jaureguizar Albonigamayor, J.; Galende Pérez, N., Redondo Rodríguez, I. (2023). Prácticas de psicología del desarrollo : del nacimiento a la adolescencia. Madrid : Ediciones Pirámide.
- Palacios, J., Marchesi, A. e Coll, C. (Comps.) (2001). Desarrollo psicológico y educación: Vol. 1 Psicología evolutiva (2ª ed.). Alianza editorial.
- Perez Blasco, J. (2013). Aprender de los grandes cambios vitales. Valencia: Universitat de València.
- Owens, R.E. (2003). Desarrollo del lenguaje. Madrid: Prentice Hall.- Papalia, D. E., Feldman, R. D. e Martorell, G. (2012). Desarrollo Humano. McGraw-Hill.
- Pinazo, S. (2005). Gerontología: actualización, innovación y propuestas. Pearson Prentice Hall.
- Santrock, J. W. (2006). Psicología del desarrollo, el ciclo vital. McGraw-Hill.
- Schaie, K. W. e Willis, S. L. (2003). Psicología de la edad adulta y la vejez. Pearson.
- Shaffer, D.R. e Kipp, K. (2007). Psicología del desarrollo. Infancia y adolescencia. Thomson.
CB1- The students have demonstrated to possess and understand knowledge in an area of study that starts from the base of general secondary education, and is usually found at a level that, although supported by advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that imply knowledge coming from the vanguard of their field of study.
CG1 - Know and understand the academic and scientific foundations on which their formative and professional field is based, having the capacity to analyze critically the nature of their theories, methodologies and fields of intervention of Pedagogy.
CG3 - Understand, comprehend and comprehensively analyze educational situations in different contexts, being able to adapt and apply the academic and scientific foundations of Pedagogy to them.
CG5 - Promote and develop educational counseling actions with different people and / or groups through the use of adequate means and resources.
CT1 - Express and communicate the use of different codes and resources (linguistic, material and technological).
CT2 - Relate to other people and groups, with special emphasis on teamwork and collaboration with other professionals.
CT3 - Develop a self-critical attitude, as well as reflection, analysis and synthesis regarding the knowledge, tasks and tasks in which they participate.
CE 5.1 - Advice to people and / or groups in educational and training processes.
The methodological proposal to be used aims to combine the expository class format with active and participatory methodologies, as well as autonomous work and self-learning. The theory class will aim to introduce and explain the meaning of the topics, clarify the important concepts, give a global vision of the contents and relate knowledge to facilitate the significance of the learning, so that the exhibition will be accompanied, when appropriate, of previous organizers, definitions, synoptic charts, diagrams, etc. The support of visual material and online resources will be used to clarify the content and serve as a reference and starting point for group work and activities, and will be available through the Virtual Campus.
With the work in the interactive sessions, the aim is to delve into specific aspects of the theoretical classes. The activities to be carried out will include reading and commenting on documents, answers to questions, analysis of practical situations, watching videos, case studies, debates and carrying out assignments. With them, it is intended that students learn to handle different sources of information, promote the transfer of theory to practice, learn to prepare and present reports, compare different points of view and be able to build shared meanings with the help of mediation work. of the teacher. The completion of the tasks required in the evening, presented to the students in the corresponding interactive sessions, and the required materials will be available through the Virtual Campus.
In the interactive sessions, different practical activities will be carried out that will be specified in the Teaching Guide for each of the topics. The results of the work, usually carried out in groups, must be present, in some cases, orally in front of the classmates and later debated. The proposal of activities in the course will take into account the needs and the rate of development within the students and the coordination with the other courses of the semester.
For each of the topics, the slides used in the exhibitions will be provided, to which study materials can be added specifically for each topic discussed. All the material of the expository and interactive classes will be the object of basic study for the exams of the subject and will be available on the Virtual Campus.
The individual and / or group tutorials, at the request of the students, will serve to clarify or comment on aspects of the work carried out in the expository and interactive classes. They will be done at the indicated times and in the subject teacher's office.
The learning tasks could be linked to service-learning projects.
The student's overall grade in the course will proceed:
-60% of the qualification of the results in the final test about the contents of the topics covered in the theoretical and interactive classes and in the readings. It is mandatory to have passed this test to add the rest of the qualifications that contribute to the final grade for the course.
-The other 40% of the grade for the work done in the interactive sessions and participation in the different activities proposed. It is mandatory to have approved all the work done in the interactive sessions to add the grade obtained in the test.
The evaluation criteria of these seminar activities may vary for each of them. Among the general aspects that will be considered are, in addition to compulsory attendance within the measures taken by the faculty and the participation in the interactive classes, the quality of the content itself, the degree of compliance with the guidelines given, the exhibition competence, the originality and critical contributions, and evidence of group work and not the sum of individual responses.
To pass the course, it will be necessary to have passed both the final test (grade 2.5 out of 6) and the work done in the interactive sessions. Failure to complete the exam or the activities proposed in the interactive sessions will lead to a grade of not presented. When it is not passed, either the exam or the activities proposed in the interactive sessions, the grade that will appear in the minutes will be the one of failure, with the numerical value closest to 5 obtained in one or another evaluation section.
In the second opportunity the assessment system is mantained. Students who do not pass the final exam but have successfully completed the activities carried out in the interactive sessions may take the final exam at the second opportunity without the need for additional work or tests. Students who have not passed any of the activities carried out in the interactive sessions, but the exams, on the official date, will be able to evaluate only those activities-procedures not passed.
In the cases that are contemplated in the regulations of the faculty, the students who have requested and granted the exemption from teaching must communicate it in a timely manner to the professor of the subject. The learning evaluation system for the aforementioned students will be the same as for the rest of the students enrolled in the subject. These students must contact the teaching staff to, if necessary, know the specific guidelines for completing the program and passing the subject under the conditions of exemption from teaching or dispensation.
The situation of exemption from teaching to the expository classes must attend the interactive ones working in groups or individually, depending on the case. In situations where teaching is exempt from all sessions, if so determined and if attendance is waived, a tutoring plan (face-to-face and/or virtual through institutional online means: USC Virtual Campus, Microsoft Teams) and evaluation will be developed, individually performing the tasks specified in the program.
Individual or group work must be original. Any copied work will mean failure of the subject in the corresponding call. For evaluation purposes, the same work cannot be used for several subjects, unless they are programmed in a coordinated manner.
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the one set out in the Regulations for evaluating the
student academic performance and grade review.
Study: 39 hours
Preparation of works: 30 hs.
Readings: 27 hs.
Total hours: 96
1. Active involvement in class dynamics.
2. Punctual completion of the mandatory dissertations.
3. Continuous follow-up of the subject.
4. Integration of the information handled in the different face-to-face and non-face-to-face activities.
5. Search for clarity and organization of the knowledge obtained in the subject.
- NAME: David Facal Mayo
OFFICE: Num. 33. Module A. Faculty of Psychology
EMAIL: David.facal [at] (David[dot]facal[at]usc[dot]es)
TELEPHONE: 881 813695
SCHEDULE OF TUTORIALS: The schedule will be communicated at the beginning of the semester in classroom and through the Virtual Campus.
The Council of Government of March 25, 2010 approved the Regulations for class attendance in the lessons adapted to the EHEA
In the same one the benefits of the attendance to class are exposed, between them facilitates a better understanding of the matter, the acquisition of competitions in groups and individuals, the continuous learning, the direct interaction with other students and the possibility of a methodology teacher-student more participatory. It should be remembered that the USC is a face-to-face university, so attendance to a minimum of 80% of the class sessions is mandatory. In the cases contemplated in the regulations of the Faculty, the students may request official exemption from teaching.
In the cases contemplated in the regulations of the Faculty, students may request the OFFICIAL EXEMPTION OF TEACHING and / or DISPENSE OF THE CLASS (Instruction 1/2017) There are three situations: 1. Exemption from teaching to lectures, 2. Exemption of teaching to all sessions if so determined, 3. Waiver of attendance (all sessions).
The works carried out by the students will be delivered, preferably, through the virtual classroom.
In response to the criteria of gender equality in the university environment, it is recommended to use non-sexist language both in the daily classroom work and in the entrusted academic work. You can obtain information to the respect in the link:…
APA standards ( will be followed in carrying out the practices and assignments.
Students must necessarily use the email of the USC ( in their communication with teachers.
Students must necessarily use Campus Virtual, Microsoft Office 365 including OneCloud, and other tools provided by the faculty and authorized as institutional tools by the university (Lifesize, etc.).
USE OF MOBILE PHONE AND DATA PROTECTION: The mobile phone cannot be used, except when used as a work tool following the instructions given by the teacher, making students responsible for the legal and academic consequences that may arise from inappropriate use of it.
Keep in mind that teaching-learning (classes / tutorials) is a private process, it is understood private as a process of communication and exchange between the teacher and the students enrolled in the subject.
Compulsory compliance with data protection regulations
David Facal Mayo
Coordinador/a- Department
- Evolutionary Educational Psychology
- Area
- Evolutionary Educational Psychology
- Phone
- 881813695
- david.facal [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
María Lourdes Vellón Nogueira
- Department
- Evolutionary Educational Psychology
- Area
- Evolutionary Educational Psychology
- Phone
- 881813949
- mlourdes.vellon [at]
- Category
- USC Pre-doctoral Contract
Thursday | |||
09:00-10:30 | Grupo /CLIS_03 (Ñ - Z) | Galician, Spanish | CLASSROOM 5 (LIFE CAMPUS-Module A) |
10:30-12:00 | Grupo /CLIS_01 (A - Ferreira) | Spanish, Galician | CLASSROOM 5 (LIFE CAMPUS-Module A) |
12:00-13:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 (A - Z) | Galician | CLASSROOM 6-7 (LIFE CAMPUS -Module A) |
13:30-15:00 | Grupo /CLIS_02 (Ferreiro - N) | Spanish, Galician | CLASSROOM 6-7 (LIFE CAMPUS -Module A) |
05.21.2025 09:30-11:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 (A - Z) | CLASSROOM 15 (LIFE CAMPUS-Module A) |
07.02.2025 09:30-11:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 (A - Z) | CLASSROOM 15 (LIFE CAMPUS-Module A) |