ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 99 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 24 Interactive Classroom: 24 Total: 150
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Pedagogy and Didactics
Areas: Theory and History of Education.
Center Faculty of Education Sciences
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
In general lines the conceptual system of the discipline allows us to distinguish between:
- Specific problems of the disciplinary field,
- Knowledge guaranteed in the disciplinary field,
- Open research lines in the disciplinary field,
- Connection between the problems of the disciplinary field with research in other disciplinary fields,
- Ways of questioning oneself about the problems of this field.
The most referenced concepts in the subject are identified in the following terms which can be catalogued as general descriptors of the subject-matter:
- Identification of the educational phenomenon its nature and sense
- Pedagogical intervention.
- Educational processes.
- Knowledge of education and pedagogical function
In our opinion, to study is to arrange and organize written information to be able to master it, elaborating a system of logical equivalent thinking of what is expressed in the words of the text to be studied, in such a way that valid inferences could be made.
This does not mean developing and validating research models, or applying models to specific problems of the discipline to discover new aspects or construct new truths. This means knowing research techniques; therefore, we are talking about knowledge which is already consolidated and corresponds specifically to knowledge acquired by means of research in the discipline and which is stated in the documents to be studied.
The subject “Theory of Education” appears as a subject of basic training in the undergraduate studies. Theory of Education as a substantive academic discipline of Pedagogy, is also called in other curricula as "General Pedagogy". It is up to this discipline to develop the theoretical, technological and practical knowledge of the field of education that is identified with the general pedagogical intervention; that is, it must develop the theory and technology of the general pedagogical intervention and the general dimensions of intervention, in order to understand the knowledge of education and its relationship with the pedagogical function, the general pedagogical intervention and the intervention processes, as well as the character and meaning that corresponds to education with a pedagogical mentality and perspective.
The academic substantive discipline of Theory and Education meets the set of knowledge consolidated in the following thematic kernels:
- Epistemological kernel of education as object of Knowledge
- Institutional kernel of the development of the pedagogical Function
- Core of principles of inquiry on pedagogical Intervention
- Core of explanation of pedagogical Intervention
- Core of understanding of pedagogical Intervention
- Core of the dimensions and fields of Intervention
The Theory of Education as a subject of the Degree Study Plan responds only to a part of the contents consolidated in the discipline from which it comes. The subject is conditioned by the place and level that corresponds to it in the study plan. This subject is assigned a total of six ECTS credits to develop in the first year of the degree, in the second semester, in temporary modules each week. Its cognitive field is academically delimited, as it appears in this program, with the following particular descriptors of the subject:
Identification of the discipline and administrative development of the chair
-Significance of knowledge of education and identity of Pedagogy
-Consideration of the pedagogical function
-Rationalization of the pedagogical intervention
-Intervention processes
-Understanding of the educational phenomenon, meaning -character and sense- of education.
- Structural elements of the pedagogical intervention
The concepts referenced in this section as particular descriptors correspond to the minimum contents of the subject.
1. Introductory topic: Exposition of the program of the matter.
2. Administrative development of Theory of Education as professorship and as area of knowledge. The convergence of administrative and epistemológical rationalities .
3. Education as an object of knowledge:
3. 1. Knowledge of cultural areas and education knowledge. Education as object of knowledge.
3.2. Evolution models of knowledge of education knowledge
3.3. Model of growth of Education knowledge.
4. Educational theory as Knowledge of education
4.1. The Theory of education as a Philosophy of education, as an interpretive theory and practical theory and as a substantive academic discipline.
4.2. Systematics of disciplines. A Theory of Education as a discipline to teach (subject), as a discipline to investigate (investigation of) and as a discipline of investigation (investigation in)
5. Formal, non-formal and informal educational processes.
6. Pedagogical function and knowledge of Education. The generation of pedagogical mentalities.
7. The principles of pedagogical intervention.
8. Education of the general dimensions of intervention and construction of areas of education. Concrete and programmed educational action. The control of the action under the pedagogical gaze.
Touriñán, J. M. (2017). Mentalidad pedagógica y diseño educativo. De la Pedagogía general a las pedagogías aplicadas en la función de educar. Andavira.
Touriñán, J. M. & Longueira, S. (Coords.) (2018). La construcción de ámbitos de educación. Pedagogía general y aplicada. Andavira.
Touriñán, J. M. & Rodríguez, A. (1993). La significación del conocimiento de la Educación. Revista de Educación (302), 165-192.
Dearden, R. F., Hirst, P. H. & Peters, R. S. (1982). Educación y desarrollo de la razón. Formación del sentido crítico. Narcea.
Belth, M. (1971). La educación como disciplina científica. El Ateneo.
Berlo, D. K. (1979). El proceso de la comunicación. El Ateneo.
Carr, W. & Kemmis, S. (1988). Teoría crítica de la enseñanza. La investigación-acción en la formación del profesorado. Martínez Roca.
Colom, A. J. & otros (1998). Teorías e instituciones contemporáneas de la educación. Ariel.
Damasio, A. (2010). Y el cerebro creo al hombre. Destino.
Dewey, J. (1998). Cómo pensamos. Nueva exposición de la relación entre pensamiento reflexivo y proceso educativo. Paidós.
Elam, S. (1973). La educación y la estructura del conocimiento. El Ateneo.
Fullat, O. (1992). Filosofías de la Educación. Paideia. Ceac.
García Aretio, L.; Ruiz Corbella, M. y García Blanco, M (2009). Claves para la educación. Actores, agentes y escenarios en la sociedad actual. Narcea-Uned.
Herrero, Y. & Gago, V. (2023). Eco-feminismos: la sostenibilidad de la vida. Icaria.
Ibáñez-Martín, J. A. (1975). Hacia una formación humanística. Herder.
Peters, R. S. (1969). El concepto de educación. Paidós.
Reboul, O. (1972). ¿Transformar la sociedad? ¿Transformar la educación? Narcea.
Scheffler, I. (1975). El lenguaje de la educación. El Ateneo.
Smith, B. O. & Ennis, R. H. (1971). Lenguaje y conceptos en la educación. El Ateneo.
Touriñán, J. M. (2014). Dónde está la educación. Actividad común interna y elementos estructurales de la intervención. A Coruña: Netbiblo. (Disponible en PDF en la web
Touriñán, J. M. (2016). Pedagogía mesoaxiológica y concepto de educación. Andavira, 2ª ed.
Touriñán, J. M. (2016). Pedagogía general. Principios de educación y principios de intervención pedagógica. Bello y Martínez.
Touriñán, J. M. (2020). Pedagogía, competencia técnica y transferencia de conocimiento. Andavira.
Touriñán, J. M. & Sáez, R. (2015). La mirada pedagógica. Teoría de la educación, metodología y focalizaciones. Andavira.
In the verification report of the Pedagogy Degree, the basic, general, transversal and specific competences are determined (p. 28 of the report).
BS1 - Students have demonstrated possession and understanding of knowledge in an area of study that is based on general secondary education, and is usually found at a level that, although supported by advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects involving knowledge from the forefront of their field of study.
GC1 - Know and understand the academic and scientific foundations on which their training and professional field is based, having the ability to critically analyze the nature of their theories, methodologies and areas of intervention in Pedagogy.
GC3 - Know, understand and comprehensively analyze educational situations in different contexts, being able to adapt and apply the academic and scientific foundations of Pedagogy to them.
GC8 - Being able to make decisions regarding the improvement of their training and professional practice, with full respect for the ethical principles to which Pedagogy refers, having civic values and human rights as a support.
TC1 - Express oneself and communicate using different codes and resources (linguistic, material and technological).
TC3 - Develop a self-critical attitude, as well as reflection, analysis and synthesis regarding the knowledge, tasks and tasks in which they participate.
SC4.3 - Carry out prospective and evaluative studies on pedagogical characteristics, needs and demands
Taking into account the contents of the subject in the general file, the following SPECIFIC COMPETENCIES OF THE SUBJECT are determined:
•Identify educational problems and inquiry about that in order to enable them to investigate proposals for improving educational practice from the various pedagogical mentalities
•Started in conducting prospective studies and evaluations on specific characteristics, needs and demands on education models
•Be able to explain and understand the theoretical, technological and practical sense of pedagogical intervention
•Being able to use and build pedagogical experience on foundamental language in knowledge of education
•Being able to do a comprehensive analysis on the responsible exercise of the pedagogical function compared to the structural elements of the intervention
The competences and skills to develop in the subject are related to the aims. Students, through the activities, must advance to:
1.Mastery of the conceptual system of the subject.
In a global way we could say that the command of the conceptual system prepares us to understand and interpret the problems of the disciplinary field, because, basically, the conceptual system answers in some way the following question: Which are the elements we have to master to explain, interpret and transform the general pedagogical intervention acting on the educational process and conditioning the result of education?
2. Mastery of the specific language of the subject matter evidenced in the command of the concepts meaning.
To know how to use in context the most referenced concepts in the subject matter which are identified in a general way as concepts which have own meaning inside of education field from the subject matter.
3. Acquisition of the basic skills interpretative of education knowledge and the command of the evolution of education knowledge, by getting acquainted with the most usual research strategies in the discipline
Study and research must be distinguished. The one who study looks for knowledge already made and what he looks for specifically is to assimilate it as it is given in the text. The one who investigates also approaches knowledge already made but to prove its validity or construct a different knowledge. Study and research are basic skills to develop the program.
Theory as academic discipline is aimed at providing knowledge regarding educational reality, offering an analysis of that reality, its conception and its praxis through the intervention processes not only to know the different perspectives and actions but to offer action models.
The subject is conditioned by the place and level that corresponds to it in the study plan. This subject is assigned a total of six credits to develop in the first course of the career, in the second semester.
The methodology combines presentations by the teaching staff with debates and discussion regarding the exposed contents.
Documents on the subject can also be consulted in the sources indicated in the development of the subject and in this program. Some of the study material and complementary documentation can be found in specialized journals and on the web pages and /channel/UCzbNAzwFApNMViix5_HDz0w
Regarding the content, the semester is oriented to the theoretical topics of sections A and B of the syllabus.
The development of the subject will combine lectures by the teaching staff, classes oriented towards the practical application of the contents, lectures by the students, different practicals carried out by the students and work and study time by each student.
The activity to be carried out by the students is basically of three types:
- The first will focus on the study of the topics of the theoretical part of the syllabus of the programme, which will be explained, fundamentally, in the expository classes, and reinforced in the interactive classes.
- Secondly, a monographic project on a current of thought or educational worldview to be carried out in small groups.
- The third, in the classroom practices proposed and developed in the interactive classes. A glossary is planned to be produced in small groups and a review to be handed in individually. In any case, these activities may be adjusted and complemented according to the characteristics and evolution of the classes.
Specific guidelines for the preparation of the assignments and for the examination of the theoretical part can be consulted in the virtual classroom.
The proposal of activities in the subject will take into account the needs and the rate of development within the subject and the coordination with the subjects of the semester.
If possible, and subject to resources and agreements with external agents, at least one field practice will be carried out, which may be shared with others on the course (visits, meetings with professionals, celebration of commemorations, etc.) in the perspective of an interdisciplinary activity that will be approached and assessed from each of the participating subjects.
- The assessment of learning is understood as a process through which the level of achievement in the set objectives is checked. In this sense, in correspondence with the programmed activities and with the proposed work plan, and in harmony with the competences, objectives, contents, and methodology consigned and with the available resources, the evaluation of the student body will be based on the qualifications that they obtain in the written contributions they make, in their attendance, participation and quality of the contributions in the expository and interactive class sessions that are scheduled.
- There will be a test that should facilitate the identification of the level of achievement of the objectives related, mainly, to the first part of the program. This test will have a minimum value of 50% of the final grade, but it is necessary to pass it (achieve a score equal to or greater than 5 out of 10) to pass the subject. With the intention of adjusting the syllabus learned to the syllabus explained in a specific time, the questions of the test will focus on the most common aspects of the learning carried out by the students in the basic objectives of the subject.
- The monographic work will have a maximum value in the final grade of 30%, provided that they have a score higher than 5 points out of a maximum of 10. This work must be delivered in a day to be set at the start of teaching activities. As the work has to be presented in class by the group of students who did it, the topic must have the approval of the teacher (as already noted) to avoid repetitions or reiterations. The score of the work will depend on the report to be delivered (2/3 of the score of the work) and the presentation to be made (1/3 of the score of the work). Under no circumstances will work be accepted for which the teaching staff does not have a written record of its completion. The delivery dates of the works will be established by mutual agreement between the students and the teaching staff.
- The classroom practices will have a maximum value of 20% in the final grade, provided that there is a score higher than 5 points out of a maximum of 10. The note of the practices will be the average of the scores of the practices delivered that may be individual and/or in group, and attendance and active participation in classes.
The practices will focus on a group construction activity in the virtual classroom on the concept of education, the elaboration of a glossary, a text commentary and an analysis of an experience of Education for Global Citizenship according to the educational processes.
- To pass the subject it is necessary to have passed both the practical part (work and classroom practices) and the theoretical part (exam). This is because in each of these parts different but complementary skills, abilities, attitudes and knowledge are acquired.
a) To obtain a positive assessment in the matter, it will be necessary to have carried out and delivered all the specified evaluation activities on time, as well as pass each one of them.
b) The individual or group works delivered by the student body must be original and of their own authorship. Any copied work will mean the application of the specific regulations of the USC, the failure of the subject and the evaluation of the student in the following call.
c) For evaluation purposes, the same work cannot be used for several subjects, except in activities scheduled in a coordinated manner.
- Students with exemption from teaching or exemption from attendance must comply with the regulations approved by the Faculty and the USC (see the center's website:…) and the following specific criteria for the subject, as appropriate in each case (compensation of expository and/or interactive classes):
a) Prepare a monograph in the same conditions as the continuous assessment students.
b) Do a job similar to the classroom practices that they will have to deliver on the day of the exam.
c) Take a specific Exemption from Teaching test on the day of the exam, which will be made up of the same exam as the rest of the students and one or more questions referring to the monograph and practices.
- All students have the right to review the exam, work and class practices with the teacher.
- This program will be valid for the June and July 2025 calls.
Attendance at 80% of the expository and interactive sessions (except in cases of exemption or dispensation) will be a requirement to be able to take the exam and deliver the assignments and classroom practices. This requirement is applicable for both evaluation opportunities.
The subject has 6 ECTS credits assigned, which is equivalent to a total of 150 hours of dedication by each student.
Of which, 50 hours correspond to the work linked to the monitoring of the subject through the expository and interactive classrooms and the assessment tasks.
In addition, the subject includes 100 hours of personal work for the study and preparation of activities.
Regular attendance and direct participation in the theoretical and practical activities to be programmed, fulfilling the tasks recommended in each case, are compulsory for the student regarding their learning and guarantee the possibility of continuous evaluation. This means not only to cooperate in the classroom but also to accomplish the preparatory actions the collective activity of the classroom will be based on. Attendance and active participation in the classes are also a condition for the continuous evaluation of the student.
The students will form the work groups and notify the teachers in writing, within the period specifically established in the program. Each group will have specific time in the interactive classrooms to inform and consult questions on the development and monitoring of the work in the practical activity times in the classroom enabled for such purposes. In addition, there are tutoring times for each teacher.
In the current curriculum there are other subjects or matters related to the academic substantive discipline of Theory of Education. Their specific names vary according to the particular circumstances of the curriculum and of the special part of the discipline content which is studied and taught in this curriculum (General Pedagogy; Theory of Education; Philosophy of Education; Philosophies of Education, are appropriate names for these subjects according to the orientation of its content). It is necessary that students consider the subject of Theory of Education complemented in its contents with the ones from the disciplines of:
Comparative Education
History of Education
Sociology of Education
Social Pedagogy
Philosophy of Education.
Politics of education
Anthropology of education
Precisely why this general course syllabus specifies that students must first gain knowledge about the anthropological bases of educability, derived of philosophical conceptions on worldview and life.
The elements which form the study of this discipline cannot be dealt with as if they were isolated, independent from –human, physical or social and cultural- structures from which real educational action depends on. Each educational action takes place in specific contexts characterized by conditioning and interrelated political, economic, cultural and social values. Contributions of the present discipline must be joined to the ones which we have already identified, paying attention to the real conditionals of the action.
The subject has a language of its own which has to be mastered. The search of contents of various books dealing with the same topic, additional guided readings and dedication of a specific time to the identification of the semantic fields reinforce the daily work. Reading must be directed at increasing the command of the basic conceptual indicators of the discipline.
During the first sessions of the academic activity, additional operational details will be given. Likewise, the deadlines and dates for the delivery of the monographic work and the practices will be established.
Personal or group work done for the subject will be delivered through the Virtual Classroom. If due to specific circumstances it is necessary to deliver a printed work, the following indications will be taken into account:
- Avoid plastic lids or other unnecessary external packaging.
- Whenever possible, use staples instead of other bindings (for example, spirals).
- Print both sides in “ink saving” quality.
- Do not use blank pages as separators for chapters or parts.
- Avoid annexes that do not have direct reference to the topics developed.
The Governing Council of March 25, 2010 approved the Regulations for class attendance in courses adapted to the EHEA (…) . It sets out the benefits of class attendance, including facilitating a "better understanding of the subject, the acquisition of skills in groups and individually, continuous learning, direct interaction with other students or the possibility of a more participatory teaching-student methodology”. It should be remembered that USC is a face-to-face university, so attendance at a minimum of 80% of class sessions is compulsory. In the cases contemplated in the regulations of the Faculty, students may request an official exemption from teaching.
In accordance with criteria of gender equality in the university environment, it is recommended to use non-sexist language both in daily classroom work and in the academic work entrusted. The USC Non-Sexist Language Guide can be consulted at the following link:…
The use of the mobile phone in the classroom is restricted to its use as a work tool following the instructions given by the teacher, holding the students responsible for the legal and academic consequences that may arise from an inappropriate use of it.
It is mandatory for students to use the institutional email account (@rai).
The use of institutional technological tools is mandatory: Virtual Campus, Microsoft Office 365 and other tools provided by the faculty and authorized as institutional tools by USC.
It is necessary to take into account that the teaching-learning process (classes / tutorials) is private. In this sense, it is understood that it is an act of communication and exchange between each teacher and each student enrolled in the subject.
Regarding data protection, the reference regulations can be consulted at the following link:
Santiago de Compostela, May 2024
Antonio Rodriguez Martinez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Pedagogy and Didactics
- Area
- Theory and History of Education.
- Phone
- 881813764
- antonio.rodriguez.martinez [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Silvana Longueira Matos
- Department
- Pedagogy and Didactics
- Area
- Theory and History of Education.
- Phone
- 881813771
- silvana.longueira [at]
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Andrea Maroñas Bermudez
- Department
- Pedagogy and Didactics
- Area
- Theory and History of Education.
- andrea.maronas.bermudez [at]
- Category
- Professor: Temporary supply professor for IT and others
Gabriela Dolores Miguez Salina
- Department
- Pedagogy and Didactics
- Area
- Theory and History of Education.
- gabriela.miguez [at]
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
Stefany Marian Sanabria Fernandes
- Department
- Pedagogy and Didactics
- Area
- Theory and History of Education.
- stefany.sanabria [at]
- Category
- Xunta Pre-doctoral Contract
Marcos Pequeño Goris
- Department
- Pedagogy and Didactics
- Area
- Theory and History of Education.
- marcos.pequeno.goris [at]
- Category
- Ministry Pre-doctoral Contract
Tuesday | |||
13:30-15:00 | Grupo /CLIS_03 (Ñ - Z) | Galician | CLASSROOM 6-7 (LIFE CAMPUS -Module A) |
05.19.2025 12:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 (A - Z) | CLASSROOM 2-3 (LIFE CAMPUS -Module C2) |
06.30.2025 12:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 (A - Z) | ROOM 1 (LIFE CAMPUS -Module C2) |