ECTS credits ECTS credits: 3
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 51 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 9 Interactive Classroom: 12 Total: 75
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Center Higher Polytechnic Engineering School
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: Sin Docencia (En Extinción)
Enrolment: No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción)
Put to the student in contact with the technology employed in the use of the biomass of forest origin for it obtención of energy.
The memory of the title contemplates the following contents for this matter:
Systems of exploitation of the forest biomass. Mechanization of the exploitations of forest biomass. Logistics of the exploitations of forest biomass. The biomass as source of energy. Processes of transformation of the biomass: thermal, chemical and biological. Cogeneration. Biofuels.
These contents will be developed in accordance with the following program:
1. Conditions of the forest biomass for his exploitation (1 h. - 1.5 h.).
2. Machinery to set forest wastes up (5 h. - 7.5 h.).
3. Organization and evaluation of the collection mechanized of forest wastes (3 h.- 4.5 h.).
4. Raw material of the forest biomass (1 h. - 1.5 h.).
5. Use of the forest biomass as source of energy (1 h. - 1.5 h.).
6. Exploitation of the forest wastes (1 h. - 1.5 h.).
7. Processes of transformation of the biomass (2 h. - 3 h.).
8. Technologies of thermal conversion (3 h - 4.5 h.).
9. Solid biofuels (2 h - 3 h.).
10. Liquid biofuels (1 h - 1.5 h.).
11. Electricity production and cogeneration (1 h - 1.5 h.).
Chipper: morphology, functioning, maintenance (0,5 h. - 1 h.)
Practical exercise of complete chain of valorisation of forest wastes (1 h. - 1.5 h.)
Dimension of steam boilers (0,5 h. - 1 h.)
Study of costs and of amortization of boilers (1h. - 1.5 h.)
Basic bibliography:
Sebastian, F.; García Galindo, D. ; Rezeau, A. 2010. Energía de la biomasa. Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza.
Velázquez Martí, Borja. 2006.Aprovechamiento de los residuos forestales para uso energético. Editorial UPV.
Nieto Ojeda, R. (Editor). Manual de Mecanización Forestal, 4ª Ed.
Complementary bibliography:
Linares Hurtado, J.L. (ed.). 2009. Biomasa: estado actual y perspectiva inmediata.
U. Pontificia de Comillas. Asociación N. de Ingenieros del ICAI.
Alain Damien. 2010. La Biomasa. Fundamentos, Tecnologías y Aplicaciones. Mundi Prensa.
Obernberger, I., Theck, G. 2010. The pellet handbook : the production and thermal utilization of pellets. IEA Bioenegy.
Seoánez Calvo, M. 2013. Tratado de la biomasa : con especial incidencia sobre la biomasa como fuente energética. McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España, D.L.
Brown, R. (ed.). 2011. Termochemical Processing of biomass. Vonversion into fuels, chemicals and power. Wiley.
Strezov, V.; Evans, T. (ed.). 2014. Biomass Processing Technologies CRC Press.
Martin, A.M., Owendw P.M.O., Holden N.M., Ward S.M. 2001. Designation of timber extraction routes in a GIS using road maintenance cost data. Forest Products Journal 51 (10), 32-38
In this matter the pupil will acquire or will practice a series of generic competences, desirable in any university qualification, and specific, characteristic of the engineering in general or of the forest engineering particularly. In the frame of competences that was designed for the qualification, the following ones will be worked:
Basic, general and transversal competences:
· CG3. Capacity so that it projects, it directs and manages industries and forest facilities of first and successive transformations.
· CG5. Capacity for the development of techniques and projects in the field of the renewable energies.
· CT1. Capacity of analysis and synthesis.
· CT2. Capacity for the reasoning and the argumentation.
· CT3. Capacity of individual work, with self-criticism attitude.
· CT4 - Capacity to work in group and encompass problematic situations of collective form.
· CT5. Capacity to obtain adequate, different and updated information.
· CT6 - Capacity to elaborate and present a text organized and comprehensible.
· CT10. Use of the bibliographic information and of Internet.
· CT11. Use of the information in foreign language.
· CT12. Capacity to solve problems through the application integrated of his knowledge.
Specific competences:
· CE1. Capacity for the writing, direction and execution of projects of development industries, sawmill and piece of furniture and for the exploitation of the renewable energies.
·CE3. Adequate knowledge and capacity to project and dimension facilities of industries and forest produce.
The set of academic activities to carry out are classified for the students as follows:
1. Tests of evaluation: The pupil will carry out written examinations constituted on questions and exercises of the set of subjects of the matter. In these tests, the theoretical knowledge will be evaluated so much as the resolution of problems. CG3, CG5, CT1, CT6, CT10, CT11, CT12, CE1, CE3.
To carry out the tutorials and maintain correct communication by the students with each other, and with the teacher, the means of the Virtual Campus forum, Ms Teams or email would be used.
2. Non-face-to-face work (CT3, CT5, CT6, CT11, CE1)
Throughout the course, the student must prepare the following works:
A job to deliver at the end of the course on a topic that the teacher will propose
A review of articles or technical catalogs of forest machines in English.
Written tests: they evaluate the competences CG3, CG5, CT1, CT6, CT10, CT11, CT12, CE1, CE3. They will say 65% of the qualification. The student will have to have like minimum a qualification of 5 (on 10). Will have to have a qualification of 5(on 10) at least
Delivered and/or exposed works: with them the competences CG5, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT10, CT11 are evaluated. They will have a weight in the qualification of 35%.
In the extraordinary opportunity of recovery, the written tests and/or works that did not surpass the qualification of pass in the ordinary opportunity will have to be carried out. In any case, the relative weight of every indicated report would keep as in the previous paragraph.
In the case of repeating students, the assessment system will be identical to the one mentioned above.
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the “Regulations for the evaluation of student academic performance and review of grades” will apply.
Examinations and revision: 3.0 h.
Reading and preparation of theory subjects: 36.0
Reading and preparation of interactive classes: 15.0
Works: 11.0
Examinations and revision: 10.0
TOTAL: 75.0 h.
The regular attendance at the classes and other activities is recommended, as well as the accomplishment of the activities suggested by the professors.
Subject in extinction in the 2024/25 academic year, without teaching but with the right to evaluation with the system specified for repeating students.
Maximo Antonio Dugo Paton
- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Phone
- 982823213
- maximo.dugo [at]
- Category
- Professor: University School Lecturer